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Заглавие: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Пон Май 13, 2013 6:22 pm |
CaBa |
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Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Време е за втори път да се проведе Badass Showdown и за тази цел трябва да се изберат участниците: - Всеки има право да номинира по 3 героя като трябва да присъства кратко описание и поне 2 добри снимки. Снимките нямат ограничение в големина, но трябва да са или само линкове или в thumbnail. - Участниците може да са само от манга, нито от игри, нито от хентай манги. И е силно препоръчително снимките да са от мангата, а не от аниме по мангата, фенско оцветяване или фен арт. - Въобще не са желателни секс сцени (даже са забранени). Прекалената голота е забранена също. - Може да предложите и други снимки на вече номинираните кандидати, ако смятате, че са по-добри от вече предоставените, като се поставят и те в thumbnail.
Битките ще протекат както героите ще се разделят на блокове на случаен принцип и двамата с най-много събрани гласове, ще продължат нататък. Краен срок за номинациите: 31 Май 2013като има възможност и да се удължи малко срока, ако не се събере достатъчна бройка. Финалистите от предходните Showdown-и няма да се допускат:Badass Showdown I: Alucard (Helsing) & Manji (Blade of the Immortal) Badass Showdown II: Miyamoto Musashi (Vagabond) & Sengoku Iori (Gamaran) ________________________ Кръг 1 написа: • Saitama (One-Punch Man) - 9 гласа • Runover (Black Joke) - 2 гласа • Kaoru Hanayama (Baki) - 6 гласа • Furinji Hayato (History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi) - 5 гласа 2. Блок 2 • Chiffon Fairchild (Freezing) - 2 гласа • Ryo Narushima (Shamo) - 7 гласа • Jin Kazaraki (Area D) - 4 гласа • Munsu (Shin Angyo Onshi) - 10 гласа 3. Блок 3 • Asmodeo Lucifer de Verzevuit (The Devil King is Bored) - 2 гласа • Lind Wanijima (Air Gear) - 2 гласа • Kaiman (Dorohedoro) - 9 гласа • Revy (Black Lagoon) - 9 гласа 4. Блок 4 • Lucy (Elfen Lied) - 2 гласа • Dark Schneider (Bastard) - 13 гласа • Toyohisa Shimazu (Drifters) - 5 гласа • Chun-Woo Han (The Breaker) - 6 гласа 5. Блок 5 • Guts (Berserk) - 10 гласа • Itachi Uchiha (Naruto) - 3 гласа • Souma Yukihira (Shokugeki no Souma) - 2 гласа • Yamamoto (Bleach) - 9 гласа 6. Блок 6 • Shirahama Kenichi (HSDK) - 4 гласа • Brad Burns (Green Blood) - 11 гласа • Buranchi (Toriko) - 5 гласа 7. Блок 7 • Oyaji (Oyaji) - 8 гласа • Toriko (Toriko) - 11 гласа • Shin Ri (Kingdom) - 3 гласа 8. Блок 8 • Zebra (Toriko) - 10 гласа (+2) • Mansam (Toriko) - 3 гласа • Yujiro Hanma (Baki) - 10 гласа (+4) От всички групи, първите 2ма ще продължат напред. Кръг 2 написа: 1. Saitama (One-Punch Man) vs Yamamoto (Bleach) (10-3) 2. Munsu (Shin Angyo Onshi) vs Buranchi (Toriko) (12-2) 3. Revy (Black Lagoon) vs Oyaji (Oyaji) (8-4) 4. Dark Schneider (Bastard) vs Zebra (Toriko) (11-4) 5. Guts (Berserk) vs Kaoru Hanayama (Baki) (8-4) 6. Brad Burns (Green Blood) vs Ryo Narushima (Shamo) (6-8) 7. Toriko (Toriko) vs Kaiman (Dorohedoro) (9-4) 8. Yujiro Hanma (Baki) vs Chun-Woo Han (The Breaker) (7-7) (4-3)
Кръг 3 написа: 1. Saitama (One-Punch Man) vs Munsu (Shin Angyo Onshi) (9-10) 2. Revy (Black Lagoon) vs Dark Schneider (Bastard) (6-11) 3. Guts (Berserk) vs Ryo Narushima (Shamo) (13-4) 4. Toriko (Toriko) vs Yujiro Hanma (Baki) (6-8)
Кръг 4 написа: 1. Munsu (Shin Angyo Onshi) vs Dark Schneider (Bastard) (5-11) 2. Guts (Berserk) vs Yujiro Hanma (Baki) (8-8) (0-4)
Финал написа: 1. Dark Schneider (Bastard) vs Yujiro Hanma (Baki) (10-7)
 PSN ID | Toriko.AnimeS-bg.com | Beelzebub.AnimeS-bg.com | BusterKeel.AnimeS-bg.com
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Пон Май 13, 2013 11:37 pm |
