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4ти февруари 2009Kosaka Shiguremanga: History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Shigure is a mysterious kunoichi and a slow talker. She is also a master of many weapons and believes that weaponry should be seen as an extension of the body: simply relying on the weapons strength alone will not make you a master of it.
Lilimmanga: Lilim Kiss
Лилим е демон "лилим" - кошмар, който се промъква в мъжките фантазии нощем с цел да съблазнява. Веднъж влязла в сънищата тя изсмуква жизнената енергия на жертвите си чрез целувката си. Може да лети и носи изрязано черно костюмче.
Satomimanga: Majin Devil
Her brother drinks the blood of the strongest demon(the pale vampire) and becomes Devil. He infects her and she becomes a monster too(he gets uglier and she gets cat ears ) She's immortal(ethernal life and instant regeneration) and extremely powerfull(uses sound as a weapon read the manga for more info(not that there is much in it )) and...
Motoko Gettoumanga: Change 123
Motoko Gettou is the protagonist of the series. Motoko's mother died when she was very young and she was adopted by three combat specialists. These "Three Fathers" trained her in karate, swordsmanship, submission techniques, close quarters combat and the handling of firearms. As a result of their rigorous training, she developed three distinct personalities collectively known as HiFuMi *. Motoko sees HiFuMi as a burden and wants to live a normal life, but knows they are just trying to look after her safety. Though she is shy she slowly starts to warm up to Kouskegawa, but nervously states they are just friends every time someone suggests that they are a couple.
* HiFuMi ("Hibiki", "Fujiko" and "Mikiri") appears when Motoko experiences strong emotions. The three personalities are in constant communication with each other, but cannot communicate with Motoko. The 3 of them are essentially younger, female versions of the "fathers".
Rachel Stanleymanga: History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Member of YOMI; she is the twin sister of Ethan and a Lucha Libre wrestler. Her symbol is steel. She makes up the other half of Team Gemini alongside her brother and participates in the D of D tournament. She has a flamboyant personality and is an attention seeker. She is the only female among the four YOMI members transferred to Kenichi's school. She also join the gymnastic club with Miu.