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Край на гласуването
25ти Март 2012Начин на гласуване и ограничения:Tatsumi Karasawamanga: Heat
Heat is a crime story featuring a young man named Tatsumi Karasawa who suddenly rises in the criminal world of Shinjuku, Tokyo, and becomes the leader of a group of amateurs who show no reluctance to face police and gangs alike. His successes in the Tokyo underground make a chief and a yakuza boss plot a conspiracy to eliminate him.

Rebornmanga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Reborn is the baby Home Tutor of Tsunayoshi Sawada, and whenever he greets someone, he says "Ciaossu", a casual male greeting that combines Ciao and Ossu. He wears a black fedora with an orange stripe running across the sides of the cone. He has black eyes and wears an all black suit with black boots and a purple dress shirt underneath.