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 Заглавие: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Мар 02, 2013 11:12 pm 
The No-Goodnick

Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm
Мнения: 9846
Местоположение: PervTown
Пак стигнахме до тук.
А къде е точно това "тук" си нямам ни-най-малка представа, но... хайде сега... така съм тръгнал, така ще продължа :drop:
Отново е време да се наслаждаваме на красота :ying:
И както всички добре знаем, че истинската красота се свежда до личната гледна точка на хората оценяващи я и техните предпочитания, фетиши и какво ли още не за визия, характеристики, поведение и бог знае още какво... та... да... ето ви и краткото списъче с точки, които трябва да бъдат покрити за да бъде предложението ви записано:

    • Участничките може да са от Анимета, Хентай анимета, Игри, Хентай игри и т.н.т., важното е да са хубави ^^
    • Всеки има право да запише до 3 участнички.
    • Хубаво е за всяка участничка да бъде дадена и кратка информация.
    • Всяка участничка се предлага с поне 2 хубави картинки на нея, под формата на линк или thumbnail.
        Картинки се приемат само ако са директно от източника или добре изваяни по оригинала фен-арт.
    • Въпреки, че участничките може да са от Хентай заглавия са забранени картинки съдържащи секс сцени и/или прекалено много разголеност.
    • Всеки има възможност да предлага неограничен брой картинки за вече номинирани участнички ако смята, че са по-добри от тези, с които е номинирана.
    • Победителки на предни showdown-и нямат право да участват отново и няма да бъдат записвани ако бъдат предложени. *

    Краен срок за записване: 23ти Март

*~Showdown Статистики~(всички минали showdown-чета и спечелилите ги)

п.п. темата съм я писал "и идеи", защото искам да видя и дали можете да дадете хубави предложения за това какви други showdown-и можем да организираме за да ни е приятно :hat:

п.п.п. Да темата е едно голямо(по-точно май ще да е "малко", но...) copy-paste на последната такава но... нищо... за сметка на това ще е същата и за съседния Showdown :lol:


Кръг 1:

Кръг 2:

Кръг 3:

Кръг 4:

Кръг 5:

Кръг 6:


    Hakaze Kusaribe (Zetsuen no Tempest)
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    The princess of the sorcerers and the strongest sorceress in history, she was left in a desert island to die by the leader of Kusaribe clan, Samon. Since the Island did not allow the use of magic, she joins Mahiro's quest to revenge Aika's death, and her own revenge against Samon. She talks to Mahiro and Yoshino through a wooded doll necklace.

      Предложена от: krish

Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me,
after the end of the world has come.
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Мар 02, 2013 11:15 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 02, 2007 2:30 am
Мнения: 2667
Alleyne (Queen`s Blade)
Alleyne (アレイン) is one of the oldest warriors of a tribe of forest elves, having lived for over 1,000 years. She is curt, hard-headed, and strict with herself and others, earning her the title of "Fighting Master" among her fellow elves. She has a habit of teaching things to others, and during a conversation she often finds herself lecturing.
Alleyne wears a red beret with the lower part having four leaf clover patterns. She wears an elegant red and gold cloak, and underneath that she has a short green elven shirt and sleeves with bracers with darker green ends. On her lower body she has a short green elven skirt with a small white cloth and a belt with four leaf clovers and and a four leaf celtic-designed clover buckle. On her legs she wears green thigh-high elven boots.

Part 1


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Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi)

Sena herself stated that she inherited most of her looks from her mother. Sena has a pair of light-blue eyes and long, light-blond hair that flows half way to her back. Sena has a very buxom body (which was one of the reasons why she doesn't have any female friends) and tends to flaunt herself. Sena almost always wears her butterfly hairclip on her head and is usually depicted in her school uniform. When in public, Sena would wear flashy clothes that would fit her well.
On the outside, Sena appears to be an ordinary high school girl but in truth, Sena is arrogant and prideful by nature and is well aware of this, even once stating that she should do that since she's that good. Sena considers herself like some sort of queen or goddess to the school and would often treat her fellow male students as servants (not that they mind). Because of her personality and her beauty, she has no female friends.
Perfectionist by default, for example, Sena always tries her best at her games even if it deprives her of her sleep. Sena is so hooked up to her games that she would become very angry if her games were insulted in any way.

