Ишида нямаше никакви крила, а един колчан с енергия. Изглежда че това са две различни техники, щом този я ползва ей така или не му пука, че после ще си изгуби силите или тази техника е по-напреднала и не си ги губи. Letzt Stil на Ишида събира енергия, която той изстрелва, а лошковеца си остана с меч. Освен ако не започне да лепи някакви Getsuga Tenshouподобни неща, но пък от друга страна уж куиншитата ползвали само лъкове.
Ами не си само ти . Тази страница ми преля чашата/ за 5 години само това ли е измислил / и реших да зарежа Белината поне за половин година. Пък и от доста време е по подходяща за месечно заглавие. Има някакъв сюжет, но е толкова разтеглен , че се губи тръпката, нетърпението да излезе следващия чап. Ако някой се съмнява просто да прегледа темата-90% са споровe за това кой на кого прилича. Дори отрицателните коментари биха били по-добри от това, защото показват някакво развитие на действието, а тук то просто липсва. Аз съм от тези, за които има прилики и то доста
Последна промяна popcorn girl на Пон Апр 30, 2012 8:17 am, променена общо 1 път
Уникален немски Предлагам Кубо да започва да превежда Гьоте на другия език, който владее до съвършенство - испански. И в крайна сметка Химлер е по-слаб от очилатото емо Сигурно и семейство Ишида са поредните имби ;/
Иначе добре беше чаптъра, акто изключим, че го прочетох за 2 минути. Няма да кавам принципно по колко време чета чаптърите на другите манги, но е в пъти повече. Доста интесни неща се споменаха. Явно Ишида ще има по-централна роля по-натам. Да видим кои са другите четирима опасни. Явно и куинситата си имат банкай като Еспадата.
_________________ Naruto
Shakugan no Shana
Shaman King
still not getting their scanlation, nevermine, I’ll see what I can do.. please correct me if I’m wrong.
消えた八代目で劍八あり,無刀 --- 天逆の罪人である 痣城劍八とは…..
ひとり思い巡らす 京楽が 振り返る過去とは…..
The 8th Generation Kenpachi Dissapeared. Criminal of high treason is Azajou Kenpachi
Pondering Alone Kyoraku look back into his past…
All the truth is inside the novel!!
Basically the first 2 sentence says, the 8th Generation Kenpachi, Azajou Kenpachi is guilty of high treason and went missing.
The next 2 sentence says that Kyoraku look back into his past alone. Hmm, Shunsui, why you soo lonely?? I wonder if we will get this sketch from Kubo? Any chances that the dead male espada will be starrk?
I can’t help for the second pics because there are text missing. But I think it’s about WJ publishes limited spoilers (content), for the public to read in advance.
4週連続!!![BLEACH] [Spirit are forever with you] WJ限定先行公開!!! 4 consecutive weeks!!! Bleach –Spirit are forever with you WJ publishes limited spoiler!!!
It means starting this week (chapter 490) Spoilers for this novel will be published for 4 consecutive weeks. So next week we will be getting another spoilers from this novel- possibly different pages, different scenes, another sketches from Kubo.
This week’s spoilers, I think it starts off with captains meeting at the 1st Division. Side text: “Gotei 13 Captains gathering in the 1st Division * text missing * ” “ Threat approaches Soul Society”
small text: “half an hour later/a short while later, at the 1st division barrack” “This is an emergency situation!” says yamamoto etcetc so it’s basically a captains meeting, and I think I saw Ukitake’s name, he is sick.. Zaraki Kenpachi, Mayuri, soi fong and her omnitsukido, the dissapearance of Azajou Kenpachi , Aizen Sosuke and so on…
That is all I can tell, unfortunately hopefully we’ll get a better scans and stay tune for next spoiler.
Немога да го приема тфа някъф мизерник да е по силен от нашия и то още в началото на арката .Изкарват нефки сили и тъпотий и оп на нашия силитие изведнъж най-слаби. И тия трите сега пък за кфо станаха само да губят време оня тупан освен да разтяга тая манга друго незнае вече .
Power level както винаги ми е непонятен в тая манга.
Но! Ако се замисля малко тоя с крилата абсорбира реятсу, а гетсуга е рятсу. Следователно я е абсорбирал и затова няма никакви поражения. От друга страна тупалката в гръб му дойде добре. Значи Ичиго просто трябва трябва да го накълца и да се свършва. Но все пак това дори логично обяснено се е безинтересно и просто. Поне за мен(моля ви се не ме бийте)
"The missing link project" - предстоящите новели излизащи другия месец, съдържащи информация за таймскипа и какво се е случило в СС през 17те месеца
czeliate@BA написа:
Hello guys!! We finally got a better scansXD
uploaded by Muramasa @2ch, also a baidu memberXD Thanks!