deathrazor |
Регистриран на: Чет Дек 28, 2006 7:10 pm Мнения: 4830
Shirahama Kenichi(History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi) Shirahama Kenichi is good-natured, timid and polite person in his second year of high school who loves gardening and reading books. Kenichi was frequently treated as a friendless loser at the beginning of the series, however it all changed when he met Furinji Miu. After the fateful meeting, he decided to stand for himself and be truly strong; or at least, strong enough to protect those who are dear to him. Though he's constantly considered cowardly at the beginning of the series, he shows that when his loved ones lives are on the line, he's actually much braver than he appears.      ----- Hanma Yujiro(Hanma Baki series) The father of Baki and Jack Hanma. He is the strongest creature in the world, and is known to have mastered all styles of unarmed combat. His repertoire apparently includes all of the well-known fighting styles (such as karate, boxing, taekwondo, judo, jujutsu, wrestling, street-fighting, and so on) as well as some more esoteric ones (such as the udonde or uzunde style, an actual system used in the Motobu style of karate). He has been fighting on the battlefields, using only his bare hands, since the age of sixteen, when he fought against both American and Vietcong in the Vietnam War. Since then, it appears that he has obtained respect from the American forces, and has begun fighting as a kind of mercenary for them. It is said that when he stopped fighting for survival but for pleasure the image of the demon's face appeared on his back.     ------ Kaoru Hanayama (Baki series)      Fifteen-year-old yakuza leader and strongman. When his father died, he was adopted by his uncle who saw great potential in him. His grip is so strong that if he grabs an opponent's arm, he can cause it to explode from restricting the blood flow. He is also a street fighter and it is unknown if he has trained in martial art styles. He broke Yuri Chakosky's arm, thus ending his boxing career, but when then cross paths again they hold no grudge against each other understanding each other's warrior spirit.
Последна промяна deathrazor на Пон Май 20, 2013 2:58 pm, променена общо 2 пъти
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Сря Май 15, 2013 4:57 pm |
realist |
Регистриран на: Съб Май 05, 2007 1:18 pm Мнения: 2895
Runover - Black Joke Mafia boss in the city of Naples, in Italy, a part of the Sione family. He is known for his cruelty and viciousness. A bom attempt perpetrated by one of those close to him made him a paraplegic. However, with the firs chance he got with the wheelchair that he modified himself, he persued the traitor who'd flied in Ferrari and eliminated him by running over his car.         OyajiLiving in poor neighborhoods of Osaka, Kumada watch over his wife and two young children. He is huge and riddled with scars and he works hard, smokes and drinks of sake as if it were mere water, gruff and scary, he talks little. But Kumada deeply loves his family and will protect it at the peril of his life when members of a yakuza clan set on fire to his house to facilitate a real estate transaction. Jailed for the murder of those who failed to burn his people alive, Kumada was released fifteen years later and found his family. He will have to face the distrust of his children who know nothing of their father except that he had abandoned them. But he is determined to regain control of their education, starting with his son, a urchin abused by the tough guys of the district.       Asmodeo Lucifer de Verzevuit - The Devil King is BoredOne very bored devil king.         
