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Край на гласуването
21ви Март 2013Начин на гласуване и ограничения:Kiyoshi Kiramanga: Black Joke
Member of Neon Island's only japanese mafia organization and also manager og the Onsen Hotel. An ex-marine, he displays great intelligence. Well organized and very shrewd, for him, the end justifies the means. A negotiation specialist, he's often assigned high-risk missions. He's fluent in several languages and is real ladies-man.

Banmanga: Nanatsu no Taizai
Ban (バン) is a member of the Seven Deadly Sins and is The Sin of Greed with the symbol of the Fox. Ban is shown to be a passionate man. He likes doing things that are to his interest such as exiting jail after hearing his captain was alive, and trying to steal Meliodas' sword to discover why it's so important. So far, he has shown some aspects of greed and selfish desires.

Won Sulmanga: Shin Angyo Onshi
Won Sul is a central character in the comic Shin Angyo Onshi. First acting as a primary antagonist early in the series, working directly under Aji Tae as a prison warden, Won Sul's character is further expanded upon within flashbacks, as well as his role later in the series.

Genosmanga: One Punch Man
Genos, who was once human, is now a cyborg who fights for justice and is searching for another cyborg who went mad and murdered his loved ones. He had himself turned into a cyborg so that he may one day seek vengeance. After meeting Saitama and witnessing his power, he became his disciple, hoping to one day be as powerful as him.

Lucamanga: Shuumatsu no Laughter
Luca (ルカ, Ruka) is a human and the main protagonist of Shuumatsu no Laughter. He calls himself the Demon Eater (悪魔喰い, Akuma Kui). He wears a tattoo in the shape of a Demon's Mouth to trick people into thinking he's a Demon.