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Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.  Публикувано на: Сря Май 09, 2012 10:16 am |
spiralkinda |
Цар Алко |
Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm Мнения: 9224
666 Цитат: Chapter 666: Yeti COOL BROTHERS
The Yeti brothers leave the collection of the Zoro, Brook, and Nami's bodies to M's subordinates. One of the subordinates ask if they killed the SHs. The brothers reply by saying that if killing were a problem, why would they have been called? They head for Luffy's location.
At the lab, Caesar is delighted that they (the SHs?) were killed so quickly. Monet knows of Law's and Luffy's connection with each other. Caesar is suspicious of Law. Law denies anything. Caesar remembers when he first met Law, and apologizes. Law asks again about whether the children will really come back on their own. When Law learns of the drugged candy, he says, "What a vile hobby. Reminds me of someone." He moves his seat away (?). Caesar: "Guys with spinning heads sure are tough to handle" (help me out here... someone... Aohige?)
The place where Chopper and the kids are is attacked by someone. Choppers goes out to investigate but says that there's no one there. Nami tells Brownbeard to tell them everything he knows. Brownbeard: "You won't find anyone no matter how hard you look. They never reveal themselves. Even we don't know what their faces look like. They'll definitely accomplish their missions in order receive payment. I only know one thing about them. Their footprints are huge, but their voices are incredibly small. Well, I know one more thing. They're beast men giants whose entire bodies are covered with fur. They're the Snow Mountain Assassin duo who appear out of the blizzard. Lock and Scotch. Referred to as Yeti COOL BROTHERS. They're 25 years old, and they come from an unknown snow country."
Nami: "You actually know a whole lot!"
A giant shadow. Scotch appears. "Brownbeard? You're also on the kill list." Master said to kill you for being so incompetent. Brownbeard starts to cry upon hearing the audio recording (maybe because their voices are so low, they use a mic/tape player???) Luffy's group hears the attacks and heads back. Brownbeard is hit (the gun is so big that it's more like a bazooka) He cries as he's hit over and over, and then he falls. Lock says that they should aim for the captain instead of accidentally hitting and killing the kids (the big ones who are tied up) Luffy says "don't lay a finger on my friends." Luffy is hit, but he counterattacks and the brothers vanish. Nami (in Franky's body) is kidnapped. It seems that Caesar is interested in the vegapunk laser technology in franky's body. Law is at the rear entrance of the lab. Subordinate: "Where are you headed, Law? There are marines nearby..." Law: "I don't know. I'll go where I please." He starts taking down Caesar's subordinates one after the other.

Цитат: "Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.  Публикувано на: Сря Май 16, 2012 10:47 am |
spiralkinda |
Цар Алко |
Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm Мнения: 9224
667 Цитат: 667: COOL FIGHT Cover: Kamabaka Kingdom- The same-as-ever Okama King- confirming that Mugiwara boy made it out to sea After seeing Brownbeard's appearance and hearing what Chopper has to say, Luffy heads out to retrieve [Nami]. Franky is going with him, and demands some Rumble Balls from Chopper. Chopper says he won't be able to control the effects, but hands some over anyway. Chopper starts to explain how to use them but Franky uses some immediately and begins rampaging. Luffy doesn't realize, tells Franky "Let's go," and Franky starts to attack Luffy. Caesar says that all he wants is Franky's beam- he doesn't need anything else. Because of the Marines' attack, it seems like he's once again setting up for a gas explosion attack. Nami argues with the Cool Brothers. She says they'll be sorry when Luffy shows up [this is cut off, but easy enough to guess]. We get the Cool Brothers' introduction, but we can't see their faces, and they're complaining about the cold (because they're naked...).
Luffy and Franky follow the footprints off the edge of a cliff. At the bottom there's an icicle pincushion [I'm picturing a bunch of stalagmites sticking up]. It's shattered to pieces by Armed Gatling. Even when targeted by bullets, Luffy can, thanks to his training, repel them all. [not sure about this one...]
Even now, we've got Luffy vs. Rampaging Franky Taking advantage of the group's split-up, the Cool Brothers drop an iceberg on the duo, but Franky throws it back. Scotch repels it. Luffy is annoyed by the persistence of Franky's rampage and hits him with an Elephant Gun. During this time, Nami is carried off again by Lock, and Law appears. Scotch is cleaved in two (!?) by an attack called Counter Shock. His glasses are broken, and he falls.
Law: "On this island lies a key to stirring up the New World. There are two ways to survive in the New World. Either take protection from one of the Yonkou, or challenge them. It doesn't look like you're willing to put yourself under anyone's control, eh?"
Luffy: "That's right! I like being the captain!" Law: "So form an alliance with me! The two of us combined might just be able to do it!" Luffy: "Alliance?" Law: "I've got a plan to take down a Yonkou." Luffy: "!!?"

