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Заглавие: Bishie Showdown V - Кръг 3, Showdown 2 ![Мнение Мнение](./styles/AeroBlue/imageset/icon_post_target.gif) Публикувано на: Нед Май 18, 2014 12:12 am |
![Аватар](./download/file.php?avatar=8492_1538686303.gif) |
dadaadda |
The No-Goodnick |
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9846 Местоположение: PervTown
И... (уж) напредваме. Или просто продължаваме. Или пък си седим все на същото. Не знам... Както и да е. Next round! Гласуването продължава да е чрез анкетки. (Или сте прекалено срамежливи или мамите прекалено много... и двете могат да се окажат вредни в даден момент.) Надявам се, че няма да манипулирате вота и всичко може да си върви честно и прилично(до толкова колкото обикновените безпочвени пристрастия могат да позволят, разбира се). Най-важният фактор, по който се водим, е красота. Как са се развивали нещата до този момент(възможно и как биха могли да се развият нататък), можете да видите в темата за дискусии. Гласуването в този кръг ще продължи до някой момент, желателно вечерта между 24ти и 25ти. И така... тук имаме: DiaDora написа: Kise Ryouta (Kuroko no Basuke) ![Изображение](http://www.forodragonballz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/kise1.jpg) Now a freshman at Kaijou High, Kise was the rookie of the "Generation of Miracles". Since he only started playing basketball in his second year of middle school, Kise was his team's least experienced member, and notes himself the weakest of the five. Kise's unique skill is his ability to mimic the moves and plays of other players. The only moves he cannot copy are the special skills of truly exceptional players, like the other members of the "Generation of Miracles". Beyond being a strong player in his own right, Kise respects Kuroko's abilities and wishes to play with him once again. He seems to have a slight obsession with Kuroko, believing that they were the two who got along most in middle school (though Kuroko said they didn't) and often blurting out random facts about him. Also, he's a model in his free time, so girls are always mobbing him. ![Изображение](http://i45.tinypic.com/2qui2h5.png) ![Изображение](http://i48.tinypic.com/2hhdpvq.jpg) Dark Ranger написа: Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist) Flame Alchemist
Birthday: 1885 (Age 30 from vol. 10) Height: 5'8" (173 cm) Outwardly arrogant and playfully manipulative, Mustang is intelligent and almost always one step ahead of his opponents, and likes to feel in control of the situation. He is one of the superiors of Edward Elric. On the surface, he appears to be nothing more than a man of the military who pursues promotions and praise and is considered a ladies' man who constantly goes on dates with different women. Mustang's true goal is to become Führer in order to gain the power to reform the government in order to absolve his sins in the Ishval War as well as change the country for the better, along with the joking requirement for female officers to wear tiny miniskirts (which considerably increased Havoc's loyalty to him and caused Hawkeye to be angry with him). His goals are admirable enough that he earns the fierce loyalty of his good friends Lt Col. Maes Hughes, Major Alex Louis Armstrong, and his own subordinates, among whom are Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Heymans Breda, Vato Falman, and Kain Fuery. While Mustang has a close and amicable relationship with all of his subordinates, he appears to share a deeper bond of affection with his second-in-command Riza Hawkeye, who has devoted her life to supporting him. This bond culminates in the final episodes of the anime when Mustang chooses Hawkeye alone to accompany him on his greatest and most dangerous mission. Though a hero of the Ishval War, he remains haunted by the horrors of war and suffers great remorse for the lives he took. Roy Mustang is the "Flame Alchemist", having absolute control over heat and fire through alchemy. Using special gloves that create a spark when he snaps his fingers, Roy can create anything from a tiny ember to burn a letter, to a raging inferno that can destroy a humanoid body in seconds. His precise control over the alchemically enhanced flame is so accurate that he can boil the water in a persons' eyes and can also attack enemies amongst a riot without hurting any allies. ![Изображение](http://store.picbg.net/thumb/C1/64/ba2f2ca09ddcc164.jpg) ![Изображение](http://store.picbg.net/thumb/7D/14/35cc94b67ee77d14.jpg) ![Изображение](http://store.picbg.net/thumb/A2/DE/4c153c1fc132a2de.jpg) ![Изображение](http://store.picbg.net/thumb/D5/1A/8d169622cb2ed51a.gif) ![Изображение](http://store.picbg.net/thumb/29/24/b58192ecbfa92924.jpg) ![Изображение](http://store.picbg.net/thumb/D1/BA/813172b5204fd1ba.jpg) ![Изображение](http://store.picbg.net/thumb/1A/D8/707c3293cf301ad8.gif) ![Изображение](http://store.picbg.net/thumb/D5/62/e56f1d80d9aad562.jpg)
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
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Заглавие: ![Мнение Мнение](./styles/AeroBlue/imageset/icon_post_target.gif) Публикувано на: Нед Май 18, 2014 12:33 am |
![Аватар](./download/file.php?avatar=8492_1538686303.gif) |
dadaadda |
The No-Goodnick |
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9846 Местоположение: PervTown
Олилей... ама тука и 2мата се паднали някакви гр... непривлекателни, от моята гледна точка. Американският мускул, щото е по-добре от алтернативата
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
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