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 Заглавие: Музика: VAST
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Мар 08, 2008 2:51 am 

Регистриран на: Чет Май 10, 2007 5:27 am
Мнения: 15576
Местоположение: Kame House: Where the beaches are fine, and the bitches are finer.


    V.A.S.T. е американска банда от Аустин,Тексас [Austin, Texas].Акронимът V.A.S.T. стои за Visual Audio Sensory Theater и е най-голямото постижение на певецът/текстописец и душата на бандата Джон Кросби(Jon Crosby).Бандата е записана при 2blossoms,независимо звукозаписно студио създадено от самия Кросби.Поради честата смяна на членове и инструменталисти от бандата,Кросби очевидно става познат като човекът зад V.A.S.T. ,който директно контролира музикалната насока на бандата.Звукът на васт е ясно определен като амбиентен електро-рок с голяма доза индустриални и акустични елементи,обикновенно правени с личната акустична китара на Кросби,електронни инструментали и процесиране,парчета с барабанен ритъм,и тежък бас.На сцена V.A.S.T. използват множество сложни монитори и визуални ефекти за да подчертаят изпълнението на песните.
    Сега V.A.S.T. са известни предимно в ундърграунд сцените и имат голям набор от верни фенове.

    Early years

    Crosby's musical endeavors began at a young age of 13, where he was noted in Guitar Player Magazine as a promising guitarist for the future. He often recorded home demos with nothing more than a guitar and a drum machine, sometimes a bass player with him as well. He nearly signed onto a guitar-based label Shrapnel, but turned it down to work on his budding songwriting skills. Crosby eventually left High School to do Home Study and begin his own band, which he dubbed VAST. Much like fellow Alternative Rock/Industrial band Nine Inch Nails, Crosby was the only member but found a touring band who knew the songs well enough to play with him live.

    After sending multiple demo tapes to nearby radio stations in his home state of Texas, the band began to receive considerable attention; especially after Crosby sent a demo to Elektra Records, who eventually signed a contract with the budding musician. In a matter of no time, VAST released a teaser of their upcoming debut album Visual Audio Sensory Theater titled VAST Is... which featured the first four tracks of the album. The track Touched received considerable amounts of airplay on local radio stations before capturing the attention of a mainstream audience, and even being featured on a soundtrack to a movie and often being featured as a promo song to commercials or advertisements.

    Elektra years (1998-2000)

    Crosby was about to release his best material on April 28, 1998 with his debut album Visual Audio Sensory Theater. Promoted heavily by Elektra as a revolution in rock music due to Crosby's usage of various choirs, (like the Benedictine Monks of the Abbey of Saint-Maur and Les Mystere Des Voix Bulgares), a 17-piece orchestra, thrashing guitar tracks, ambient electronic noises, and sounds never heard before in conventional rock music. The band's popularity skyrocketed as the second single Touched became a hit, receiving good airplay around the country, receiving airplay on television as the soundtrack to Angel, and being used as a trailer for The Beach. The song is still a fan-favorite and gets considerable play on radios and television promos to this day. After Visual Audio Sensory Theater's astonishing success, the band went on an extensive tour as opening acts for countless bands, VAST gained lots of fans and a cult following. After the lengthy tourElektra put pressure on Crosby to produce a more mainstream, accessible release that they could market while still keeping VAST's distinct sound. This was something that made Crosby uneasy, but he agreed with the record company, and went back to the studio and created their most commercially successful release, Music for People.

    After the promising tracks of Visual Audio Sensory Theater, it was time for Crosby to go back to the drawing board and craft an album that Elektra wished to be more accessible, but still distinct musically. After two years, VAST returned with 2000's Music for People. Turmoil was abundant during the album's recording process as Crosby constantly fought with record executives over the music's direction and former backup guitarist Rowan Robertson wishing to leave VAST and begin his own solo career. By the end of the album's recording process, Robertson had left VAST, and Crosby reluctantly moved forward with the band and released the most emotional songs Crosby had released to this point. As expected (and much to Elektra's delight), Music for People created quite a buzz in the musical world as the band received multitudes of MTV airplay on their lead single Free's video, and the song Free charted on Billboard's Hot 100, and topped off at #42 on the list, and hit #2 on the Modern Rock Tracks. This commercial success skyrocketed VAST to fame, but Crosby was unhappy with the success of the band and Elektra's musical direction they wished VAST to move in, so in 2002, after a lengthy tour and soul-searching, Crosby went to the southwest to discover himself and dropped Elektra from VAST.

