Дата и час: Сря Фев 05, 2025 5:55 am
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Заглавие: Публикувано на: Нед Апр 17, 2011 12:01 am |
dadaadda |
The No-Goodnick |
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9845 Местоположение: PervTown
добрем... стига толкоз, има си разлика, която стига за да се определи победител(2 гласа разлика xD) Ryner Lute - 16 гласа Rokudo Mukuro - 18 гласа Най-бишестото биши в нашия Bishie Showdown II e: Цитат: Rokudo Mukuro ( Katekyo Hitman Reborn! )Mukuro Rokudo is one of the main characters of Reborn! and is also the first season's primary villain.
Despite often being shown with a playful smile, Mukuro is seemingly apathetic to the suffering of others. Appearing as the series' first antagonist, Mukuro is not averse to disposing of those who get in his way, and is not easily intimidated, usually speaking to others in a very direct and arrogant manner. He cares little for others, and simply considers people to be "toys" or "tools" he can sacrifice in order to get to what he wants.
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
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