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 Заглавие: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Мар 02, 2013 11:12 pm 
The No-Goodnick

Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm
Мнения: 9845
Местоположение: PervTown
Пак стигнахме до тук.
А къде е точно това "тук" си нямам ни-най-малка представа, но... хайде сега... така съм тръгнал, така ще продължа :drop:
Отново е време да се наслаждаваме на красота :ying:
И както всички добре знаем, че истинската красота се свежда до личната гледна точка на хората оценяващи я и техните предпочитания, фетиши и какво ли още не за визия, характеристики, поведение и бог знае още какво... та... да... ето ви и краткото списъче с точки, които трябва да бъдат покрити за да бъде предложението ви записано:

    • Участниците може да са от Анимета, Хентай анимета, Игри, Хентай игри и т.н.т., важното е да са хубави ^^
    • Всеки има право да запише до 4 участника.
    • Хубаво е за всеки участник да бъде дадена и кратка информация.
    • Всеки участник се предлага с поне 2 хубави картинки на него, под формата на линк или thumbnail.
        Картинки се приемат само ако са директно от източника или добре изваяни по оригинала фен-арт.
    • Въпреки, че участниците може да са от Хентай заглавия са забранени картинки съдържащи секс сцени и/или прекалено много разголеност.
    • Всеки има възможност да предлага неограничен брой картинки за вече номинирани участници ако смята, че са по-добри от тези, с които е номиниран.
    • Победители на предни showdown-и нямат право да участват отново и няма да бъдат записвани ако бъдат предложени. *

    Краен срок за записване: 30ти Март

*~Showdown Статистики~(всички минали showdown-чета и спечелилите ги)

п.п. темата съм я писал "и идеи", защото искам да видя и дали можете да дадете хубави предложения за това какви други showdown-и можем да организираме за да ни е приятно :hat:

п.п.п. Да темата е едно голямо(по-точно май ще да е "малко", но...) copy-paste на последната такава но... нищо... за сметка на това ще е същата и за съседния Showdown :lol:


Кръг 1:

Кръг 2:

Кръг 3:

Кръг 4:

Кръг 5:

Кръг 6:

    Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (13) - (12) Hijikata Toushirou


    Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (Tiger & Bunny)
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    Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (鏑木・T・虎徹), aka Wild Tiger (ワイルドタイガー) is one of the series' main protagonists and a veteran hero whose lack of regard for collateral damage when fighting against crime had earned him the nickname the "Crusher for Justice" for the wrong reasons by the public. He starts the series as one of the least popular heroes of Sternbild City, but he seems to care more about helping the people he helps than ratings, points, or fame.
    Kotetsu's Hundred Power increases his physical capabilities such as strength, speed, and jumping abilities, by a hundredfold for five minutes at a time. After those five minutes, he must rest for one hour before activating it again. Barnaby has stated that Kotetsu has strong endurance, and Kotetsu has above-average physical ability due to a daily/weekly exercise regiment. This is demonstrated when he was able to lift a tree without his powers to save Kaede. Kotetsu's attacking forte is in punching (contrary to Barnaby's forte in kicking), which would indicate that he has the greater strength and endurance of the pair. He also has more experience with his powers than Barnaby, able to use it for more than just fighting

      Предложен от: faye

Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me,
after the end of the world has come.
 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Мар 02, 2013 11:23 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 02, 2007 2:30 am
Мнения: 2667
Tomoe (Kami-sama Hajimemashita)
Tomoe is the mixture of almost everything; a strong yokai, a devoted familiar of Mikage Shrine, yet he can be warm, and caring. At time, he also can be cruel, aloof, indifferent, ruthless, jealous, and sly, depending on whom he's with. He also seems quite distrustful of others.

