Не спряха да я бутат с цветни страници тая манга (OP получава по-малко сигурно). Не ми се мисли като продължат анимето какво ще става. Преди бяха готини, но последните няколко пъти (от Fullbring арката насам) бяха тъпи. А сегашните... над 50% от страницата е бяла с някакви къщички... Страшна цветна страница... 70% бял пилон с малко черно и синьо. Шедьовър просто. Очевидно не му се рисуват, за какво изобщо му ги дават.
Имам чувството, че човекът (Кубо) просто сам иска да ни откаже от самата манга. Иначе чаптърчето не беше зле. Наистина Кира го отнесе доста брутално. Отсега предвиждам какво ще стане. Всички, ще са хипер пребити и полу-измрели и Ичиго ще дофтаса и ще каже нещо от сорта "Аз ще защитя приятелите си!!" и ше пребие всичко. Айзен arc all over again.
_________________ Somewhere between an excuse and a lie, You found something that you believe.
Кратки ревюта и откъси плюс илюстрации от новелата
Sheetz@FLOL/NF написа:
Here are a few bits from first volume:
Mayuri stands trial for blowing up his subordinates. Rukia and Hitsugaya said Menos Grande are stronger than Captains because they got it from the textbooks at the Shinou Reijutsu Academy. The book answers questions regarding Nel after her fight with Nnoitra. 250 years ago the 7th Kenpachi talks with Kyouraku. The 7th asks Kyouraku if he can kill a VL. Kyouraku says it depends on the how their abilities match up. If his abilities match up poorly then he might not even be able to defeat a gillian.
TenshinoHane@BA написа:
Soul Society is shaken by the attack of a mysterious Arrancar----
The person who appears at the Research and Development Institute is----
Amongst the researchers there was no one who could’ve predicted "this" beforehand.
Though perhaps the Institute’s president, Kurotsuchi Mayuri, could have predicted "it" if he had closely examined "it".
But Mayuri was currently absent because of a trial and to the ones who didn’t know what "this" was there was no reason to closely examine the change of reiatsu in the air.
"It" was floating in Soul Society’s airspace --- Far thinner than the silk thread of a silkworm: an invisible thread of Negación. No one in the Institute knew of its existence and it proceeded to stretch out and crawl into the institution.
As if watching the tendrils of a morning glory grow at high speed, the thread of Negación stretched out further and further, staying glued to the walls.
But when it entered a room filled with countless computer units and hastily working researchers, the thread stopped moving.
And then ----
"Oh, for the love of--, what’s up with these Arrancars!? They don’t seem to be taking along weak Hollows and all of their movements are out of control!"
In contrast to Hiyosu and his shouts of frustration, Akon muttered calmly as he looked at the footage that was sent in.
"It really looks like a meeting of little brats."
"Oooh, there are some cute girls too! I wonder if we can capture a few of them alive..."
Niko, eyes shining behind his glasses, muttered inappropriate comments but his hands slid over the keyboard at a high speed as he processed the incoming data.
The other members also analysed the data with their hands and eyes while letting their mouths move fluently.
"Speaking of female Arrancars, what happened to that weird Hollow in Karakura Town? This group of Arrancars also came via Karakura Town. Is there any connection?"
"Kurumadani is tenacious when it comes to reports, isn’t he? It hasn’t been settled yet. The President got interested and tried to send Nemu-san over there to investigate but then he got called to court.."
Akon scolded the members for having such conversations.
"That’s enough pointless talk. In this situation the trial will be dropped anyway. Hurry up and collect all the data before the President comes ba---!?"
At that moment a chill ran down Akon’s spine and his words got stuck in his throat.
They noticed it.
Somewhere in this observation room an ominous reiatsu was welling up.
Then, the member with the lowest reiatsu sensory skills started shouting while looking at his monitor.
"!? That's impossible...! A large hollow reading somewhere inside Seireitei! Ah.... It's an Arrancar! Its location... is...."
His entire body froze as he shouted. At the exact moment he finished double-checking the information on his monitor, he felt the sensation that filled the entire room.
"Wha... Its location... I-It’s inside this.... room."
The members all broke into a cold sweat and no one in the room made a single move.
But from a desk at the back of the room came the sound of someone steadily typing away at a keyboard.
None of the members were typing. After all, that desk was the President’s desk. There was no member so suicidal as to dare use the President’s computer. And of course the reiatsu pouring out from there was completely different from the President’s reiatsu.