Последна промяна realist на Съб Май 18, 2013 2:19 pm, променена общо 1 път
 Victory through extermination.
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Чет Май 16, 2013 5:14 pm |
Legato |
Регистриран на: Пон Дек 12, 2005 5:31 pm Мнения: 143
Chun-Woo Han (The Breaker)  Chun-Woo is the conqueror of all nine seats of power, earning him the title of Goomoonryong. He is known to be the strongest martial artist under heaven. He has proven himself able to do battle with the Martial Arts Alliance alone, single-handedly killing and maiming many masters and elites, one after the other.         __________________________________________________________________________________ Ryo Narushima (Shamo)  The protagonist of Shamo. As a child he was considered a genius, until one day he snapped and stabbed his parents to death. After being sent to juvenile prison, he learns karate to defend himself. Ryo Narushima is consistently depicted as being unrepentant for the murder of his parents and is shown repeatedly committing morally repugnant crimes such as assault and rape. Though capable of redemption (as evidenced by his care-taking of his sister and various small charitable acts shown throughout the manga) ultimately Narushima is depicted as a Byronic hero spiraling into darkness, his chances at reform slowly ebbing away as he gives in to more and more of his depraved and brutal tendencies.    __________________________________________________________________________________ Lind Wanijima (Air Gear)  Akito, Agito, and Lind Wanijima are three persons inhabiting the same body. Agito, Akito, and Lind are an effeminate-looking teenager with a slight build and shoulder-length, dark blue hair. They are 14-15 years old when first introduced, aging only 6 months as the series progresses. They are 142 cm (4'8") tall, weigh 38 kg (84 lbs) and have blood-type AB. As Lind, he has Over-Cross Twinkle Eyes, spiky hair and fanged teeth. Lind is the original product of the Brain Charger Projec.   
_________________ It's a simple formula. The greater the tragedy, the greater the emotional effect.
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Пон Май 20, 2013 12:19 am |
crazy_little_crow |
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm Мнения: 9348
Dark Schneider [Bastard] "My goal is to destroy all the ugly, gorilla looking guys like you and take all the women in the world for myself!!"     Dark Schneider is the most powerful sorcerer in the world, which he almost completely took over before being imprisoned in the body of a little boy by Grand (or Great) Priest Geo. Rushe is soft spoken and had a crush on Yoko, which carried over to Dark Schneider. Rushe and Dark Schneider share the same soul, which means they love what each other loves, but that is where it ends: Dark Schneider can be incredibly evil, heartless and lecherous, whereas Rushe is faithful, quiet and friendly. Dark Schneider is immortal (though whether this is conferred upon Rushe is unclear) -- he can resurrect himself through will-power alone. In the English version, he is also called the Mage of Fire, and, in the Japanese, The Exploder Wizard. Whenever Rushe is kissed by Yoko, Dark Schneider is released, and when Dark Schneider is kissed, Rushe is released, and so on, though Dark Schneider can break the seal himself when extremely angry, and he can control Lushe's body at certain times of night (re-gaining his powers for a while in the process). Kaiman [Dorohedoro]  Kaiman is the lead character of the manga. He appears to be the victim of a magic user, who laid a curse on his head. Other than that, he has no recollection of his previous life. He has the head of a large reptile, with no other alternates in limbs or body. There are cross-shaped marks over each of his eyes. It appears that despite having his head chopped off, he can regenerate it in a matter of time.    Guts [Berserk]  Guts is the protagonist of the story. He is a tall, muscular man with a huge sword called the Dragon Slayer, a prosthetic left forearm that has a magnetic grip which also conceals a cannon. Guts is a tragic hero; he is born as one who may be able to struggle against Causality, but seemingly unable to affect it on a large scale.       .... PS Нема JoJo, нема никой от Торико ... нищо нЕма Dx Щом го докарахме аз да записвам Гътс - смЕтайте Dx
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
 If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Пон Май 20, 2013 1:38 pm |
Logrus |
Регистриран на: Нед Апр 22, 2007 1:31 am Мнения: 8529 Местоположение: Hotel Moscow
моят коментар по повод Badass дискусията п.п. оффф тая тъпотия с хотлинковете че всички могат да си играят на бадасс, но има само един и неговото име е - Алукард
Последна промяна Logrus на Пон Май 20, 2013 2:41 pm, променена общо 1 път
_________________ グリフォン However, by that point you might be torn into pieces. 'til next time
 Erza Almost like ... A scarlet flower, blooming fully with pride.
