Заглавие: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Публикувано на: Вто Фев 07, 2012 10:18 pm
The No-Goodnick
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9846 Местоположение: PervTown
Добре, и тук е време за хубави гледки Ако има забравили - Bishie Showdown го организираме за да се запасим с хубави картинки на красиви мъжки персонажи.. да определим най-красивите сред най-красивите де... *рови предната тема*
crazy_little_crow написа:
И както всяко нещо и тук ще сложим някои точици, които трябва да гледате да спазвате. Не са много, но все пак се съобразявайте с тях ^^
Участниците може да са от Анимета, Хентай анимета, Игри, Хентай игри и т.н., като важното е да хващат окото^^
Всеки има право да запише до 3 участници.
Хубаво е за всеки участник да бъде дадена и кратка информация.
Всеки участник се предлага с поне 2 хубави картинки на него, под формата на линк или thumbnail.
Въпреки, че участниците може да са от Хентай заглавия, тъй като това е Аниме раздела, е забранено в картинките, които се дават, да има прекомерна разголеност...
Всеки има възможност да предлага неограничен брой картинки за вече номинирани участници ако смята, че са по-добри от тези, с които е номиниран.
На победители на предни showdown-и им е забранено да участват отново и няма да бъдат записано ако бъдат предложени.
Картинките може да са от официални артове/скрийншотове/ фенартове стига да си личи, че героят е този, който трябва xD И спазва гореспоменатите правила ^^
п.п. темата съм я писал "и идеи", защото искам да видя и дали можете да дадете хубави предложения за това какви други showdown-и можем да организираме за да ни е приятно
и така... всичко по реда си:
Кръг 1:
Блок 1: - Gin - Miketsukami Soushi - Kotetsu T. Kaburagi
Блок 2: - Ichinose Tokiya - Marian Cross - Hayato Gokudera - Dio Brando
Блок 3: - Lancer "Diarmuid Ua Duibhne" - Gintoki Sakata - Souichirou Mikuni
Блок 4: - Okumura Rin - Natsume Takashi - Senji Kiyomasa
Блок 5: - Kotaro Katsura - Hugh Anthony Disward - Hijikata Toushizou - Lockon Stratos
Блок 6: - Toshiro Hijikata - Aizen Sōsuke - Daryl Yan
Блок 7: - Barnaby Brooks Jr. - Claude Claudel - Gray Fullbuster
He is the letter bee that finds young Lag Seeing marked as a letter in "Coza Bel", a small town in the "Yodaka District" (The low class district in Amberground). He has to deliver to "Cambel Litus" a town also on the "Yodaka District" so he can join his aunt which was trusted to take care of him from the person who wrote Lag's letter data. Gauche is also a a caring and enthusiastic letter bee, he is trying to become the "Head Bee" (Captain of the letter bees) so he has enough money to help his sister and live peacefully.
Никъде не видях тема за коментари, та да си попитам тука - защо само по 2ма?! Само от Гинтама се сещам за поне 6-7, даже повече, бишита. :/ Сложете като в БК-то, да могат да се предлагат 3ма, въпреки че и това няма да е достатъчно.
Публикувано на: Вто Фев 07, 2012 11:02 pm
The No-Goodnick
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9846 Местоположение: PervTown
WrathOfGod написа:
Никъде не видях тема за коментари
дискусии, коментари - same shit
WrathOfGod написа:
та да си попитам тука - защо само по 2ма?!
защо пък не... стига ви по толкова
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Публикувано на: Сря Фев 08, 2012 1:18 am
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm Мнения: 9348
WrathOfGod обикновено навсякъде имаш право на по две предложения - така е асаата, така са шоудауните, така беше и колизеума Евентуално ако участието е много малко тогава се отпускат по три на човек Макар че все си мисля че всяка година намаляват предложенията в шоудауните ... nvm Трябва да се стегна и да си пусна и аз някакви ...
teh Eye of Sauron xDDD -> pika~pika ...wait wha... O.O
Height (in cm) - 183 Weight (in kg) - 63
Gilgamesh is an enigmatic Archer-class Servant. Typically clad in an ornate golden armor, he possesses an immense number of Noble Phantasms, though none are representative of his true identity. Gilgamesh is a half-god, half-human king that ruled the Sumerian city-state of Uruk in the years before Christ.
Предложение 2:
Heiwajima Shizuo [Drrr/Durarara]
<3 <3 <3
Age - 24 Bloodtype - O Height (in cm) - 185 Weight (in kg) - 70
A man who is always seen to wear sunglasses and a bartender's suit. Although quiet and nondescript while not angered, he has a very short fuse and fights with incredible strength. Despite his simple and unrefined fighting skills, he is often considered the strongest fighter in the series. In the novels his power is described as the naturally unlimited form of human strength and likened to "adrenaline power" that can give people superhuman strength in times of emergency. In addition, Shizuo is capable of often superhuman parkour moves, a skill he obtained naturally from years of hunting down Izaya Orihara.
