Заглавие: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Стартиран]
Публикувано на: Нед Мар 27, 2011 2:00 am
Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Боен Колизеум 2011: Mecha
Турнир На Висшите
Правила на ТНВ написа:
В ТНВ участват само mecha, отговарящи на описанието в правило 3 от темата за основни правила и отзиви от БК. Нормални, смъртни mecha, които не притежават способности излизащи от границата на собственият им свят, нямат място тук. Модераторският екип има правото да определя дали едина mecha е или не è такъвa.
Във висшата лига, наречена ТНВ, ще участват mecha, които ВИЕ предложите! Техните профили се създават по правилата на БК и се пускат в тази тема, като ще бъдат събрани в първият пост след изтичане на срока и отново тази тема ще бъде използвана за избиране на най-добрият от тях.
Желателно е, освен предлагащите mecha, да се предостави освен всичко от БК правилата, също така профил на mecha от способности. Тоест - на какво е способена mecha, който предлагате и защо си мислите, че той е безсмъртен/непобедим/имба(Imballanced)/висше създание(Бог, Демон)/, за да се види с какво той би могъл да бъде по-добър от другите предложени.
Тъй като става въпрос за битка между mecha, чиито обхват на сили е неограничен в някои случаи, няма да има отделни сблъсъци между тях. Победителят е един и ще бъде определен в тази тема.
Правилата, забележките и прочее подлежат на промени. Турнирът се прави за да не се пренебрегват mecha-те и все пак да не се пречи на обикновенните, не-слаби mecha....
Не забравяйте - Бойният Колизеум е място, където силата би следвало да определя вашият вот. За популярност си имате AsAA, тук героите се бият в Колизеумът - до (фиктивна) смърт! За това подберете изборът си внимателно и гласувайте за истински заслужаващите!
Имате право да предложите само 1 mecha.
Начин на гласуване и ограничения:
Вота си давате чрез постване в темата, като го отделите малко от останалото мнение.
Примерно гласуване написа:
Monkey D.Luffy
*Произволен текст.....*
Имате право да гласувате само 1 път, при повторно гласуване, вота ви ще бъде анулиран (това е за единични случаи, при повече може да бъде дисквалифициран и героя).
Хора регистрирани след 1ви октомври 2010 или с постове по-малко от 15, нямат право да гласуват и съответно вотовете им няма да се отчетът.
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Записване]
Публикувано на: Нед Мар 27, 2011 2:01 am
Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Super Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Just as the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann contained all the smaller incarnations one inside the other, the final form does as well, with the original Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann restored and standing inside the head. During the short battle involving this form, its only notable attack was the powerful Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Breaker, which appears to be many times larger than the Super Tengen Toppa itself, almost approaching the size of a universe. Said attack, when collided with a similar and equal attack from the Super Grand Zamboa (the evolution of the Grand Zamboa), caused the very universe the fight was held in to collapse on itself as a side effect caused by the ripples from their drills. It has been confirmed in the data books that the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is more than 10 million light years in height. STTGL size is approximately 100 times larger than its preceding form making it the largest mecha seen in animation to date.
This mech is piloted by Van, who is the king of the country Fanelia. Escaflowne doesn't have any special weapons. It only has a long sword. When not engaged in battle, this sword is left in a sheath on the mech's back. When fighting, Van causes Escaflowne to draw its sword, and then the blade telescopes out of the handle ans is ready for battle. It also has the ability to transform into the shape of a winged dragon. In dragon mode, it can glide with its wings, but it doesn't seem to have it's own propulsion. In one episode, it also transformed into the shape of a supersonic jet craft, complete with afterburners. It used this speed boost to get away from the villains. However, it can't fight well in the air. It is designed for ground combat. It was manufactured by a strange intelligent species of alien known as the Ispanos. In one episode, it is shown to be able to actually somehow directly connect with Van. This allowed van to see cloaked enemy mechs and destroy them all, but the effect also made him go berserker and kill the enemies with psychotic happiness. In another episode, it was shown that the Ispanos could be called to fix the mech by a button in the cockpit. And it was also shown that once Van had linked (mentally, mystically, or whatever) with Escaflowne, battle damage to the mech caused Van himself to have physical damage. So a slash through the armor plating on the arm of his mech would actually cause a bleeding cut on his own arm at the exact corresponding point as the damage to the mech. It sort of is like a voodoo doll after he linked with it.