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Reisen Udongein Inaba (Touhou)
Reisen Udongein Inaba is one of the legendary lunar rabbits; she fled from the Moon to Earth as a refugee from the "Lunar War" between the two worlds that began in 1969 A.D. after the Apollo 11 "invasion". Making her way to Gensokyo she was surprised to meet the notorious fugitives Kaguya and Eirin, and asked for asylum in Eientei. In exchange, she works for and protects Kaguya and Eirin.
Reisen appears as a girl with red eyes, light purple hair, and rabbit ears coming out of the top of her head. She dresses in a white shirt with a red necktie, and there is a clip on her necktie that is shaped like a carrot. She also wears a purple (or beige or blue shirt depending on game appearance) skirt. In Touhou 10.5, she also wears a red belt.

Additionally, she also wears a black business suit over her shirt in her first game appearance. Her left suit-collar is decorated with a crescent moon-shaped insignia, and there appears to be paper or business cards poking out of her left shirt pocket.

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Последна промяна blink182 на Чет Мар 14, 2013 8:31 pm, променена общо 12 пъти

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Мар 02, 2013 11:18 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 02, 2007 2:30 am
Мнения: 2667
Както всяка година,чакам за лоли showdown.

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 1:09 am 

Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm
Мнения: 9348
1. Mine Fujiko [Lupin the Third - Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna]


Mine Fujiko is a fictional character created by Monkey Punch for his manga series Lupin III. She is a professional criminal and burglar that regularly uses her attractiveness to fool her targets. Unlike the rest of the Lupin III cast, Fujiko's physical appearance changes for most installments. Her name means "mountain peaks of Fuji", a pun on the size of her breasts, which is usually the only thing consistent in her various designs.


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Още две гифчета:

Слагам и Opening theme на Mine Fujiko to Iu Onna (само Fujiko е )

PS Имам доста нейни картинки, но тъй като е Pantsu showdown - няма да прекалявам с голотийте x3 (и със спойлер таговете)
PS2 Ще добавя още, просто не съм си избрала кои да са x3

2. Neko [K Project]


Age: 15
Height: 155 cm
Birthday: February 22
Horoscope: Pisces
Blood Type: B


Neko has a very joyful, carefree and energetic personality. She is very playful, often participating or even starting chases with people. In addition, Neko seems to have no qualms or worries about being nude, especially in front of men, showing some immodesty. She even stated that she does not like wearing clothes, the reason being that "Clothes are too restricting". She is also a mysterious girl, who is also a cat. Neko also likes Shiro and even calls him "My Shiro".

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Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 11:12 am 

Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am
Мнения: 14913
Местоположение: Сливен
Momiji Binboda (Binbougami ga)


A poverty god who wishes to restore the energy balance and give it back to all the places Ichiko took it from. She posses Ichiko in order for the balance to stay stabled. She is troubled by her flat chest and she is very lazy. Surprisingly, even though she is after Ichiko's good luck energy there is often an undeclared truce between her and Ichiko when she needs barge in her flat to either eat or use some of her stuffs, that is, if she feels like it.

Paimon (Magi)


A djinn of maniacal love and chaos. With the power to control wind, she is contained within Hakuei's Flabellum.

PSN ID | Toriko.AnimeS-bg.com | Beelzebub.AnimeS-bg.com | BusterKeel.AnimeS-bg.com
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 1:27 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Яну 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Мнения: 9766
Местоположение: J✯O✯J✯O
Himiko (BTOOOM!)


