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Край на гласуването
5ти Май 2012Evangeline McDowell (Mahou Sensei Negima!)
Evangeline A.K. McDowell is the 26th student in Japanese alphabetical order of class 2/3-A, she is actually a centuries-old vampire cursed to remain at the school by Nagi Springfield, the father of her teacher Negi Springfield. Initially an antagonist for Negi due to his father's actions, she eventually becomes an important teacher and guide for the young mage and his allies as they fight and search for his missing father. However, Eva remains a cruel, powerful mage in her own right, yet with the sensitivities of her former human life (especially to the fact that she hides her feeling of Negi to everyone).
Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach)
Mayuri's appearance has a skeletal-like look to it with a skull-like visage. His face is painted entirely white with the inner portion of his face painted black with the exception of his nose. His eyes are a golden color and he constantly bares his teeth giving the appearance of him constantly smiling. Both his ears are seemingly replaced with stubbed golden cones. His fingernails are blue and, with the exception of the fingernail on his right middle finger, are all short. The one long fingernail is as long as the finger itself. He also wears a white hat with two ends that point to his right and a large purple scarf around his neck. His whole body, even his face and hands, has been painted black and white. He repaints his make-up every morning, as he always removes it before going to bed.
Sinbad (Magi)

He is the King of Sindria and the leader of the Alliance of the Seven Seas. He was 14 years old when he first captured a dungeon, the first dungeon ‘Bael’. Since then, he had sailed the seven seas and captured seven dungeons. He is known as the ‘Legendary Dungeon Capturer’ being the master of seven djinn. He is also commonly known as ‘High King of Seven Seas’. His nickname is Sin. His name is based from the ‘Sinbad the Sailor’.
Joukyuu (AIKI)
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Joukyuu is an average guy with dark hair that he has bleached on the top at the start of the series. He wears an average set of clothes: a white shirt with black pants and shoes. When normally walking around he usually has his hands in his pockets with a bored, indifferent, or care-free expression on his face. When he gets accepted as a professor into the martial arts university Ryobu his everyday attire becomes his work suit.
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