Wanko To KurasouStory: People were crazy about pets a while ago. The particularly popular onces were cats and dogs that look like human and have high intelligence.
But the boom has died down with time, and now only people who really want them own them.
Our main character is a college student who finds a stray anthropoid dog, collapsed in the rain. Unable to let her just die, he takes her up to his room and treats her. Even though he told her she can only stay until the rain ends, the dog stays in fear and worry.
The main character decides to look for her owner.
The life between a human and a dog starts...
Info: GetchuInstall Notes:1. разархивирате , моунтвате и инсталирате
2. инсталирате patch-a
3. играете (при мен първите 2 стартираня ми търсеше CD но след няколко натисканя на "continue" си продължава ок, без проблеми... уточнявам защото пача не е мое дело)
Game Link: linkако някой има проблеми да пише
....пача от който отстранявах някой бъгове, почти съм готов скоро ще го кача заедно с играта, ако не възникне още някой проблем (играта е нещо смесено между Visual Novel и J-Rpg... има си gameplay но има и CG+text) около 3 GB е... някой ако проявява интерес да пише да несе укаже че я качвам за нищо