He works as a debt collector in Ikebukuro and carries intense animosity towards Izaya. He has a younger brother, Kasuka, who is a top idol under the showbiz name of Hanejima Yuuhei. He is also a long-time acquaintance of Selty.
His first and last name translates literally into "serene man" and "peaceful island" respectively. (he hates violence xD)
PS Пък моите и двамата се оказаха руси xDDD (добре де, единият е изрусен ;p) Е какво да се прави ...
Последна промяна crazy_little_crow на Сря Фев 08, 2012 12:17 pm, променена общо 2 пъти
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3 If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Публикувано на: Сря Фев 08, 2012 8:15 am
Регистриран на: Съб Мар 13, 2010 5:36 pm Мнения: 5003 Местоположение: Нейде из родопското село Пловдив
Miketsukami Soushi (Inu x Boku Secret Service)
Age: 22 Height: 187 cm
A nine tailed spirit fox, Soushi is also a mixed blood (youkai and human) like the other members of SS, but it is the most powerful one. Soushi usually is calm, polite and gentle to everyone, but has a soft spot for Riricho (his partner), he blindly obeys her like a "dog" and always tries to protect her above his own life.
Okumura Rin (Ao no Exorcist)
Rin is the son of Satan born from a human woman and is the inheritor of Satan's powers. His powers were sealed at birth into the demon-slaying blade Kurikara, or Koumaken, by Mephisto Pheles, allowing him to live a normal human life for about 15 years. Rin became aware of his true identity after Kurikara could no longer seal the blue flames he inherited from Satan, setting off a chain of events that led to the death of his guardian, Father and Exorcist Fujimoto Shiro, at the hands of Satan, who attempted to drag Rin back to the demon realm. Exorcist Mephisto Pheles confronted Rin after Shiro's funeral with several exorcists, giving Rin the option to kill them all or die. Rin instead demanded to become an exorcist, an idea that amused Mephisto. Rin was then enrolled personally by Mephisto into the True Cross Academy Exorcist School, where he has since been pursuing his goal to become a Paladin and to defeat Satan. He is currently an Exwire and attempting to gain the title of Meister as a "Knight".
п.п. Моята работа тук е свършена. А сега да ходя към любимото ми - PANTSU!
_________________ Хората често приемат традициите на техните предци, без да се съмняват, защото е по-лесно, отколкото да поемеш контрол над собствения си живот. Никой няма да дойде и да ни спаси, ако ние самите не искаме да се спасим.
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Публикувано на: Сря Фев 08, 2012 5:54 pm
Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Senji Kiyomasa (Deadman Wonderland)
Senji was the first "Deadman" that Ganta encountered at the prison. After making their way to sector G, Crow destroyed the Necro Macro security robot which had been chasing Ganta, Shiro and Yoh. After a small skirmish, and an interruption by Shiro, Crow was subdued by the Deadman security. The next day, Ganta and Senji were slated to be the next two Deadmen to compete in the "Carnival Corpse." Despite Senji's experience and skill with his 'branch' ability, Ganta managed to win by fooling Senji. As a consequence for losing, Senji's right eye was removed for research. He returns a short time later during Ganta's next match, sporting an eyepatch and gives Ganta assistance with figuring out his opponent's techniques. He also helps Ganta understand his own capabilities. His change in personality toward Ganta is due to his respect for Ganta's strength. Senji comments that because Ganta beat him, he is not allowed to lose until they have a rematch.
He is the letter bee that finds young Lag Seeing marked as a letter in "Coza Bel", a small town in the "Yodaka District" (The low class district in Amberground). He has to deliver to "Cambel Litus" a town also on the "Yodaka District" so he can join his aunt which was trusted to take care of him from the person who wrote Lag's letter data. Gauche is also a a caring and enthusiastic letter bee, he is trying to become the "Head Bee" (Captain of the letter bees) so he has enough money to help his sister and live peacefully.
Baka Ki El Dogra (Level E)
The first prince of the planet Dogura. He has an exceptionally high IQ and has little interest other than using it to torment those around him for his own amusement. His real name is Baka Ki El Dogra, but everybody refers to him solely as Prince or Prince Baka (a play with words since baka-ouji can mean both "Prince Baka" and "stupid prince").
A high school student in the Mihoshi Academy Pilot Training course. As a result of his fine features and long hair he is often mistaken for a girl at first glance, even receiving the nickname 'Hime' (Princess). His appearance was revealed to have been inherited from his late mother, Miyo. Despite this, he is otherwise a rather normal, though somewhat aloof and standoffish, boy.
