Номинираните герои за Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- са разделени на случаен принцип в 8 блока по 4 героя. Двамата които съберат най-много гласове от своя блок, ще преминат в следващият кръг. След което победителите от Блок 1 и 2, 3 и 4, 5 и 6, 7 и 8 сформират нови групи.
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10ти Март 2012Kim Hanmanga: Burning Hell
Kim Han worked in Korean government as a medical practitioner, but since has been labeled a serial murder for conducting autopsies, and thus exiled to Kyokudo.

Kanou Shoumanga: History’s Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Nicknamed Suparna, a mythical creature in Hindu mythology said to possess beautiful wings; he is the disciple of Akira Hongou and leader of YOMI until his death in Battle 264.
Shou is arguably the most powerful member of YOMI and the toughest opponent Kenichi has ever fought. He was raised as a member of Kuremisago and had received extensive training in martial arts for all his life. He's been trapped in Yami like a bird in a cage but when he met Miu it was like seeing a bright light. More than one YOMI has described him as being 'perfect', even to the point of 'too perfect' which was allegedly the cause of his defeat. Although he is shown to have acted in a goofy manner under awkward circumstances, he is highly assertive and will not hesitate to direct his killing ki at anyone who stands in his way. However, Shou plays the role of a tragic antagonist. His moves and fighting style greatly resemble Miu's.

Tatsumi Karasawamanga: Heat
Heat is a crime story featuring a young man named Tatsumi Karasawa who suddenly rises in the criminal world of Shinjuku, Tokyo, and becomes the leader of a group of amateurs who show no reluctance to face police and gangs alike. His successes in the Tokyo underground make a chief and a yakuza boss plot a conspiracy to eliminate him.