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Заглавие: Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- - номинации & дискусии  Публикувано на: Вто Фев 07, 2012 10:18 pm |
CaBa |
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Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Време е за Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- За целта трябва да се изберат участничките: - Всеки има право да номинира по 3 девойки като е силно желателно да присъства кратко описание и поне 2 добри снимки. Снимките нямат ограничение в големина, но трябва да са или само линкове или в thumbnail. - Участничките може да са само от манга, нито от игри, нито от хентай манги. И е силно препоръчително снимките да са от мангата, а не от аниме по мангата. - Въобще не са желателни секс сцени (даже са забранени), както и лолитата. Голотата може да е максимум до (.)(.) - Може да предложите и други снимки на вече номинираните кандидатки, ако смятате, че са по-добри от вече предоставените, като се поставят и те в thumbnail. - Победителите от предишните Pantsu Showdown -Manga Style- няма да се допускат да участват повторно. Битките ще протекат както миналия Pantsu Showdown -Manga Style- – девойките ще се разделят на блокове на случаен принцип и двете с най-много събрани гласове, ще продължат нататък. Краен срок за номинациите: 29 Февруари 2012като има възможност и да се удължи малко срока, ако не се събере достатъчна бройка ________________________ Кръг 1 написа: 1. Блок 1• Shirahoshi (One Piece) • Kurokami Medaka (Medaka Box) • Saeko Busujima (Higschool of the Dead) • Fumino Kaji (Faster Than A Kiss) 2. Блок 2• Elyse (Oretama) • Yumin (Sun-Ken Rock) • Shiraki Meiko (Prison School) • Himiko (Btoom) 3. Блок 3• Vera Linus (Veritas) • Frieda (Soukoku no Garou - Hokuto no Ken Rei Gaiden) • Kurono Kurumu (Rosario+Vampire) • Sle-Ghi Baek (Need a Girl) 4. Блок 4• Inner Moka (Rosario to Vampire) • Hae-Young Nah (Unbalance x Unbalance) • Mavis Vermilion (Fairy Tail) • Anastasia (Brave10) 5. Блок 5• Alita (Battle Angel Alita) • Rena (Onihime VS) • Alex Benedetto (Gangsta) • Hagiwara Natsuki (Ane Doki) 6. Блок 6• Makihara Madoka (Veritas) • Emma (Magico) • Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) • Garami (Kiba no Tabishounin) 7. Блок 7• Ayumi Takahara (The World God Only Knows) • Yuu Tsukisaki (Pastel) • Serin (Immortal Regis/Cavalier of the Abyss) • Valmet (Jormungand) 8. Блок 8• Reika Shimohira (Gantz) • Minerva X (Shin Mazinger Zero) • Kurohime (Mahou Tsukai Kurohime) От всички групи, първите 2ма ще продължат напред. Кръг 2 написа: 1. Блок 1• Kurokami Medaka (Medaka Box) • Saeko Busujima (Higschool of the Dead) • Yumin (Sun-Ken Rock) • Shiraki Meiko (Prison School) 2. Блок 2• Vera Linus (Veritas) • Frieda (Soukoku no Garou - Hokuto no Ken Rei Gaiden) • Hae-Young Nah (Unbalance x Unbalance) • Anastasia (Brave10) 3. Блок 3• Rena (Onihime VS) • Alex Benedetto (Gangsta) • Makihara Madoka (Veritas) • Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) 4. Блок 4• Yuu Tsukisaki (Pastel) • Serin (Immortal Regis/Cavalier of the Abyss) • Reika Shimohira (Gantz) • Kurohime (Mahou Tsukai Kurohime) От всички групи, първите 2ма ще продължат напред. Кръг 3 написа: Кръг 4 написа: Кръг 5 написа:
 PSN ID | Toriko.AnimeS-bg.com | Beelzebub.AnimeS-bg.com | BusterKeel.AnimeS-bg.com
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- - номинации  Публикувано на: Сря Фев 08, 2012 2:26 pm |
6iblio |
Регистриран на: Съб Мар 04, 2006 6:33 pm Мнения: 2201
Mavis Vermilion [Fairy Tail]  Mavis Vermilion was the first master and the founder of the Fairy Tail Guild. Mavis has very long, wavy, blonde hair, large, green eyes and a slight, child-like build. She protected Fairy Tail members from Acnologia, summoned by Zeref, by casting the ultimate defense spell, Fairy Sphere. Princess Shirahoshi [One Piece]  Shirahoshi is a giant smelt-whiting mermaid and the youngest of King Neptune's children. She has very long, flowing strawberry-blonde hair with a fish-shaped hairgrip. Her breasts are large, even relative to her giant-like size, and much of her upper body is exposed. After the saving of Fishman Island Luffy promises her that if they meet again, Luffy will take her to the surface and all the Straw Hats (minus Zoro and Franky) make the same promise as well and Shirahoshi says farewell to all of them.