Himiko is a Btooom! player and the female protagonist of the Btooom! manga series.
Himiko is a young high school girl. She has bright blue eyes and long, blonde hair, making her look like a foreigner. Her hair is wavy
and parted to the right, exposing a part of her forehead. She has small earrings and paints her finger-nails cyan. She has pretty large breasts.

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Shion Karanomori (Psycho-Pass)


An analyst in the Public Safety Bureau's General Analysis Division and a latent criminal as well. She provides backup to the Enforcers and Inspectors in their investigation by analyzing the data and evidence sent by them. It is suggested that she is in a lesbian relationship with Yayoi Kunizuka who is one of the enforcers of Unit 1.


И едно гифче. :)

Lisa Lisa (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)


A mysterious Ripple user whom Joseph Joestar meets in Venice, Lisa Lisa reveals herself to be his friend Caesar Zeppeli's mentor. She trains Joseph in the ways of the Ripple and joins in the fight against the Pillar Men, as a powerful Ripple user in her own right.

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 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Мар 03, 2013 10:57 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Мар 13, 2010 5:36 pm
Мнения: 5003
Местоположение: Нейде из родопското село Пловдив
Yuuki Asuna (Sword Art Online)


Age: 17
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Three Sizes: 82-60-83
Weapons of choice: Wind Fleuret (1st Floor), Lambent Light (Forged by Lisbeth)

Asuna is a friend of Kirito and is a sub-leader of the guild Knights of the Blood (KoB), a medium-sized guild of about thirty players, also called the strongest guild in Aincrad. Being one of the few girls that are in SAO, and even more so that she's extremely pretty, she receives many invitations and proposals. She is a skilled player earning the title "Flash" for her extraordinary sword skill that is lightning fast. Her game alias is the same as her real world name.

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Kurokami Medaka (Medaka Box)


Medaka is an incredibly beautiful and talented first year student. She became Hakoniwa Academy's Student President as she managed to get 98% of the student body's support. One of her pledges during her campaign was to set up a suggestion box (which later became known as the Medaka Box), along with her childhood friend Zenkichi, goes out to solve any and all problems that comes through.

She is very confident and isn't ashamed of any part of her body at all. She is extremely intelligent and can understand all her subjects well. She has a positive outlook on everyone and everything surrounding her. Medaka sees it as her job to enhance the national prestige.

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Yuuko Kanoe (Tasogare Otome x Amnesia)


A young girl who was left to die alone in the old school building of Seikyou Private Academy long ago. She has no recollection of how she died and is currently searching for clues together with Teiichi Niiya. As a ghost, she is normally invisible to the people in the school, with the exceptions of Teiichi and Kirie Kanoe, a blood relative who can also see her.

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Хората често приемат традициите на техните предци, без да се съмняват,
защото е по-лесно, отколкото да поемеш контрол над собствения си живот.
Никой няма да дойде и да ни спаси, ако ние самите не искаме да се спасим.
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Мар 04, 2013 8:26 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Фев 12, 2013 7:54 pm
Мнения: 1940
Местоположение: Тука ще напиша, че съм готин
Kunieda Aoi (Beelzebub)

First appearance: Chapter 10
Age: 17
Height: 165 cm
Birthday: May 15
Sign : Taurus
Occupation : Delinquent high school student, Shrine maiden

Aoi is 17 years old, a second-year student and the third leader of the "strongest ladies of Kantou", the Red Tails. She is first introduced in disguise at the park taking care of her baby brother, Kouta, who is constantly mistaken as being Aoi's own child by the mothers at the park. She is the daughter of a local temple keeper. Her nickname is Queen because she is the protector of all the girls at Ishiyama High from the men's "grubby hands". Because of Oga's dense personality, he has yet to realize that the girl he befriended at the park and Kunieda are one and the same. Despite her tough personality, she has a rather girlish crush on Oga but refuses to admit this fact to others. She can feel Saotome using his demon power, which shows she has notable strength for a human.

