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 Заглавие: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиране
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Мар 31, 2014 11:44 pm 
The No-Goodnick

Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm
Мнения: 9846
Местоположение: PervTown
Въй... 7... кога се стигна до тука...

Така, пак дойде времето да конкурсчето за красота на анимирани персонажи :lol:

*отива най-нахално да си изкопира нещата от предишната тема*

Както всички добре знаем, истинската красота се свежда до личната гледна точка на хората оценяващи я и техните предпочитания, фетиши и какви ли още не неща свързани с визия, характеристики, поведение и бог знае още какво... та... да... ето ви и краткото списъче с точки, които трябва да бъдат покрити за да бъде предложението ви записано:

    • Участничките може да са от Анимета, Хентай анимета, Игри, Хентай игри и т.н.т., важното е да са хубави ^^
    • Всеки има право да запише до 3 участнички.
    • Хубаво е за всяка участничка да бъде дадена и кратка информация.
    • Всяка участничка се предлага с поне 2 хубави картинки на нея, под формата на линк или thumbnail.
        Картинки се приемат само ако са директно от източника или добре изваяни по оригинала фен-арт.
    • Въпреки, че участничките може да са от Хентай заглавия са забранени картинки съдържащи секс сцени и/или прекалено много разголеност.
    • Всеки има възможност да предлага неограничен брой картинки за вече номинирани участнички ако смята, че са по-добри от тези, с които е номинирана.
    • Победителки на предни showdown-и нямат право да участват отново и няма да бъдат записвани ако бъдат предложени. *

    Краен срок за записване: 25ти Април (включително)

*~Showdown Статистики~(всички минали showdown-чета и спечелилите ги)

п.п. Разбира се, винаги е и приемливо да нахвърляте идеи/предложения за това как да направим нещата по-интересни и/или да ги раздвижим малко.

п.п.п. Ако не знаете как протичат нещата, можете да погледнете някои от миналите Showdown-чета. На кратко казано: Трупаме колекция от красавици и после ги разделяме по случаен принцип на групи и/или индивидуални showdown-чета и гласуваме коя от коя е по-красива.

И... showdown-а протича по следния начин:
Кръг 1 написа:
Showdown 1:
    Kimi Aoi

Showdown 2:
    Garnet Til Alexandros XVII
    Oda Raika
    Yukino "Yukinon" Yukinoshita

Showdown 3:
    Asuna Yuuki

Showdown 4:
    Super Sonico

Showdown 5:
    Ryuko Matoi
    Lucy Heartfilia

Showdown 6:
    Yusa Emi
    Kirisaki Chitoge
    Mikasa Ackerman

Showdown 7:
    Jeanne Kaguya "Ranmaru" d'Arc
    Kurumi Isoshima
    Kirigiri Kyouko

Showdown 8:
    Annelotte Kreuz
    Kurisu Makise

Showdown 9:
    Chifusa Manyuu
    Satsuki Kiryuin
    Senjougahara Hitagi

Showdown 10:
    Satsuki Momoi
    Alexandra "Alex" Garcia
    Erza "Titania" Scarlet

Showdown 11:
    Yuffie Kisaragi

Showdown 12:
    Saki Rukino

Showdown 13:
    Aki Nijou

Showdown 14:
    Natsuno Kirihime
    Makoto Kikuchi

Showdown 15:
    Kagari Ayaka
    Re-l Mayer

Showdown 16:
    Housen Ryofu
    Hattori Kiriko

Кръг 2 написа:
Showdown 1:
    Kimi Aoi
    Oda Raika

Showdown 2:
    Super Sonico

Showdown 3:
    Lucy Heartfilia
    Yusa Emi

Showdown 4:
    Jeanne Kaguya "Ranmaru" d'Arc
    Kurisu Makise

Showdown 5:
    Senjougahara Hitagi
    Satsuki Momoi

Showdown 6:
    Saki Rukino

Showdown 7:
    Natsuno Kirihime

Showdown 8:
    Kagari Ayaka
    Hattori Kiriko

Кръг 3 написа:
Showdown 1:
    Oda Raika

Showdown 2:
    Lucy Heartfilia
    Kurisu Makise

Showdown 3:
    Satsuki Momoi

Showdown 4:
    Natsuno Kirihime
    Kagari Ayaka

Кръг 4 / Полуфинали написа:
Полуфинал 1:
    Oda Raika
    Kurisu Makise

Полуфинал 2:
    Satsuki Momoi
    Natsuno Kirihime

Кръг 5 / Финал написа:
    Oda Raika
    Satsuki Momoi

Спечелила написа:
TsukiAkari написа:
Oda Raika (Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!)