Tomoe doesn't seem to understand human emotions, and as noted by Kurama, "He doesn't get girls Nanami's age." which is really hard considering her acts of breaking down into tears. Nanami, not knowing it, slowly teaches Tomoe that humans are indeed weaker than demons, but that doesn't mean they can't be strong.
Tomoe tends to base things off of appearance and judges things on beauty. In the past, he refused letting things he considered "ugly" near him and was very flamboyant in terms of clothing. He also had a habit of smelling things and if they were "Smelly" or had a "foul odor" then Tomoe would once again push those things away. According to Akura-Ou, Tomoe had/has an elegant, prince-like feeling to him, and he was a difficult guy to get along with.
In the past, he had a habit of making people beg for mercy with his claws. Thought he still has that trait in the present. He once stated that he would never fall in love with anyone. While in the present he states he would never fall in love with a human but, despite claiming that, falls for Nanami, releasing the seal on his curse.

Tomoe retains his silvery white hair, though cut much shorter. However, the grow back to its long previous size evertime his familiar contract with Nanami is broken. He still has his cat-like eyes and still wears fancy kimonos but sometimes switches them for plainer ones.

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crazy_little_crow написа:
Малко картинки на Tomoe
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Yatogami Kurou (Project Key)
Kuroh is a tall, young man with long, black hair and gray eyes. His hair is tied into a ponytail and his bangs are swept away from his face.

He wears a long, black jacket with gold trimmings, opened with an upturned collar and rolled-up sleeves, wearing a long-sleeved white shirt underneath, straightened with an unorganized blue necktie. Below, Kuroh wears black pants and white shoes. He carries his sword beside his waist.
Kuroh is a quiet, serious and composed individual that appears tough and completely no-nonsense on the surface. He is very determined to accomplish his goals, whatever they may be, but despite so Kuroh is willing to set them aside for the finer things in life, such as genuine companionship. Kuroh says that he follows a policy where, rather than judging a man by his appearance or words, their actions are what matters more.
lthough his genuine nature contradicts, Kuroh does have a soft heart, which at times causes him to be very gullible. He easily fell for Yashiro's lie about having an ill sister due to the sadness that it would have caused her, should it have been true. Kuroh is also quite modest when around indecently-dressed or nude women, such as the case with Neko. Kuroh also appears to have a fondness in cooking as he carries a briefcase full of cooking utensils, additionally having quite a good amount of skill in the field.

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Последна промяна blink182 на Вто Мар 05, 2013 10:51 pm, променена общо 3 пъти

 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 12:55 am 

Регистриран на: Пон Май 25, 2009 9:40 am
Мнения: 2436
Значи настъпи време за редовния транж бадасс бишита от мен 8) 8) 8)

Намбър Уан ( който ще го номинирам до припадък докат ми окапят зъбите от старост):


Grimmjow appears to be a laid back and irreverent individual, but this scruffy appearance hides an impulsive, excessively violent personality and a lethally short temper. Grimmjow is blunt, rude, and quite sadistic, revealing an insane grin in battle, much like Kenpachi Zaraki. Grimmjow has little respect for authority and says whatever is on his mind, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate. This attitude leads to conflicts with Kaname Tōsen, who holds Grimmjow in the same low regard as he did Zaraki. He also has conflicts with Ulquiorra Schiffer, the 4th Espada, usually because Ulquiorra interrupts his fights or doesn't act on his own impulses. He has also developed a grudge against Ichigo Kurosaki for wounding him during their second fight, and is eager to return the favor. He purposefully kept the large scar on his chest from their first battle as a reminder of this.


