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Заглавие: Trap Showdown I - Кръг 3 - Полуфинал 1 Публикувано на: Нед Мар 20, 2011 1:08 am |
dadaadda |
The No-Goodnick |
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9845 Местоположение: PervTown
такам... стигнахме и до този кръг и с надеждата, че не съм объркал преброяването на гласовете от предния, тук са: ____________ Kazuki Fuuchouin ( Get Backers )
Kazuki Fuuchouin is a major supporting character and ally of the GetBackers. Formerly one of the Four Kings of the Volts, known as Kazuki of the Strings, Kazuki is the last master of the Fuuchouin String Arts, a fighting style which utilizes koto strings controlled by vibrations in his fingertips. The strings are very sharp and can tear up solid earth, bones, skin, muscles, and sometimes steel based on the vibrations of the finger. The strings also have other uses, such as listening in on distant conversations. The strings are stored in two bells tied to the front right strand of his hair to ease manipulation.
It is later revealed that the enemy clan, the Kokuchouin, destroyed Kazuki's clan. Kazuki is usually an ally of the GetBackers, due to his friendship with Ginji. He and Ban tolerate each other, but are not close. In manga Kazuki almost killed Kurayame Tojite.Kazuki is also the most notably feminine character among the males. Although he dresses and exhibits behaviors of a woman, in one episode, it is hinted that he is not gay as some may think. He gets very annoyed when someone calls him gay. He also has strong ties to one of their enemies, namely Juubei, because they had been friends in the past.
____________ Seiko Kotobuki ( Lovely Complex )
A blonde who has a large crush on Ōtani. She is transgendered and biologically a male, stating that God placed her in a wrong body. Prefers to be called Seiko instead of Seishiro (birth name) because it sounds more feminine. She kissed Ōtani when he confessed his feelings but while he is tending to Ōtani's injury in the school infirmary, Ōtani got a shock when he found out Seiko's sex, but still chooses to be his friend.
____________ Гласуването в този Showdown, ще трае 1 седмица или иначе казано ще завърши вечертва м/у 26ти и 27ми Март
и... а да... проверявайте линкчетата, които са "Предложен от: ...", те водят към поста на даденото предложение и там се намират(ако има) още пускани пикове за дадения персонаж
и още... схема на Showdown-а можете да намерите в темата за записване и дискусии
____________ От този кръг вече почва да се гласува чрез постове. Няма да бъдат отчитани гласове на потребители:- Регистрирани след 1 Февруари 2011
- Имащи под 20 поста
За да няма обърквания при преброяването на гласовете, моля отбелязвайте си гласа очевидно, било то като го удебелите([ b][/b ]) или като го подчертаете([ u][/u ]) или просто като го сложите с по-голям шрифт.
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
Заглавие: Re: Trap Showdown I - Кръг 3 - Полуфинал 1 Публикувано на: Нед Мар 20, 2011 12:34 pm |
faye |
Регистриран на: Съб Сеп 24, 2005 6:19 pm Мнения: 4600
Не го е срам! Не важат ли за него универсалните етични и морални закони?
_________________ <3
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