Evan Bartholomew
Evan Bartholomew is an American
experimental downtempo electronic music producer based in Portland, OR. He is, however,
better known as Bluetech, an alias which he uses for his psybient projects. ‘Prima Materia’ is his first album (under the Bluetech alias), which was released in 2003 under the ‘Waveform Records’ label.
He has used the name Evan Marc for a number of tech house EPs, and a full length album entitled “Emotional Ecology”. However, in 8th May, 2007, he released his first album under his own name, titled ‘Borderlands’, from the ‘New Land Music’ label, which sees him moving away from the techno/tech-house sounds.
The musical style he has used in this latest project of his can be described as a synthesis of neo-classical, ambient, minimal, IDM, digidub and psybient music. This was quickly followed by the release “Caverns Of Time” on his own Somnia record label.
Borderlands (2007)
Birth1 Between Becoming 4:22
2 And Being 4:28 Strings [Additional] - Rena Jones
Memory3 Between Experience 2:52
4 And Imagination 4:06
Dream5 Between Idea 3:16
6 And Emotion 3:50
Fever7 Between Boil 2:45
8 And Burn 3:49
Medicine9 Between Initiation 3:36
10 And Healing 3:45
Practice11 Between Mastery 2:57
12 And Mystery 3:31
Death13 Between Falling 3:22
14 And Flying 3:03
Tomorrow15 Between Intention 2:51
16 And Surrender 2:37
Caverns Of Time (2007)
1 We Set Out Into The Caverns Of Time 17:42
2 Leaving Behind Ourselves 9:52
3 Leaving Behind Our Memories 11:49
4 Elusive And Effervescent Is Our Destination 13:00
5 Descending Deeper In Search Of The Timeless 8:56
6 Reborn, We Fluctuate And Fade 10:40
Secret Entries Into Darkness (2008)
1 Secret Entries Into Darkness 9:53
2 Cracks In The Fabric Of The Known 6:32
3 Soft Spots In The Tyranny Of Matter 11:10
4 Where Forgotten Days Slumber 9:11
5 And Ancient Hurts Dwell 8:34
6 Light Reflecting Black In Shadow 6:54
7 Freedom Found In Surrender 3:23
Tidal Phases Of The Moon I ( ????)
1 Tidal Phases Of The Moon I 62:07
Appearances:I. Sacrosanct
Various - Message From A Subatomic World
II. Spirit Happening
Pete Pan - Vampire Sunrise
Музиката на Evan Bartholomew е трудно да бъде описана с думи. Тя е като едно пътешествие в чужди и непознати светове, галактики. Кара те да затвориш очи и да се понесеш по течението, а след като ги отвориш ти се струва, че са изминали светлинни години, а всъщност са били едва няколко минути и ти е трудно да проумееш кое всъщност е реалност и кое - не. Безкраен източник на вдъхновение, енергия и любов.