Последна промяна DiaDora на Нед Мар 24, 2013 3:19 am, променена общо 3 пъти

<<<<<<<V I N L A N D>>>>>>>>
 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 1:47 am 

Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm
Мнения: 9348
Давам ти моето описание - копни си го x3 Тамън го пусках и аз xDDD Пък така или иначе ще намеря още 3-чки x3

1. Kise Ryouta [Kuroko no Basuke]


School: Kaijou High
Position: Small Forward
Jersey: 7
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Age: 16
Birthday: June 18th (Gemini)


Now a freshman at Kaijou High, Kise was the rookie of the "Generation of Miracles". Since he only started playing basketball in his second year of middle school, Kise was his team's least experienced member, and notes himself the weakest of the five. Kise's unique skill is his ability to mimic the moves and plays of other players. The only moves he cannot copy are the special skills of truly exceptional players, like the other members of the "Generation of Miracles". Beyond being a strong player in his own right, Kise respects Kuroko's abilities and wishes to play with him once again. He seems to have a slight obsession with Kuroko, believing that they were the two who got along most in middle school (though Kuroko said they didn't) and often blurting out random facts about him. Also, he's a model in his free time, so girls are always mobbing him.

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DiaDora написа:

+ Изображение



2. Jolly [Arcana Famiglia: La Storia della Arcana Famiglia]


Age: Unknown
Height: 184 cm
Weapon: Alchemy
Stigmata: Eye
Birthday: March 8

Mondo's right hand man and official family adviser. Jolly is a master of alchemy and holds The Moon arcana. He is second in command, but many people feel uncomfortable around Jolly due to his cold ruthlessness. He is also condescending and looks down on others, which contributes further to his unpopularity. However, everyone recognizes and respects his top notch skills.

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И този скрийншот е по-скоро за badass и фенгърълстване x3

3. Suou Mikoto [K]


Age: 24
Height: 185 cm
Birthday: August 13
Horoscope: Leo
Blood Type: B


Third King, known as the Red King. Has an ability to control fire. Feared by people as the leader of the Red Clan, HOMRA. Mikoto is a quiet man who says very little, even to his own subordinates. He is very calm, rarely being irritated or annoyed, and even when his mood changes Mikoto still maintains his composure. Mikoto is an avid smoker, often holding a cigarette and a lighter in each hand.


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btw И като пише "поне 2" слагайтe поне по две картинки, да не вземат да изгърмят предложенията (нищо че даду най-вероятно ще ги пусне под радара x3) :wink:

Малко картинки на Tomoe
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v Добре, номерирам го с 1. Domo arigatou :hat:

Последна промяна crazy_little_crow на Нед Мар 03, 2013 3:50 am, променена общо 4 пъти

Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 1:56 am 

Регистриран на: Пон Май 25, 2009 9:40 am
Мнения: 2436
ехааа, кви сме Кисе фенки-фенки...

айде ти го номинирай, аз ще номинирам други...и без тва ме мързи да качвам тумбнейли, а ти кат гледам си ги заредила кат картечница...

само ще си добавя и мойте тъмбчета, че сума си време ги избирах :blush:

+ Изображение



<<<<<<<V I N L A N D>>>>>>>>
 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 2:00 am 

Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm
Мнения: 9348
Бой, бой за KnB ... =)) =)) =))

Добре, значи оставям моето x3 Мерси много (много Кисе фенгърли, много неща xD) 2 more to go

Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 2:59 am 

Регистриран на: Пон Май 25, 2009 9:40 am
Мнения: 2436
Айде още един блондин любим, кат сме я подкарали в светлата гама тая година... ( нещо ми става с вкуса, напоследък само блондита си харесвам...не е късно човек да си промени вкуса явно :lol: )

2.DINO CAVALLONE (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
Изображение :love:

Най-сладурестото биши в Хитмана... напрао' го изпапкаш :love:

Dino is the 22-year-old 10th generation boss of the Cavallone crime family, and was born on February 4 in Italy, with a blood type of O. Dino is a young man with great skills as a fighter and as a leader. His main weapons are a whip and his pet turtle, Enzio. Like Tsuna, Dino, at first, did not want anything to do with the Mafia and was also a klutz. He became a suitable Mafia boss after Reborn became his home tutor. He came to be known as "Bucking-Horse Dino" and fixed the Cavallone's financial problems, turning them into the third most influential family. Unfortunately, Dino is so devoted to his family, that when none of his family members are around, his skills decrease dramatically, often accidentally hitting people with his whip and falling down the stairs. Dino has a large tattoo sleeve that covers his left hand and most of his arm. According to Futa, Dino is the Mafia member who cares the most for the welfare of civilians.