When the members, Akon first, slowly looked towards the desk---
A final pang rang through the room as the typing stopped and the man who was suddenly sitting behind the desk opened his mouth with a small smile.
"Oh my.... The man who killed me is this place’s President?"
Staring at the data on the monitor the male Arrancar with a glasses-shaped mask spoke to the members in a voice that made his intelligence apparent.
"H-hey, he..."
"He’s the specimen that was kept in the back of the warehouse, preserved in fluid....?"
The moment he heard that single word, the Arrancar narrowed his eyes and suddenly started yelling with an ever so small smile lingering on his lips.
"Specimen....Ha! I became a specimen! Though it’s true I lost for the moment, that is simply a disgrace beyond all imagination! Be it as a corpse, my body actually ended up on the observed side!"
---- This is bad.
Akon pondered to himself as he watched the unstable-looking Arrancar.
---- That specimen and this guy are the same person.... If I assume he’s "something" that at least possesses the same powers...
---- He... was one of the Espada, wasn’t he?
{ Sz... }
Nearly at the same time that Akon and the others remembered the name written on the specimen’s label, the Arrancar slowly rose from his seat.
"How about you show me that "specimen" right now? After all, it’s extremely rare to get a chance to observe my own corpse. Well, I don’t clearly remember the moment when I died in the Living World."
szeliate@BA написа:
the fans says Don Kanonji is really active in this novel, so whoever hates him, they don't recommend ppl to buy this novel. Oh well.
but it seems like they're discussing which kenpachi is the strongest, because.. boy the author make it sounds like those Kenpachi are at Yama level.
the 7th division Kenpachi (anyone knows what's his name again?) has a bankai, and it is really frightening. Everything within the radius will be devoured, which according to fans, the radius is about multiple times the Karakura town (meaning, bigger than KT). In other words, his bankai makes everything including living things and non living things that are within the radius disappears, enemies or allies within the radius will die, hence it can't be use.
Some fans thinks if Kyoraku's bankai is similar to the 7th kenpachi's bankai.
Then we have the 8th Generation kenpachi , who is extremely powerful, has an equal amount of reiatsu with Hichigo(?). In his initial attack, he used a total of 50 level 90 kidos and above.. with incantation. level 90 kidos such as kurohitsugi (black coffin), ittokaso...There are about 200 members from 11th division who watch the battle. Yama orders 200 soldiers to defeat Azashiro.
but kendopachi defeats him with his kendo with 2 hands, I guess. He says when he had a battle with Nnoitra, he has a habit of slashing. After the battle with Azashiro, Zaraki has become stronger. His eye patch absorbs the amount of reiatsu about 10 times more compare to before.
Though Azashiro is defeated, he is still alive (if I'm not mistaken), he still doesn't know his bankai's release command and his zanpakuto is that eye patch lady, her name is Uro Zakuro.
A lot of fans put the 7th generation Kenpachi at Yama level because of his terrifying bankai, but some says he is at Kyoraku level because the 7th generation Kenpachi wants to have a battle with Kyoraku or Ukitake, that makes Zaraki at mugetsu level , since I think one of them says Kenpachi wants to surpass Ichigo's final form, though they didn't specifically mention who is that kenpachi.
Heresiarch@NF написа:
Of those sketches the most interesting for me was the third-to-last. It shows that Szayel has the number one-hundred tattooed on his eye and is definitely a remnant of his time as an Privaron Espada. Since they are numbered in the three-digits range this would probably make Szayel the original Privaron seeing as he was Arrancar Cien(#100).
a blog calls the Arrancar kids Pikaro (ピカロ) which probably refers to the spanish word Pícaro. According to a spanish dictionary this word usually means sly person or rogue when translated as a noun. As an adjective its meaning is almost always pejorative with equivalents like malicious and vile on the list. They are privaron Espada. 100+ kids = 1 privaron. In this case they are nb. 102.
Lunar@BA написа:
Hmm, so many info. There's something about Hitsugaya, Rukia and mention of Zaraki fighting the 8th which means, that man challenged and know Azashirou Kenpachi!?
Because from what we got, it's:
● 7th Kenpachi: The one that looked like Ginjo and has a Bankai with soul sucking ability and he's the one mentioned talking to Kyouraku about Vasto Lorde and their ability.
● 8th Kenpachi: Azashirou Souya or the one with the materialized Zanpakutou, Urozakuro (maybe water and rock-based Zan with fusion-like Bankai? Thanks to Ishida).