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Пон Май 20, 2013 2:09 pm |
loader |
Регистриран на: Съб Ное 17, 2007 1:35 am Мнения: 3675 Местоположение: Oro Jackson
Поне да можехме да разберем какъв е  (No hotlinking).
_________________ You heard it too didn't you?... | MyAnimeList The voice of the wind.
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Съб Май 25, 2013 10:40 pm |
ivankaiba |
Регистриран на: Съб Яну 31, 2009 1:57 pm Мнения: 165 Местоположение: Бяла Слатина
Revy  Revy (レヴィ), sometimes referred by her full name Rebecca (レヴェッカ), is the female protagonist of the series. She does most of the fighting for the Lagoon Company. Very little is revealed about her past, although portions can be pieced together through the series. Revy is a Chinese-American born and raised in Chinatown, Manhattan, near Mott Street, spending most of her youth as a thief and murderer. Flashbacks throughout the series reveal that Revy may have honed her skills with firearms by shooting at cans, and that her first murder may have involved shooting an unknown man while using a pillow. It is unknown whether the pillow was used to suppress the noise or to help avoid looking at her first victim. Read more at http://myanimelist.net/character/458/Re ... khgroMW.99 Снимки: http://kokuun.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/revy.jpghttp://roanapura.city.free.fr/blacklago ... -manga.jpghttp://img402.imageshack.us/img402/3193/revy7.jpghttp://roanapura.city.free.fr/blacklago ... -manga.jpghttp://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f299/ ... 650041.jpgLucy  Lucy is a Diclonius girl around eighteen years old. She has developed strong emotions of hatred and vengeance towards regular humans mainly because of how she was treated by the majority of them as a child, making fun of her horns and giving her insulting nicknames such as freak. Read more at http://myanimelist.net/character/738/Lu ... beZEU2G.99 Снимки: http://z.mfcdn.net/store/manga/29/01-00 ... ed/p30.jpghttp://z.mfcdn.net/store/manga/29/02-01 ... 10p059.jpghttp://z.mfcdn.net/store/manga/29/05-03 ... 9_p006.jpghttp://z.mfcdn.net/store/manga/29/11-09 ... /91.17.jpghttp://z.mfcdn.net/store/manga/29/11-09 ... 11_214.jpgItachi Uchiha  Itachi Uchiha is a missing-nin from Konohagakure, and a prominent member of Akatsuki, partnered with Kisame Hoshigaki. He is Sasuke Uchiha's older brother. Read more at http://myanimelist.net/character/14/Ita ... 0bKaz6f.99 Снимки: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... Kabuto.pnghttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... tomaru.pnghttp://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2 ... Sasuke.pnghttp://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqfzz ... o1_500.jpghttp://farm5.static.flickr.com/4053/425 ... 0a38_o.jpg
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Пон Май 27, 2013 10:35 am |
Logrus |
Регистриран на: Нед Апр 22, 2007 1:31 am Мнения: 8529 Местоположение: Hotel Moscow
 As a character, Munsu's looks match his personality; rough, but efficient. He wears a pair of tall black boots with rolled up jeans. At the top he wears a heavy blue coat decorated with belts, straps and buttons with a simple brown scarf touching it up. On the outside, Munsu appears as a very cruel and blunt street-enforcer, who takes no sympathy and gives no pity. He is crude and sometimes his tactics can almost hit on a borderline "evil." This however is all something of a misinterpretation. Deep down, Munsu is a wounded and troubled soul who has learned not to trust anyone as they are bound to hurt him eventually as his past has taught him. He does not believe in miracles, but only in using one's head, and more specifically, blunt "coincidences." He is extremely arrogant and cocky in his abilities, but at the same time, is well aware of his capabilities; he makes no effort in showing humility in his own abilities in the face of his enemies. p.s. lol май си харесах профилна снимка
_________________ グリフォン However, by that point you might be torn into pieces. 'til next time
 Erza Almost like ... A scarlet flower, blooming fully with pride.
