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Край на гласуването
21ви Март 2013Начин на гласуване и ограничения:Ato Kusharundomanga: Ubel Blatt
Ato Kusharundo is one of three princesses of the Kusharundo clan. She admires her older brother Kurato a lot and she even dresses as a boy to fight along side him. Her brother goes missing and Ato goes out in search for him. It turns out he was captured and infused with DNA from different creatures to make him a slave. This is when Ato meets Koinzell. Koinzell kills Kurato to save him also as an act of mercy seeing that Kurato is really suffering. Upon seeing Koinzell had kiled her brother and not being able to accept his death she puts on the "Black Dress of Vengeance" and chased after Koinzell to get revenge. Through travelling and seeing Peepi defending Koinzell she desides against killing him. She then wants to be able to fight along side Koinzell ends up getting hurt pretty badly and despite Koinzell telling her to stay out she comes out again to fight and ends up taking a fatal wound which Koinzell saves her by giving him some of his own fairy blood which also gives Ato powers like Koinzell. After this Koinzell lets Ato travel with him in his quest to kill the rest of the Seven Heroes.

Riko Aidamanga: Kuroko no Basket
She is the coach of the basketball team. She has the ability to be able to tell the potential of each basketball player just by looking at their bodies. Her ability works best when the players are shirtless. She got this ability by following her father to work. She's so horrible at cooking that her teammates can't endure eating it (moreover, she has the habit of mixing vitamins with her cooking). She's good at studying and is ranked #2 in the whole school. Riko can be really scary when she's mad, and she's often teased as being 'flat-chested' compared to Touou's Momoi.

Claria / Queen Vivianmanga: Stravaganza - Isai no Hime
Queen Vivian is the kingdom's ruler, but she likes to escape from the castle and go out, pretending to be woman named Claria.