Последна промяна 6iblio на Пет Фев 10, 2012 6:26 pm, променена общо 2 пъти
_________________ Naruto
Shakugan no Shana
Shaman King
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- - номинации  Публикувано на: Сря Фев 08, 2012 2:55 pm |
JohnnyQuid |
Регистриран на: Нед Авг 22, 2010 6:11 pm Мнения: 2690 Местоположение: Void
Reika Shimohira (Gantz)        A beautiful, young and popular idol. Like almost everyone else, she was caught in the line of fire during Izumi's killing spree in Shinjuku. She develops a crush on Kurono after seeing him in action during her first night as a participant in the game (the Dinosaur Mission). Gantz used to call her "Kurono's #1 Fan," but now he just calls her "Reika." Surprisingly enough, she proves to be a formidable opponent against the Aliens. She uses her points to resurrect Tae because she wants Kurono to be happy. It is not until Kurono chooses to be free that she confesses to him that she loves him. After Kurono departed from the game, she was appointed the new team leader of Gantz. She received a phone call from Kurono just before he was attacked by the vampires, but did not arrive in time to save his life; she even tried to hold on to Kurono's body in order to be transferred with him in the hope of reviving him. However, this was stopped by one of the vampires who used her body to transfer to the Gantz room instead. Yuu Tsukisaki(Pastel)          The female protagonist of the series. She chose to take up Mr. Tadano’s offer to live with Mugi after her father died, because she did not want to trouble her mother’s new marriage. She is a good-natured girl who is smart and responsible. She is described as being very cute with a developed body. She is popular in school and has an easy time making friends. Unlike her sister, she chooses to come back to Onomichi to live with Mugi instead of moving to America with her mother. Although at times she has denied having any romantic interest in Mugi, she often gets jealous when Mugi is with other girls. Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)          Erza Scarlet (19) is a S-class mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, the strongest still active female, and one of the main female protagonists in Team Natsu. Erza, is a tall, beautiful girl with long red hair, and brown eyes. She is almost always wearing an armored suit, made by Heart Kreuz. However, thanks to her requip magic, she can wear many magic armors, and can even requip swim suits, and clothes for recreational purposes. Her member stamp is on her left shoulder.