This is great! the 8th kenpachi's name is "Azashiro Kenpachi ", he's a dude though.. I guess XD
I think this time it took place in underground prison: Mugen, where he met Aizen, they have a chat maybe??
That lady, still not sure if she's connected whoever though, but she is in Mugen as well (again I'm not sure, lol)
czeliate@BA написа:
hello. the rebooted souls book is a character book, the book has every bleach characters up until volume 54
ah~ this is sad :cry [STRIKE]I'm fine at reading raw manga, but have troubles reading raw databooks/character books, reading chinese novel was already tough for me but reading raw novel is killing me! Some parts I can grasp the meaning but don't know how to translate it.[/STRIKE]
Anyway, don't know if jojohot will do the translation, if they do, that's great! If they don't, I'll just try. Hopefully somebody has translate this part.
Anyway.. this week it takes place in the 8th underground prison call: Mugen, the criminal Azashiro Kenpachi (a dude!) met Aizen, Aizen knows his name and judging from the conversation btw the 2, Azashiro seems calm and cool, (not what I expected). Aizen as usual Their conversation seems very gentlemen, very polite, very calm.
lol~ this is how she laughs: "ki ha! ki hahaha! " "ki hahaha! ki hahahahahaha!"
wait wait!! as in ... [STRIKE]zehahahaha!![/STRIKE] oops wrong manga.:heehee BOY! Imagine if your girlfriend or your mom laughs like this ..kihahahaha!! and she keeps making fun of Aizen, like she yelled "hey look! This guy! This Aizen!" or something and wanting to get that hogyoku by digging it from Aizen's body maybe? (I don't know that part but she makes fun of him)
Azashiro then tells her to keep quiet, they continue their conversation and when Azashiro said "I wasn't expecting you to be defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo", dat woman strikes again. she says something like "huh? you expect him to be stopped by zero squad?" or similar, then added "in the end Aizen didn't even make it to the zero squad"lol. She then told Azashiro that his expectation were far too off, he must be very embarrassed..then she laughs again "ki hahahaha!!XD"
lmao! That woman is nasty!
in the end Azashiro express his gratitude towards Aizen, Aizen then says he will make an expectation from Azashiro's action base on the question that Azashiro ask him, and also to keep away from boredom.
pikeish@Deathberry написа:
'KENPACHI' is a name that is customarily succeeded by defeating the predecessor in a duel. However, the 8th one, Azashiro Kenpachi a criminal that has never been cut by anyone even once, after commiting a great crime, his very existence was buried in the prison of Muken.
No one has ever seen his zanpakutou. The swordless criminal.
Добре беше чаптъра. Кубо може да е трол и глупак, но успява да създаде чувство на epicness. Костюма на тоя наистина е потресаващ (да не говоря за обувчиците му). Чад доста спокойно прие, че му се обели кожата. Иначе Айон не мисля, че ще направи кой знае какво.
_________________ Naruto
Shakugan no Shana
Shaman King
Translation by pikeish @ Deathberry Quote: Aizen Sousuke.
While being a shinigami, he is the King of the hollows. He reigned over as Hueco Mundo's ruler and holding the great power of the hougyoku, tried to crush the Spirit King, a rougue (who committed) high treason. His ambition being crushed by the shinigamis and Kurosaki Ichigo, he is someone who, with his immortal body was imprisoned in Muken. Even though the Soukyoku, an execution tool used exclusively for shinigami is already destroyed, even if it still existed, having acquired an immortal body with the hougyoku, it is impossible to kill Aizen.
Not only is his hands and body, but also both his eyes, his ears, his mouth, and even his skin's sensory are all sealed away with the power of bakudou, he is in a situation where he is captured within darkness.
However--- a part of that person's sensation, was suddenly being released.
Without a warning, one of his eyes, his ears, the seal on his mouth were lifted, a part of the cloths which which were used as supplement/catalyst to the bakudou became undone. What reflected on the eyes which appeared from behind the black cloth was complete darkness.
However, from that darkness, a soft light slowly emerges.
An old-fashioned lamp, which was never supposed to exist in Muken was burning with a bright light in front of him who was bound to the chair. He let his eyes get used to the light which his body which fused with the hougyoku hasn't bathed in since his imprisonment.
Then, Aizen Sousuke identifies a lone man beside the lamp. Even though faced with a sight that isn't normally possible, Aizen's eyes never had a color of surprise nor of troubledness. Rather, as if he was already expecting this kind of happening, with an air of having a presence of mind, he made a smile creep up his mouth and spoke.
"My, my. I wonder if it is an honor to be able to gaze upon such an old time prisoner?"
