Заглавие: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Публикувано на: Пон Апр 16, 2012 8:21 pm
The No-Goodnick
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9845 Местоположение: PervTown
Добрем... нека да започна с това, и да видим дали ще има интерес Първо на първо ще трябва да намислим някакви правилца и, може би, ограничения
Значи... най-напред да се разберем, че ще търсим Красота! Било то самата красота на дизайна, красотата на способностите, красотата на улеснението/усложнението на пилотиране, красотата на това което вие намирате за по-красиво и т.н.т. Да речем, на мен много би ми харесало ако предложите меха, която да може да ми сервира топла чаша чай докато пилотирам :3
Второ, значи, ще зачитаме само роботчета пилотирани ръчно(образно казано) от вътрешна пилотска кабина. (То щом е така, може би трябва да го пиша Piloted Robot Showdown , ама както и да е... така съм тръгнал, така ще го пиша )
Значи... да започваме:
Всеки има право на до 4 предложения.
Всяко предложение се дава с поне 3 хубави картинки/шотове под формата на thumbnail и/или линк.
Към всяко предложение трябва да запишете/приложите/покажете/т.н.т. какво вие лично намирате за красиво и/или какво другите биха намерили за красиво в дадената Mecha.
Предложенията може да взимате от Анимета, Визуални новели, Игри, Хентай и т.н.т.
Краен срок: 11 Май 2012
Надявам се всичко да е ясно, да има желаещи, да ни е приятно, да се радваме и да не съм правил много грешки при създаването на тази тема
едит: Еми... явно
dadaadda написа:
Към всяко предложение трябва да запишете/приложите/покажете/т.н.т. какво вие лично намирате за красиво и/или какво другите биха намерили за красиво в дадената Mecha.
съм го бил сложил леко сложничко Най-накратко с това искам от вас да сложите кратко описание, видеота, анимирани .gifчета, каквото се сетите стига да показва защо избраната от вас Mecha е Красива.
И подреждането в "решетката" би трябвало да е:
Кръг 1:
Showdown 1: - Teryan Kaduro manufactured Mountain Trail RB, type L "Fuego" (6 гласа) - Aquarion Evol (20 гласа)
Showdown 2: - Dann of Thursday (14 гласа) - Tachikoma (11 гласа)
Unit type: dynamic general guardian Height: 55.4 meters Weight: 142.7 metric tons Equipment: direct motion link system, Tesla drive Armament: Type 3 Zankantou x 1, dynamic knuckle x 2, general blaster Pilot: Sanger Zonvolt
не мога а се сдържа - ето и картинка на Зонволт *click*
Клипчета: Битка
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Публикувано на: Пон Апр 16, 2012 9:21 pm
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm Мнения: 9348
Name: Knight of Gold Lachesis, Destiny Mirage Type: Mirage D Meight: Ladios Sop Nation: AKD (Amaterasu family personal MH) Height: 15 meters Weight: 144 tons Output: around 3 trillion horsepower Weaponry: The Knight of Gold is equipped with the typical arsenal of mortar headd weaponry including lasers, machineguns, S-mines, spaads and a pair of Katana-style speids for melee combat. The KoG is also equipped with a "sawed-off" Buster Rock. The Buster Rock is the little brother to the Buster Launcher, and though it is considered less powerful than its larger sibling, the Buster Rock is still more than capable of wiping out everything on the battlefield. The Knight of Gold is the first mortar headd in the galaxy to be permanently equipped with Buster weaponry.
^ Сцената с робота е към ~2:30 кадър
Управлява се от двама пилота - headdliner и fatima ~ Не е най-лесната за управление меха и затова не може всеки да се пъхне вътре и да я контролира >.< btw Пилотира се с мозък xD (т.е не е много ръчно - ако не става, казвайте да зависвам нещо друго)
Ето и как изглеждат - скицирано, обаче, отвътре:
1. 2.
А да, Mamoru Nagano е дизайнерът и създател на моделите. Малко се е вживял в ролята си и е направил нещо като роботи за модно ревю.
