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 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Дек 01, 2010 2:56 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Юни 19, 2010 11:09 am
Мнения: 276
Местоположение: Mount Olympus

Последна промяна символа на Сря Фев 16, 2011 8:14 pm, променена общо 1 път

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Съжалявам приятелю .. дано се видим пак някой ден. А дотогава ти оставям това, да си спомняш за мен с добро
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Дек 03, 2010 5:44 am 

Регистриран на: Вто Ное 30, 2010 1:09 am
Мнения: 98
^ Както винаги всеки чаптър на One piece е интересен :) .

 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Дек 24, 2010 8:55 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Юни 19, 2010 11:09 am
Мнения: 276
Местоположение: Mount Olympus

Последна промяна символа на Сря Фев 16, 2011 8:14 pm, променена общо 1 път

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Съжалявам приятелю .. дано се видим пак някой ден. А дотогава ти оставям това, да си спомняш за мен с добро
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Яну 12, 2011 11:57 am 

Регистриран на: Пон Окт 09, 2006 4:48 pm
Мнения: 613
Местоположение: Бургас
Изглежда тази седмица ще имаме чаптър, Ода не е в почивка :rocknroll:

-Chapter title is "Fortune Teller Madame Shirley". Splash page features Vivi (post-skip version of her too, apparently).

-Luffy and co. go to the Ryugu Palace Coral Hill, and manage to save Sanji's life. However, the pirates who donated blood to him turn out to be twin Okama pirates named Splash and Splatter (I think you can guess Sanji's reaction to his saviors ). It also turns out that Luffy got poisoned during his skirmish with Hammond, but he is now more resistant to poison thanks to his encounter with Magellan. Luffy also notes that a swordsman amongst Hammond's crew was strong enough to block his strike.....

-Meanwhile, Hyozou, the aforementioned octo-swordsman, is carrying Hammond and the other KO-ed fish-pirates. It turns out that he was the one who poisoned Luffy, though accidentally. While he contemplates his blunder, a mermaid's scream is heard. It turns out that Camie's friends had freed Caribou from the barrel, and one of them, Ishley, was kidnapped.....

-At the mermaid cafe, we're introduced to Madame Shirley, a mermaid fortuneteller. She foresaw many events such as Whitebeard's death and the war. It turns out that Brooke and Pappag reached the cafe before Luffy's group did. Meanwhile, we find out that captain Van der Dekken is of the ninth generation of his family. Even more interesting is that Merman Island is currently under the protection of the Yonkou Big Mom (whose real name is Charlotte Ling-Ling). However, her services do not come for free, as she demands payment in the form of candy from the island's sweets factory, it would seem....

-When Luffy leaves the cafe, Madame Shirley receives a most ominous fortune: That Merman Island will be destroyed by the rookie's own hands....

 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Фев 09, 2011 11:14 am 
Цар Алко

Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm
Мнения: 9224
Chapter 614: What's done is done

Cover art: From the deck of the world vol.2 "Fuusha village"
Makino is cuddling a child

Usopp: Alright, you over did it!!
Brook: That's correct!! You need to repent!
Zoro: YOU guys started the fight! You're all in this together!
Usopp: We were just gonna intimidate them and run!
Nami: I was just enjoying sight seeing and shopping...
Zoro: What's done is done!! Stop yapping!!

Neptune and other mermen are all tied up
Neptune: Owww......
Usopp: No, this isn't just gonna be overlooked like that!! What kind of terrible pirates would "accidently" take over the Ryuuguu Palace!?
Zoro: Then are you saying we should have just lost to them!?
Usopp: I've been saying this over and over, that we need to find the right timing to RUN!
Zoro: We don't know how to get out of here, and Luffy isn't here!
Usopp: Yeah, that's right!! Where the hell is Luffy!?
Camie: Oh...my... god..
Pappag: I can't believe you guys
Nami: We're really in a hurry, so don't tease us and tell us!
Usopp: Yeah, where is Luffy...
Nami: Where is the treasury?
Usop: STOOOPP THAT!!!!!!
Nami: Eh.... how come? (innocent eyes)
Usopp: Stop acting so innocent! Be a little more prudent!!
Brook: Alright, when times are tough, lets sing and be happy! Come on!
Usopp: And you shut up too, Soul King!!