оФфФффФФ.... така и така съм го подкарала на блонди вълна, айде пак с една стара номинация да се пробвам. Тоя никога не сте го чували :mrgreen:

Race: even Kubo doesn't know.. :confused: :icecream: =))

Birthday: July 15th
Zodiac: Cancer
Age: 15 (beginning) - 17 (currently)
Gender: Male
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 66 kg

For the most part, Ichigo appears like a normal teenage boy, the one exception to that is his spiky, orange hair, a trait which he has been ridiculed about for years. He is a fairly tall, and lean-built person with peach skin and brown eyes. Since becoming a Shinigami, he has become noticeably more muscular, as noted by his sister Karin. When in his spiritual form, Ichigo wears standard Shinigami attire with the addition of a strap across his chest.
When Ichigo first becomes a Shinigami, his Zanpakutō is a standard-looking katana, but oversized with an equally-oversized brown sheathe hung by a strap over his right shoulder. It has a rectangular bronze hand guard with gently inward-curved edges, a stylized flame pattern on the long sides, and a simple decorative slit on the short ones. The handle is red with two light blue tassels on the end of the handle. The large size is due to the unfocused but immense amount of Ichigo's spiritual power, which he didn't know how to control. As a result, the sword itself was rather weak, since very little spiritual power was used to create it. Nevertheless, it was powerful enough to subdue a Gillian-class Menos and lesser Hollows, completely blocking a Cero from the former. It was even able to upturn the ground with a single strike. Because of its weak spiritual energy nature, Byakuya Kuchiki was able to easily cut off most of the blade during his first encounter with Ichigo and Kisuke Urahara subsequently slices it down to the hilt during their training, forcing Ichigo to learn the name of his Zanpakutō in order to release its true form. This sword is found to be a result of Rukia's deprived spiritual energy and not a result of his own power.


aйде, толкУз от мен :hat:

Последна промяна DiaDora на Нед Мар 24, 2013 4:01 am, променена общо 2 пъти

<<<<<<<V I N L A N D>>>>>>>>
 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 10:59 am 

Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am
Мнения: 14913
Местоположение: Сливен
Kasper Hekmatyar (Jormungand)

Koko's older brother. He is the one who sold the weapons responsible for the death of Jonah's parents, and also the reason Jonah joined up with Koko. He always has his bodyguard Chiquita with him.

Starjun (Toriko)

One of Bishoku-kai vice-head chefs. He fought once with Toriko using GT Robo and lost. He was mentioned by Alfaro as being capable of handling the Gourmet World. He seems to have an ability to roast things with touch.

Sinbad (Magi)

He is the king of Sindria and the leader of the Alliance of the Seven Seas. He was 14 years old when he first captured a dungeon, the first dungeon 'Bael'. Since then, he had sailed the seven seas and captured seven dungeons. He is known as the 'Legendary Dungeon Capturer' being the master of seven djinn. He is also commonly known as 'High King of Seven Seas'. His nickname is Sin. His name is based on 'Sinbad the Sailor'.

PSN ID | Toriko.AnimeS-bg.com | Beelzebub.AnimeS-bg.com | BusterKeel.AnimeS-bg.com
 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 1:56 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Яну 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Мнения: 9766
Местоположение: J✯O✯J✯O
Shougo Makishima (Psycho-Pass)


A humanist on the dark side who's hopelessly in love with cruelty, savagery, and all the worst aspects of human nature. A born evangelist, he possesses both uncommon charisma and a true gift for narrative. It is shown that Makishima may be the mastermind behind the many cases the Public Safety Bureau are investigating, including the one that led Shinya to become demoted from Inspector to Enforcer.