Age: 20
Height: 167 cm
Tama University School of Literature second year student. Well endowed, a very good cook in Japanese cuisine and the only female member in the club. She does not show emotion easily and does not talk much. She loves cute things, which will embarrass her and make her more strange than usual.

Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me,
after the end of the world has come.
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Апр 01, 2014 12:02 am 

Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 02, 2007 2:30 am
Мнения: 2667
Kagura (Gintama)
Kagura has vermilion red hair and ocean blue eyes. She has pale white skin. She typically wears a red cheongsam with yellow piping. She has red hair, which is tied in two knots to the sides of her head and are covered with ornaments. When outside, she's usually seen carrying a purple parasol around, which works as protection from the sun.Kagura can be described as naive to a fault as seen in her introduction where she was manipulated by a gang on the pretense that she was justly protecting them. She refuses to accept her legacy as a yato, and just wants to live as a normal girl. Although she doesn't like violence, she clearly use violence to solve her problems which Hasegawa Taizou labeled her as 'ultra hot (tempered/aggressive) China girl'.
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Natsuno Kirihime (Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou)
Kirihime is a young, slender woman with red eyes, long dark hair and a straight-cut fringe that frames her face. She dons a black formal shirt and short black skirt secured by a belt. Over this, she wears a black coat that has red strings looped at the neck, hips and bottom. Kirihime also wears long black boots that reach past her knee and under them she dons long black stockings that reach up to her mid-thighs.
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Yaya (Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai)
Yaya is a beautiful girl with scarlet-colored eyes and long black hair, a portion of it is tied by black ribbons on each side of her head, accompanied by long red ribbons that extend to her legs. She wears a black-traditional japanese shrine maiden robe that is held to her body by a red neck lace. A red and white sash scarf is tied to her waist, she wears long-sleeved gloves on her arms, her stockings have white ruffels, the bottom of he ankles are strapped with the strings from her shoes.
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Последна промяна blink182 на Сря Апр 16, 2014 12:01 pm, променена общо 5 пъти

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Апр 01, 2014 12:19 am 

Регистриран на: Сря Май 11, 2011 7:34 pm
Мнения: 4127
Местоположение: Lawrence, Kansas
Alexandra "Alex" Garcia - Kuroko no Basket 2
Height: 180 cm
Birthday: August 8
Sign: Leo
Blood Type: B
Motto: Someday never comes
Favorite food: Rum raisin ice cream
Hobby: Watching Japanese animation
Speciality: Body flexibility

Alex was a WNBA player who had to retire because of an eye disease. Later on, she taught basketball to Kagami and Tatsuya. However, Kagami went back to Japan, so Alex only finished training Tatsuya.

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Jeanne Kaguya "Ranmaru" d'Arc - Nobunaga the Fool
Jeanne is a girl raised in the country of Donremi on the Western Planet. She has heavenly visions of the birth of a "Star Messiah" who will save the world which leads her to go on a journey to the Eastern Planet with Leonardo da Vinci, "the one who observes the world." On the other planet, they come across the heretic of the Eastern Planet and "the greatest fool of the day," Oda Nobunaga. Oda had her disguise as a man and gave her the name Ranmaru to protect her from their kingdom's custom where women are treated as secondary class.

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Yukino "Yukinon" Yukinoshita - Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru
Yukino is the leader of the Service Club, of which she is the sole member until Hachiman joins her. She is smart, beautiful, and is nicknamed the "Ice-cold Beauty" for her icy demeanor. She has a twisted sense of "noblesse oblige", and believes that it is the duty of the exceptional (in other words, herself) to help the "lost lambs" of the world. Her personality often leads her to be disgusted at the naivety of others, particularly Yui's, and she does not hesitate to show it. Despite this, Yui still affectionately calls her "Yukinon".

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ПП.: Абе, от няколко години се чудя...
Някой изобщо чете ли какво пише за момичетата
и като цяло кандидатите в различните шоудауни, 'щото аз не чета? :lol:

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Апр 01, 2014 12:59 am 

Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 02, 2007 2:30 am
Мнения: 2667
Ако знам персонажа,не чета инфото за него.

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Апр 01, 2014 11:39 am 

Регистриран на: Съб Яну 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Мнения: 9766
Местоположение: J✯O✯J✯O
Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)

Ryuuko Matoi is a 17-year-old who transfers as a second-year student into Honnouji Academy,
an Academy ruled by power and authority. She wields a huge single-bladed scissor, and demands to know the owner
of the second half. As she remembers, the wielder of the lost half of the scissor blade is the same person who killed her father.

