Номинираните девойки за Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- са разделени на случаен принцип в 8 блока по 4 девойки. Двете събрали най-много гласове от своя блок, ще премине в следващият кръг. След което победителите от Блок 1 и 2, 3 и 4, 5 и 6, 7 и 8 сформират нови групи.
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5ти Март 2012Inner Mokamanga: Rosario+Vampire
When the rosario around her chest is removed (only Tsukune can remove the rosario safely, but Moka is also able, albeit with potentially fatal side-effects), the seal that keeps her true nature is released, transforming Moka into a "super-vampire". Aside from the physical changes to her body (silver hair, red eyes with slit pupils, slightly larger hips, and a slight increase in her breast size), her inner vampiric personality also emerges. Cold and reserved, "Inner Moka" (裏萌香 Ura-Moka?) is deeply aristocratic and arrogant, looking down upon all manner of yōkai"
Hae-Young Nahmanga: Unbalance x Unbalance
A young, beautiful 26 year old woman who teaches mathematics and also acts as the homeroom teacher for class 3-2. She lives with her sister and niece in an apartment block quite close to Jin-Ho's. Her father’s unexpected departure from her life when she was young has had a huge impact on her. Even though she is extremely attractive and was apparently popular throughout her school life, she has become very guarded around men, feeling unable to trust or form relationships with them. Consequently she is still a virgin and even has her first kiss during the course of the story. She also seems to be following her mother's career path, who was also a teacher and became the district superintendent before retirement. She also has a crush or love for Myung, Jin-Ho a student in her class and is defenseless around him.

Mavis Vermilionmanga: Fairy Tail
Mavis Vermilion was the first master and the founder of the Fairy Tail Guild. Mavis has very long, wavy, blonde hair, large, green eyes and a slight, child-like build. She protected Fairy Tail members from Acnologia, summoned by Zeref, by casting the ultimate defense spell, Fairy Sphere.

Anastasiamanga: Brave10
Saizo's childhood friend and as well one of the Sanada's 10 warriors.
A beautiful Russian girl and female member of the Iga ninja, she uses ice magic and is capable of freezing water and mist in an instant, thus earning her the name "Anastasia the Frozen Flower." She targeted Yukimura but was defeated, so she decided to join him. Both Saizo and Sasuke call her 'Ana'.
She is very playful and cunning in nature, but also becomes serious when the moment calls for it.