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Заглавие: Mecha Showdown I: Кръг 1, Showdown 4  Публикувано на: Съб Май 12, 2012 11:47 pm |
dadaadda |
The No-Goodnick |
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9849 Местоположение: PervTown
еми... добре... явно ще угаждам на себе си и още няколко човека и това нещо ще се проведе И така, нека да уточним: Тук ще сравняваме по Красота. Било то красота на дизайна, красота на способности, красота на приложение, красота на разрушителна мощ.. въобще, каквато красота се сетите :3-> *click* <- дискусии, коментари, решетката и екстри *Право на глас ще имат хората регистрирани преди 1ви Май 2012. Гласува се чрез коментар и се надявам ясно и точно да отбелязвате гласа си, И нека започваме: ______________________________ CaBa написа: ______________________________ Harada Risa написа: ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice [Gundam Seed Destiny] The ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice is a mobile suit and the successor to ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam and featuring appears in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny. The unit is mainly piloted by Athrun Zala.
Technology & Combat Characteristics: While the ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom is armed with many long-ranged weapons like DRAGOONSs, the ∞ Justice has many close combat weapons. Its armaments include several beam sabers and blades, machine cannons, a beam boomerang, a grapple stinger and an optional beam rifle. As with its predecessor, the ∞ Justice mounts a sub-flight lifter, which also mounts a large number of weapons like beam cannons and beam sabers. The ∞ Justice seems designed to fight mostly other mobile suits, unlike the Strike Freedom which easily destroys 3 Nazca class battleships. However, the sub-flight lifter is capable of ramming straight through an enemy ship and Athrun uses this tactic to great effect to almost single-handedly sink the Minerva.
Armaments: MA-M02G "Super Lacerta" beam saber
MA-M1911 high-energy beam rifle
METEOR unit: The METEOR unit is equipped with additional weapons and grants the ∞ Justice use of 120cm beam cannons,93.7cm high-energy beam cannons, MA-X200 beam swords and "Erinaceus" anti-ship missile launchers.
MMI-GAU26 17.5mm CIWS: A CIWS mounted in the chest also for short range engagements, soft targets and point defense.
MMI-M9L 14mm dual machine guns: Two machine guns mounted in the head meant for short range engagements, soft targets and point defense.
MR-Q15A "Griffon" beam blades: Another, more unique weapon of the suit are its two MR-Q15A "Griffon" beam blades, one mounted in each lower leg. When activated, a beam is generated between the knees and foot, which allows the Infinite Justice to surprisingly attack enemy units or kick away beam boomerangs. This tactic is used to great effect by Athrun in his final battle with the Impulse and Destiny.
MX2002 Beam Carry Shield: As with the other newer Gundam-type mobile suits, the ∞ Justice is equipped with a beam shield for defense. While the other Gundams carry two beam shield generators, the Justice only mounts a single MX2002 beam carry shield on its left forearm. This shield however mounts additional weaponry, which comes in the form of a single RQM55 "Shining Edge" beam boomerang and a EEQ8 Grapple Stinger, similar to the extensional arrestor like that of the ZGMF-600 GuAIZ.
System Features: Fatum-01 Backpack/Sub-Flight Lifter: The main piece of weaponry used on the ∞ Justice is its Fatum-01 backpack/sub-flight lifter, an upgraded variant of the original ZGMF-X09A Justice's Fatum-00 backpack. As with its predecessor, the sub-flight lifter can be used in three different ways. The first is being mounted on the back of the suit with its wings swept back to take less space. Second it can be used as a sublifter, similar to the Guul, allowing the ∞ Justice to stand upon it. The third use of the sub-flight lifter is as a remote weapon, during which it is controlled by the pilot to attack enemies from different directions. The Fatum-01 holds six engines, two large ones on top and four beneath the wings, granting the Fatum-01 (and the ∞ Justice when docked) great speed and agility. The Fatum-01 is not without weapons either. A MA-6J "Hyper Fortis" beam cannons are mounted over either shoulder when the Fatum-01 docks with the Infinite Justice. These weapons do have a limited range of traverse but can be elevated 180 degrees. Rotating the cannons 180 degrees exposes the MA-M02S "Preface Lacerta" beam sabers on the back side. There is a single MA-M02G "Super Lacerta" beam saber mounted in the Fatum-01's nose. Finally the leading edge of each wing mounts a MR-Q17X "Griffon 2" beam blades when flying on its own, the sub-flight lifter with activated blades can be used to ram into enemy structures and fly through them, causing massive damage.
Hyper-Deuterion Reactor: Like the other new Gundams, the Justice mounts a Hyper-Deuterion Nuclear Reactor, granting it nearly infinite operation time and enough power to use the METEOR unit and Variable Phase Shift armor.
METEOR Support System: The suit's most powerful weapon is the optional METEOR support system, a large mobile weapons platform with powerful thrusters and an even more powerful armament of battleship-caliber beam cannons, large beam swords, and dozens of heavy missile launchers that are designed specifically for the ∞ Justice and its companion unit Strike Freedom.
Neutron Jammer Canceller: A device built into the ∞ Justice to counter the effects of Neutron Jammers, this gives the ∞ Justice the ability to use its Hyper-Deuterion Reactor without risk of being shut down.
Operating System: The ∞ Justice uses an updated version of the operating system Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assault Module complex.
Variable Phase Shift Armor: An improved version of phase shift armor, VPS armor is capable of automatically changing its strength and power consumption.
        ______________________________ Туй като "правилата за записване" бяха доста разпуснати и исках да споменавате абсолютно всичко, за което можете да се сетите, че би било сметнато за красиво, като предлагахте - съм решил направо да цитирам дадените предложения :3 // да... може би и защото съм мързел... big deal  Гласуването в този кръг ще трае до 19ти с/у 20ти Май 2012// да, да... все още ще ги държа по 1 седмица...
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: Кръг 1, Showdown 4  Публикувано на: Нед Май 13, 2012 10:52 am |
JohnnyQuid |
Регистриран на: Нед Авг 22, 2010 6:11 pm Мнения: 2690 Местоположение: Void
realist написа: Black Getter
_________________ Sometimes i wanna go out and kill motherfuckers.
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: Кръг 1, Showdown 4  Публикувано на: Пон Май 14, 2012 8:49 am |
Shizuka |
Регистриран на: Пон Май 05, 2008 6:40 pm Мнения: 1281
ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice
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