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15ти Март 2012Yuu Tsukisakimanga: Pastel
The female protagonist of the series. She chose to take up Mr. Tadano’s offer to live with Mugi after her father died, because she did not want to trouble her mother’s new marriage. She is a good-natured girl who is smart and responsible. She is described as being very cute with a developed body. She is popular in school and has an easy time making friends. Unlike her sister, she chooses to come back to Onomichi to live with Mugi instead of moving to America with her mother. Although at times she has denied having any romantic interest in Mugi, she often gets jealous when Mugi is with other girls.

Serinmanga: Immortal Regis/Cavalier of the Abyss
A young, yet powerful, demon of Chaos and the one responsible for Jae Hyuk's death. She killed him while fighting, when Jae Hyuk was trying to bring his ill brother to the hospital. Feeling slightly guilty, she asks him "Do you want to live?", to which Jae Hyuk answers yes. She brings him from the dead, making him an undead, much to his disbelief, and ends up dragging him back to her world, the world of Chaos.

Reika Shimohiramanga: Gantz
A beautiful, young and popular idol. Like almost everyone else, she was caught in the line of fire during Izumi's killing spree in Shinjuku. She develops a crush on Kurono after seeing him in action during her first night as a participant in the game (the Dinosaur Mission). Gantz used to call her "Kurono's #1 Fan," but now he just calls her "Reika." Surprisingly enough, she proves to be a formidable opponent against the Aliens. She uses her points to resurrect Tae because she wants Kurono to be happy. It is not until Kurono chooses to be free that she confesses to him that she loves him. After Kurono departed from the game, she was appointed the new team leader of Gantz. She received a phone call from Kurono just before he was attacked by the vampires, but did not arrive in time to save his life; she even tried to hold on to Kurono's body in order to be transferred with him in the hope of reviving him. However, this was stopped by one of the vampires who used her body to transfer to the Gantz room instead.

Kurohimemanga: Mahou Tsukai Kurohime
Known as the greatest magician in the world, Kurohime was believed dead after her fight with the gods. She´s the only one capable of summoning dragons. While other people, or even groups of skilled magicians, tried for weeks to do so, the results are failures, she can summon lots of them at the same time. The origins of her powers are unknown. She carries two weapons: Senryuu ( the gun of illusions), and the kokunshibaku (Gods' black tree) that nullifies all types of magic. After her fight with the gods they cursed her, changing her size into that of a child; while in this form her abilities in magic are almost zero, and unable to use her weapons.