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Заглавие: Pantsu Showdown III - Кръг III - Финал Публикувано на: Пон Фев 22, 2010 1:00 am |
dadaadda |
The No-Goodnick |
Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm Мнения: 9845 Местоположение: PervTown
Добре... ето дойде време и за финала... как се стига до тука, така и аз май не разбрах o.o... ама ето стигна се до тука такам... тъй като това е финала сме решили ДА НЯМА, повтарям да няма анкета, ей така просто защото ни е приятно да бройкаме гласове и затова ще сме благодарни ако хубаво отличавате гласа си като bold-нето избора си или като му направите шрифта по-голям или пак нещо такова, което да се забелязва лесно... и да... тук печели само 1 ^^ подредба и преминали в темата за записванеи така... до финала достигнаха: ~~~Revy(Black Lagoon)
wiki написа: Revy does most of the fighting for the Lagoon Company. Very little is revealed about her past, although portions can be pieced together through the series. Revy is a Chinese-American born and raised in Chinatown, Manhattan, near Mott Street, spending most of her youth as a thief and murderer. Flashbacks throughout the series reveal that Revy may have honed her skills with firearms by shooting at cans, and that her first murder may have involved shooting an unknown man while using a pillow. It is unknown whether the pillow was used to suppress the noise or to help avoid looking at her first victim. Revy is very competitive, easily bored, and extremely ill-tempered. Unlike Rock, she is undiplomatic, believing in the use of brute force and coercion to get her way. In contrast to this, she's revealed to be highly ticklish. Posted - krumisimo ~~~Holo("Horo, Wise Wolf of Yoitsu")[Ookami to Koushinryou]
Holo is a wolf god of harvest originally from a land in the north known as Yoitsu. She made a promise with men from a town called Pasroe where she would ensure the town would have good wheat harvests year after year. However, as time went on, the townspeople slowly started to forsake Holo and did not rely on her like they used to. As such, Holo escapes from town to Lawrence's wagon and starts traveling with him to see how much the world has changed since she has been in Pasroe. Holo has chosen the form of a fifteen-year-old girl, though she still retains her large white-tipped wolf tail, and ears. Her true form is that of a very large wolf which many people revered and feared.
She refers to herself as the "Wise Wolf of Yoitsu" (ヨイツの賢狼). She is typically very haughty and self-sufficient, though due to her isolation for hundreds of years in Pasroe, she came to feel very lonely, and sometimes shows a more fragile side of her. She has a peculiar way of speaking, modeled after the oiran high-class courtesans. She is fond of delicious food and alcohol, though especially loves apples. She takes pride in her tail and takes special care of it, constantly combing and maintaining it. Posted - Evstatiev92 ~~~Shirayuki Mizore(Rosario to Vampire)
Gender female Height (in cm) 156 Weight (in kg) 45 Bust (in cm) 83 Looks blue eyesno description set yet, purple hairno description set yet, short hair
She was at first portrayed as a lonely, somewhat depressed, and misunderstood girl, but after meeting Tsukune Aono and becoming friends with everyone, she actually becomes a very outgoing, popular, and cute girl. She also cuts her hair after the events in Episode 7. She is often seen "stalking" and hiding in different locations, and it is portrayed in a humorous and cute way. Also, she gets into comedic arguments with Kurumu often, and they are often seen butting heads, although they are good friends. A running gag in the series is Mizore shooting ice projectiles whenever a girl and Tsukune have a tender moment together, and her always showing up in weird or otherwise random places unexpectedly, often for humorous effect. In the manga, we discover that Snow Women cannot have children after a certain age and Mizore is almost married off to a evil because of her village's practices, however, as expected she is rescued by Tsukune and the others. Posted - blink182 ~~~Shizuku Sangou(Kämpfer)
President of the Student Council and one of the Three Beauties of Seitetsu, she is a model student with perfect attendance record. In addition, however, she is also a Red Kämpfer fighting with the Schwert ability of wielding two chained daggers at will. She wants to expose the Moderator's intentions but has no problem fighting Blue Kämpfer until that goal was accomplished,also seems to have feelings for Senou Natsuru and claim that she is his girlfriend, and shows no shame by proving that. Posted - anatoli90 ~~~Имате правото да пускате колкото си искате пикове за участничките в блокчето... стига да ги давате под формата на thumbnail-чета ^^b Краен срок за гласуване: 28.02.10 -> Моля, не снабдявайте околните със статистика за това как върви гласуването <-
и да... както каза/написа колежката- Вотът на потребители регистрирани след началото на Pantsu Showdown III, което е 01.02.2010, няма да се зачете !
- Потребители гласували с двойна/тройна и т.н регистрация ще получат предупреждение и вотът им съответно няма да се зачете !
Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me, after the end of the world has come.
Заглавие: Re: Pantsu Showdown III - Кръг III - Финал Публикувано на: Пон Фев 22, 2010 2:52 am |
faranar |
Регистриран на: Вто Яну 17, 2006 10:36 pm Мнения: 1008
Shirayuki Mizore
Every fight is a food fight if you're a cannibal
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