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Satsuki Kiryuin (Kill la Kill)

Satsuki Kiryuuin is an 18-year-old woman and the Student Council President of Honnouji Academy.
She rules the school with an iron fist and assesses the students' abilities,
holding the position/authority to assign the powerful Ultima Uniforms.
She does not wear a Goku Uniform, stating that her sword, "Bakuzan" is more than enough power

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 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Апр 01, 2014 12:56 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm
Мнения: 9348
Senjougahara Hitagi [~monogatari series]


Birthday: July 7
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 165 cm

Hitagi, the main female character of Bakemonogatari, is a weak-looking girl with an "incurable disease". She is in the same class as Koyomi, but he has almost never heard her speak. When she was in the first year of high school, she encountered a mysterious crab, after which she became nearly weightless. Ever since, she has avoided contact with everyone else, threatening everyone who discovers her secret. She called herself a tsundere and always speaks in an abusive style.

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PS http://myanimelist.net/character/22037/Hidden_Joker :lol:

Kimi Aoi [Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon]


Height: 159 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Sizes: 117-59-93
Species: Human

Toori's older sister. Both she and Toori were born on the same year, so they are of the same grade level. Bad with ghosts. Is a follower in the god of eroticism and dance. Dislikes her name, “Kimi” for some reason, so she changes it habitually. Though she calls Toori a foolish little brother, she also has another side that cares for him.

Kimi possesses a sharp tongue and playful attitude, and often prefers to have fun instead of taking things seriously. However, she has a side that can be caring as well, as shown in her relationship with her brother Toori and even in her small gesture to her teacher Makiko Oriotorai. As a sister, she is constantly giving support to Toori whenever she can, and knows how she can properly help him out when he is in a bind, although she had shown a more ruthless side to her love when she was small.

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Super Sonico [Super Sonico The Animation]


A novice idol, mascot of Nitro+ and the main character from the visual novel game SoniComi by Nitro+.
She has also appeared in the parody opening of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica that Nitro+ released as an April fools' prank, along with other characters from the same company.

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Последна промяна crazy_little_crow на Вто Апр 01, 2014 1:55 pm, променена общо 1 път

Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Апр 01, 2014 1:29 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Яну 07, 2013 2:17 pm
Мнения: 1542
1. Annelotte Kreuz (Queen's Blade: Rebellion)

She is the leader of the "Rebellion Army" and she is also a knight filled with pride and sense of justice. Originally she was a member of the Knights of the Margrave Kreuz, known as the strongest order in the continent, and she is also the daughter of the Margrave. For some reason she was raised as a boy by the Margrave.


След малко ще добавя и другите две. И отново ще се повторя: Не може ли да увеличите на четири максималния брой предложения за всеки потребител,
че доста ме затруднявате? :(

2. Chifusa Manyuu (Manyuu Hikenchou)

The tomboyish successor of the Manyu clan and an expert samurai. She is hotheaded, rash and temperamental but is incredibly loyal and kind-hearted. However, she is prone to becoming enticed with buxom women as a result of her time with her mother. This often puts her at a disadvantage against the assassins sent after her due to easily being distracted by the "assets". Despite the fact that she was meant to continue the tradition of the Manyū, she deserts her family because of her hatred of the unfair system with which her family governs (which is judging women's worth based on the size of their breasts) and steals the Scroll of Secrets, which contains techniques on how to enlarge breasts. She is also the only person capable of a technique known as Breast Flow (乳流れ Chichi-nagare?), which allows her to control the form of breasts and thus allows her to enlarge or reduce breasts. Because of her inexperience with the technique, initially she can only use it to absorb other women's breasts. After discovering this technique, Chifusa made it her ultimate goal to master it so she could ensure all women in Japan a decent-sized bust. A key part of personality is that she disdains large breasts, how people are treated with or without them, and manipulating people with them (such as large breasted girls at a maid inn).


По-късно ще предложа и третата, само че ще трябва хубаво да помисля, че много хубавици - места малко. :(

3. Aki Nijou (Maken-Ki!)

Birthday: December 4

The school nurse. She is also the staff-advisor (sort of a "teacher overseer") of maken-ki. She was in the maken-ki of the school before it became an all girl's school. She has absurdly huge breasts, the largest of the cast, which attracts the attention of all male students and the envy of girls around her.

