Двубой номер
2 от кръг
Alucard VS Zaraki1. Alucard
Аниме: Hellsing
Информация за Алукард написа:
According to Hellsing canon, Alucard was born in the winter of 1431 as Vlad III Dracula, the son of Vlad II Dracul. He later became known as Vlad Ţepeş (Vlad the Impaler), and as Kazıklı Bey (the Impaling Prince) by the Turks.As he is immortal and nearly invincible, Alucard is very egotistical. He freely taunts and belittles his opponents, often allowing them to inflict seemingly fatal wounds before healing himself and obliterating his enemy. It could accurately be said that rather than killing his opponents, Alucard breaks them.
Abilities : Superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman stamina, superhuman durability, immortality, phasing, shapeshifting, teleportation, telekinesis, telepathy, hypnosis, regeneration, summoning familiars
1. Zaraki Kenpachi
Аниме: Bleach
Информация за Зараки Кенпачи написа:
Kenpachi's zanpakutō has no known name, even to its owner. Kenpachi is the only captain of the Gotei 13 who doesn't know the name of his sword, nor can he use his bankai as a result.
Това е двубой по сила и бойни умения. Оръжия могат да се ползват, но бойни установки, меки, съекипници и т.н. нямат място в този двубой.
Бойни умения и техники от мангите не се приемат. Само анимета, филми и OVAs.
Победител ще е този герой, който получи повече гласове.
Естествено, фенбойщината ще играе фактор, но е хубаво да се опитвате да я сдържате.

Обсъждайте кой според вас ще победи, защо и т.н. НО без лични нападки, обиди и т.н. Ще следим строго за това.

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