● 9th Kenpachi: The vice-captain to Azashirou? And killed by the 10th, Kiganjou Gosuke.
● 10th Kenpachi: Kiganjou Kenpachi, the lazy-ass 11th division captain (I think he's the first with the bad habit, even Zaraki is decent in attending meetings and obeying old man's orders).
● 11th Kenpachi: The cool elder guy we came to love today, Zaraki Kenpachi.
Arie@Dathberry написа:
I also like how Narita san tries to explain why Shinou Reijutsuin (The SS Academy) taught shinigami that menos should be handle by zero squad. Love all those adjucas/vaste lorde talk between 7th Kenpachi and Kyoraku. Ashido gets mentioned makes me so excited(Ашидо е пича от филъра в ХМ-самотното шинигами което се бие с меносите. По принцип е трябвало да бъде включен в мангата но Кубо са го отказали заради ограничения някви си клик и клик). I didn't expect Ashido to be missing since 250 years ago. It was also interesting that the 7th Kenpachi was asked to the Zero Squad but turned them down. It looks like it's not so much an order as it is an invitation.
So I was right that she's Azashiro's zanpakutou (Мацката с изплезения език от втората корица)xD It did freak me out a bit when we learn that she looks exactly like Azashiro's sister
Images from Deathberry
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– *Постът ще претърпи промяна при добавяне на нова информация която е доста
Добър чаптър. Няколко панела особено ми харесаха. Чудя се кои от главните герои ще умрат (Кубо доста засили тази тенденция) и кои ще се прегрупират с Ичи за да спрат куинситата на по-късен етап? Ямамото ми е доста сигурен.
_________________ Naruto
Shakugan no Shana
Shaman King
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Minerva@BA написа:
czeliate@BA написа:
So the rumour is indead true... "the arrancar woman use her copy/duplicate abilities to copy espada's technique/moves " from 2ch...
Yeah, she copies the special techniques for each of the Espada who displayed one. There's a data recording in Szayel's lab for ... sounds like every Arrancar battle. I 've been skimming through the novels and really wish I had the skill and patience to translate everything, it's so interesting! There's even something about the similarities between Ulquiorra and Ichigo's Mugetsu that I can't follow completely.
Oh: Szayel's research -- part of it, at least -- involved Hollow evolution. He was studying how and why Hollows evolve, what makes a warrior, and the differences between a Hollow and Plus. (I think we all know what the difference between a Hollow and a Plus is. ) He seems to have figured how to to kickstart evolution back up the Hollow food chain if one devolves.
Somewhere during his experiments, he managed to degrade himself back into an adjuchas, which cost him his place as an Espada. During his non-Espada time, he researched and perfected his "Gabriel" ability. For this and his skill as a scientist, he regained his place in the Espada and was granted the rank of "8".
At some point after Nnoitra gained the fifth rank, the two apparently discussed the research. Nnoitra's comment about the findings was: "That's insane. Love (好き)makes a person weak in my opinion." Typical. :XD
Nel? I'm still reading but it looks like Mayuri wanted to take her as a live specimen but Ishida stopped him.
One of the researchers (Mayuri, I think? just flipping through ...) figured out why she can't maintain adult form -- that form exists due to her emotions. When she sees Ichigo in danger, she reverts because of her feelings for him. Otherwise she can't maintain it, and any memories of her being in that form (her adult life, basically) are gone. There's one point where I think they manage to get her back into that form briefly, but obviously it didn't hold. No one but her Fraccion would call her Nelliel-sama, so it should be her and not a clone.
It's connected to why Yammy's rank changed from Ten to Zero. All power changes of that nature are based on emotion. If someone has a sudden power upsurge, it's emotional -- and better if the emotions are positive. Typical shounen resolve boost: the Power of Love(TM) fixes everything
The Hollow levels hold for Arrancars. If Szayel lost his place as an Espada due to managing to de-evolve himself, it's implicit that regaining Espada rank meant regaining the Hollow level he was. We also now know than an Arrancar can continue to evolve as a Hollow.
In short -- Aaroniero is special due to his abilities. An Adjuchas would likewise have to have some super-special ability to be in the Espada. All the other Espada (including Privaron) therefore are VL.