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Записване]
Публикувано на: Нед Мар 27, 2011 1:33 pm
Регистриран на: Сря Сеп 12, 2007 11:22 am Мнения: 5597 Местоположение: няма ме
Kami-sama - Tenchi Muyo GXP
Наричана от местните "Бог" е една древна статуя, която се оказва Mecha останала от праисторическа цивилизация без пилот. Свързва се на дълбоко психическо ниво с пилота и така определея сама дали да му служи, или не. Военните при срещата с нея казват:
- Това трябва да е сън. Ние сънуваме. Има много случаи в историята на цивилизациите, когато един вид се среща с друг, чиито умения отхвърлят всички познати на човечеството природни и физически закони. Способни са на неща, които отричат самата реалност, а това което не е реално остава да е сън.
Способностите на mecha-та не са определени, но надхвърлят възможностите на всичката технология на познатите в анимето цивилизации. Може да създава черни дупки, да се телепортира, да прониква в хипер пространството и кой знае още какво.
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Записване]
Physically ruined while caught in Planet Namek's explosion after his defeat, what remained of the still-living Frieza was salvaged and rebuilt with cybernetic enhancements by scientists under the order of King Cold. The whole of the lower half of his body and right side of his face was replaced with scarring and metal accouterments covering what little was left of his organic self. These enhancements allowed him to exceed the limits imposed by his fully organic form, though by how much or in what way is unknown. In the original manga, Gohan mentioned that he was nowhere near the power he displayed against Goku, but Vegeta said he was much stronger than before. In the PS2 game Super Dragon Ball Z, a new design for Mecha Frieza was created by Akira Toriyama which had a rocket launcher mounted on his shoulder. In the Remastered Box sets, this form has a slight mechanical sound to his voice.
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Записване]
Genocyber(Genocyber) Genocyber: The complete hybrid of the two sisters, Genocyber is the ultimate biological humanoid weapon (what its creator dubs a Vajra) who is seemingly immortal and is nearly omnipotent. It is considered as a god by the underground sect. It fought with the Earth's forces for 100 years, but it seemed futile for earth to win, yet finally, the two sisters realize their mistake of existing in the world they lay dormant underground. Its original appearance is a 7-foot (2.1 m) green creature with two horns protruding from its head. It also has angel-like wings that appear to be glow when it flies. Its second form is much larger, taller than a skyscraper, causing mass destruction within the City of the Grand Ark. Its full form is a dragon-like creature. Exactly how Genocyber was created from the bodies and souls of the two sisters remains a mystery. Although the two sisters possess strong psychic abilities, the story vaguely depicts Morgan Nguyen in the beginning trying to create a mandala to fortify his embryonic child.
In addition to possessing incredible strength and resilience, Genocyber displays powers both of telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Given its appearance and nature, Genocyber is most likely intended to be an man-made analogy to the Angel Of Death; and possibly the horrible consequences that can occur when man attempts to use Synthetic biology to play God.
ignore the music
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Записване]
Публикувано на: Пон Мар 28, 2011 3:12 am
Регистриран на: Съб Май 05, 2007 1:18 pm Мнения: 2895
Strength: Feat 1: After awakening The Xephon, Ayato had encountered a Dorem. After taken a direct attack from the Dorem (without blocking, mind you) he lifted his hand and completely shattered the Dorem. Know that they were a few kilometers away. Feat 2: A high energy blast was shot from a Dorem towards Ayato. With great effort, he was able to deflect it using one hand. This blast goes on to destroy a great deal of the city below. Feat 3: The three mile long Forzando was split in half by The Xephon. Feat 4: Ritardando was shattered by just running into The Xephon. Feat 5: Knocked a Dorem halfway across a city without even touching it. Feat 6: As RahXephon, Ayato destroyed the strongest, normal sized Dorem (it was Mamoru's Dorem, Obbligato. Normal sized would be about Xephon's height and dimension) by just raising his hands. Feat 7: As RahXephon, with just the wave of his wings, Ayato destroyed all of the present Dorems (probably around 30 or so), all fighter jets, the rest of the armada at sea and the majority of the land below.
Speed: Undefined. It is, without speculation, that the Xephon is above sound speed as it's able to outpace fighter jets. As the RahXephon, speed increase is unknown. Another display I've observed was the fight with Ayato and Mamoru. Mamoru's Dorem is so fast, that it was able to blitz three Vermillions. Vermillions are made to be equal to The Xephon is most physical aspect (speed, power, durability). Mamoru stays faster than Ayato's Xephon until he becomes RahXephon.