Lockon Stratos (Gundam 00 S1)
Lockon is the most easy going of all the Gundam Meisters. He's kind and considerate to people around him; there is a darker aspect of him. There's a lot of internal anger against terrorists due to KPSA's involvement in killing his family. Because of the violent death of his family, he desired the power to change world and believe Celestial Being can help him change it. While usually cool minded and rarely angry, dealing in missions or people related to terrorism (especially KPSA) affects his judgment as he's blinded by his emotions. His thoughts are usually about his mother, father, little sister Amy.
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Публикувано на: Чет Фев 09, 2012 12:55 am
Регистриран на: Пон Май 25, 2009 9:40 am Мнения: 2436
Аз пак ще си номинирам тъпо и упорито мистър SexPada.
Представяне : най-сексапилното, красиво и предизвикателно бадасс биши от небезизвестия шоунен сериал Блийч по мангата на Тите Кубо.
Grimmjow appears to be a laid-back and irreverent individual at first glance, but this scruffy exterior hides a brutal, impulsive, excessively-violent personality and a lethally-short temper. Grimmjow is blunt, sarcastic, and quite sadistic, revealing a psychotic grin whenever he becomes excited, much like Kenpachi Zaraki or Hollow Ichigo. He displays little respect for authority and says whatever is on his mind, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate. This attitude leads to conflicts with Kaname Tōsen, who holds Grimmjow in the same low regard as he did with Kenpachi Zaraki. He also has conflicts with Ulquiorra Cifer, the 4th Espada, usually because Ulquiorra interrupts his battles or otherwise clashes with Grimmjow's ideals, and confidently believes Ulquiorra's powers to be weaker than his, a point he is eager to prove. He develops an additional grudge against Ichigo Kurosaki for wounding him during their first and second fights, and is eager to return the favor. He intentionally kept the large scar on his chest from their first battle as a reminder of this. Grimmjow is also infuriated by Ichigo's belief that he can defeat him regardless of how badly he is injured, which Grimmjow sees as Ichigo looking down on him.
Grimmjow is a very rude and disrespectful character. He uses none of the honorifics in the Japanese language, except when addressing Aizen (though he is quick to discard the formality when Aizen is not around), and refers to Orihime as woman in conversation. However, he does have some form of a code of honor, as he is unwilling to fight an injured Ichigo, bringing Orihime to heal him beforehand so that their battle will be a fair one, though he also wants to defeat Ichigo when he is at full strength.[5] He also saves Orihime from Loly Aivirrne and Menoly Mallia, who were beating her up, to repay the debt of restoring his arm, though he immediately demands another favor afterwards. Despite his aggression and obvious bloodlust in battle, he possesses a feral cunning and has a knack for quickly exploiting any opening his opponent reveals.
Cross Marian was a womanizer who loved to gamble and drink. When he gambled, he made extravagant bets and, if he lost, he never paid, leaving Allen or someone else to do so. When he was training Allen, he forced his apprentice into battle with no time to prepare and taunted Allen as he fought to "help" him. He loved very few things: women, wine, money and beautiful things. When in battle himself, he acted cold and uncaring.
He was shown to be a gruff, demanding individual who was hard to please. In fact, he usually refers to Allen as "idiot apprentice" or stupid pupil in the English manga. Most of the Black Order consider Cross to be a great man, which he was. However, he was normally rude and tough on Allen. This could be because Allen was his apprentice and thus he had to be hard on him. Allen fears and hates him, which is hinted from the fact most of his flashbacks about Cross end with some kind of traumatizing (usually humorous) experience for him. Despite all this, Cross has shown a softness underneath his rough exterior for certain people such as Allen[2] and Anita.[3]
П.П. Не ме търсете при сладникавите бишита ...
edit: МРАЗЯ тъмбнейли... , да ва и у смехотворните правила 'начи !
Последна промяна DiaDora на Пет Фев 10, 2012 4:07 pm, променена общо 2 пъти
<<<<<<<V I N L A N D>>>>>>>>
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Публикувано на: Чет Фев 09, 2012 1:17 am
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 30, 2009 8:40 pm Мнения: 4809
Mido Ban (Get Backers)
First impressions of Ban are generally that he is a rude person and has a great sense of pride. With his unruly hair (He's often called "Urchin Head") and sunglasses, people already judge him poorly (It doesn't help that he gives unflattering nicknames to almost anyone he meets, e.g. "monkey trainer" Shido and "thread spool" Kazuki). But he is actually a great guy with a strong sense of leadership and a very talented person. He is one quarter German and he's the grandchild of the "Last Witch of the 20th Century".
He's also a brother-like figure to Himiko Kudo after she has gotten over her brother's death. Himiko's average fighting skills meant that she often bites off more than what she can chew. In such situations, Ban can be counted on to come to her aid (though it must be noted that she does return the favor at times).
