Кръгът ще трае 7 дена. Крайният срок за гласуване е 2 Април, 23:59.
Условия по време на битките:
Героите ще се бият на живот и смърт; това не е състезание по популярност, така че сдържайте колкото можете фенбойщината.
Героите могат да се виждат и да се бият помежду си по дефиниция. Няма безсмъртни герои, има само такива, които още не са намерили майстора си.
Всякакви умения/техники от филми, OAVs и сериали се броят. Оръжия могат да се ползват, но бойни установки, меки, съекипници и т.н. нямат място в двубоите.
Аниме героите не могат да използват умения и прочее от мангите/игрите ако ги няма в даденото аниме.
Начин на гласуване и ограничения:
Вота си давате чрез постване в темата, като го отделите малко от останалото мнение. Трябва ясно да е отделен или да присъства "гласувам за XXX", или няма да ви бъде отчетен гласа.
Примерно гласуване написа:
Monkey D.Luffy
*Произволен текст.....*
Имате право да гласувате само 1 път, при повторно гласуване, вота ви ще бъде анулиран (това е за единични случаи, при повече може да бъде дисквалифициран и героя).
Хора регистрирани след 1ви Февруари 2011 или с постове по-малко от 15, нямат право да гласуват и съответно вотовете им няма да се отчетът.
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9847 Местоположение: PervTown
realist написа:
Caster Magic User: Being the Master of the Fairy Tail guild and a member of Ten Wizard Saints, Makarov is an immensely powerful individual despite his old age. He possessed such enormous magical power that Angel, one of the Oración Seis able to take a guild by themselves, would have been deeply troubled if another wizard saint, Jura Nekis, was of the same power. He was also said to be among the most powerful Ten Wizard Saints, given his ability to beat Jose Porla, another Wizard Saint. Jura himself admitted that he was far weaker (comparing the difference between them to the distance between heaven and earth) than Makarov even though he was still able to easily defeat Brain, the leader of the Oración Seis.[14] Another example would be that just his magical presence, when enraged, was enough to cause objects around him to be destroyed, the other mage who was shown to have this ability is Gildarts who used his magical aura to overwhelm Natsu. It must be noted that Makarov is not what he once was, and the amazing power he has displayed is as his now- it unknown how much more powerful he was in his prime. As further testament to his power, even the Seven Kin of Purgatory were taken aback by his Titan magic. Another spell which noted Makarov's extreme magical power is his Fairy Law. Said to be possible the most powerful single mage spell yet seen, Fairy Law is considered super-powerful that it's one of the rare legendary spells. The spell is so powerful that it defeated Jose Porla, the Phantom Lord's guild master and a fellow Wizard Saint, in a single blow.
Elemental Magic Specialist: Makarov also has various other unnamed magics asides Titan, such as a piercing lightning attack and a powerful shock wave-like attack. Also, according to his guild card, he has knowledge of several different elemental spells like earth, water, fire, wind and light. Master Sensor: Makarov is able to sense magical presences very well. Knowing for example that Natsu, who had presumably been transformed into a lizard, was actually Macao when all the other members had been duped.
Makarov's Magical Aura Added by Ishthak Enhanced Durability: Despite all the damage dealt to him by Hades and his critical state, Makarov was still able to speak freely and even help Natsu in combatagainst Zancrow. Enhanced Magical Power: Makarov has immense magical power. Makarov can release his magical energy into a potent aura around him. It is referred to as "Giant Wrath".
krumisimo написа:
Laxus Dreyar
Laxus Dreyar is Makarov's grandson, who believed that his grandfather needed to retire and pass the title of master to himself. He wears a pair of spiked headphones, often smokes cigars, and he has a lightning-shaped scar that runs down the right side of his face. Though he was kind and loving towards the guild during his childhood, the excommunication of his father and constantly being in the shadow of his grandfather caused him to begin strive to be the strongest and hate the "weak" members of the guild. Laxus utilizes Lightning Dragon Slayer magic by using Lacrima crystals placed within his naturally weak body, though his father's original intentions were to remove and sell them. After an willing defeat, he is removed from the guild, though he leaves on good terms with Makarov.
Ако не сте доволни от описанието на даден персонаж, то моля представете ни по-добре написано такова или се оплаквайте на човека предложил персонажа, че е дал сакато описание...
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
Заглавие: Re: БК11:FairyTail[Финал]: Makarov vs Laxus
Публикувано на: Нед Мар 27, 2011 1:48 am
Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am Мнения: 14913 Местоположение: Сливен
Тука изобщо няма нужда да се спори дали може Fairy Law или не. Ясно е, че няма да го ползват и двамата, защото ще се елиминират един друг.
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