PS Искам ми се да ви пусна още негови модели, особено някой от тези с токчетата <3 Machine Messiah Auge, Empress Flame, Bang Doll <3 Но язък, няма ги много в анимето, макар че има арт бууци и манга, от които мога да дам ... Пък и както споменах, управлението - има си кабина и за двата пилота, но управлението не е ръчно - става с мисъл, но пак си иат и устройства да става това .... Така че, ако даду позволи ще ви пусна и втората x3
Последна промяна crazy_little_crow на Пон Апр 16, 2012 9:51 pm, променена общо 1 път
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Strike Freedom features highly enhanced offensive and defensive capabilities. Unlike its predecessor, the Freedom (which can be categorized as a medium range mobile suit), the Strike Freedom excels in various ranges to suit the combat needs and style of its Coordinator pilot Kira Yamato, who often had to utilize Freedom in close quarter battles, aided by the its high mobility, in order to more-easily avoid striking or shooting at the cockpits or other vital parts (those that can cause catastrophic explosions) of his opponent's mobile suits and to only incapacitate them or otherwise prevent them from continuing a fight.
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Публикувано на: Пон Апр 16, 2012 9:59 pm
Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Genesic GaoGaiGar (Yuusha Ou GaoGaiGar Final)
Components: Genesic GaiGar (Evoluder Guy + Galeon with original program) + ProtectGao + SpiralGao + BrokenGao + StraightGao + GadgetGao. Seen in King of Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL. The original version of GaoGaiGar as designed by Cain of the Green Planet, based on the power of the G-Crystal from which the G-Stone is derived. Its necessary components - the five Genesic Machines and a copy of Galeon's original programming - were stored in a gigantic G-Crystal at the former location of the Trinary Solar System. Portions of its design (mechanical hair, distinctive "helmet") bear a resemblance to the design of Cyborg Guy in his Ultimate Armor. It is the strongest God of Destruction, the ultimate shape of courage. Genesic's design is distinctly different from its predecessors - in addition to having five GaoMachines rather than three, Genesic is given a much more streamlined design than GaoGaiGar or GaoFighGar, with flatly cylindrical forearms rather than the bulbous forearms of the others and a tail housing its option parts onboard rather than having them flown in seperately. It is also the only one which causes a change in Guy himself. The orange "hair" is actually a connected series of power batteries, and when activated can give a temporary boost in power. Guy's Hyper Mode, for example, is powered by two strands of batteries. Genesic GaoGaiGar has significantly more than two strings of such canisters - each individual strand of hair is a line of dozens of batteries. Though only briefly shown (a little more than a second of footage near the end of the Goldion Crusher scene), the hair stiffens out when activated. Genesic GaoGaiGar is protected by Genesic Armor, which seems to bear similar properties to J-Ark's Generating Armor. Contact with it releases Genesic Aura, causing damage. In stark contrast to the normal green hue associated with the G-Stone, the Genesic Aura is bright orange in color, similarly to The Power. Almost all damage suffered by Genesic GaoGaiGar is on its left ("Protect") side, while its right ("Broken") side remains mostly untouched. This may be a nod to its role as the God of Destruction.
Mazinkaiser SKL (Mazinkaiser SKL)
The titular mecha of the series. Unlike the Mazinkaiser featured in the first OAV series, manga, and in video games, this version of Mazinkaiser has a completely different design, sporting a more demonic look. One of the biggest changes is the Kaiser Pilder, the aircraft used to dock onto the crown of Mazinkaiser to control it. It has been renamed as the "Skull Pilder" and redesigned to resemble more of a human skull hence its name. The Skull Pilder also requires two pilots to control it, unlike the Kaiser Pilder where it is controlled by a single pilot. Another notable change is the eyelids having a blue color as opposed to yellow from past Mazingers. A skull in the center of Mazinkaizer SKL's chest is used in place of the "Z" symbol from the original Mazinkaiser. The weapons for Mazinkaizer SKL are also different from that of the original Mazinkaiser. This incarnation of Mazinkaizer is equipped with a weapon known as the "Ganzantou", a gigantic sword attached to its back. The sword's handle can be extended so it can be used as a pole weapon. The spikes extending at the other side of the Ganzatou's blade is designed to tear apart the innards of its target, as seen in the promotional images. Another weapon unique to Mazinkaizer SKL are the "Breast Triggers". Attached to Mazinkaizer SKL's chest area, they are a pair of handguns SKL can use to shoot its enemies from mid-range. Blades are also attached to the nozzle and beneath the handle of each handgun, allowing the Mazinkaizer SKL to slash at enemies up close. They can also be merged into a battle axe type weapon akin to the Getter Tomahawk and used as a melee weapon. When the Breast Triggers are not in use, they are holstered to the chest, which forms a resemblance of Devilman's face. When combined with the Wingle's Scrander the Wing Cross, SKL's limiter is released, allowing it to fight at full power, changing its eye color from blue to yellow, as well as unlocking a new set of weapons, which are variations of those from past Mazingers. The Tornado Crusher Punch is SKL's version of the Rocket Punch, with the difference being that Ken Kaido is able to guide them to their target after they are deployed. The Breast Triggers fire laser beams as opposed to solid rounds. The Rust Stream is SKL's version of the Rust Tornado from Mazinkaiser. The Thor Hammer Breaker allows SKL to shoot a huge bolt of lightning towards its target from the Ganzantou, similar to Great Mazinger's Thunder Break. Finally, the Inferno Blaster is SKL's most powerful attack, acting similar to the Fire Blaster from Mazinkaiser.
