Номинираните герои за Bishie Showdown -Manga Style- са разделени на случаен принцип в 8 блока по 4 героя. Двамата които съберат най-много гласове от своя блок, ще преминат в следващият кръг. След което победителите от Блок 1 и 2, 3 и 4, 5 и 6, 7 и 8 сформират нови групи.
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10ти Март 2012Uon Hakuronmanga: Haou Airen
18-year old mafia in the Hong Kong mafia. His real name is Wang Li Chien (王厲誠?) and his family descended from the royal line in China. A fortune teller foretold that he would bring the downfall of his clan so his father tried to kill him. It set off a series of events to happen, causing his mother to be killed and Hakuron killing his father, the first of the many murders that would lead to him becoming the much feared man in the Triads. His mother left him with a Dragon Jade of which she swore would protect for the rest of his life. He seems like a very coldblooded man, but actually has a very kind side that rarely anyone notices. He falls in love with Kurumi, but many other organizations use her to try to ruin Hakuron and that leads to Hakuron to thinking that he would rather hurt Kurumi mentally if it means he can protect her. Kaafai, the friend of Kurumi, witnesses Hakuron rape Kurumi and harbours a deep hatred towards him. Later on in the story Kaafai sees that Kurumi has returned to Hakuron despite the periods of abuse. Hakuron proposes to Kurumi and upon the wedding day he relinquishes all his weaponry and guards so he can marry Kurumi as just a normal man. Kaafai, however, appears with a gun and shoots Hakuron dead outside the church.
Uchiha Madaramanga: Naruto
Madara Uchiha was the leader of the Uchiha clan prior to and after the formation of Konohagakure. After allying with his rival, Hashirama Senju, he also helped to found Konohagakure. Madara is considered by many notable individuals to be one of the most gifted shinobi in history and the most powerful that has ever been produced within the Uchiha clan.
He appeared when revived by the Impure World Resurrection.

Mustainmanga: Dark Air
Mustain is the one that took care of Melrose for 6 months. He uses music to fight and it's on the level of grandmaster.