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 Заглавие: Link: The Back Horn [J-Rock]
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Юни 04, 2009 9:16 pm 

Регистриран на: Пет Юни 15, 2007 7:56 pm
Мнения: 337
Местоположение: София
The Back Horn


Each member of the band is from the country, and each one had his own reason for coming to Tokyo. Vocalist Yamada Masashi, originally from Ibaraki, decided to seek vocal training at an institute in Tokyo to pursue his high school dream of being a vocalist. Guitarrist and main songwriter Suganami Eijun, hailing from the country prefecture of Fukushima, thought his hometown devoid of any worthy musical talent and moved to Tokyo to form a band that wouldn't settle for mediocrity. Drummer Matsuda Shinji was also from Fukushima, but after spending most of his life there, and led on mostly by the ideals of a country kid, traveled to Tokyo to see what the big city was all about. Current bassist Okamine Koushu, while not a founding member of the band, used the excuse of wanting to enroll at a university in Tokyo in order to move there.

The idea to start a band was conceived in April of 1998, when Yamada met Matsuda, Suganami and original bassist Hirabayashi Naoki while attending school, and from the get-go Suganami Eijun convinced them to form a band, which was originally named "Gyorai" but later changed to "The Back Horn." Interestingly, the name "The Back Horn" came from a mispronounciation of "The Back Hoe," the original idea agreed upon the four founding members. So, the band progressed, writing more and more songs. Eventually they were invited to play in the Fuji Rock Festival in 1999, and one month later they released their first CD, the mini-album Doko e Iku under Kando Records in September of 1999. This impressive eight-track debut established a unique sound from the very beginning, introducing a raw, fierce sound that did not attempt to hide the band members' country origins. The songs, while definitely modern with huge distorted riffs and driving rhythms, were also complemented with melodies that bordered on traditional Japanese. Their second album, Yomigaeru Hi, followed seven months later and further expanded on their rapidly evolving style, and then, in September of 2000, they had their final release under Kando Records: the maxi single Fuusen. A few months later, The Back Horn signed to a major label: Speedstar Records.


Doko e Iku (1999.09.22)

1. Pink Soda (ピンクソーダ)
2. Class (カラス)
3. Fuyu no Milk (冬のミルク)
4. Gyorai (魚雷)
5. Amagoi (雨乞い)
6. Ayashiki Kumo Yuki (怪しき雲ゆき)
7. Banshuu (晩秋)
8. Doko e Iku (何処へ行く)

Yomigaeru Hi NEW MIX (2001.06.20)

1. Circus (サーカス)
2. Hashiru Oka (走る丘)
3. Shinsekai (新世界)
4. Limousine Driver (リムジン ドライブ)
5. Mugen no kouya (無限の荒野)
6. Yomigaeru Hi (甦る陽)
7. Akane Sora (茜空)
8. Hitori gen (ひとり言)
9. Saraba, Ano Hi (さらば、あの日)
10. Naite Iru Hito (泣いている人)

Ningen Program (2001.10.17)

1. Ikusen kounen no kodoku (幾千光年の孤独)
2. Serenade (セレナーデ)
3. Sunny (サニー)
4. 8 Gatsu no Himitsu (8月の秘密)
5. Suisou (水槽)
6. Mr. World (ミスターワールド)
7. Hyouhyou to (ひょうひょうと)
8. Akai Yami (アカイヤミ)
9. Ame (雨)
10. Sora, hoshi, umi no yoru (空、星、海の夜)
11. Yuuyake March (夕焼けマーチ)

Shinzou Orchestra (2002.11.13)

1. Wata Boushi (ワタボウシ)
2. Game (ゲーム)
3. Namida ga koboretara (涙がこぼれたら)
4. Natsukusa no yureru oka (夏草の揺れる丘)
5. Materia (マテリア)
6. Dinner (ディナー)
7. Yuugure (夕暮れ)
8. Yasei no taiyou (野生の太陽)
9. Sekaiju no Shita de (世界樹の下で)
10. Nukumori Uta (ぬくもり歌)

Ikiru Sainou (2003.10.22)

1. Wakusei Melancholy (惑星メランコリー)
2. Hikari no kesshou (光の結晶)
3. Kodoku no Senjyou (孤独な戦場)
4. Koufuku na Nakigara (幸福な亡骸)
5. Hanabira (花びら)
6. Platonic Fuzz (プラトニックファズ)
7. Seimeisen (生命線)
8. Hane -yozora o koete- (羽根~夜空を越えて~)
9. Sekimanako no Rojyuu (赤眼の路上)
10. Joker (ジョーカー)
11. Mirai (未来)