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Joseph Joestar - JoJo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)


He begins as a young Englishman in New York, with his grandmother Erina. However, an attack by Straits and the disappearance of Robert Edward O Speedwagon soon involve him in the greater chain of events.

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Малко гифтове:

Dio Brando (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)


The central villain of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series, Dio is an immortal vampire and the arch rival of the Joestar clan. He possesses a Stand known as The World, which has the combined powers of every Stand user born into the Joestar bloodline after the death of his enemy Jonathan Joestar (who's body Dio currently inhabits after he had his severed head sewn on Johnathan's corpse).

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П.С. Да вкарам тежката артилерия! Muda-muda-muda-mudaaaa!!

 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Мар 04, 2013 12:10 am 

Регистриран на: Съб Мар 13, 2010 5:36 pm
Мнения: 5003
Местоположение: Нейде из родопското село Пловдив
Masrur (Magi)


One of the eight generals. He uses the weapon household's vessel "Balalark Kauza." He is also a "Fanalis," like Morgiana. He does not speak a lot usually and is seen as emotionless and unfriendly. However, he is really kindhearted—he just doesn't show it often. His senior, Sharrkan often picks fight with him. However, he only listens to what Sinbad says.

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Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Baske)


Aomine was the ace of Teikou's team, embracing an aggressive and liquid style, made even more powerful by Kuroko's misdirection. In fact, Aomine was once Kuroko's "Light", before Kagami. Incredibly fast and versatile, Aomine's strength lies in his unpredictability, as well as an uncanny ability to shoot from virtually any position.

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Judal (Magi)


He is the oracle of the Kou Empire. He claims to know Sinbad as Sinbad had captured the dungeon that called out by him without his permission.

Judal is a magi just like Aladdin. He is very powerful, cruel, arrogant and somewhat childish. Usually he doesn't listen to anyone and does things his own way. Judal first appeared when he tried to seal the road to the dungeon. He is the main antagonist of the series.

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Хората често приемат традициите на техните предци, без да се съмняват,
защото е по-лесно, отколкото да поемеш контрол над собствения си живот.
Никой няма да дойде и да ни спаси, ако ние самите не искаме да се спасим.
 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Мар 06, 2013 7:37 pm 

Регистриран на: Пет Апр 24, 2009 10:41 pm
Мнения: 604
Местоположение: somewhere on the planet
Abarai Renji (Bleach)


Birth Date: August 31st (Virgo)
Race: Shinigami
Title: Lieutenant of 6th Division
Zanpakuto: Zabimaru
Bankai: Hihio Zabimaru
Shikai Command: Roar! Zabimaru!
Favorite Sport: Futsal

Renji is same as any other Shinigami. His personality varies from cocky and eccentric, to being depressed after he's defeated, all the way to being clueless and funny. Although he's carefree and happy character in most of the series, he can be quite serious, especially when it's the matter of life and death situations for either him or people he hold precious.He is shown to have rather complicated relationship with his captain, Kuchiki Byakuya. Renji sees Byakuya as the goal he has to surpass. First time, when Renji was still in the Academy, he encountered Byakuya and felt something chilling about him. In the meantime, Renji became Byakuya's lieutenant, and throughout the series, Renji starts to see Byakuya not only as rival, but also as man he can look up to.


Tetsuya Kuroko (Kuroko No Baske)


School: Seirin High
Number: 11
Blood Type: A
Height: 168cm
Birthday: January 31st
Favorite food: Vanilla Shakes
Hobbies: Reading, people watching
Speciality: Simple sleight of hand tricks
Motto: (Every encounter is a) once-in-a-lifetime encounter

The phantom sixth member of the "Generation of Miracles." He has a very weak presence and often seemingly appears out of nowhere as a result.At the first glance all of his abilities seem to be below average, but despite being bad at dribbling and shooting he can be a dangerous opponent. He specializes in circulating passes without being seen. Because of his largely complementary skill set, Kuroko considers himself a "shadow" whose goal is to help his "light" achieve greatness.