Right minister: Neptune your highness, are you alright...?
I can't believe the Knigth of the sea King Neptune ends up like this...
Neptune: Muuun..... My bad back hurts too much to fight... boy am I getting old for this.
I failed...sorry!
Right minister: When Prince ***aboshi, Ryuuboshi, and Manboshi, the three greatest warriors of the Neptune army return... don't you think you'll get away in one piece!!
If we fill the castle with water, they wouldnt' have stood a chance... but all the water got drained!
Zoro: Anyways, we can't stay on Fishman Island anymore. Where is Sunny? We need to gather up and head out right away
Usopp: But the coating on Sunny came off when we rammed into this island!?
Nami: And the Log Pose is acting up the whole time!! Ever since we got here, it doesn't look like it's locking on...
Left minister: I can't believe this... a simple pose like that won't let you sail through the New WOrld, you cleless pirates...!
Nami: What? This doesn't work? What do you mean?
Left minister: If you let me free of my bindings, I'll tell you
Nami: Hmmm...

next part

Ring!! Ring!!! (doorbell ringing)
Right minister: A-Hah!! That must be Prince ***aboshi!
Zoro: Yes, who is it?
***aboshi: It's me ***aboshi!! What is happening on that side!?
Please drop down the gate pass and open the main gates and the royal gate to the palace!!
Zoro: What happens when I open them? No, that's not happening.
Usopp: Hey!!! What the hell are you saying!? Just tell them what happened honestly!
Pappag: Yeah!! I mean, can you tie me and Camie up too!? We'll be labeled accomplices otherwise!
Camie: Zoro-chin you're scary....
***aboshi: Which one of the Straw Hat pirates are you?
Neptune: ***aboshi!! He is the three-swords style swordsman of Straw Hat Pirates with the bounty of 160 million berries!! And his name is Zori!!
Zoro: It's ZORO!!
***aboshi: Father!
Zoro: As you heard, we have Neptune and many other hostages
If you value their lives, get us ready to sail!!
What we need is our ship Thousand Sunny with coating done, and the other crew.
A pitch darkness woman, a robot, a racoon dog, and some perverted kappa.
***aboshi: I understand your demands... I'll make sure you and your crew will sail from this island swiftly.
But you must promise me to hand over all the hostages safely!!
Bur first, one thing Zoro....
Zoro: hm?
***aboshi: I didn't wish to give you this message in a situation like this but... I must honor Jinbe's wishes.
"From the former Warlord Jinbe to Straw Hat Luffy"
I was told to give you two messages once you arrived.

Neptune: Jinbe...
Usopp: Oh yeah, he said... he's friends with Jinbe!
Camie: He's a pirate, but his a great man so well respected on this island!
Zoro: Luffy isn't here, but I'll tell him... Say it.

***aboshi: First one is.... don't fight Hodi. And the next is! He'll be waiting for him at the Forest of Sea!
These are the two messages.
Zoro: Forest of Sea? Hodi?

Oda's lines are so distinctly awesome that no one can fake it.

third part, and yes more to come

Fishman Island Coral Hill (Sango-hill)
Mermaid: They've really done it!! The Straw Hat pirates took over the Ryuugu Palace!!
What are they after!?
Mermaid: I can't believe it... they looked like good people...
They must be the ones fortold in the fortune, and kidnapped the mermaids at the inlet as well!
Everything's happening like it was fortold!! Man, they've really shown their true colors now!
Apparently some of their crewmate is in the backroom of the Mermaid Cafe!! The guards went for them right now!!
Chopper: Kung-fu Point!! Hai!! Haii!! Whoachaaa!!! (Kung-fu cries)
Get out of the way!! Whoaaah!! Sanji is just getting over his sickness!! Don't lay a hand on him!!
Guards: What is this creature!? He transformed!!
Chopper: What's with this "come to the Ryuugu Palace" crap!! I know you're trying to catch us!!
Sanji: Hey you....
Chopper: Sanji! Don't move yet!!
Sanji: That Ryuugu Palace place... is she there...?
Guards: ???
Sanji: I mean, the mermaid princess
Guards: Yes she is, what about it!!
Sanji: Ok then, I'm going
Chopper: You're going!? Haven't you had enough already!? If she's beautiful, you'll die!

Ryuugu Palace Hardshelled Tower (Koukaku-tower)

Luffy: Heey! What are you doing!! Let's go outside!
Shirahoshi: But I can't Luffy-sama!! That would be wrong...
Luffy: You said you wanted to go somewhere!! If you stay locked up in this place for 10 years you'll go nuts!
Shirahoshi: But... if I acted so selfish... I'd cause trouble for so many people...
Luffy: So where do you want to go?
Shirahoshi: To the Forest of Sea... but that's just my dream, to really go out there, I just can't.... *sob*
Luffy: Why are you crying just saying where you want to go!?
Shirahoshi: I.. I'm sorry, I can barely bring the courage to say it... please don't get mad at me...
Luffy: Gosh you're so tiresome.
Shirahoshi: T--tire...some... me....
Luffy: Alright alright! I'm sorry!

Don! Dodon!!

