Заглавие: Ultramaniac - Magical Girl
Тип: TV
Епизоди: 26
Излъчване: 20.05.2003 till 11.11.2003
Жанр: Comedy, Magic, Romance, School, Shoujo
MALРезюме: Nina Sakureiru, a witch from the Magic Kingdom, flunked magic school and was thus sent to Earth to improve her magic skills. There she quite literally bumps into the cool Tateishi Ayu, member of the tennis club, admired by her classmates, and also attends Hideo Middle School. Ayu soon finds out about Nina's secret identity as a witch, and they become best friends.
Life for both girls in eighth grade is far from simple though: Ayu has a crush on Kaji Tetsushi, the up and coming ace of the baseball team, but simply cannot confess her love to him. Nina on the other hand becomes fond of the reserved yet reliable Tsujiai Hiroki, also a member of the tennis club, even though she is already promised to someone in the Magic Kingdom. And to further complicate things, Nina's magic experiments tend to backfire... she is, after all, still a young witch in training.
Връзки (Манга):
ТУКВръзки (Аниме):
ТУКЛично мнение: Реших да драсна нещо за анимето, но видях, че няма тема и си викам да направя една. Нека драсне някой, който го е гледал.
Иначе анименцето става, не е лошо.