Soushi Miketsukami (Inu x Boku SS)


Height: 187 cm
Birthday: December 19

A nine tailed spirit fox, Soushi is also a mixed blood (youkai and human) like the other members of SS, but it is the most powerful one. Soushi usually is calm, polite and gentle to everyone, but has a soft spot for Riricho (his partner), he blindly obeys her like a "dog" and always tries to protect her above his own life.
He also serves Kagerou Shoukin.


Последна промяна darkness_bright на Сря Мар 27, 2013 9:50 pm, променена общо 6 пъти

 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 10, 2013 5:32 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Сеп 24, 2005 6:19 pm
Мнения: 4600
Anime: Legend Of The Legendary Heroes
Ryner Lute (ライナ・リュート)
Frequently appearing to be lethargic, sleepy, and unmotivated, Ryner is the main protagonist of the story. He has brown eyes and black hair and is of slender build; is naturally talented in magic, hand-to-hand combat, the arts of assassination, ancient lore, languages and symbols, and is a bearer of the Alpha Stigma (複写眼 アルファ・スティグマ), an ocular ability which grants him the ability to analyze various forms of magic. Alpha Stigma bearers (when activating their powers) have a pentagram with reddish hue appearing over their pupils. Because of this ability, in a world where magic forms differ from country to country and is a closely guarded secret, he has learned and acquired magic originating from different countries through battles with their mages. Although the Alpha Stigma are the weakest and most common type out of the five types of "Cursed Eyes (魔眼 Magan)", primarily because the bearers don't live to adulthood to fully utilize their potential before they are slain after going berserk usually at a young age, Ryner's eyes are no ordinary Alpha Stigma.



Малко фуджиоши фенсървиз ;)


Anime: Tiger & Bunny
Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (鏑木・T・虎徹/ ワイルドタイガー) a.k.a Wild Tiger

Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (鏑木・T・虎徹), aka Wild Tiger (ワイルドタイガー) is one of the series' main protagonists and a veteran hero whose lack of regard for collateral damage when fighting against crime had earned him the nickname the "Crusher for Justice" for the wrong reasons by the public. He starts the series as one of the least popular heroes of Sternbild City, but he seems to care more about helping the people he helps than ratings, points, or fame.
Kotetsu's Hundred Power increases his physical capabilities such as strength, speed, and jumping abilities, by a hundredfold for five minutes at a time. After those five minutes, he must rest for one hour before activating it again. Barnaby has stated that Kotetsu has strong endurance, and Kotetsu has above-average physical ability due to a daily/weekly exercise regiment. This is demonstrated when he was able to lift a tree without his powers to save Kaede. Kotetsu's attacking forte is in punching (contrary to Barnaby's forte in kicking), which would indicate that he has the greater strength and endurance of the pair. He also has more experience with his powers than Barnaby, able to use it for more than just fighting



Anime: Zetsuen no Tempest
Mahiro Fuwa (不破 真広)
Age: 16

Mahiro is a young man with blonde hair and red eyes, although in the anime they sometimes look purple.

With little care for the destiny of the world, Mahiro's only desire is to locate and kill the murderer of his family, especially for Aika's sake. Despite not being related by blood with Aika, Mahiro claims he never had any romantic feelings for her, though his actions imply otherwise. Moreover, he is a very perceptive person, but tends to avoid admitting the truth to himself when it doesn't play in his favor.