I was seriously facepalming through the next part...WARNING! Zaraki Kenpachi wankfest ahead...... ЕДИТ! Това е непотвърдена информация!
first part of the comment are just to thank the readers for buying the book and Narita for writing the novel
however it's starting to get ridiculous afterward, so buckle your seat belt
according to kubo, when he draw bleach, he leaves few secrets in the manga that he expect few readers to notice.
there are total 4 levels of secrets
first level is the easiest, he expected every reader to be able to notice it the second level is a bit harder, about 1 in 4 people to 1 in 10 people can notice it the third level is even harder, probably only 1 in a thousand can see though it
now, to the last level, which according to kubo, is something he put in from the beginning and something he intend to reveal in the grand finale of the manga, something he thought no one would be able to decipher and that is... ZARAKI's TRUE POWER LEVEL
when kubo read the ending part of the novel(the climax of the battle between zaraki and that 8th kenpachi), he said he was so shocked that Narita actually understood his bleach to the core and saw through zaraki's true potential apparently he was so excited and happy that he read that part over and over again...
so, yeah, kubo was planning to reveal zaraki as uber powerful at the end of the manga, but somehow this Narita guy spoiled us...
few other things regarding zaraki's power that was described in the novel
apparently Zaraki has always been this powerful, but his special ability (or should i say handicap) is to automatically adjust his power level to his opponents, so he'll enjoy the fight longer.
there are only two person aizen didn't want to face before acquiring immortal body from break sphere, one was yama, so he create wonderwise so specifically counter him, the other one is zaraki, so aizen lured him and the other captains through Ichigo to hueco mundo by kidnapping orihime.
just like fillerpachi, zaraki's riatsu severs as a defensive armor that protect him from all sorts of hax
According to aizen, when zaraki's fighting Cien(the enhanced version of Szayel, the one with same amount of riatsu as h2 ichigo), zaraki's strength at the moment is so strong that he could easily blow away baragan's respia and stark's wolves. (and since zaraki's riatsu=Cien's riatsu=h2 ichigo's riatsu at this moment, i suppose h2 ichigo can also do this. maybe that's a confirmation that h2 ichigo is stronger than all other Espadas?) Cien also used the voodoo doll on zaraki, he created dozens of them, but all of the dolls were too hard for him to break, so yeah even if you have same amount of riatsu as zaraki, your hax still won't work on him
and finally, in the final bout between zaraki and the 8th kenpachi, none of the other spectators were able to sense their riatsu,
oh, and the amount of riatsu his eye pad now absorbs is 10 times more than before the time skip...
so to sum it up, zaraki is uber broken. When you fight him, he'll lower his power level so he'll have a longer fight with you. but beware, none of the hax will work, and the only way to damage him is through melee attacks and kido, and the worst? he'll always win in the end
red = family pink = love/admiration yellow = friends green = Isshin/Ryuken ?? white = business partners blue = hate
*От един друг диалог става ясно че Чад се е моткал с Xcution малко след като Ичо си губи силите *Hikifune е част от четирите Noble Houses (Капитанът на 12 отряд преди Урахара, която беше повишена в RG)
Откъс с текст за Рукия и защо си е отрязала косата
Title: A day before the VC appointment ceremony. The thought in Rukia's mind about "a certain thing".
The setting is a day before VC appointment ceremony.
First paragraph is a scene of Rukia with her loyal personal maid who always taking care of her. The maid asked "Rukia-sama, do you want to do something with your hair before the ceremony tomorrow?"
Rukia touched her hair and realized that it indeed has grown. She said, "Yes... then could you please arrange it?" (she said in a very polite way). The maid replied "Of course" then mentioned they better make a schedule with a barber.
Second paragraph is the scene before she cut her hair. Rukia looked at herself in the mirror. She saw the trace of Hisana-sama.
"My face that was reflected, these eyes, the smiles. Hisana-sama... no, nee-sama's trace remain on them."
"Please cut it."
"There is no longer the need for me to cling on mere shapes/resemblance. Because between me and nee-sama, between me and nii-sama, there are certain things and bond that exist. I want to believe in that."
Barber: "Understood." The barber bowed before her and then inserted the scissor on her hair.
Последна промяна isena на Пет Юни 08, 2012 1:32 pm, променена общо 6 пъти
Неее според мен това не е 4-я левъл тайна . Тя е олкова трудна за откриване ,че дори и Кубо не знае каква е тази гооооляма тайна Ако някой може да сподели дали е намерил такива неща по чаптърите ,че аз от черни и бели петна друго не виждам вече ,може някоя точка да е имало
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