Shirahoshi: Kya!!
Luffy: What's with the huge noise!? Is he throwing something at us again!? Man, what a jerk
Neptune: What's this!? What's that sound!? Could it be Decken's spears!? It's coming from the Hardshelled Tower!!
Shirahoshi is in danger!!! Are the guards with her!?
Mermaid Guards: No, everyone's captured here
Neptune: Hey you pirates!! Go make sure the princess is fine in place of the guards!
Zoro: Eh? What are you talking about
Neptune: The Hardshelled Tower is north east of the castle!! You go right now!!
Zoro: Why the hell is the hostage making demands!?
Neptune: Shut up!! Shirahoshi is my only daughter!! Due to circumstances, her life is in danger!!
If something happens to my daughter, I will chase you down to the end of the sea!!!
Brook: You mean the mermaid princess!! If that's the case, I shall sprint to her rescue!!
And may I see her panties?
Left minister: Oh no!!! He's running with a perverted motive!!!
Right minister: Wait up, Skeleton!! You don't have to untie me, but take me with you!!
If something happens to the princess, I cannot bear to live another day!!
Brook: Ah, you like that too. (Brook mistakes his motive as wanting to see panties too lol)
Brook carries the minister and runs with him

(well, the Japanese way of saying the above is even if I die, I'd die with regrets, but the idea is the same)

Shirahoshi: I've always wanted to go to the Forest of Sea... all through out this 10 years... but I was told it's dangerous outside the tower...
Everyone cautions me... and I was so afraid to leave for outside...
Luffy-sama, are you really going to take me outside?
Luffy: Yeah
Shirahoshi: And you will really protect me?
Luffy: Yeah, leave it up to me
Shirahoshi: Ueeeeenn *cries*
Luffy: Hey, if you're gonna cry I won't take you!
And to be honest you have to take me there, I can't swim
Shirahoshi: I'm sorry, I'm just so happy...
Luffy: Man!! You're such a crybaby!! And such a wimp!
But if we go outside, you're so big they'll notice you right away.. so I have a great plan!

Right minister: Hey you Skeleton! Look around the tower!
Brook: huh?
Right minister: Unbelievable...!! It's not the usual knives and axes that came flying this time!!
They were the sounds of human pirates crashing into the tower!!! What insane act is this... how inhumane, Vander Decken!!!
Brook: Whaat!? Vander Decken!?
Right minister: They're getting up!! This isn't looking good... into this impenetrable Ryuuguu Palace!!! They managed to send in enemy footmen!!
This is a surprise attack!! The king's life is in danger!! And the Princess is in danger!!
Luffy: It sounds like the attacks stopped. Alright, let's go wimp!
Shirahoshi: Yes!! Please, Megalo!!
Luffy: Go Shark!!! To the Forest of Sea!!

Megalo jumps out of the door, holding Princess in his mouth
Brook: Huh!? Luffy-san!?

end of 614

опааа май Шанкс и Макино имат дете... :)

"Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Фев 16, 2011 8:14 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Юни 19, 2010 11:09 am
Мнения: 276
Местоположение: Mount Olympus
Chapter 615: The curse of Target-target (Mato-mato)
cover story: From the deck of the world: Colbo Mountain

Brook: Hey, hey! Luffy-san!!
Right minister: Wait, Megalo!! Where are you going!?
SHirahoshi: (I'm sorry father, brother... forgive me everyon in the castle...!)
Luffy: Let's go out for a stroll!!

Right minister: What is up with you, Megalo!? To leave the door to the princess wide open... what if something happens to the princess!?
Skeleton!! Hurry and check up on the princess!!
Brook: Gosh, you're really whipping this ol' bone to work!
right minister: She's not HEEEEREE!!!! Princess Shirahoshi isn't here!!!!
Brook: What!? The mermaid princess is missing?
right minister: This is a crisis!! A national crisis!! Who did this and when!? This has to be a kidnapping!!

Pirates: The corridor connecting Fishman Island and the Ryuugu Palace... where's the opening switch for it...
Brook: Huh? Switch?
Right minster: Skeleton!! Hurry to your majesty Neptune!! We must report this immediately!!
Pirates: We have to do it... as they say.... The only way for us to live is to listen to them...
Hurry, tell us.... if you don't, they'll kill us!!!
Brook: What are you talking about!?

Fishman Island Coral Hill (Sango hill)
Chopper: Hey Sanji!! Why did you beat up all the soldiers!?
Sanji: Damn, that was a great chance to go to Ryuugu Palace... but they said they're gonna cuff me...
Chopper: Look at everyone staring us in doubt!! Their eyes look like deep sea fishes!!
(In Japanese, disgusted eyes is expressed as "white eyes", he says their eyes are so white they look like deep sea fish's)
Sanji: Shut it!! What's done is done!
Chopper: Well THINK before you DO!
Sanji: Look, you took out half of them!! With Kung-fu! That was... pretty strong.
Chopper: Oh... damn you, I'm not happy for that comment!! (Chopper's old happy line)

Citizen: Kyaaa!! A bloodied man from the shore!!
Hey, you're from the fishman island... what happened!? Get us a doctor!
Chopper: Huh? Hey, I'm a doctor!
Sanji: Huh!? Hachi!!! What happened to you!!

