Вчера от Johnny & Associates Inc. обявиха, че Yamashita Tomohisa и Nishikido Ryo са напуснали NEWS същия ден. Yamashita ще стане соло изпълнител, докато Nishikido ще се съсредоточи повече върху дейността си в Kanjani∞. NEWS ще продължат като група с четири члена: Koyama Keiichiro, Kato Shigeaki, Masuda Takahisa и Tegoshi Yuya.
Yamashita commented: “It will be a challenge all on my own from now on. There may be inconvenient or hard things which I have never felt before, however, I would like to strive in every project with the precious experiences that I received with NEWS.”
Koyama, who will stay in NEWS, expressed positively: “Although we will be going on different paths, the four members of NEWS will continue the legacy of the eight years we walked together.”
Nishikido, who belonged to both Kanjani∞ and NEWS, revealed that the reason behind his withdrawal was that his schedule adjustments for both groups didn’t work well. He said: “Please continue to support this new NEWS with Koyama, Kato, Masuda, and Tegoshi.”