Кръгът ще трае 7 дена. Крайният срок за гласуване е 4 Декември, 23:59. Двамата участника с най-много гласове ще продължат напред. Двубоят ще е Free for all.
Условия по време на битките:
Героите ще се бият на живот и смърт; това не е състезание по популярност, така че сдържайте колкото можете фенбойщината.
Героите могат да се виждат и да се бият помежду си по дефиниция. Няма безсмъртни герои, има само такива, които още не са намерили майстора си.
Всякакви умения/техники от филми, OAVs и сериали се броят. Оръжия могат да се ползват, но бойни установки, меки, съекипници и т.н. нямат място в двубоите.
Аниме героите не могат да използват умения и прочее от мангите/игрите ако ги няма в даденото аниме.
Начин на гласуване и ограничения:
Вота си давате чрез постване в темата, като го отделите малко от останалото мнение.
Примерно гласуване написа:
Monkey D.Luffy
*Произволен текст.....*
Имате право да гласувате само 1 път, при повторно гласуване, вота ви ще бъде анулиран (това е за единични случаи, при повече може да бъде дисквалифициран и героя).
Хора регистрирани след 1ви октомври 2010 или с постове по-малко от 15, нямат право да гласуват и съответно вотовете им няма да се отчетът.
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9847 Местоположение: PervTown
HepMu написа:
Erza Scarlet ( Fairy Tail )
Erza Scarlet is a S-class mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, the strongest still active female, and one of the main female protagonists in Team Natsu.
Erza, is a tall, beautiful girl with long red hair, and brown eyes. She is almost always wearing an armored suit, made by Heart Kreuz. However, thanks to her requip magic, she can wear many magic armors, and can even requip swim suits, and clothes for recreational purposes. Her member stamp is on her left shoulder.
Erza is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of the other guild members, causing most them to apologize for fear that they might invoke her wrath. She is also impatient, liking people who answer her questions quickly as seen when she promptly knocks out anyone who doesn't answer her questions (despite them not knowing anything). Also, Erza has a problem where she apparently sees everyone as guild members (best seen when she asks civilians to take things places during a mission). However, she has a great sense of justice. Despite being a very strict person, she seems to have a clumsy side to her as seen during the Galuna arc when she fell into a pit hole. Like most Fairy Tail members, she shows great loyalty and dedication to Makarov and the guild. She pushed herself past her limit in the war against the Phantom Lord Guild, fighting against its many powerful members. She also became the temporary leader when Makarov had to be treated because of his scattered magic.
Although it hasn't been fully explored, it is implied that Natsu Dragneel, Erza and Gray Fullbuster are all very close to each other. While staying over at Lucy's house, Erza revealed that the three of them used to take showers together. It is later revealed that Erza, Natsu, and Gray have all been part of Fairy Tail ever since they were children.
Sayuki написа:
Mugen (Samurai Champloo)
Highly unorthodox swordplay and a fighting style based on breakdancing - dubbed "champuru kendo" and ostensibly developed by himself - taking bits and pieces from all forms of martial arts and making up the rest as he fights his opponents, make him a force to be reckoned with although it looks like capoeira. He carries two blades, his principal weapon a unique sword with a curved blade and a hilt with two prongs sheathed across his back and the other a small tanto concealed at the end of his scabbard (only resorted to as a trump card). His main weapon appears to be an amalgamation of the okinawan sai and Japanese katana. Mugen also has a tendency to parry attacks with the steel base of his geta.
Ако не сте доволни от описанието на даден персонаж, то моля представете ни по-добре написано такова или се оплаквайте на човека предложил персонажа, че е дал съкато описание...
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
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