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Заглавие: Badass Showdown - Кръг 5, Блок 1 Публикувано на: Нед Май 22, 2011 3:42 am |
CaBa |
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Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
В темата могат да се пускат не ограничен брой снимки (стига да отговарят на определените норми) за фаворитите си, но трябва да се пускат в thumbnail. Край на гласуването 28ми Май 2011Начин на гласуване и ограничения:Guts (Berserk) 1, 2Цитат: Guts is the protagonist of the story. A tall, muscular male with a huge sword called the Dragon Slayer, a prosthetic left forearm that has a magnetic grip, and also conceals a cannon. Guts is a tragic hero; he is born as one who may be able to struggle against Causality, but seemingly unable to affect it on a large scale. ======================================== Alucard (Hellsing) Цитат: The secret weapon of the Hellsing organization, Alucard is a vampire, specializing in killing other vampires. At first glance he seems to be nothing but a rather odd gunman, but when he truly unleashes his powers, it becomes quite clear that he is not a mortal.After walking the night for half a millennium, he is constantly seeking a worthy opponent, and with his powers of regeneration, strength, and shape-shifting, not to mention his army of familiars, he lays waste to any of his master's enemies.However, beneath his cool and heartless exterior lurks a dark and tragic past, and a longing for the only thing an immortal can never have. Решетките и резултатите може да видите тук: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=58484
PSN ID | Toriko.AnimeS-bg.com | Beelzebub.AnimeS-bg.com | BusterKeel.AnimeS-bg.com
Заглавие: Re: Badass Showdown - Кръг 5, Блок 1 Публикувано на: Нед Май 22, 2011 12:29 pm |
DiaDora |
Регистриран на: Пон Май 25, 2009 9:40 am Мнения: 2436
Alucardo (колкото и да симпатизирам на ГАтсУ)
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