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Заглавие: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Съб Мар 02, 2013 10:40 pm |
CaBa |
Модератор |
Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Време е за Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- За целта трябва да се изберат участничките: - Всеки има право да номинира по 3 девойки като трябва да присъства кратко описание и поне 2 добри снимки. Снимките нямат ограничение в големина, но трябва да са или само линкове или в thumbnail. - Участничките може да са само от манга, нито от игри, нито от хентай манги. И снимките трябва да са от мангата, а не от аниме по мангата, фенарт или фенско оцветяване. - Въобще не са желателни секс сцени (даже са забранени), както и лолитата. Голотата може да е максимум до (.)(.) - Може да предложите и други снимки на вече номинираните кандидатки, ако смятате, че са по-добри от вече предоставените, като се поставят и те в thumbnail. - Финалистите от предишните Pantsu Showdown -Manga Style- няма да се допускат да участват повторно.
Списък със забранени герой: - Natsume Aya (Tenjou Tenge) - Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) - Kōsaka Shigure (History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi) - Vera Linus (Veritas) - Elimona (Defense Devil) - Saeko Busujima (Highschool of the Dead) Битките ще протекат както миналия Pantsu Showdown -Manga Style- – девойките ще се разделят на блокове на случаен принцип и двете с най-много събрани гласове, ще продължат нататък. Краен срок за номинациите: 14 Март 2013като има възможност и да се удължи малко срока, ако не се събере достатъчна бройка. ________________________ Кръг 1 написа: 1. Блок 1• Androssi Zahard (Tower of God) - 1 глас • Norma (Last Ranker -Be the Last One-) - 7 гласа • Ringo (Air Gear) - 11 гласа • Yumin (Sun-Ken Rock) - 14 гласа 2. Блок 2• Shaenado (Dark Air) - 12 гласа • Alicia Faitlin (Shinigamihime no Saikon) - 3 гласа • Michelle K. Davis (Terra Formars) - 5 гласа • Felicia Rand Philistine (The Legend of Maian) - 10 гласа 3. Блок 3• Nene Oomori (Beelzebub) - 5 гласа • Yegrinna (Carnivorous Princess Yegrinna) - 11 гласа • Sonfaku Hakufu (Ikkitousen) - 4 гласа • Chun Hyang (Shin Angyo Onshi) - 12 гласа 4. Блок 4• "Yakuza wife" (Dear, Only You Don't Know) - 2 гласа • Mikazuchi Kaoru (Gin no Kerberos) - 6 гласа • Maya Natsume (Tenjou Tenge) - 13 гласа • Rin Eba (Kimi no Iru Machi) - 12 гласа 5. Блок 5• Kurokawa Yuki (GE) - 6 гласа • Lee Moon Young (Girl of the Wild's) - 8 гласа • Erina Nakiri (Shokugeki no Souma) - 11 гласа • Choi Dai Dal (Girl of the Wild's) - 5 гласа 6. Блок 6• Yoon In Gyi (Girl of the Wild's) - 11 гласа • Simca (Air Gear) - 13 гласа • Shiro (Deadman Wonderland) - 7 гласа 7. Блок 7• Alex Benedetto (Gangsta) - 10 гласа • Hinata Sawanoguchi (Koimoku) - 9 гласа • C.C. (Code Geass) - 9 гласа 8. Блок 8• Ato Kusharundo (Ubel Blatt) - 7 гласа • Riko Aida (Kuroko no Basket) - 4 гласа • Claria / Queen Vivian (Stravaganza - Isai no Hime) - 15 гласа От всички групи, първите 2ма ще продължат напред. Кръг 2 написа: 1. Yumin (Sun-Ken Rock) vs Felicia Rand Philistine (The Legend of Maian) ( 9-6 ) 2. Shaenado (Dark Air) vs Yegrinna (Carnivorous Princess Yegrinna) ( 6-9 ) 3. Chun Hyang (Shin Angyo Onshi) vs Rin Eba (Kimi no Iru Machi) ( 8-8 ) 4. Maya Natsume (Tenjou Tenge) vs Lee Moon Young (Girl of the Wild's) ( 11-4 ) 5. Erina Nakiri (Shokugeki no Souma) vs Yoon In Gyi (Girl of the Wild's) ( 7-9 ) 6. Simca (Air Gear) vs Hinata Sawanoguchi (Koimoku) vs C.C. (Code Geass) ( 11-2-3 ) 7. Alex Benedetto (Gangsta) vs Ato Kusharundo (Ubel Blatt) ( 8-5 ) 8. Claria / Queen Vivian (Stravaganza - Isai no Hime) vs Ringo (Air Gear) ( 8-8 )
Кръг 3 написа: 1. Yumin (Sun-Ken Rock) vs Yoon In Gyi (Girl of the Wild's) ( 12-4 ) 2. Yegrinna (Carnivorous Princess Yegrinna) vs Simca (Air Gear) ( 6-10 ) 3. Chun Hyang (Shin Angyo Onshi) vs Rin Eba (Kimi no Iru Machi) vs Alex Benedetto (Gangsta) ( 5-7-2 ) 4. Maya Natsume (Tenjou Tenge) vs Claria / Queen Vivian (Stravaganza - Isai no Hime) vs Ringo (Air Gear) ( 8-6-1 )
Кръг 4 написа: 1. Yumin (Sun-Ken Rock) vs Simca (Air Gear) ( 4-13) 2. Rin Eba (Kimi no Iru Machi) vs Maya Natsume (Tenjou Tenge) ( 8-9 )