B - 103
W - 58
H - 97


Това са! Дано да се отвори още една квота, че да ми е мирна главата. :lol:

Последна промяна Dark Ranger на Чет Апр 03, 2014 12:29 pm, променена общо 22 пъти

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Апр 01, 2014 1:36 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Сеп 02, 2007 2:30 am
Мнения: 2667
Ако са малко предложенията,вероятно ще станат 4.

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Апр 04, 2014 1:36 am 

Регистриран на: Пет Фев 17, 2012 8:00 pm
Мнения: 1201
1.Holo (Spice and Wolf)
Holo is a wolf harvest deity originally from a land in the north known as Yoitsu. She made a promise with men from a town called Pasloe where she would ensure the town would have good wheat harvests year after year. However, as time went on, the townspeople slowly started to forsake Holo and did not rely on her as they once did. As such, Holo escapes from town in Lawrence's wagon and started traveling with him to see how much the world has changed since she has been in Pasloe. Holo has chosen the form of a girl younger than Lawrence, though she still retains her large white-tipped wolf tail, and ears. Her true form is that of a very large wolf which many people revered and feared.

She refers to herself as the "Wise Wolf of Yoitsu" (ヨイツの賢狼). She is typically very haughty and self-sufficient, though due to her isolation for hundreds of years in Pasloe, she gradually feels very lonely, and sometimes shows a more fragile side of herself. She relies on Lawrence for company as she fears loneliness, which is something that Lawrence is very aware of and tries to comfort her in his own way. Holo is also very aware of the different time spans that she and Lawrence have, as a human lifespan is like a blink of an eye for her kind. Holo is quite scared of that fact, but hides it with jokes. She has a peculiar way of speaking, modeled after that of the oiran high-class courtesans. She is fond of delicious food and alcohol, but especially loves apples. She takes pride in her tail and takes special care of it, constantly combing and maintaining it.

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2.Saya (Saya no Uta)
Saya is a being from another dimension who materialized in this universe for the sole purpose of reproduction. She has no memories of where she came from and is guided only by her instincts. Due to Fuminori's condition, he perceives her as a little young girl in a white dress, but in actuality she is some sort of amorphous, tentacled, fleshy abomination that emits a putrid stench. She preys on creatures of all sizes, from cats to human beings, typically killing them by snapping their necks or disembowelment through some unknown means, and then feasting on their internal organs. She is apparently capable of projecting a strong acid which she uses to partially digest her food before consuming it, and, in one case, to infiltrate a house by melting the glass of a window. Her true form is never fully revealed, as she immediately kills and consumes any third-party observers and notably because her visage is incomprehensible to humans, rendering them insane. The small amount of information regarding her actual form is gleaned entirely from in-game descriptions, which themselves are rather vague and never go into detail.
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3. Asuka (NGE)
Asuka Langley Soryu (惣流・アスカ・ラングレー Sōryū Asuka Rangurē) is Second Children, who pilots Evangelion Unit 02. She is from Germany, but with an American father and a half-German, half-Japanese mother.

Her mother, Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu, went insane after an Eva-related experiment and began to believe that a doll that resembled Asuka was, in fact, her daughter, to the point that she refused to acknowledge the real Asuka. Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu committed suicide on the very day that Asuka was chosen to become an Eva pilot. On that day, Asuka promised herself that she would never cry again. This event gives her an innate hatred of dolls and all things that she perceives to be doll-like, especially Rei. Despite those feelings Asuka shows no hesitation when required to cooperate with Rei when necessary, proving her to be committed and professional regarding her duties as an Eva pilot.

Asuka's father later remarried a woman for whom Asuka feels no affection. Asuka feels the need to verbally and sometimes physically lash out at everyone around her, except to her unrequited crush, Kaji, who is Misato's ex-boyfriend and more than twice Asuka's age. On her better days, however, she can be quite cheerful and friendly.

Like Shinji, Asuka also has a difficulty being close to people, except unlike Shinji, who shells himself, Asuka's coping mechanism is over-aggressiveness and so she unintentionally hurts people she likes, pushing them away and thus sinking further into loneliness and self resentment. This issue is referred to as the "hedgehog's dilemma" and is a recurring motif in the story.

In Rebuild of Evangelion, her name is changed to Asuka Langley Shikinami.

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ded forum and you know it
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Апр 04, 2014 5:05 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юни 09, 2011 7:46 pm
Мнения: 932
Местоположение: SPACE
Yusa Emi (Hataraku Maou-sama!)

