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4ти февруари 2009Rei Miyamotomanga: High School of the Dead
Rei Miyamoto is Takashi's sophomore classmate and childhood friend. She has known him since kindergarten. Like Takashi, she is also from Section B.
She bears resentment towards Takashi for killing her boyfriend, Hisashi, after he had become one of the zombies. Despite this, she openly admits that she needs Takashi. As the story progresses, they reconciled their relationships despite the ensuing chaos. She is skilled with a pole in combat due to her place in the sou-jutsu club and capable of beating down multiple opponents if need be. The only mention of her family is her father, who taught her how to shoot a gun with accuracy, because the latter is a detective.
Lucymanga: Mx0
Тя е мандрагора ( магическо растение с лечебни свойства ) и като такава е гола в човешкия си образ. Може да лети и е много мила и сладка.
Kannamanga: Onihime VS
Kanna is the older sister from the Oni Clan, also called “White Princess”. Together with her sister Rena, are aiming to be clan’s successor. They protect Keshiwagi Sestsuna who drinked Banrikou. They grow stronger after eating the hearts of human, and the heart that aged a year since drinking the Banrikou is the mark of clan’s successor. Kanna is also the stronger sister in pure power and use stimulate methods so Sestsuna to choose her as the one who will eat his heart.
Chun Hyan/Sandomanga: Shin Angyo Onshi
A beautiful woman with prodigious fighting skill. She acts as Munsu's 'Sando', or bodyguard. When she was kidnapped by a corrupt lord who wanted to make her his personal bodyguard, her lover embarked on a futile quest to become an angyō onshi. He died in the process, but not before making Munsu aware of her plight. After Munsu frees her, she decides to become his bodyguard in memory of her dead lover, and takes the title "Sando" as her new name.
Despite her fearsome natural fighting ability, Sando is quiet and shy, with a high moral stance. As a result, she is often in conflict with the amoral Munsu over his questionable methods. She has made it clear that if he ever becomes truly evil, she will no longer protect him. She also has a great fear of heights, and will refuse to cross bridges set over deep mountain gorges or valleys. Munsu finds this extremely peculiar, seeing as to how she often leaps several stories into the air during combat.
Reikamanga: Gantz
Reika is a beautiful, young and popular idol. Like almost everyone else, she is caught in the line of fire during Izumi's killing spree in Shinjuku. She develops a crush on Kurono after seeing him in action during her first night as a participant in the game. Surprisingly enough, she proves to be a formidable opponent against the Aliens. She uses her points to resurrect Tae because she wants Kurono to be happy. It is not until Kurono chooses to be free that she confesses to him that she loves him. After Kurono departs from the game, she is appointed the new team leader of Gantz. After Kurono is revived, Reika confesses her feelings to him, but Kurono, having rekindled his relationship with Tae, rebuffs her. Distraught over Kurono's choice, Reika suffers an apparent mental break, and resolves to earn 100 points to revive a new Kurono for herself.