Black Getter (Getter Robo: Armageddon)
Ryouma makes this custom Black Getter from the wreckage of a regular Getter Robo on the Moon, to return to Earth.
Gaiking (Gaiking)
A mysterious mecha formed from the Daikū Maryū's head plus Parts 1 (Arms and Chest) and 2 (Torso, Legs and Feet), it's piloted by Daiya and is the main machine of the series. It's the third Flame Giant, possessing an even mix of speed, power, and defense in comparison to the specialized Raiking and Vulking. Its attacks are versatile, including the Despair Sight eye lasers, Zaul Geyser (a helix beam from the chest's eyes), and the Volt Paralyzer electrical shocks in its horns. Unlike most super robots, Gaiking's Puncher Grind rocket punch does not return upon being fired, to Daiya's initial surprise. It must instead be retrieved using the Zector Hooks mounted in its shoulders, which can also be used for grappling opponents or objects. Each of its legs mounts a Counter Cross blade for use as swords or throwing stars. It can charge up its pilot's flame to release in a wave called Hydro Blazer - upon Daiya's training with Li, he learns to focus this into a concentrated ball called Shinryu Hydro Blazer. It can also call for the Gaiking Axe, Gaiking Spear and Gaiking Shield from the Daiku Maryu, or combine the Spear with one of the Counter Crosses to form a larger pike.
Gaiking's greatest feature is called Face Open; when used, it causes Gaiking to emit four times the heat it normally does, also quadrupling the machine's speed and power. However, the strain on the pilot's flame is potentially life-threatening, requiring the use of a limiter to keep it from killing Daiya.
Model number: ATM-09-ST Code name: Scopedog Unit type: mass production standard mid-class armored trooper Manufacturer: Gilgamesh Confederation/Melkian Federation Operator(s): Gilgamesh Confederation/Melkian Federation; civilians First deployment: Astragius Year 7198 Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso/head Dimensions: overall height 3.804 meters, 2.208 meters (standby mode); overall width 1.936 meters; overall depth 1.763 meters Weight: dry 6.387 metric tons; full 6.627 metric tons Armor materials: unknown material, armor thickness 6-14mm Powerplant: unknown Muscle cylinder system: 1P-MJ-S2 Polymer ringers (PR) liquid type: DT-MO PR liquid power: 10.2 hp per liter squared PR liquid capacity: 184 liters Reserve PR liquid tank capacity: 20 liters PR liquid replacement time: 218 hours Performance: gliding wheel speed (dry weight): 82.6 km/h; gliding wheel speed (full combat weight): 41 km/h; gliding wheel power: 230 hp; gliding wheel torque: 51 kg/m Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; MCT-128-C control computer; optional ATC-BR01-S Roundmover, can be mounted on back; optional ATP-BP01-ST Parachute Mission Pack, can be mounted on back Fixed armaments: 2 x arm punch, uses replaceable cartridges Optional fixed armaments: SMAT-38 9-tube shoulder missile gun pod Optional hand armaments: GAT-22 30mm heavy machine gun w/grenade launcher; GAT-49min 50mm Pentatrooper; SAT-03 60mm solid shooter bazooka; GAT-35 long gun
Малко допълнителни бележки:
During the Hundred Years War between the Gilgamesh Confederation and the Balarant Union, military technology takes great leaps forward with the introduction of humanoid "machine troopers" and later "armored troopers" (code named VOTOM: Vertical One-man Tank for Offense and Maneuvers). However, the creation of the ATM-09-ST Scopedog in Astragius Year 7198 marks the turning point in the war. With its compact design, the Scopedog is suitable for various combat environments, including space, terrestrial battlefields and urban environments. The Scopedog is highly maneuverable thanks to gliding foils installed in the feet that allow it to roll on the ground. Muscle cylinders powering the limbs allow the Scopedog to perform human-like movements. The Scopedog also features a camera lens turret that links directly to the pilot's goggles. In addition, the Scopedog can load cartridges for its standard hydraulic-powered arm punch.