Kunieda differs from the other thugs at Ishiyama in that she has formal martial arts training from her grandfather, the master of the shingetsu style. She is also not a bully, and steers the leadership of the Red Tails towards preventing unnecessary fights in the school. This is what puts her first in collision course with Oga, as the latter is deemed by her to be responsible for most of recent violent events in the school. They have two exchanges: in neither does Oga return her attacks, limiting himself to evade them, first to let baby Beel assess her strength and thus find out whether she is a potential replacement for him; later, because a failure in communication leads Oga to believe that Kunieda's condition to take Beel is that he should resist her charges. She is greatly impressed by Oga's speed and power, and misunderstands his advances on her (to get rid of Beel) as romantic interest. After he saves her from a plot by the MK5, she decides to leave the Red Tails and become a more disciplined person, and at the same time her crush on Oga increases. Later, she and the Red Tails intervene to stop the whole male student body of Ishiyama from attacking Oga, allowing him to proceed to a confrontation with Toujou unhindered.

She at first harbored some jealousy against Hilda, seeing her as a potential rival for Oga, but on discovering the truth about her and Baby Beel's true nature, their animosity becomes less pronounced. Later, it is Hilda who becomes jealous of Beel's attachment to Kunieda.

She is a skilled swordswoman and martial artist, and possesses an immense amount of vitality and stamina, as well as impressive speed that is above Sakaki Mitsuteru's, who is known to be able to wield his sword at 250 km/h (however, she is not fast enough to hit Oga, who manages to evade even her best attacks with minor injuries). She can use any weapon she chooses in battle, and has even been shown to fight with nothing more than a ruler. She has shown the ability to assess opponents' strengths and weaknesses very quickly. Despite all this however, Hilda has noted that Kunieda is still below Oga's level in terms of battle capabilities.

faye написа:
bow to me ! -.-




 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Мар 04, 2013 8:28 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Фев 12, 2013 7:54 pm
Мнения: 1940
Местоположение: Тука ще напиша, че съм готин
Уоу... само на мен ли ми се бъгва поста ми?

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Мар 04, 2013 8:32 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Окт 22, 2012 11:47 pm
Мнения: 747
Картинките не са преебани, просто си объркал нещо с кодовете, ама най-добре си ги качи на някой български хост.

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Мар 04, 2013 9:00 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Сеп 24, 2005 6:19 pm
Мнения: 4600
Не си копирал правилния линк за изображенията. Прехвърли ги към бг хостинг (например picbg.net) и използвай адреса които ти даде.

До момента има някоя и друга мацка която ще си заслужава гласа :ok:

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Мар 05, 2013 6:28 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Фев 12, 2013 7:54 pm
Мнения: 1940
Местоположение: Тука ще напиша, че съм готин
Изображение Изображение Изображение

/ Дано сега да се получи /

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Мар 05, 2013 6:29 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Фев 12, 2013 7:54 pm
Мнения: 1940
Местоположение: Тука ще напиша, че съм готин
Шитава работа, ей =)) Моля да се изтрият двата ми поста ( с този стават 3 ) :D

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Мар 05, 2013 7:01 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Сеп 24, 2005 6:19 pm
Мнения: 4600
bow to me ! -.-




 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VI - записване, дискусии, идеи и подобни
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Мар 05, 2013 9:40 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Яну 07, 2013 2:17 pm
Мнения: 1542
Astraea (Sora no Otoshimono)

Height: 159 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Species: Angeloid
Sizes: 91-56-86
Introduced as the "Delta Angeloid: Close Combat Type".

She is something of an airhead and has limited intelligence, due to having low processing power to be able to have high combat abilities and emotions. She weighs 48 kilograms, stands at 159cm, and her wing type is stated to be "Not Variable" and "Super Acceleration".

Последна промяна Dark Ranger на Сря Мар 06, 2013 10:07 am, променена общо 10 пъти

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