Финал написа: 1. Simca (Air Gear) vs Maya Natsume (Tenjou Tenge) ( 9-8 )
 PSN ID | Toriko.AnimeS-bg.com | Beelzebub.AnimeS-bg.com | BusterKeel.AnimeS-bg.com
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Сря Мар 06, 2013 2:42 am |
crazy_little_crow |
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm Мнения: 9348
Бой за записване Предложение 1 Kurokawa Yuki [GE - Good Ending]       Yuki is quite solitary, due to a horrible incident which led to her changing schools. She is, however, caring towards those she trusts, and is willing to give advice to those who are suffering through relationship issues. The pain she had gained before the start of the series rendered her unable to love again. However, she does gradually learn to warm up to people due to the maturing Seiji, whom she still considers a friend, much to his dismay. Предложение 2 Ato Kusharundo [Übel Blatt]      Ato Kusharundo is one of three princesses of the Kusharundo clan. She admires her older brother Kurato a lot and she even dresses as a boy to fight along side him. Her brother goes missing and Ato goes out in search for him. It turns out he was captured and infused with DNA from different creatures to make him a slave. This is when Ato meets Koinzell. Koinzell kills Kurato to save him also as an act of mercy seeing that Kurato is really suffering. Upon seeing Koinzell had kiled her brother and not being able to accept his death she puts on the "Black Dress of Vengeance" and chased after Koinzell to get revenge. Through travelling and seeing Peepi defending Koinzell she desides against killing him. She then wants to be able to fight along side Koinzell ends up getting hurt pretty badly and despite Koinzell telling her to stay out she comes out again to fight and ends up taking a fatal wound which Koinzell saves her by giving him some of his own fairy blood which also gives Ato powers like Koinzell. After this Koinzell lets Ato travel with him in his quest to kill the rest of the Seven Heroes. Предложение 3 ... По-късно и сигурно ще е нещо по-мейнстрийм x3 ще е добре ако се сетя и да дозапишаFelicia Rand Philistine [The Legend of Maian]     The greatest Goddess of evil, Felicia Rand Philistine who brought terror and destruction unto the land of Shuitria. She has great powers of Madara (Magic) and led an army of eleven Knights of Regers and creatures of the Land of Demons. She lost to the Hero, Maian, and was thought to have been sealed for all eternity, but was actually bound by the seal of existence and was forced into a deep sleep for 1,000 years. A thousand years later Felix Maian has just probably made the biggest mistake of his life when he releases the sealed sorceress that his ancestors had tried so hard to imprison. Due to this blunder by Fenix, she is awakend into the current world.
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
 If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Чет Мар 07, 2013 3:40 pm |
deathrazor |
Регистриран на: Чет Дек 28, 2006 7:10 pm Мнения: 4830
Erina Nakiri-Shokugeki no Souma  She's a genius and is the youngest person in history to enter "Tootsuki's Elite Ten Council". She's also a top student at the school.     --------- Nene Oomori-Beelzebub Originally Kunieda Aoi's second-in-command, Nene is far more aggressive than her permissive leader. Though she often openly disagrees with and occasionally disobeys Kunieda, she is still her faithful wingman, balking vociferously when Kunieda opts to leave the Red Tails and relinquish the mantle of leadership to her. She takes it nevertheless and soon proves to be worthy of it, gaining the confidence and trust of the Red Tails as their fourth leader. Her weapon of preference are chains, which she uses proficiently to gain an advantage against stronger men. As Kunieda, she is a second-year student.     ---------- Michelle K. Davis-Terra Formars The Only daughter of Donatello K. Davis, captain of the BUGS II.Like Akari, she did not have many friends due to her genetics. According to researchers, her ground state is more insect-like than Akari's. Worried over how her mother once looked at her music player and said, "Girls shouldn't be listening to the stuff all the time.'' and added Canadian pop. E cup, but somewhat firm.      