As part of its design, the base Scopedog can be outfitted with several pieces of optional equipment and weapons. The Roundmover pack provides space mobility, and the Parachute Mission Pack allows the Scopedog to be air dropped by an AT carrier. The Scopedog is commonly armed with a heavy machine gun/grenade launcher, but it can also carry optional weapons that include bazookas, Gatling guns and rocket launchers. Although a cease fire is announced in 7213, the mass produced Scopedog remains the mainline unit of the Melkian forces. Many units fall into civilian hands for use in the the arena combat game Battling. In addition, many variations are created for military and civilian use.
Картинки: (<- винаги му казвах че има три очи )
първата картинка е как изглежда роботчето при stand-by mode <3
Още Картинки:
И да не забравя - интериорът xD
Клипчета: От едно време ...
... с компютърна анимация
Хората са казали, че красотата се крие в простите неща
PS Не знам защо ми харесват тези с кръглата грала - същата работа и с MRC-F20 SUMO xD Като се замисля вина за това има R2D2 xDDD
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
The GAT-X207 Blitz is a Mobile Suit featured in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. The unit is piloted by Nicol Amalfi.
Technology & Combat Characteristics: Designed as a stealth-use mobile suit, the Blitz features several special weapons and technologies. Among the weapons used by the suit are an anchor and an offense/defense system, mounting several weapons. Design-wise, it was unique among the four Alliance prototypes, as the Blitz featured Mirage Colloid cloaking technology that rendered it invisible to both sensors and the naked eye.
Armaments: "Gleipnir" Anchor: The left forearm of the Blitz mounts the "Gleipnir" anchor, a weapon which can be fired to pierce an enemy unit and then retrieved on a line. A similar technology is installed on the GAT-X105+AQM/E-X02 Sword Strike in the form of the "Panzer Eisen" rocket anchor.
"Trikeros" Offense/Defense System: Mounted on the right arm of the suit, the "Trikeros" offense/defense system is the main weapon and shield of the Blitz and includes several features: -50mm High-energy Beam Rifle -For ranged combat, the Trikeros mounts a high-energy beam rifle -Lancer Darts -The Blitz has three lancer darts that can be fired or be used for close combat. -Beam Saber -Mounted on the Trikeros, its the Blitz's primary close combat weapon of choice.
System Features: Mirage Colloid stealth system: The Blitz is the first mobile weapon to use the Mirage Colloid technology. The stealth system is a field of microscopic prisms held in magnetic suspension around the Gundam by use of the same energy conduits used to generate the Phase Shift armor (which naturally renders PS useless while the Colloid is active). However since the system needs a lot of energy it can only be activated for up to 80 minutes. Also since Phase Shift armor can't be activated during use of Mirage Colloid, the Blitz is highly vulnerable in cloaked state if an enemy is able to find its position.
Phase Shift armor: As with all of the G Project mobile suits, the GAT-X207 Blitz is equipped with phase shift armor. When activated the Blitz's color is changed from a light grey to a bright black scheme with a bit of red mixed in. Phase Shift armor, when activated, renders the Blitz immune to physical attacks such as bullets, the GINN sword, or against missiles. However Phase Shift armor continually drains the battery of energy, shortening the mobile suit's combat endurance. Also the Phase Shift armor draws on even more energy each time it is struck.
13:05 - 13:30 / 16:15 - 21:20
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Публикувано на: Вто Апр 17, 2012 8:04 pm
Регистриран на: Вто Окт 02, 2007 3:35 pm Мнения: 4828 Местоположение: that one universe with answer 17/7
I fucking hate you dada
What did I say about Muv Luv?