Последна промяна JohnnyQuid на Съб Фев 11, 2012 11:31 pm, променена общо 2 пъти
_________________ Sometimes i wanna go out and kill motherfuckers.
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- - номинации  Публикувано на: Сря Фев 08, 2012 5:12 pm |
crazy_little_crow |
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm Мнения: 9348
Saeko Busujima [Highschool of the Dead]   Цитат: A high school senior and president of the school's kendo club, she is extremely skilled at close combat with a bokken. Calm and collected with a sense of pride in her skills, Saeko is among the most reliable of the group. Everyone can count on her combat skills to pull them through a crisis. Also throughout the journey, she begins to develop romantic feelings for Takashi. Not much is known about her family except for her father who had traveled abroad on a self-defense conference before the advent of the Outbreak. Saya's father, Souichirou Takagi, tells Saeko that her father once gave him guidance so to repay the favor, he gives her a very powerful sword, crafted in the Tokyo armory by General Murata during the Meiji Era. Valmet [Jormungand]   Неделима част от групата на Коко - изключително добър боец (добре се справя с ножовете!!!) и гледайте да не я ядосвате. Има някаква странна наклонност да оставя Коко да я опипва, а мъжката част от групата съответно получава кръвоизлив от носа (с изключения на Йохан xDDD) Отличителната и черта е че губи едното си око при мисия и ... мисля че толкова ви стига като инфо -> ходете четете мангата за още... Minerva X [Shin Mazinger Zero] Цитат: She was named after Minerva, the Roman goddess of crafts and wisdom. Within the story, Minerva X was designed by Professor Juzou Kabuto, but its plans were stolen and it was built by Doctor Hell. Unfortunately for Hell, Minerva X's artificial intelligence made it totally loyal to Mazinger, and it quickly defected to the Photonic Labs' team. However, the AI in Minerva made it view Mazinger in a romantic light, causing it to become very jealous and resentful of Sayaka Yumi's Aphrodite A, another "lady robot"
Последна промяна crazy_little_crow на Пет Фев 10, 2012 8:54 pm, променена общо 16 пъти
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
 If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- - номинации  Публикувано на: Чет Фев 09, 2012 3:35 am |
krish |
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 30, 2009 8:40 pm Мнения: 4810
Himiko (Btooom)      Himiko is a young high school girl. She has bright blue eyes and long, blonde hair, making her look like a foreigner.[1] Her hair is wavy and parted to the right, exposing a part of her forehead. She has small earrings and paints her finger-nails cyan. She has pretty large breasts. Because of her events on the island, she is also covered with small bruises and cuts. She has only been seen wearing her high school uniform. Her uniform consists of a white buttoned shirt with a small tie around her neck. The tie is dark green and Himiko styled it with an embroided white skull. She also wears a camouflage-colored skirt, that reaches the half of her thighs. She has black, long socks and regular shoes. When her underwear was exposed, it is shown that she wears pink bra panties. Sle-Ghi Baek (Need a Girl)     A big breasted, beautiful girl. she often helps her parents in their dumpling store, when she does, the male customers flood in. She usually trips because her eyes get blocked by her big breasts, and she found a similarity between herself and Yong who always trips over because of his overweight belly.
Последна промяна krish на Чет Фев 09, 2012 4:37 pm, променена общо 1 път
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- - номинации  Публикувано на: Чет Фев 09, 2012 1:39 pm |
subzer0 |
Регистриран на: Съб Авг 30, 2008 2:14 pm Мнения: 1345 Местоположение: In my era, the times when I was happiest.
Serin (Immortal Regis/Cavalier of the Abyss)  Цитат: A young, yet powerful, demon of Chaos and the one responsible for Jae Hyuk's death. She killed him while fighting, when Jae Hyuk was trying to bring his ill brother to the hospital. Feeling slightly guilty, she asks him "Do you want to live?", to which Jae Hyuk answers yes. She brings him from the dead, making him an undead, much to his disbelief, and ends up dragging him back to her world, the world of Chaos. Vera Linus (Veritas)  Цитат: The student council president. An outwardly cold girl, she is the most powerful student at the school. Her sister, Yuri, is the head of Reunion. Her initial impression of Gangryong is that he is useless. In the past, she fought Lightning Tiger, and the incident left a scar and a strong impression. Though he was her enemy, she regards him almost as a former lover. She fights using the Arts of Heaven's Rich Strength. What she seeks can't be obtained by Reunion or the council and she actually hold no interest in them. She fights Guesong after he interfered in her goal and kills him, afterward Rud challenges her to a formal match next year. But then she kills everu student in the school except Rud's company and few who escaped earlier. After that she makes Rud die in exchange of his friends' lifes.