The hero who defeated Satan Lord. After forcing the Satan Lord out, she is not satisfied until she sees to it that he is destroyed so she follows him into the human world. However, just like the Satan Lord, upon coming to Earth, she is reduced into a commoner and most of her powers are gone. She works as a customer service at Docodemo to earn a living.

Kirigiri Kyouko (Danganronpa)

An enigmatic lavender-haired girl whose high school talent is unknown. Though aloof and slow to trust others, she's adept at noticing things which the other students don't, which proves vital once bodies start turning up. She often advises Naegi on conducting investigations. Apparently, she's trying to retrieve something that Monobear stole from her in the past.

Oda Raika (Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!)

Age: 20
Height: 167 cm
Tama University School of Literature second year student. Well endowed, a very good cook in Japanese cuisine and the only female member in the club. She does not show emotion easily and does not talk much. She loves cute things, which will embarrass her and make her more strange than usual.

Последна промяна TsukiAkari на Съб Апр 05, 2014 7:55 pm, променена общо 3 пъти

 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Апр 04, 2014 6:39 pm 

Регистриран на: Пет Фев 17, 2012 8:00 pm
Мнения: 1201
VastoLorde96 написа:
ПП.: Абе, от няколко години се чудя...
Някой изобщо чете ли какво пише за момичетата
и като цяло кандидатите в различните шоудауни, 'щото аз не чета? :lol:

This explains why people vote for generic as fuck characters и защо последните спечелили са shit, но както казват правилата може да си гласувата за каквато "красота" ви хареса, so who am I to complain?


ded forum and you know it
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Апр 04, 2014 8:50 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Сеп 24, 2005 6:19 pm
Мнения: 4600
Kurisu Makise
Age: 18
Birthday: July 25 (Leo)
Blood type: A
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 45 kg

The female protagonist. A research member in Victor Qondria University's Brain Research Program (age group matches that of third-year high school, but skipped a grade through America's educational system). 18 years old, skipped a grade and is in university. Also famous in America for writing thesis papers, part of which is covered in the news. Tsundere. Thanks to skipping a grade in America as a girl, she was envied by people around her, and ended up building a strong personality. Doesn't want to show weakness to others, so she always has a stern expression. However, she is very curious, and when she builds interest she pokes into things. Occasionally has views that differ from regular opinion, like, "The experiment data is more important than the subject's privacy." Rintarou often tells her, "Hey, you've got a pretty good sense of being a Mad Scientist," but she's not one to agree to such things personally.

Rintarou has given her plenty of nicknames, in particular "Christina" and "Assistant"



Saki Rukino (流木野 サキ)
Birthday: September 4
Zodiac: Virgo
Gender: Female
Height: 163 cm
Blood Type: A
Occupation: Student, Pilot, New JIOR Minister of Public Relations

A popular idol who has grown aloof due to her career being on hold.
Despite of her cold looks, she is the opposite of what she seems. Despite being isolated from others, due to her being an idol, she is very caring and protective of others which is not the slightest bit obvious. However, because of her career downfall, Rukino is hinted to have some kind of desire for people to acknowledge her (this was shown when Rukino used her new-found power to possess Haruto and posting comments praising her on the net). Rukino also dislikes others speaking ill about her (shown when Takahi clashed with Rukino and slapped her) and she bears apathy toward adults because of her painful past. In later episodes, Rukino is shown to develop feelings toward Haruto and becomes jealous when both Shoko and Haruto are being together. Saki's affection toward Haruto is clearly shown when she let "berserk Haruto" "do" her without resisting. After the incident, she tries to lessen Haruto's guilt by telling him that he was not responsible for what had happened between them.


 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Апр 05, 2014 5:34 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Май 25, 2009 9:40 am
Мнения: 2436
Blade and Soul от този сезон е добър донор на мацки за тазгодишното Pantsu :)

too bad i am too lazy to enroll any of them

<<<<<<<V I N L A N D>>>>>>>>
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Апр 05, 2014 7:15 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Юли 16, 2013 6:13 pm
Мнения: 700
Местоположение: Годеч
Asuna Yuuki (結城 明日奈 (アスナ))
Birthday: September 30, 2007
Age: 15 (Beginning of Aincrad arc); 17 (End of Aincrad arc, Fairy Dance arc); 18 (Phantom Bullet arc, Alicization Arc)
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Three Sizes: 82-60-83
Weapons of choice: Wind Fleuret (1st Floor), Lambent Light (Forged by Lisbeth)

Asuna is a friend of Kirito and is a sub-leader of the guild Knights of the Blood (KoB), a medium-sized guild of about thirty players, also called the strongest guild in Aincrad. Being one of the few girls that are in SAO, and even more so that she's extremely pretty, she receives many invitations and proposals. She is a skilled player earning the title "Flash" for her extraordinary sword skill that is lightning fast. Her game alias is the same as her real world name.