Durability/Endurance: Feat 1: Took an attack in The Xephon from a Dorem that seemed to be hitting (and squeezing) him with electromagnetic waves. Feat 2: The same Dorem in feat 2 of "strength" repeated the attack. Ayato, angered this time for reason I'll not specify, went on to tank the attack with his body! He proceeds to run though the blast and punches through the Dorem's chest and completely disintergrate it. All this while having only one hand accesible. Feat 3: Grave, a Dorem that shredded a submarine, couldn't even budge The Xephon when he had it in its grasp. Feat 4: The Dorem, Ritardando, can submerge whole cities into phase space. It attempted so on Ayato. Ayato broke out of it after being 99.5% submerged. Feat 5: Survived being electrocuted and being binded by Forzando. Feat 6: The Dorem Vivace entraped Ayato and took him into a null zone. Within there, he was placed under a hallucinatory state. With the help of Ixtli (his RahXephon's soul) he broke free of both. Feat 7: The Dorem Falsetto attempted to swallow/absorb Ayato. Seemingly successful, Ayato still manages to escape. Feat: The Jupiter phenomenon was let off and the Xephon was caught in it (while in egg form). It came out alright (Gravity was 2000x, an islan and a billion ton Dorem was destroyed) Feat 8: As RahXephon, Ayato can regenerate wounds. Feat 9: Took a direct attack from another RahXephon while he was mentally unaware... and he took NO damage. Feat 10: Took an attack from the same RahXephon, but this time at point blank range. It had no effect.
Fighting Skill: While not a tactical genius, he tends to get the job done the majority of the time. What helps is that the Xephon has a conscious, and at times, aids Ayato in tight situations. He fights with his bow/arrow, energy sword and hands the majority of the time. As RahXephon, all previous weapons are omitted in place for vastly stronger energy/sound blast either shot from his wings or his vocal.
Techniques/Powers: Dimension travelling - Ayato can cross through time and space. Flight - Needs no further description. Bow & Arrow - Can produce a bow and arrow made entirely of energy. The arrow shot from the bow can travel exceptionally fast. When a Dorem was in orbit, Ayato used this technique (first time) to kill it while he was on the surface of Earth. It reached the Dorem in a matter of seconds. Soul projection The RahXephon is able to allow it's soul to appear as the one Ayato is most closet to. This form is able to be seen (when it wants to be seen) by anyone. The thing to note is that Ixtli, the name of RahXephon's soul, can alter people's mind to believe what it wants them to believe about it. The RahXephon can get as hot as 1000 kelvin Time Manipulation - Reverse time: Ayato can turn back time to, at the very least, ten minutes. He did so when him and Elvy were fighting Alternate. He used it to give Elvy the victory over the Dorem he once had. - Retune: RahXephon's ultimate. He obtains this power after merging with Quon's Rah. With this ability, Ayato has the power to change the history of the world to his desire
Най-важната му способност е че може да променя историята по свое желание.
_________________ Victory through extermination.
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Записване]
Lilith За хората гледали Evangelion е ясно на какво е спообна . The second Angel is Lilith (リリス, Ririsu?) (Though technically also the first human, since the GeoFront in which Lilith resides is supposed to be the birthplace of all humans, while the GeoFront where Adam was located is the birthplace of all Angels.).
Lilith initially appears as a white, legless giant, whose face is covered with a mask displaying the logo of Seele. Numerous human-like legs protrude from its legless stumps. The Angel is crucified on a giant cross-like restraint in Terminal Dogma, the deepest level of Nerv headquarters. Lilith's torso constantly leaks LCL from an unseen wound, forming a lake of LCL at the base of its restraint which is tapped to fill the Evas' entry plugs. Копнато от wiki. Марзи ме да напиша описание.
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Стартиран]
Публикувано на: Пон Апр 04, 2011 5:55 am
Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Тнв Mecha Edition е стартиран. Гласа си давате чрез пост в темата.
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Стартиран]
Публикувано на: Пон Апр 04, 2011 1:53 pm
Регистриран на: Сря Сеп 12, 2007 11:22 am Мнения: 5597 Местоположение: няма ме
Kami-sama-та естествено
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Стартиран]
Публикувано на: Пон Апр 04, 2011 3:27 pm
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 30, 2009 8:40 pm Мнения: 4810
Super Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 11 -Mecha- - Турнир на Висшите [Стартиран]
Публикувано на: Пон Апр 04, 2011 3:48 pm
Регистриран на: Съб Мар 13, 2010 5:36 pm Мнения: 5003 Местоположение: Нейде из родопското село Пловдив
Леле, тук са се събрали разни супер-мега-хипер-гига-вива-етириал мехи Super Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
_________________ Хората често приемат традициите на техните предци, без да се съмняват, защото е по-лесно, отколкото да поемеш контрол над собствения си живот. Никой няма да дойде и да ни спаси, ако ние самите не искаме да се спасим.
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