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- - номинации  Публикувано на: Пон Фев 13, 2012 10:05 pm |
excape |
Регистриран на: Пон Яну 05, 2009 5:04 pm Мнения: 1167
Kurohime-Mahou Tsukai Kurohime        Known as the greatest magician in the world, Kurohime was believed dead after her fight with the gods. She´s the only one capable of summoning dragons. While other people, or even groups of skilled magicians, tried for weeks to do so, the results are failures, she can summon lots of them at the same time. The origins of her powers are unknown. She carries two weapons: Senryuu ( the gun of illusions), and the kokunshibaku (Gods' black tree) that nullifies all types of magic. After her fight with the gods they cursed her, changing her size into that of a child; while in this form her abilities in magic are almost zero, and unable to use her weapons. Makihara Madoka-Veritas       A 19 year-old member of Student Council who also worked as Reunion's tracker for Lightning Tiger. She seems to be the middle ground amongst the two sides of the council, as she works for Vera and yet maintains a friendly relationship with Rud's group. She is the one who scouted Gangryong during her hunt for Lightning Tiger. She claims to be part of the council for their special privileges and is ranked amongst its Top 5. Her desire is for things to go back to the way they were before the division of the factions, for the students to stay united, which requires Vera. Madoka has a grudge against Guesong, whom she badly injured and almost killed because of his past attempted assault on Vera. This had him sent to a year of isolation training. She admitted she likes Gangryong, shocking even him. She fought Guesong once again to prevent the Traditionalist faction from gaining 6 of the 11 seats and had the upper hand until Guesong used 'Mirage' ending with her losing the match and nearly getting killed until Vera interfered. In a drunken depression she went to Gangryong's room to drink with him, but when he announced he was aiming for a seat she attempted to throw him and he in-turn electrocuted her. She later leaves his room resolving to end the battle. She was later killed by Vera. Rena-Onihime Vs         Rena is Kanna's younger Sister and a potential Successor for the Head of the Oni-clan, if she can gain Setsuna's Heart.she talks only with her exchange diary and seem to have a no problem to argue with her sister, she fight with two katana (one white and black) which seem to have a purify effect against other oni and demon,and leave no harm to the posess victim,she works in a maid cafe

Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown IV -Manga Style- - номинации  Публикувано на: Пон Фев 27, 2012 5:41 am |
Eien Ryuu |
Регистриран на: Сря Юли 18, 2007 1:06 am Мнения: 9939 Местоположение: In the unreal reality of Rousse.
Elyse (Oretama/My Balls!) Elyse is a Lesser Devil to assist the Queen of Terror in destroying the human race. When an angel seals the Queen of Terror in Kohta’s right ball, her mission is to now to make Kohta ejaculate to free the queen, but she fails, because Kohta's erect penis disgusts and scares her...and it doesn't exactly help that she harbors a love interest underneath her layers of hatred towards him. Pics:      Hagiwara Natsuki (Ane Doki) Age 17, High School student. Suddenly moved in to Ochiai Kouta house to act as his older sister while his father is away. The reasons are unknown except for the fact that she owes him for the ice cream. She seems to be a great fighter, as she beat up three bullies and a thief. She is immature, but in the end helps Kouta find a solution to his problems. She also has a sister named Chiaki, who appears later in the series. (End of 8 Chapter) Pics:    Emma (Magico) Emma (エマ Ema) is the main female protagonist of the series Magico created by Naoki Iwamoto. She is the current holder of the Echidna. Due that she has that powerful force of magic, she has been locked up in a unknown area with guards to protect her. There are many other mages searching for her after that Marouni Gate incident had leaked her appearance. There are many reasons ranging from absolute strength, share the magic with everyone, or prevent the world to be destroyed. She meets Shion, a powerful mage and one of the three sages of the west. Shion aims to help her to seal the Echidna by following the magico ritual. Pics:     (Кликвайте на всяка картинка за по-голям размер).
Последна промяна Eien Ryuu на Вто Фев 28, 2012 6:17 am, променена общо 1 път
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