Последна промяна deathrazor на Пон Мар 11, 2013 1:27 pm, променена общо 5 пъти
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Чет Мар 07, 2013 7:19 pm |
realist |
Регистриран на: Съб Май 05, 2007 1:18 pm Мнения: 2895
Alex Benedetto-Gangsta     A 24-year-old prostitute who is assisted by Worick and Nicolas during one of their jobs. Although ordered to eliminate her, Benriya decides instead to claim her as "loot" - effectively saving her life. With nowhere else to go, Alex begins working as Benriya's secretary. She is currently learning sign language so that she can better communicate with Nicolas. Shaenando - Dark Air     Hinata Sawanoguchi - KoimokuKouta's busty next door neighbor and the editor-in-chief of Comic Splash, a B-rated seinen manga magazine. She shows two sides to herself: a ditsy woman outside of work and a serious editor at work. She is also known for recruiting novice artists and pushing them to their full potential, though there is a darker side to this through spread of rumors. According to Jiro Mineryu, a critically acclaimed author and a former student of Hinata, she tends to become attached to the author and his talents, leading to these misunderstandings. The rumor is further explained by Sayaka Jumonji, a former colleague of hers, claiming she has also "ruined" a few artists with her methods, earning her the nickname "The Novice Killer". She is the first to discover Kouta's full potential as a trigger-type artist. She drives a Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano as her personal vehicle.       
Последна промяна realist на Нед Мар 10, 2013 4:57 am, променена общо 1 път
 Victory through extermination.
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Пет Мар 08, 2013 4:22 pm |
ivankaiba |
Регистриран на: Съб Яну 31, 2009 1:57 pm Мнения: 165 Местоположение: Бяла Слатина
C.C. - Code Geass  C.C. is apparently immortal, healing from any wound (implied to include beheading) with enough time. She also doesn't age. Apart from her immortality, C.C. has the ability to bestow people with the power of Geass, which manifests differently in each person but generally carries the ability to affect the minds of those it is used on in some way. The Geass sigil glows on her forehead whenever she manifests this power, and she has a similar scar on her left breast. It is hinted that many more like her exist, as shown in her memories of many children with similar sigils, and she suggests that the power has precipitated bloody conflicts in the past. Her powers caught the interest of Britannia, who imprisoned her for experimentation purposes.         Sonsaku Hakufu - Ikkitousen  The protagonist of the series, busty, light red haired and green-eyed and not terribly bright, but immeasurably powerful. Hakufu cares little for the politics of the series, only caring about fighting for the sake of fighting, but is staunchly against unnecessary violence and killing. Lately, however, with trouble brewing all around her she is beginning to take up the mantle of a leader to protect her friends and family. Hakufu possesses a unique gift for predicting enemy moves very accurately by reading the flow of chi (which proved useless against Ukitsu) around her opponents which occasionally makes her seem brighter than she is. She also inherited Master Chouchou's knowledge of chi magic, and, while currently unaware of this, is able to use it partially by instinct. Choushou passed it to her spiritually while Hakufu was unconscious, this is how she healed Koukin after she stabbed him and extracted the evil chi from his body. Hakufu harbors a powerful dragon as one of the Three Great Rulers.         Maya Natsume - Tenjou Tenge  A busty third year student and the current leader of the Juken Club. She is very skilled in various martial arts, but does not possess the Dragon's Eye like her siblings. For this reason her father entrusted her with the cursed sword Reiki. Early in the series, she would use a body manipulation technique to revert to herself into her childhood form to conserve her ki.      