    Turquoise and Crimson years (2001-2005)

    In 2004, a refreshed Crosby recorded bundles of tracks that were titled Turquoise 3.x and Crimson 3.x, but were released online in bundles off of his website, only online. This move angered record companies, and as a result Crosby signed a short-term deal with 456 Entertainment to release the best of both releases as one album, titled Nude. Due to the relative obscurity of the label and the strange method of Turquoise & Crimson's release, the band quietly drifted off back to underground crowds as Crosby's musical integrity grew and became something that Crosby wanted, not what Elektra wanted. The idea of releasing Nude on an Indie label was a "nightmare", Crosby says because "There were so many problems dealing with them on every level. I feel we made a big mistake not believing in ourselves enough and doing it on our own.". The album also received barely any airplay or commercial success, and when unnoticed by most critics, except for the few who stated that Crosby had found new life on his own, and stated that Nude was his best work since Visual Audio Sensory Theater. But, blooming out of the disaster with 456, Crosby's independent label, 2Blossoms began.

    2blossoms years (2005-present)

    After a short tour for Nude, the band released 2blossoms's first release, A Complete Demonstration, which was a collection of early demo tracks during the Visual Audio sessions. The album was a limited-edition piece and sold quickly due to popular demand. Then in 2006, VAST released Turquoise & Crimson, a double-disc collection of all the tracks that were released as bundles online in 2004 online under his label. Popular demand was high, even with it being on an independent label, and eventually the album received a physical, retail release in stores. The album went over well with fans and critics alike, but still didn't receive enough attention to bring VAST back to the mainstream. In 2006, VAST released Live at CBGB's on their 2blossoms record to moderate sales. After multiple tours, VAST went back to the studio and recorded their first all-acoustic album, April.

    The release method for April was, once again, unorthodox. In 2006, Crosby released an online version of the acoustic album online with ten tracks. Originally intended to be the finished version, Crosby was 'unhappy with the finished version', so went back to the studio and finished the album with four new tracks and a whole new listing. Fan-made artwork graced the cover, and the album received a traditional release in stores. The album was not as well received by critics and fans, but was modestly embraced. It didn't do as well as past albums, but features a few fan favorites and Crosby says it's one of his favorite VAST CDs.

    Expected in 2008 is an album/documentary titled Closed Romantic Realism. The album is expected in early 2008, and is a 'return to the electro-rock' of past records. It is also expected to be a movie documentary of sorts, but not much else has been elaborated on. They have also recently released a new live album titled Seattle 2007, which features much more April songs played live than their previous live album, Live at CBGB's. VAST is also currently on tour, supporting April on a



Ако искате да прослушате някои парчета ето някои от най-добрите:

V.A.S.T. - Touched

Vast - Pretty When You Cry

Vast -Free

VAST - I dont have anything

Това ми е любимата група така че ще съм ви признателен ако не оспамвате темата излишно


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МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Мар 08, 2008 3:56 am 

Регистриран на: Вто Юни 06, 2006 11:36 pm
Мнения: 61
What can I say - one of my favourite bands at all times. Първия песен си спомням, че беше Touched на едно AMV с Kenshin OVA-та (което бай дъ вей беше наистина добро, също one of my favourites) ии останах с mouth wide open X_X. След туй вече се зарибих ии като цяло им станах супер фенче таквоз. Пък Touched си ми остана one of the favourite songs of all time <33 ^_^.

Велика група и точка по въпроса.