Hacchan is found lying on the ground with countless arrows on his body
Chopper: Hey Hachi!! What's with that injury!!!

Hachi: Oh... it's you guys, good to see you... is Straw Hat here....?
Chopper: He's not here right now!! Wait a sec, I'll treat you!
Hachi: Gather your crew.. hurry...... you guys shouldn't get involved with this island anymore... leave Fishman Island...
Soon the New Fishman Pirates are going to invade this land....
The kingdom of Ryuugu is going to collapse....

Few hours ago in the Fishman town of Noa

Decken: Listen up, pirates under Hodi Jones!! You are lucky ones!! You'll be able to assisst us in this history defining operation!!
Pirate: The Vander Decken, from the Flying Duchman!?
Decken: Bahohohoho!! The decendant of!! I'm no ghost!!
However, I'm cursed as well....
Although I'm a fishman, I can't swim.... the power of the devil I gained in return from the curse of Mato-mato!! Have a look at its power!!

Hachi: Hodi!!
Hodi: Hachi-san....
Hachi: The drug ES will do nothing but destroy you...!
What's the use of fishmen destroying fishman island!! Don't underestimate the Great Knight Neptune!!

Hodi: Hachi-san.... please, leave us alone...
We don't want to listen to you anymore... I can't believe you're a lieutenant of Arlong Pirates I looked up to...!!
You've gone soft.... it's time for a new generation to step in...!
For the humans to know their place, We need Fishman Island, and Neptune is in our way!
You guys are the ones that taught us that we're the superior race!!

Hachi: But Arlong lost!! Decken! Hyozou!! What's up with you guys!?
You guys didn't heed the call of Arlong back then!! Why are you lending hand to these young ones!?

Hyozou: Lend hand....? I was hired. With money.
Arlong was too tight with his wallet, and couldn't keep me around...
Since you were a child, you didn't stand a chance at me.
I feel sorry for Arlong that he couldn't bring with him a better swordsman than you.

Decken: Bahohoho!! Hachi of the Arlong pirates!? Haven't seen you in a while!
Your captain tried to make me his underling, you gotta be kidding me!
I don't work under anyone!! Hodi understands that!

Hodi: Arlong-san had ambition and decisiveness I looked up to..!!
But he was unruly and lacked the sophistication...
When you guys were out there wrecking havoc in the seas, we were too young to be pirates despite our wish..!!
That generation has grown into this crowd... that's why we're prepared! We won't make the same mistake!
I inherit Arlong Pirates' will.... And to have one of the lieutenant of that pirate object to my plans, that's very disheartening
And by coincidence, the very man who crushed that dream, Straw Hat Luffy, is here on this island... do you not feel anything about that?

Hachi: He told me I'm his friend, a former Arlong Pirate... and he saved my life!! I want to see him right away!!
But as long as Arlong's will lives on here, I can't show myself to him!!
Hodi: Humans as friends? You sound like that damn Neptune!! You disgust me.
Decken: Locked on, Hachi.

Decken touches Hachi

Decken: Bahohoho!! Have you forgotten the ways of piracy?
If you want to make a point... do it with violence!! I think.

Hachi is stabbed by Decken's knife

Hachi: Gyaaa!
Decken: I touched you, now you're my target. No matter what I fling at any direction, like a living bird it will home in to you, the target.
Of course there are ways to stop them. Try them out.

Hachi: No stop!! Not that many arrows!!!
I've heatd of your powers...!! Hey Hodi, he's gonna kill me!! Stop Decken!

Hodi: Didn't I say it, Hachi-san? Vander Decken isn't working under me. We're in a pirate alliance.
Besides, you're but an annoyance now!! Coward!!

Hachi: Damn it!!

Decken: There!! Go!!!

He sends the arrows flying
Hachi runs

Decken: Bahohoho!! Go ahead, run! Run!! But they will chase you anywhere!!
Hachi: Stop!!! Damn, they come even under water!? Gyaaaaa!!!

Decken: Bahohoho... the targets I can memorize are limited to two... the same number as palm of my hand
This right hand I haven't even washed in ten years.... memorized Princess Shirahoshi.
Do you understand? The weapon, the love, whatever I throw!! Will chase after my target to the depth of hell!! This is my power!!