Последна промяна ivankaiba на Нед Мар 17, 2013 4:52 pm, променена общо 2 пъти
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Нед Мар 10, 2013 8:57 pm |
Ragnarök |
Регистриран на: Пет Фев 17, 2012 8:00 pm Мнения: 1201
Shiro/Deadman Wonderland A mysterious albino girl that Ganta encountered during his first days as an inmate. Clothed only in a skin-tight bodysuit and muffly gloves, which conceals her heavily scarred skin, Shiro stands out among the other prisoners due to her bizarre appearance and mannerisms. To Ganta, Shiro's manner of speaking and acting remind him of a small child, even though Shiro is the same age as him. However, Shiro possesses inhuman physical abilities and has an intimate knowledge of the prison, having apparently lived there most of her life. From the beginning of the story it is made clear that, as children, Shiro and Ganta were close friends. Ganta, however, has no memories of his childhood, which greatly saddens and annoys Shiro.
ded forum and you know it
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Сря Мар 13, 2013 8:34 pm |
Eien Ryuu |
Регистриран на: Сря Юли 18, 2007 1:06 am Мнения: 9939 Местоположение: In the unreal reality of Rousse.
И така, тази година и трите ми участнички са от едно и също заглавие. Мдам, може би вече сте се досетили за кои става дума. Всички картинки съм си играл да ги crop-вам от страничките. Нека да започнем от любимката ми.... Choi Dal Dal [Girl of the Wild's]Choi Dal Dal is a cute and bubbly girl. She is the president of the Taekwondo club in Wild's High and has a friendly rivalry with Lee Moon Young over martial arts and the attention of the series' protagonist, Song Jae Gu. She is very proud of her cute looks and her devilish lips, and was granted the title "Rosy Lips" in a children's beauty contest. It was said that up to 372 guys tried to steal her lips in the past. She is often seen in her school uniform and her dobok (taekwondo uniform). Dal Dal is often called Mouse and Pinkie (refers to tiny mouse) by Moon Young due to her size. Despite her lack of height, she is very flexible and can kick up to the head level of a taller person. One of these times was when she did a reverse huryeochagi (hwechook chagi or spinning whip kick) and knocked off Li Mi Nam's beanie. Dal Dal always sports a pair of tiger ears. The tiger ears are actually detachable and are pinned to her hair. Pics: -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->   -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->   -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  --> Lee Moon Young [Girl of the Wild's]Lee Moon Young is an S-class Wild's High School second year student, where she is the president of the boxing club and Queen's best friend and confidante. She is loud, rambunctious, and outgoing, as opposed to the reserved personality that Queen shows. However, when she is fighting seriously, she becomes a very powerful and frightening opponent, well-deserving of being Queen's best friend. She has a friendly rivalry with Choi Dal Dal over martial arts and the attention of the series' protagonist, Song Jae Gu. Lee Moon Young is often seen wearing a red tracksuit and her hair tied up in a loose, messy bun at the top of her head. When fighting, she often only wears a tank top and shorts. Pics: -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->   -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  --> Yoon In Gyi - Queen [Girl of the Wild's]Queen is one of the main protagonists in the series, and current Wild's league champion. She's a mixed martial artist and is seen to be proficient in nearly every form of martial arts so far. At first, Queen was cold to Song Jae Gu. But slowly she has warmed up to him and now (though she tries to hide it) tags along with Lee Moon Young and Choi Dal Dal when they follow Jae Gu to his part-time job and then to his home. It's been said that Queen has "conquered" the Taekwondo, Karate, Mixed Martial Arts and Kickboxing stages. Though it's unknown whether this is true. Pics: -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->   -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  -->  Цъкайте на всяко квадратче за по-голям размер. Оставям на Логруса (ако се сети тая шушумига...) да номинира и Lee Go Seul, другата ми любимка. Enjoy!
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Чет Мар 14, 2013 4:10 pm |
Ragnarök |
Регистриран на: Пет Фев 17, 2012 8:00 pm Мнения: 1201
Chun Hyang/Shin Angyo Onshi A beautiful woman with prodigious fighting skill. She acts as Munsu's 'Sando', or bodyguard. When she was kidnapped by a corrupt lord who wanted to make her his personal bodyguard, her lover embarked on a futile quest to become an angyo onshi. He died in the process, but not before making Munsu aware of her plight. After Munsu frees her, she decides to become his bodyguard in memory of her dead lover, and takes the title "Sando" as her new name. Despite her fearsome natural fighting ability, Sando is quiet and shy, with a high moral stance. As a result, she is often in conflict with the amoral Munsu over his questionable methods. She has made it clear that if he ever becomes truly evil, she will no longer protect him. She also has a great fear of heights, and will refuse to cross bridges set over deep mountain gorges or valleys. Munsu finds this extremely peculiar, seeing as to how she often leaps several stories into the air during combat.