She is married to Kirito in SAO. They decided to have a peaceful life and decided to buy a house on the lower part of Aincrad and take a break from the guild Knights of the Blood Oath. But later they need to return to the front lines and have to abandon their peaceful life.

After the SAO incident, all the players that survived should have awoken, but Asuna is still trapped within her NerveGear. She is actually abducted by her betrothed, Sugou Naboyuki, who transfers her to Alfheim Online (ALO).

In ALO, She is known as Queen Titania, yet she is only a character who is trapped within a cage that is programmed to be a unbreakable object. She was rescued by Kirito who became a Game Master by accessing Heathcliff's account, and defeated Sugou. Kirito logged Asuna off from ALO and rejoins her in the hospital after he ended his fight with Sugou in the real world.

Lucy Heartfilia (ルーシィ・ハートフィリア)
Birthday: July 1, X767 (Cancer)
Occupation: mage
Affiliation: Fairy Tail Guild
Known relatives: Layla Heartfilia (Mother), Jude Heartfilia (Father)
Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
Height: 165 cm

Lucy is a 17 year-old mage and the main female character of Fairy Tail. She is the newest member of Fairy Tail guild, joining at the start of the main story line. Lucy's member stamp is located on the back of her right hand. Her measurements are B:91 W:59 H:88.

At the beginning of the series, Lucy is an independent novice mage searching for a mage guild to join, particularly interested in Fairy Tail, which she claims as the strongest mage guild. Though she tells Happy she considered joining Fairy Tail's rival guild, Phantom Lord, due to their similar outrageous nature and personality, she is content with her decision of joining Fairy Tail. After being rescued by Natsu from the slave ship, she is invited to join the guild. Once joining Fairy Tail, Lucy becomes a member of Natsu's team.

Lucy is one of the saner and more stable members of Fairy Tail, having common sense that other members of the guild seem to lack. She consistently points out Natsu's and others' idiocy. Lucy is also very confident in her appearance and sexiness, exuding a certain amount of vanity. Despite this superficial attitude, Lucy is passionate for literature and is in the process of writing her own novel about her adventures with Fairy Tail. She is a member of the Heartphilia family, one of the richest and most influential conglomerate families in the country of Fiore. However, due to her estranged relationship with her father and the death of her mother, she left home to follow her own path.

It should also be noted that she was the only other person who had ever shut Gray and Natsu up without beating them up first. Natsu and Gray seem a little scared of her when she's under the weather, even if Lucy's magic is not as strong as theirs and can't force them into submission like Erza.

Lucy practices Stellar Spirit magic, a skill which allows her to summon spirits from another world using Keys of the Gates. Her Stellar Spirits have varying levels of power, with different ones suited for different tasks. For example, Aquarius can control water, while Taurus has enormous strength. Along with her keys, she also carries a whip, which she is proficient with. Lucy explains to Natsu that Stellar Spirit mages have the potential to obtain extremely rare Gold Keys, which open the gates of the "Ecliptic Zodiac", and common, store-bought Silver keys. Each gold key has the Zodiac symbol of the one it is used to summon on it. According to Lucy, while there are large number of silver keys, there are only 12 gold keys. Thus far in the series, Lucy has obtained 10 Gold Keys and 4 Silver Keys. She also summoned all of her Gold keys (5 of them at the time) and Plue at once, although it only lasted a few seconds, it showed her to be very powerful. Loki's previous owner was a very powerful mage, yet she could not summon more than one at a time.

She is the daughter of "Heartfillia Konzern", one of the wealthiest families in her country. Her father went bankrupt due to some reason and went to work in a guild. Her father and mother met in the merchant guild Lucky, and he worked up his fortune from then on.

It is hinted that she has strong feelings for Natsu; even planning on accepting Natsu's "confession".

"Life is eternal; and love is immortal; and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight."
 Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown VII - записване, дискутиране, коментиран
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Апр 06, 2014 12:57 am 
Anime Hunter

Регистриран на: Сря Апр 07, 2010 2:06 pm
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айде бе хора може да вкарвате и от игри стига с тез анимета блъскайте герои от лигата XD

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