Hodi: Alright humans!! You understand Decken's power now?
So here's the first part of the plan.... The Ryuugu Palace is known to be inpenetrable...
But the man who kept throwing objects penetrating its defence for ten years... is this man Vander Decken!
So... you'll become the penetrating weapons and be thrown by Decken... and fly towards the Mermaid Princess!
Where you will actually land is a hard wall of the tower....
Then you'll open the gates from inside, and let us in! That is your mission!
Pirate: Ridiculous.... we'd die hitting that wall!
Hodi: Of course you will. That's why we're going to use you humans, with your expendable lives!!
You are worth less than slaves here!!
Those who lived after hitting the wall, complete your mission!! If all goes well, we'll let you free!
If you wish to decline the mission, I'll throw you all out of this bubble!! Worthless inferior race!!

EDIT: If you people can't even wait a few min for translation, you're not getting any from me.

---------- Post added at 02:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------

Ryuugu Palace North-East, the passage to Hardshell Tower

Right minister: Hurry skeleton! To the king!
Pirates: Wait.. if you don't open the passage, we'll be killed by Hodi...
Right minister: King Neptune!!! It's a kidnapping case!! The princes has been abducted!!
Brook: And there are pirates raining down on the tower!! We're under attack!!
Neptune: Kidnap!!!? Shirahoshi!! Who did this!!!
Zoro: Invasion at time like this...? What are we to do...?
Usopp: Why NOW! We're holed up here in the palace too!! Wh-what should we do!? No wait don't answer that.
Zoro: Let's slice them up.

Scene changes

Luffy: Don't you think you can come out of the shark now?
Shirahoshi: N... no, I'd rather stay inside yet...
Luffy: How is it? The first time outside in ten years!
Shirahoshi: My heart is thumping... I'm doing something terrible...
Luffy: No you're not, you're just going outside! You're weird...
Shirahoshi: Is this what they call... adventure?
Luffy: Hahahaha, yeah I guess, if your heart is thumping, that must be adventure.
And you said Forest of Sea? What is that? Is there something interesting there?
Shirahoshi: It's a graveyard!! There's a grave I haven't been able to visit ever since it was made...
For ten years, I've always wanted to go there...

Deep Sea: Forest of Sea

Jinbe: It's been ten years.... since the incident that rocked the Fishman Island...
The assassination in mid daylight... time goes by fast.
The princes' have all grown to be strong warriors... But Princess Shirahoshi is still in the tower...
But none of us have forgotten your ideals....

Queen Otohime!!

(btw, Otohime is the princess in the Japanese folklore of Ryuuguu Palace)

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Съжалявам приятелю .. дано се видим пак някой ден. А дотогава ти оставям това, да си спомняш за мен с добро
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Фев 23, 2011 11:14 am 
Цар Алко

Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm
Мнения: 9224
Chapter 616: Memorial Day of Revenge

Cover: Shells Town Marine base, Rika the waitress in training
(T mistakenly says she's the milk girl in Ace's coverstory, but Rika is the other girl who gave Zoro the sugar-rice ball)
On the ground near her feet is Luffy's 400 million wanted poster

There's a public accounement heard through Fishman Island.
It's a warning that dangerous individuals from Fishman district have entered inside FI
They don't look like they're coming in droves to come shopping, but hopefully nothing happens..

The border guards are unreachable.
Looks like the New Fishman Pirates brought numerous sea monsters with them, to launch an attack.
They say once they down Neptune and his three princes, the rest should be easy

Scene changes to Robin
She's riding a fish-bus, and heading to the Forest of Sea
Scene changes again to inside the Ryuguu Palace. The human pirates that attacked are all taken out by Zoro

Scene changes to Franky
He's already arrived at the Forest of Sea with Sunny.
He asked Tom's younger brother, a Bering Wolffish fishman Den to coat the ship.
Kokoro had sent them a letter, so Den already knows about how Tom died.

Jinbe is in front of him.
Scene changes to Ryuguu palace again
The entrance is open. Hody & Decken, and their crew all entered the palace.
Hodi used to be a very capable soldier in the army.
He thinks Shirahoshi missing is Decken's doing, and told him she's missing.
Decken gets on a coral and heads to Luffy and Shirahoshi
"Only thing separating two love birds 10 years in development is death!!
Bahohoho... if you are to be someone else's, then I'll make you bleed to death, Shirahoshiii!!"

The end of chapter
T says there's a lot of lines in the chapter, so the gist of the chapter may be hard to come across without a full script.
The battle is finally starting

"Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Мар 09, 2011 1:11 pm 
Цар Алко

Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm
Мнения: 9224
Huge incident at Coral Hill
Coverstory is Koushiro in front of Kuina's grave, reporting to her (about the Strawhats & Zoro, I presume)
Apparently there's an easter egg hidden secret in volume 61 cover

Neptune begs in tears to let him chase after Decken
Nami sees Arlong's tatoo on Hodi's arm, and looks annoyed
Hodi destroys the island without the use of ES, and sea water gushes into the palace
Hodi attacks with Yabusame (shoot out water as arrows)
He randomly attacks the soldiers
The King stands in front of everyone as shield

Zoro and Hodi fight starts
Zoro uses a new one-sword move (Sorry, can't read. made-up word, need furigana to see what Oda made up here lol), but Hodi uses one of his own men as shield to block
Zoro tells Usopp to cut the ropes of the detained
Zoro: The negotiations with this country is over!! We couldn't keep the promise that we'll let go all of them in safety!!
Minister comments on how honorable he is
Hodi demands New Fishmen Pirates to attack, but Usopp uses his new move on them
Green Star Rafflesia. Foul stench.

