T.O.P as Seo Jung Hoon Seung Ri as Park Min Seo Heo Yi Jae as Cha Eun Young
My 19′ is a suspense drama that shows the cruelty in society and how the lives of three teenagers are connected. TOP and Seungri play the roles of two 19-year-old teenagers who are have been accused of a homicide case but they meet Heo Yi Jae who joined them and they formed a strong friendship.
Heo Yi Jae plays the role of ‘Chae Eun Yeong’ TOP plays ‘Seo Jung Hoon’ and Seungri plays ‘Park Min Seo’. Heo Yi Jae drops out of school in order to practice in a salon as a trainee, while her mother who is ill is in the hospital.
TOP and Seungri are suspects of a homicide case, but they runaway from the police station and start to investigate this murder case along with Heo Yi Jae. Their friendship grows more and more as the story develops forcing them all to connect for the same cause.
Здравейте, много се извинявам че питам като първия идиот, но може ли някой да се смили над мен и да ми каже от къде да си дръпна субтитри за филмчето няма проблем дори и ако са на англйиски
Заглавие: Re: Link: 19-Nineteen [K-Movie]
Публикувано на: Нед Окт 03, 2010 1:25 am
Регистриран на: Пет Юни 26, 2009 10:27 pm Мнения: 964 Местоположение: Sf
Няма такива. Ще има да почакаме докато го преведат, всъщност си нямам и на понятие колко време ще отнеме, но 100% субовете веднага ще се появят в темата.
Заглавие: Re: Link: 19-Nineteen [K-Movie]
Публикувано на: Нед Окт 03, 2010 3:19 am
Регистриран на: Пет Фев 19, 2010 2:08 am Мнения: 3
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