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown III - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Вто Май 28, 2013 11:20 am |
subzer0 |
Регистриран на: Съб Авг 30, 2008 2:14 pm Мнения: 1345 Местоположение: In my era, the times when I was happiest.
Zebra (Toriko) Zebra is described as the most savage of the Four Heavenly Kings, someone who does not stop until even the 'seed' is annihilated. A single attack from Zebra caused all the scars on Match's body. Of the four kings, he only gets along with Toriko, who seems to understand him the best, as Sunny and even Coco blatantly refused to see him for his release when suggested to do so by Toriko. It seems to be more of a rivalry than a friendship and they like to compete with each other whenever they get the chance. Zebra especially hates "cocky people", and is shown to be hotheaded and belligerent, always wanting to fight or compete with Toriko. Zebra is a violent, cruel fighter, especially when enraged, and cannot see a bad opportunity to pick a fight. After his release, he went back among the other inmates of the Honey Prison and killed the ones who had been talking about him behind his back, with names provided by Chupali. He reveals that he hates liars more than anything (partly because he can detect lies instantly through a person's breathing and pulse) as he considers lying "the biggest way to get cocky" because "Talking shit behind their back while you spout out some insincere flattery means you're a conceited bastard who thinks nothing bad will happen just as long as no one finds out". Even compared to Toriko, Zebra has a massive appetite and little regard for how much he eats, having eaten 26 entire species into extinction. Due to his massive destructive capability, Zebra is considered as a Class-A dangerous creature, and his reputation alone is enough to make warring countries cease fighting each other and unite in order to defend against him. A regular person normally would run in fear of him and his release from Honey Prison had temporarily sent the world's economies into chaos.  Specially for crow-sama.  ---------------------------- Brad "Grim Reaper" Burns (Green Blood) Around 14 years ago, Brad and his little brother Luke were left by their father. They eventually found themselves in New York City, in the biggest slum in the world, The Five Points. There they met Gene McDowell, the founder of the Grave Diggers, a gang, who helped them. Now Brad is working for the Grave Diggers as their hitman known as "Grim Reaper" using a gunknife, while Luke don't know about his job and is searching information for his father Edward King.  ---------------------------- "One Punch-Man" Saitama (One-Punch Man) Saitama (サイタマ Saitama) is the main protagonist of OnePunch-Man, and the most powerful hero alive. Having apparently trained himself to superhuman condition, Saitama faces an existential crisis as he is now too powerful to gain any thrill from his heroic deeds. He is registered with the Heroes Association as a C-Class Superhero and is tasked to defend Z-City against Mysterious Beings. For a superhero, Saitama is rather laid back. Because even the mightiest foes pose no challenge to him, he doesn't take his hero work very seriously. In spite of this, he is constantly searching for an opponent that can challenge him, since his superhero work is beginning to bore him because it's too easy. The combination of his attitude, unstoppable strength, and distinctively simple and 'unimpresive' appearance often cause his battles to become anticlimactic. Saitama will usually allow his opponents to rant about their motives and power up into their strongest forms before suddenly and nonchalantly obliterating them with one punch.  (<--- gif)
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