Номинираните девойки за Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- са разделени на случаен принцип в 8 блока по 4 девойки. Двете събрали най-много гласове от своя блок, ще премине в следващият кръг. След което победителите от Блок 1 и 2, 3 и 4, 5 и 6, 7 и 8 сформират нови групи.
В темата могат да се пускат не ограничен брой снимки (стига да отговарят на определените норми) за фаворитките си, но трябва да се пускат в thumbnail.
Край на гласуването
5ти Март 2012Elysemanga: Oretama
Elyse is a Lesser Devil to assist the Queen of Terror in destroying the human race. When an angel seals the Queen of Terror in Kohta’s right ball, her mission is to now to make Kohta ejaculate to free the queen, but she fails, because Kohta's erect penis disgusts and scares her...and it doesn't exactly help that she harbors a love interest underneath her layers of hatred towards him.

Yuminmanga: Sun-Ken Rock
Любовта на Кен, която той последва в Корея ... и стана каквото стана

Shiraki Meikomanga: Prison School
Vice president for the underground student council.

Himikomanga: Btoom
Himiko is a young high school girl. She has bright blue eyes and long, blonde hair, making her look like a foreigner.[1] Her hair is wavy and parted to the right, exposing a part of her forehead. She has small earrings and paints her finger-nails cyan. She has pretty large breasts. Because of her events on the island, she is also covered with small bruises and cuts.
She has only been seen wearing her high school uniform. Her uniform consists of a white buttoned shirt with a small tie around her neck. The tie is dark green and Himiko styled it with an embroided white skull. She also wears a camouflage-colored skirt, that reaches the half of her thighs. She has black, long socks and regular shoes. When her underwear was exposed, it is shown that she wears pink bra panties.