Nami's nowhere to be seen
Zoro cuts Neptune's chains, and asks him to help Brook and Usopp escape

Zoro vs Hodi starts in the water

Meanwhile, on the Coral Hill
Luffy meets up with Sanji & Chopper
Megalo is at his limits, and pukes out the princess
The whole country is now aware of Luffy's "kidnapping of the princess"
Chopper is telling Sanji the whole time not to look back, or his life is in danger lol

End. Battle's starting to heat up this week.


"Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Мар 15, 2011 4:15 pm 
Цар Алко

Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm
Мнения: 9224
Chopper warns Sanji not to turn around under any circumstances. Sanji gives some speech I think about death not stopping him from achieving his dream and turns around. He petrifies.
Luffy and Co get tied up by the townpeople and then VDD arrives and proposes to Shirahoshi. The townpeople panic, but Luffy quiets them with Haki and attacks VDD with a two-legged kick, I assume because he's still tied up, which burries VDD in the ground.
I think Shirahoshi breaks Luffy's bonds and then Wadatsumi appears and Luffy uses the Jet Pistol.
Now it gets a bit iffy. Luffy, Shirahoshi and Megalo apparently continue towards the forest of the sea.
Scene change to Nami and Keimi who have gotten out of the palace and look over the forest of the sea.
Something about wanting to meet someone and Usopp I don't get and we go to Zoro. I think both him and Hodi are bleeding and Hodi gives us the Arlong crazy eye. That's about it.

дано да не е fake.

"Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Мар 15, 2011 7:49 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Дек 28, 2006 7:10 pm
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 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Апр 06, 2011 11:08 am 
Цар Алко

Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm
Мнения: 9224
Ryuguu Palace, in the corridors
The soldiers in the castle all got out safely, except for the King
They are going to reinforce their forces and return
In Gyoverly Hills, that NFP lieutenant that laughs "Muhhihhi" is seen
In front of the Fishman Cultural Hall, Hyouzo
At the Marine Shopping Mall, that striped NFP lieutenant is forcing people for "fumie"
(In feudal Japan, fumie was a picture of Jesus that they made people step on, to find out the christians as Christianity was banned)
He tells them they either step on the picture or leave the island
At the Town of Watermill, Prince Fukaboshi is seen enraged.
The picture of the fumie was that of Queen Otohime, his deceased mother.

At the Coral Hill, people are talking after Luffy & Co left the area
Cariboo was in the shadows, and saw Princess Shirahoshi
He is scheming how she is 7-8 times the size of a normal mermaid, so she'll fetch a heafty price at auction

Sorry, I have to take a break. I can't remember the names of the lieutenants either...
(this is T's comments, so there's probably more to come and this is just first half)

Scene changes to the Forest of Sea
Jinbe tells Shirahoshi that he will save the king
Sanji brings tea, but Nami cuts him off (?)
Nami wants to hear Jinbe. Sanji heard fro Yosaku, so he knows already
Two years ago when Sanji saw Luffy and Jinbe on the newspaper, he was confused
He was thinking Jinbe was a scheming one like Arlong
Sanji: Hey Jinbe... If you want to give excuses, we'll hear it. But you better watch your tongue...
To tell you the truth, Nami-san's home town was the one under Arlong's rule.
She herself is one of those who had to endure unending pain and misery...
I may not forgive you, depending on your tale...!!
Hachi also admits they scarred her beyond redemption
Small flashback of Nami, Nami's face is saddened
When she saw Shabaody Park two years ago, she coudln't believe her eyes.
It was very identical to Arlong Park

Hachi starts telling the story (long story short, the fishmen longed for the world humans lived in)
Jinbe starts telling his tale.
"Two people rose to do something about racism of humanity, and the predicament of fishmen. Queen Otohime and Fisher Tiger.
But the fact the Pirates of the Sun who stood against the world government was out free in the sea worked against Otohime's work to try and bring peace and friendship between human and their kind.
Queen Otohime tried to endure the painfull times, and change the future.
Fisher Tiger gave up on the future, and instead took action to free the slaves right now.
I cannot judge who was right and who was wrong... But I.... "

Flashback starts. 15 years ago, Grand Line
Fisher Tiger stands, in between Jinbe and Arlong.


"Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Нед Май 01, 2011 12:00 am 
Цар Алко

Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm
Мнения: 9224
Chapter 623: Fisher Tiger, the Pirate
Coverstory: Kaya has grown up to be a beautiful woman. Many handsome men flock to try and hit on her, but Merry stops them.

On the Pirate of Sun ship....
They obtained the eternal pose for Koala's homeland
Koala cut her hair, got a different set of clothes, and now she looks a lot cuter.
But she still has the habit to clean the floors lol

The ship's doctor Aladdin (former slave, former Neptune Army soldier, fishman of Bearded rockling) says Koala's trauma can be healed over time,
but Arlong asks him if he really wanted to kill her instead. He says if boss wasn't there, he doesn't know what he would have done.
Jinbe says the ones who look down on them are just handful of humans, and the rest look simply fearful.
Jinbe asks Koala why she's so scared of them.
Koala: Because I don't know anything (about you)....
Jinbe remembers what Queen Otohime said

They go through various adventures, and finally arrive at Koala's homeland, Foolshout island.
As they part with Koala, Macro gang cries for her. The other fishmen express how they'll miss her.
Koala leaves with a smile on her face, and tells them she'll tell her people how nice many fishmen really are.
Tiger takes Koala to her village alone, and give her the final farewell. But the people of her village look suspicious...
As Tiger returns to his ship alone, Vide Admiral Strawberry and marines show up.
The villagers alerted them, and made a deal with the marines. To overlook Koala for running away from the Tenryuubito, in return for Tiger's whereabouts.
The pirate ship is attacked, and Tiger is near death.
Koala asks her mother what's going on with all the noise, but her mother looks away and pretends she doesn't hear anything.

Bleeding near death, Tiger and co takes the marine ship, and set out to sail.
Tiger's blood is a rare type, and no one in his crew has the same blood.
Aladdin says if they use the blood stocked in the pirate ship, he'll live, but Tiger adamantly refuses the proposal!

next half

Tiger: I don't want that in me!! I don't want to stay alive with filthy blood like that!!
Those are tainted blood... those are the blood that has discriminated us fishmen for years...!! I do not wish to owe them anything!! I do not wish their pity!
I will not bow to humans!! I didn't want to tell you guys this... but in my last adventure, I was captured in Mariejois for several years... I was a slave!
What I saw there was... the insanity of humans..!! I ran for my life, but after what I saw there, I couldn't just let the slaves be..!
Listen to me.... I lived the life as I please... and as a result, got in Queen Otohime's way... but she's right!! Peace is a better solution for anyone in the world.
But... the only people who can change the island are next generation of people like Koala, who knows nothing and innocent..!!
That why I beg you!! Don't tell anything to the island!! The tragedy that happened to us! The wrath of the humans!!
There are still many kind hearted humans in this world...!!! I realize that...!!
But... It is foolish for those of us dying and passing from this world leave just their hate upon this world...
I understand it all with my head... but the demon in my heart rejects it! My bod rejects that blood!
I just cannot.... love humans anymore...!!

As the fishmen tell him he's a hero, and they owe their lives to him, and pleas for him to stay alive, Tiger simply tells them "thank you" and passes away....

Meanwhile, Arlong who cannot forgive the humans for what they did, heads to the Foolshout island alone to slaughter them all.
But he is caught by Kizaru, and taken away by the marines.

End of chapter

(T wonders if Kizaru allowed Jinbe into Shichibukai so the fishmen would behave
Perhaps he took Arlong to use him to make that decision> Aladdin looks like the Genie from Aladdin. Cool looking older fishman)

--- Update From New Post Merge ---

T's notes
Strawberry didn't actually fight, he just let his men fire on them
Borsalino vs Arlong isn't shown either, just Arlong drenched in blood

And sorry, Strawberry wasn't a Vice Admiral yet, he's a Rear Admiral in the flashback

"Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Май 18, 2011 11:19 am 
Цар Алко

Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm
Мнения: 9224
625: Uninherited will

Tenryuubito arrives gravely injured
The fishmen yell to kill him
The Tenryuubito screams "save me, slaves!" at them
The fishmen aim their guns at the Tenryuubito, and fires
Otohime jumps out in front of him and gets shot instead
Otohime tells them to throw away their guns, the children are watching
Jinbe appears

Shirahoshi asks Fukaboshi what a "Tenryuubito" is, and he answers "human".

The fishmen aiming the guns asks Otohime why she is saving the Tenryuubito
Otohime answers they shouldn't teach their children anger and hatred
Jinbe remembers what Tiger said in his dying bed
The Tenryuubito picks up a gun from the floor and aims at Otohime

Shirahoshi starts crying
As she cries aloud, the water moves and waves bring Sea Kings
The fishmen and the Tenryuubito gazes in amazement, but soon the Sea Kings leave
The Legend of Mermaid Princess who commands Sea Kings with her cry is born
Vander Decken the first (is this ohana's mistake?) saught after legends
Vander Decekn decides he shall be the one who marries Shirahoshi

Tenryuubito passes out, and Otohime tells her people to take care of him
The Tenryuubito recovers, and vows to make them pay for pointing guns at him
Fishmen insist they shouldn't let the man leave the island
Otohime says she'll go with him, and the King tries to stop her

One week pass... and Otohime returns holding a paper...