Щом ка повелява така, тъй да бъде.
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Мар 08, 2008 8:39 am 

Регистриран на: Чет Авг 23, 2007 1:11 pm
Мнения: 5025
Местоположение: The Galactic Layline
Виж ти vegetosayajin пусна темата(защо ли не съм изненадан :) )Vast не са лоши,стилът им не е много като този който слушам,но "free" я слушам всеки ден.Хубава музика правят 8)


    Фани ♥
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Мар 17, 2008 4:46 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Май 01, 2007 11:29 pm
Мнения: 1084
Mного добра група!

being consumed by the flames of the sinner's hell
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Мар 17, 2008 5:52 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Яну 24, 2006 9:40 pm
Мнения: 7954
Местоположение: FIRELINK SHRINE
попринцип стават доста за разпускане вечер.. :roll:

It`s Over 9000!!!
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Мар 17, 2008 7:32 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Окт 27, 2005 8:33 am
Мнения: 4133
Местоположение: The frontline
ООо радват ме. Ще се свалят албумчета таз вечер усещам.

 Заглавие: Re: Музика: V.A.S.T. [Visual Audio Sensory Theater]
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Май 03, 2009 4:16 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Май 10, 2007 5:27 am
Мнения: 15576
Местоположение: Kame House: Where the beaches are fine, and the bitches are finer.
Имам всички албуми ,така че ако някой не може да се оправи може да ме помоли да му ги дам :)

Loading consciousness Изображение
 Заглавие: Re: Музика: V.A.S.T. [Visual Audio Sensory Theater]
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Май 08, 2009 11:39 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Ное 19, 2006 8:58 pm
Мнения: 456
Местоположение: Neverland
Аэ ги искам и не мога да се оправя. Помощ. Много ми харесват. Искам ги. Не мога да спра да слушам Pretty When You Cry.


Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger.
 Заглавие: Re: Музика: V.A.S.T. [Visual Audio Sensory Theater]
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Май 09, 2009 2:26 am 

Регистриран на: Чет Май 10, 2007 5:27 am
Мнения: 15576
Местоположение: Kame House: Where the beaches are fine, and the bitches are finer.
скайпа ми е в линка contacts долу ;>
Или от тук

Loading consciousness Изображение
 Заглавие: Re: Музика: V.A.S.T. [Visual Audio Sensory Theater]
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Май 09, 2009 12:56 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Ное 19, 2006 8:58 pm
Мнения: 456
Местоположение: Neverland
Това върши работа. Много ти благодаря.


Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger.
 Заглавие: Re: Музика: V.A.S.T. [Visual Audio Sensory Theater]
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Май 09, 2009 5:01 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Юни 09, 2008 9:14 pm
Мнения: 1250
VAST определено са качествена група, а Pretty When You Cry и Touched са направо страхотни.

Shadowcat написа:
Ние сме с тирета!
 Заглавие: Re: Музика: VAST
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Юли 03, 2010 12:02 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Май 10, 2007 5:27 am
Мнения: 15576
Местоположение: Kame House: Where the beaches are fine, and the bitches are finer.
Пропуснал съм да отбележа новия албум,който е издаден миналата година.
Me and You
Me and You is the sixth studio album by the band VAST, it was released to retail May 26, 2009 on Crosby's independent label 2blossoms. The album can also be purchased from the official VAST website, giving buyers the option of choosing a charity to donate part of the sale proceeds too.

Me and You compiles songs from Crosby's Generica series and models them in a more electronic, full band idea. The online download release is currently available with a portion of the money going to a charity of the buyer's choice.

    Track listing

  • 1. "You Should Have Known I'd Leave" – 3:01
  • 2. "I Thought By Now" – 3:49
  • 3. "Here's to All the People I Have Lost" – 4:22
  • 4. "Until I Die" – 2:59
  • 5. "I'm Afraid of You" – 3:25
  • 6. "You're the Same" – 5:05
  • 7. "Everything Has Changed" – 2:35
  • 8. "You Destroy Me" – 3:51
  • 9. "You Are the One" – 3:11
  • 10. "Hotel Song" – 3:25
  • 11. "It's Not You (It's Me)" – 4:06
  • 12. "She Found Out" – 3:46


Me and You received mixed reviews from critics, most notably on Sputnikmusic, who gave the album a 2.5 out of 5, and said "it wouldn't be half-bad if all the songs hadn't been released before in almost identical fashion on Crosby's solo CDs."

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