Headphone children (2005.03.16)

1.Ttobira (扉)
2. Unmei fukuzatsu kossetsu (運命複雑骨折)
3. Cobalt Blue (コバルトブルー)
4. Hakaishi fever (墓石フィーバー)
5. Yume no hana (夢の花)
6. Tabibito (旅人)
7. Pappara (パッパラ)
8. Shanghai kyousou kyoku (上海狂騒曲)
9. Headphone Children (ヘッドフォンチルドレン)
10. Kizuna Song (キズナソング)
11. Kiseki (奇跡)

Ubugoe Chainsaw [Live] (2005.08.24)

1. Kagi ~overture~ (鍵 ~overture~)
2. Tobira (扉)
3. Unmei fukuzatsu kossetsu (運命複雑骨折)
4. Cobalt Blue (コバルトブルー)
5. Koufuku na Nakigara (幸福な亡骸)
6. Ame (雨)
7. Mugen no kouya (無限の荒野)
8. Hakaishi fever (墓石フィーバー)
9. Headphone Children (ヘッドフォンチルドレン)
10. Naite Iru Hito (泣いている人)
11. Namida ga koboretara (涙がこぼれたら)
12. Sunny (サニー)
13. Hikari no kesshou (光の結晶)
14. Kizuna Song (キズナソング)

Taiyou no Naka no Seikatsu (2006.04.19)

1. Chaos Diver (カオスダイバー)
2. Apoptosis (アポトーシス)
3. shoumei (証明)
4. White noise (ホワイトノイズ)
5. Sekai no hate de (世界の果てで)
6. Tenki yohou (天気予報)
7. Fighting Man Blues (ファイティングマンブルース)
8. Black Hole Birthday (ブラックホールバースデイ)
9. Ukiyo no nami (浮世の波)
10. Yurikago (ゆりかご)
11. Hajimete no kokyuu de (初めての呼吸で)

THE BACK HORN (2007.05.23)

1. Haisha no Kei (敗者の刑)
2. Hello (ハロー)
3. Utsukushii Namae (美しい名前)
4. Maihime (舞姫)
5. Freesia (フリージア)
6. Koukai (航海)
7. Niji no Kanata e (虹の彼方へ)
8. Theater (シアター)
9. Oubeki Kizu (負うべき傷)
10. Koe (声)
11. Risou (理想)
12. Eda (枝)

Pulse (2008.09.03)

1. Sekai wo ute (世界を撃て)
2. Freude (フロイデ)
3. Kakusei (覚醒)
4. Sazameku Highway (さざめくハイウェイ)
5. Kagami (鏡)
6. Byakuya (白夜)
7. Hotaru ( 蛍)
8. Gladiator (グラディエーター)
9. Ningen (人間)
10. Wana (罠)
11. Umare yuku hikari (生まれゆく光)

Asylum (2010.09.15)


1. (雷電) Raiden
2. (ラフレシア) Rafflesia
3. (戦う君よ) You will fight
4. (再生) Play
5. (羽衣) Plumage
6. (海岸線) Coastline
7. (ペルソナ) Persona
8. (太陽の仕業) The work of the sun
9. (閉ざされた世界) Closed World
10.(汚れなき涙) Tainted Tears
11.(パレード) Parade

Последна промяна Wither на Вто Май 22, 2012 10:38 am, променена общо 5 пъти

“Sweet Jesus don't let the judge release me.
What if she's a zombie or a Dracula and tries to fuckin' eat me?”
 Заглавие: Re: Link: The Back Horn [J-Rock]
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Юни 04, 2009 9:31 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Май 10, 2006 9:11 am
Мнения: 3661
Местоположение: Sofia
Не забравяй да слагаш Link в заглавието.

Направиха много добър ED на Gundam 00
http://www.bgshare.com/419434/[PV] Wana - The Back Horn (ED1).avi

イヴァン - 이반
 Заглавие: Re: Link: The Back Horn [J-Rock]
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Юни 04, 2009 9:54 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Яну 21, 2007 1:14 am
Мнения: 2479
За първи път чух тяхна песен във филма Светло бъдеще. Ето я:
The back horn: Mirai PV - http://4storing.com/63z8h6/5f2160a5c4d6 ... a63e9.html

 Заглавие: Re: Link: The Back Horn [J-Rock]
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Май 21, 2012 5:29 pm 

Регистриран на: Пет Юни 15, 2007 7:56 pm
Мнения: 337
Местоположение: София

“Sweet Jesus don't let the judge release me.
What if she's a zombie or a Dracula and tries to fuckin' eat me?”
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