And so, the history moves! Chapter end

"Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Май 25, 2011 12:41 pm 
Цар Алко

Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm
Мнения: 9224
Chapter 626: Neptune Three Brothers
Coverstory: Baratie Linked Dessert Ship "Sister Anko" (Patti is on it)
(Anko is sweet beans, used in Japanese desserts)

The paper Queen Otohime got was a sheet of petition with World Noble signatures
A petition approving friendship between humans and fishmen
All the citizens of FI now agrees with Otohime, and she has gathered more signatures than ever before, more than the box can hold
Her efforts has finally come to fruition

There is a legend of mermaid princess that's born once every several centuries, that can empathize with Sea Kings. Shirahoshi is one.
The prophecy says one day someone will appear before her that will lead her to use her power for the greater good, and bring a massive change to the world.
If used with sinister intent, her power could bring end of the world... or save thousands of people if used with love and compassion.

Otohime is concerned that she may lose control of her powers and the Sea Kings could go on rampage if she loses herself like last time.
She asks her sons to protect their sister with their lives as both warriors and brothers if the time comes.

Someone sets fire on the collected signatures.
As the soldiers put out the fire and tries to move the petition to safety, a gun shot is heard.
At first they don't' know what the sound was, but then they see Otohime being shot.
In the midst of chaos, Decken touches Shirahoshi (T corrected it, he originally said Otohime)
As Otohime lays there dying, she tells her sons no matter who the perpetrator is, don't allow themselves to be enraged for her sake.
Shirahoshi witnesses the incident, and almost loses control again.
To prevent her from crying, the two brothers (the younger two of the three) tries to cheer her up with dance and songs
Fukaboshi swears upon his mother to keep her promise, while weeping
Shirahoshi: We're almost there... we're almost under the real sun...!
Shirahoshi and the three prince vows to keep their promise, by locking their pinkies together
(yubikiri - a Japanese promise tradition)


:headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2:

"Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
 Заглавие: Re: One Piece - raws, спойлери и спекулации.
МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Юни 22, 2011 12:09 pm 
Цар Алко

Регистриран на: Вто Авг 08, 2006 9:55 pm
Мнения: 9224
Chapter 629: The former Shichibukai who stands in the way

cover: Kokoyashi village. Nojiko, the doctor, Gen, and the kid nami saved are in front of Bellemere's grave

Nami and Chopper tries to mediate between the two, but Luffy hops on Megalo and tries to force his way out.
But he is stopped by Jinbe's Samegawara-seiken (Shark-tile straight fist). Luffy takes damage despite being rubber.
Fishman Karate's strength is in its ability to bring the water all around you under your control.
Because the impact travels from the water in the air into the water in the body, it is impossible to defend.
Luffy retaliates with a JET Stamp, but Jinbe blocks the attack and asks if this is all he got out of his training.

"That's enough" Robin suddenly appears between the two.
The two can't stop right away, and it looks like Robin's in danger
Sanji (with his eyes heart-shaped) hugs Robin and tries to save her, but Robin suddenly dissapears, and the two smashes into each other, dealing equal blows.
(T thinks Robin dissapearing was her new move, and she made herself bloom somewhere)
The fight's over.

Jinbe talks about the ideology of fishmen. If Luffy, who already defeated Arlong, also defeats Hodi, that may remind the fishmen of the never-changing history of human oppression.
Sanji asks Hachi, that although Hachi never said who did it, it was probably Hodi that injured Hachi. He then continues that they have a reason to fight them.
Luffy starts heading out again. Jinbe stops him, and fight starts again.

Meanwhile, at Ryuuguu Palace
Hodi ponders about the new inhabitants moving in from the Fishman District.
He figures they could simply use the houses of those who are leaving the country, or going to be executed.
"Every single citizens will hate the humans... it'll be a wonderful nation... Jahahaha!"
Daruma chews off the walls of the Candy Factory, and digs a hole into the ground and heads somewhere

Scene turns to Zoro & co
Brook can pull out his soul now (lol)
"After I learned this new trick.... what do you think I did with it?" Brook says while grinning
Usopp is jealous. Zoro demands Pappag to bring him one of his swords. "I'll cut them all"
Pappag runs terrified as Brook's soul chases him

End of chapter

When Robin disappeared and Luffy and Jinbe crashed into each other, Sanji was still stuck between them and got beat up badly from the crash.

"Това, което не ме убива, ме прави по-малък." Супер Марио
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