 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Мар 14, 2013 11:20 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Апр 30, 2009 8:40 pm
Мнения: 4809
Haru Yoshida [Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun]


Birthday: April 2
Height: 178cm

Haru is the male protagonist of the story. He is a high school student who sits next to Shizuku in class. He is a delinquent boy who is absent for a long time after getting in a fight early in the story. Despite being a trouble maker, he is a passionate boy who helps others and can achieve high grades with little effort. He does not like going to school because most people see him as a threat and are afraid of him, saddening him as he is unable to make real friends. After meeting Shizuku, he takes her as his first real friend and starts to attend school, falling in love with her in the process. He also keeps a rooster and brings it to school everyday, despite his teacher's disapproval. He has somewhat of a perverted mind, openly saying to Shizuku that he would "do" her and has "dirty thoughts" about her. It is unclear whether or not he actually thinks before he speaks.

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Shino Inuzuka [Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun]


An 18-year old boy who is the holder of the Devotion bead. He is one of the five survivors of the destruction of Otsuka Village. He holds the living sword of Murasame on his right arm, along with a peony birthmark. Because of this, he still looks like a 13-year old. He has also been known to be weak and has crossdresssed when he was young. He is very close to Sousuke and Hamaji and regards them as siblings.

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Taichi Mashima [Chihayafuru]


Birthday: April 2
Blood type: A
Height: 172cm

Taichi is from a wealthy family. Chihaya's childhood friend is quite the golden boy. Smart, good looking, and mature, he excells at nearly everything he does which makes him the voice of reason in the Misusawa Karuta Club. While he sees himself as keeper of Chihaya and the less experienced members, he demands a lot of himself both in games and as a leader and can overthink even the most simple situations. Taichi's karuta leverages his incredible memory to give him a sense of which cards might be called next and the ability to out-think opponents. He also has a crush on Chihaya but is hesitant to do anything as he thinks that she only has eyes for Arata.

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 Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown IV - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Мар 16, 2013 12:03 pm 
RyuKo FanSubs

Регистриран на: Сря Авг 02, 2006 4:41 pm
Мнения: 1339
Abel Nightroad
A Catholic priest who seems to be nothing more than a clumsy, absent-minded fool on the surface. In truth, he is a Crusnik, a vampire of extreme, extraordinary power, and is an ancient being, hundreds of years old. He is a vampire that feeds on the blood of vampires. But despite his strength, he adheres to a principle of pacifism and often refuses to outright kill his opponents, also he has sworn to never kill a human again and adheres to that promise regardless of how hard it gets for him to do so. Abel is shown in flashbacks to have a hatred for humanity, but at some point that changes into his current pacifistic and peaceful outlook on life. He acknowledges having greatly sinned at some point in his life, though it is unclear as to what sin he committed, and much of his current personality is based on retribution for his sins.

Vash the Stampede
Vash displays two different personalities. Vash usually exaggerates foolish characteristics to make people feel unthreatened and to hide his identity; for instance, exhibiting an almost obsessive love of doughnuts and at one point introduced himself as "Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovich Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III". Vash's reputation as "The Humanoid Typhoon" is legendary, as is the damage and destruction associated with his presence. However, when those around him are threatened, Vash shows complete focus and control.
Vash is a very multidimensional character -- quite literally a walking contradiction. He is often a womanizer, and other times a gentleman. Sometimes he is a coward, yet other times he shows great courage. He is a wanted man, yet he wouldn't hurt a fly. He also appears young, but is actually very old.


Tachibana no Tomomasa
One of the Hachiyō, he is the Byakko of Earth. Tomomasa is likewise a nobleman, employed as a Lieutenant of the Left Imperial Guard.


МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 17, 2013 1:00 am 
The No-Goodnick

Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm
Мнения: 9845
Местоположение: PervTown
Хайде де... тука и да си сложа предложенията пак ще сме доста мъничко от към бройка, толкова ли вече няма желаещи или просто бишитата са се изчерпали :lol:
Една седмица допълнителна към срока, ако и след нея не съм много доволен от бройката ще вдигнем ограничението на 4 :whistle:

Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me,
after the end of the world has come.
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