Цитат: "Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.  Публикувано на: Сря Май 23, 2012 11:20 am |
spiralkinda |
Цар Алко |
Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm Мнения: 9224
Цитат: 668 Pirate Alliance From the Decks of the World (Final Volume): WB and Ace's graves
Luffy asks which Emperor Law wants to take down. Law tells Nami (not?) to listen. The reader can't "hear" what he says, but Luffy and Nami do. Luffy: "I see... Alright! Let's do it!"
Luffy, Law, and Nami return to the rest of the crew. Robin is worried about the idea of a pirate alliance, suggesting that they might be betrayed at some point. Luffy: "Eh? Are you going to betray us?" Law: "No." Anyway, Luffy says that idea seems interesting to him, and that even if Law isn't a good guy, everyone should be fine because of their two years of training. Franky and Chopper return to their bodies. Nami comes out of Franky's body and goes into Sanji's (because her own isn't there) Thanks to Franky's rampage, Chopper is immobile.
Chopper wants to save the kids, but Law says to leave them alone. It seems the World Govt. is still researching how to turn humans into giants. That Caesar already figured it out seems to have slipped right under the govt.'s and Vegapunk's noses. Nami says that she at least wants to confirm their safety by getting them off (?) the island. Luffy agrees, saying he'll do whatever his friends want to do. Luffy says that Sanji has become a bit attached to the Samurai (emotionally, I believe...) so won't Law help them out? Law is surprised. Usopp counsels Law. He says that the alliance he has in mind is probably a bit different from what Luffy believes it is, so he would be naive to try to suddenly make a power grab. He already thinks of himself as yonkou class (Luffy? not sure) Without a choice, Law agrees. He leaves the matter of the samurai to the crew, and says that he'll work on researching the matter of the kids and their drugs. He asks the ship's doctor (Chopper...) to come along. Because he still can't move, Chopper gets on top of Law's hat. Law is astonished. In the end, it looks like Chopper gets strapped to Law's sword. Law tells Chopper about Caesar. Those unable to use haki shouldn't approach him. Luffy says that he, Zoro, Sanji, and you (Law) can use haki. So those members should kidnap Caesar. With his capture, Law's plan can start to unfold. But from there, there's no turning back. And capturing him will be no simple task. In the lab, Caesar's underlings (the remodeled former prisoners) and Smoker's marines are fighting. But Caesar doesn't try to capture them to use as guinea pigs; instead, he summons his pet... (?) On the fiery side, the underlings open the gate. A giant slime emerges and annihilates them. Not sure if it's gas or something else.

Цитат: "Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.  Публикувано на: Сря Май 30, 2012 9:51 am |
spiralkinda |
Цар Алко |
Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm Мнения: 9224
669 Цитат: Source: AP Credtis: ccc
The three (Zoro, Brook, Sanji) had found the footprints and decided to follow them out of a sense of "romance" (you know... adventure). They finally arrived at a cliff. They were attacked from behind by the Cool Brothers kyp gas shells, put into a "dead drunk/sleepy" state, and dropped off the cliff. Before they fell on the pincushion, Zoro was able to cut them (to make a safe landing spot?) before falling asleep. Caesar's underlings came to collect their bodies, but Sanji woke up and took them out. He wakes up Zoro and Brook and they resume looking for the samurai. At their feet is a freezing Kinemon. They don't notice him, however, and proceed to trample him. His torso feels so cold that he thinks it must be submerged in water. The underlings who had all their possessions stolen by the crew appear in front of Zoro, but quickly run away. It's like they've seen a monster. Before them is the silhouette of a slime as big as a mountain. Caesar says that the incident 4 years ago WAS in fact the slime. It's not that he purified the gas (?); rather, he condensed it.
Tashigi turns into smoke in the middle of battle. She can use the power to that extent, anyway. They steal a boat and send someone off the island to make a full report. Smoker is annoyed that he doesn't have his own body.
Chopper and Law arrive at the rear of the lab. But in the instant that they try to enter, something comes flying out. Luffy, Franky, and Robin fly into the Marines vs. Caesar's underlings battle. They arrive with a direct hit to the battleship (?). (The instant they hit, Robin alone sprouts wings and lands safely) Law, Smoker, and the underlings are all surprised. End

Цитат: "Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
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