In the GB duo, he's often the one who thinks of plans for their moves. Initially, Ginji was seen to be a sidekick to him. (In fact, when they first formed their partnership, Ban insisted that Ginji was only his sidekick.) As the story progresses, Ginji gradually held his own in their missions, and Ban acknowledged him as an equal.
Takuto Tsunashi (Star Driver)
The protagonist of the series, Takuto Tsunashi is a 15-year old boy who left the mainland to go to the Southern Cross Island in pursuit of a "fabulous school life". With a bright and positive personality, he easily makes friends with all the people in the school. Unbeknownst to all, he is the "Galactic Pretty Boy", a person that has the ability to control a Cybody directly and unleash its true power. He uses his gift to fight the Glittering Crux Brigade in order to stop their plans to release the Cybodies to the outside world. Takuto has a habit of saying "it's a pinch!" when he's in trouble.
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Age: 16 Birthday: June 9th Zodiac sign: Gemini Height: 161cm Weight: 52kg Blood type: O Instrument: Violin Hobbies: Shopping
Another student of S Class, he is nicknamed "ochibi-chan" due to his short stature, much to his chagrin. He's very cheerful and energetic, and plays the violin. Roommates with Natsuki. He idolizes Hyuuga Ryuuya.
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Публикувано на: Чет Фев 09, 2012 6:55 am
Регистриран на: Вто Окт 02, 2007 3:35 pm Мнения: 4828 Местоположение: that one universe with answer 17/7
Риса, логично е ако има лоли шоудаун, да има и шота шоудаун та трябваше да почакаш и тук...
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Birthday: October 10 Zodiac: Libra Height: 177 cm Weight: 65 kg Age: 20's
Sakata Gintoki is a samurai living in an era when samurai are no longer needed. To add to his troubles, oppressive aliens have moved in to invade. Gintoki lives with Kagura and Shinpachi, taking on odd jobs to make the world a better place...and to pay their rent. In the Joi war, he was known as the "White Devil" (Shiroyasha) due to his silver hair and white coat he wore in battle, which, combined with his impressive capabilities as a swordsman, made him famous among his comrades and struck fear into Amanto.
Gintoki has naturally permed silver hair, which he blames for his lacking love-life. He has a big crush on the TV's news weather girl, Ketsuno. In fact, to date, the only time he is seen to have blushed is when he tries to make use of Sadaharu and Ketsuno's dog to get a chance to talk to her. Though several female characters have shown an interest in Gintoki, he usually does not show any response back and merely puts up with them as annoyances.
Gin has two major obsessions in life. He is obsessed with sweet foods such as parfait, ice cream and cake. His second obsession is reading the manga anthology magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump. (Which, not coincidentally, is where Gintama is published in). Gin will go to great lengths to get the latest Jump issue, to the point of reckless behavior. His Jump obsession makes him easily dream of being like other Jump heroes, including wishing that he had a "Bankai" similar to the hero characters of Bleach.
Despite his appearance and initial behavior, Gintoki has a great amount of pride for the old bushido code. He takes it upon himself to rescue or avenge not only his comrades and friends but also people he barely got acquainted to, be it a pit-fighter who was taking care of abandoned orphans or an Amanto who resembles a kappa.
Despite being a fearsome fighter with nearly unmatched skills, he avoids needless bloodshed after suffering the loss of most of his friends and allies during the Joi war.
Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (鏑木・T・虎徹/ ワイルドタイガー)
Wild Tiger can increase his physical strength 100-fold for 5 minutes.
Kotetsu is a veteran of the hero world. Jaded with the formality and red tape that sponsors bring to his beloved job, he doesn't always listen to Hero T.V. producers and rarely attends functions. He holds fast to old-fashioned superhero principles, including keeping a secret identity, making dramatic entrances and being generally kindhearted.
Kotetsu is on the old end for his profession, losing a few steps on his comrades and is on the verge of becoming a joke. He dotes on his daughter and worries his mother.
His sponsors are "S.H. Figuarts" and "SoftBank."
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Публикувано на: Пет Фев 10, 2012 12:38 am
Регистриран на: Чет Юни 09, 2011 7:46 pm Мнения: 932 Местоположение: SPACE
^ Вчера бях решила да записвам Тигъра и започнах да издирвам картнки, ама напълно се отчаях... Да откриеш снимка на Котетсу, която да не е яой фенарт е рядко явление. Получаваш моите поздравления за постижението.
Заглавие: Re: Bishie Showdown III - записване, дискусии и идеи
Да, търсих няколко бишита и при всичките се нагледах на педерастии. Особено за Kotetsu, там трябваше да прегледам 30-40 страници, за да извадя 10-15 картинки :/
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