ded forum and you know it
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Съб Мар 16, 2013 11:59 am |
faye |
Регистриран на: Съб Сеп 24, 2005 6:19 pm Мнения: 4600
 Yakuza wife 조진희 (не намерих как точно трябва да се произнася името й ><) Тя е най-обикновена домакиня за обичния и съпруг, но! Това което съпруга и не знае е, че жена му е шефката на якудза организация, че съседите им са част от организацията и всеки ден те са тези, които чистят и готвят докато съпругата му е по бизнес дела        Androssi Zahard (엔도르시 자하드 ) is a Regular and one of Zahard's Princesses, who has passed all the tests on the Second Floor. She is currently on the 30th Floor. She is very strong, and a bit haughty, although nowhere near as much as Anak. She got herself on Koon's "friend" list after meeting Baam. She's currently an informal Princess and it's unknown what her ambition was when she was chosen to be a Regular and climb the Tower.          Alicia Faitlin Алисия е дъщеря на разорено аристократично семейство. Година преди началото на историята, тя е трябвало да се омъжи, но годеника и умира в деня на сватбата и като причина за смъртта му се разнася слуха, че е причина самата Алисия. Името и получава допълнение Алисия - "Принцесата на смъртта". Но понастоящем Алисия е продадена на замогващ се богаташ, който търси да заздрави връзките си с аристокрацията, чрез женитба. Но Алисия не се мисли ни най-малко за нещастна: Първата и мисъл, когато пристига в бъдещия си дом е: "Какво прекрасно място! Прилича на вилата от книгата, която четох! Толкова е мрачно и зловещо, че още малко ще излезнат вампири и зомбита"(нещо в тоя дух беше  ) А когато разбира, че съпруга и вече си има любовница: "Уау, има толкова много ужасяващи истории с любовници!"     
_________________ <3
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Съб Мар 16, 2013 12:40 pm |
JohnnyQuid |
Регистриран на: Нед Авг 22, 2010 6:11 pm Мнения: 2690 Местоположение: Void
Riko Aida [Kuroko No Basket]       She is the coach of the basketball team. She has the ability to be able to tell the potential of each basketball player just by looking at their bodies. Her ability works best when the players are shirtless. She got this ability by following her father to work. She's so horrible at cooking that her teammates can't endure eating it (moreover, she has the habit of mixing vitamins with her cooking). She's good at studying and is ranked #2 in the whole school. Riko can be really scary when she's mad, and she's often teased as being 'flat-chested' compared to Touou's Momoi. ______________ Simca [Air Gear]  Simca is a main supporting character in the series she is also known as the "Swallow". She is the secondary female protagonist of the series.              _____________ Ringo [Air Gear]  Ringo Noyamano (野山野 林檎, Noyamano Ringo) is the female protagonist, Ikki's childhood friend, and a member of the Noyamano family that adopted Ikki into their household. However, behind her seemingly plain and unimpressive guise of a junior high school student, she is actually the successor and leader of the legendary team, Sleeping Forest. She is the current Thorn Queen of the eight "Kings" in the AT world. She helps Kogarasumaru in times of trouble under the guise of "Croissant Mask" (Croissant Kamen), Kogarasumaru's No. 1 Supporter, though Agito and Simca know who it is. She has since passed this role onto Kururu Sumeragi. Ringo is a King Class A-T Rider, wielding the techniques of Sonia Road; meaning she, using hyperventilation to fill her joints with air bubbles, employs superhuman agility while riding, at the price of suffering extreme pain while she does this.     
Последна промяна JohnnyQuid на Съб Мар 16, 2013 1:38 pm, променена общо 1 път
_________________ Sometimes i wanna go out and kill motherfuckers.
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown V -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Съб Мар 16, 2013 1:37 pm |
CaBa |
Модератор |
Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Междудругото снимките трябва да са от мангата (или манга артикули: манга плакати, манга календари и т.н.), а не от анимето й, фенарт или фенско оцветяване (понеже променят реалната визия на рисунката). Оставям темите още 1-2 дена, който иска да си ги оправя и да сложи други снимки вместо тях, ако ли не, просто ще ги игнорирам тях снимки. През това време все още може да се записват други герои. Също така снимките трябва да са в thumb или линк, т.е. снимките които са с img tag, примерно: Цитат: Не са позволени. В най-добрия случай накрая, ако не си ги сложите в thumb, ще изглежда ето така: 1 (просто линк) в темите за гласуване. Казвам ги пак тея неща, за да няма отново ама аз не съм разбрал, защо така ми изглеждат снимките и т.н.
 PSN ID | Toriko.AnimeS-bg.com | Beelzebub.AnimeS-bg.com | BusterKeel.AnimeS-bg.com
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