Бойкотирам турнира не че съм ви нужен
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Публикувано на: Вто Апр 17, 2012 8:11 pm
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm Мнения: 9348
пак можеш да пуснеш едно-две иначе даду трябва да ни пусне да предлагаме по 10, а не по 3, за да докараме някаква прилична бройка х3 в момента имам още около 10 предложения между които се чудя и ...мисля че ще си едитвам второто продложение ... или ... и аз нз вече
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Публикувано на: Вто Апр 17, 2012 8:15 pm
Регистриран на: Вто Окт 02, 2007 3:35 pm Мнения: 4828 Местоположение: that one universe with answer 17/7
Е, какво... брат ми ще пусне сигурно и сам СЕИТЕН, даже и да не го подбутна, а за да пусна нещо, което да се сравнява със СЕИТЕН, ще трябва да пусна от Muv Luv. Или да взема да преровя добрите шоута с мехи, и да изгледам няколко набързо.
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Публикувано на: Вто Апр 17, 2012 8:17 pm
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm Мнения: 9348
винаги може да се доизмисли нещо, недей се предава толкоз отрано имаме още 2 седмици да предлагаме ... макар че като знам каква е активността принципно >.<
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Добре, че предложиха genesic gaogaigar, нещо от votoms и нещо от mazinger, че списъка ми беше станал доста дълъг. Предложенията трябва да се увеличат поне на 4.
Публикувано на: Вто Апр 17, 2012 8:27 pm
The No-Goodnick
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9845 Местоположение: PervTown
erejnion написа:
I fucking hate you dada
What did I say about Muv Luv?
Спокойно де... и догодина е ден
и... стига с тия искания за увеличаване на предложенията... радвайте се че съм ви дал до 3, а не до 2
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Публикувано на: Вто Апр 17, 2012 9:11 pm
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm Мнения: 9348
Мисля, че трябва малко повече активност .... така че пускайте на воля като даже вече имате идеи какво да пускате ...вадете тайните списъци xD Пък така или иначе после ще ръчкаме даду да даде още по 1 ;P
ПП сега осъзнах, че не може да се слагат Транформърс мехите, въъъъъъх >.<
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Re: Mecha Showdown I: записване, дискусии и всякакви екстри
Unit 01 (初号機 Shogōki?) was created in the Third Annex of Gehirn's Artificial Evolution Laboratory in Hakone and is piloted by Shinji Ikari (with Dummy Plug as backup pilots). Unit 01's armor is primarily purple; some components are colored neon green, light blue, orange, and black. The humanoid entity beneath the armor has light brown skin, two emerald-green eyes, four small nostrils positioned, and red blood. It has the best battle record of all the Evangelions. It frequently acts independently, without the instructions of a pilot and without any apparent power source. The Eva will also take action to protect its pilot while sometimes servicing other interests. The Eva's resident soul, Yui Ikari (Shinji's mother), appears to be responsible for such events. Unit 01 is called the "Test Type".
Upon savagely disfiguring the fourteenth angel, Zeruel, Unit 01 used one of Zeruel's arms to regenerate its severed left arm and proceeded to devour the Angel and absorb its S² Engine (which seemed to be used only at Unit 01's discretion). After acquiring it, the Eva is still sent into battle with an umbilical cable. The Mass Production models were also equipped with Nerv-developed S² Engines.
In The End of Evangelion film, as a result of Third Impact, Unit 01 was used by Lilith in order to perform the Human instrumentality project. At the conclusion, Unit 01 is left floating adrift in space, fossilized and still containing the soul of Yui Ikari. In the Rebuild of Evangelion series, Unit 01 sports more neon green highlights on the head, chest, abdomen, and arms. The progressive knife and its storage mechanism are also redesigned, but most of the armor has not changed. During its fight with Shamshel, the skin of the humanoid entity beneath the armor is revealed to a lighter color than in the series. During its fight with Zeruel, after the internal batteries die, the neon green lights glow red and it sports a Halo as well as being able to fire an energy blast similar to the angels. It also replaced its missing arm with a limb formed out of its own AT field and absorbed Zeruel and its core, but the angel began to make it change into a new life form that defied reason, and would have come into existence at the cost of all previous life. It would have done so had Unit 06 not thrown the Lance of Longinus and stopped Unit 01's transformation.
A да попитам защо са само piloted? Не може ли да предложа някой, който може да се трансформира или самият е робот? И без това трябва да се ограничим от епични меки като Giant Robo и The Big O, но ако трябва и да се откажа от Juushin Liger, Tekkaman, Casshern и т.н....
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