Fluent words.
A normal man, if his mouth was sealed for more than a year would take time to gain back the sensory to be able to move his tongue and throat, so it wouldn't have been so easy for (that person) to speak for the first time (again).
But the tone of Aizen's words, was never different from the one before he was imprisoned in Muken. Behind his words, there were no hints of the pessimism which usually comes with being imprisoned, or of torment in being conscious of the sins committed.
With a tone of being calm, Aizen fixes his eyes on the man with eyes as if he sees everything though.
"I wonder what I should call you. With your real name as Azashiro Souya or putting some respect to the title which is given to the strongest shinigami in Soul Society, should I call you this instead---"
Aizen, whose whole body is still being sealed, and this man standing in front of him, who isn't restricted anywhere. Clearly, the latter is at a more advantageous place but without a trace of fear, as if he himself is in control of the atmosphere of that place, Aizen puts his name to his lips.
"---As the eleventh division, 8th generation captain, Azashiro Kenpachi"
Azashiro Kenpachi.
From behind the man whose own name was called, a face of a woman clad in a white kimono suddenly appears.
"Kiha! Kihahaha! Look, hey hey! This guy! This Aizen right here! Even though his eyes, ears and mouth all of a sudden became free! It's like he has all the free time, see? Is this what you call the power of the hougyoku? Hey it's great how cool! Get it, that hougyoku! It's possible with your sword's writing? From the tip of his nails to the blood vessel on the back side of his eyeballs, deep deep down, gauging it, gauging it out! Turn the reishi inside out and lick out only the power of the hougyoku! Kihahahaha! Kihahahahahaha!"
Talking idly, the woman jumps up and down for happiness. However, Aizen never betrayed/made a sign of reaction and just kept a faint smile on his lips.
Azashiro narrows his eyes faintly and spoke in a voice only the woman can hear, "You, keep quiet".
Then he reverts back his eyes towards Aizen from the woman who exaggeratedly closed her mouth, and answers monotonously, "If you know about me then it's a good help since the conversation could go faster". Without wasting time on introductions, Azashiro indifferently says his words.
"In order to not be asking useless questions later on, I'll make it clear now... I'm not interested in the sins you committed, or of the hougyoku's powers. I just want to inquire things about the 'outside'".
"Aren't you overestimating me? Seeing into Seireitei while being in Muken, to the man that my Kyouka Suigetsu's powers would probably wouldn't work on, I do not think I can tell you anything of importance now"
Azashiro, without thinking that the tone of this complacent Aizen as unpleasant, once again spit out his words, "What I want to learn of is about your knowledge on what's outside Seireitei. If I will say it bluntly, I wasn't expecting you to be defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo. I think it will also come to a point I will ask about that too."
Then suddenly, the woman seductively puts her arms around Azashiro's neck from behind and laughs mockingly. "Kih-! You were expecting with a dead serious face that 'Aizen's attack will be stopped by the 0 squadron and thus will end there' right! In the end Aizen didn't even make it to the 0 squad! THe expectation was too far off I bet you're super embarrassed! Hey hey tell me how you feel, your impressio--- Uhihi!?" Just like that the woman in white attire was thrown away and fell on the floor beside Aizen.
Aizen, instead of the woman turned over below him, dropped his eyes on the floor right in front of him and returns his words to Azashiro who just said 'I want to hear about your defeat' and laughs quietly.
"Defeat huh. When I think about my disarrayed heart from that time, I can say that that was a beneficial experience for me. You should also savour it one time."
"I cannot understand the feeling how a thing as defeat could be considered beneficial"
"I wonder how it is for you. Do you still wish to continue the discussion even with our difference in this view?"
"No, I just do not want to talk of useless stories," Azashiro dismisses Aizen's dialogue as mere 'useless story'.
Hearing his response, Aizen deliberately distorts his face as if he is happy, and opens his mouth to speak, "I don't mind. I'll oblige you in your questions for a short while"
"I thank you. It is a deal that you have no benefit on" the criminal expresses his pure gratitude to the criminal. However, as if to reject that gratitude, Aizen lifts his eyes and says "That is not true. From the contents of the questions, I will make an expecation of your movements and the end/climax of it and use it to keep out the boredom."
excuse me , I need to go and change my pants
Последна промяна isena на Сря Май 16, 2012 9:59 am, променена общо 2 пъти
@isena - WTF?! Тази новела кърти галактики, открива вселени, лепи слънца Нямам търпение да излезе! Дали пък няма точно този Azajou Kenpachi да е the main antagonist? Който е дал начало на evil Aizen?(Явно не, след като прочетох последния ти пост) И к'ва е тази откачалка?! Бах си интересното!
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