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МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Юни 22, 2006 7:59 pm 
in need of a hero

Регистриран на: Пет Сеп 30, 2005 6:44 pm
Мнения: 2511
Местоположение: Sky Състояние: весело ^-^
Никой не казва, че анимето е зле - отбелязваме факта, че мангата просто е доста по-добра.


МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Юли 25, 2006 11:15 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Юни 18, 2006 5:37 pm
Мнения: 835
Местоположение: Немам си на идея
Cagalli Не си много прав(а) :nope: :nope: Мангата може да е наистина уникална,единствена и ненормално кървава но анимето въобще не отстъпва и не е толкова зле в сравнение с нея.Аз лично така мисля защото анимето има нещо наистина важно което мангата няма,а именно:Музика :wink: (тук е момента да изразя възхищението си от прекрасния ОСТ на Берсерк няма такъв просто :ave: :ave: :ave: ) Колкото и смешно да ти се вижда музиката в това аниме има невероятно въздействащ ефект за зрителя и точно това допринася Берсерк наистина да е най-доброто аниме(нали трудно да се каже най-доброто щото всеки има вкусове но ако не е то поне има претенцийте да е The Best)

МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Авг 01, 2006 5:25 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Юли 18, 2005 11:39 pm
Мнения: 2199
drzlobjul написа:
Cagalli Не си много прав(а) :nope: :nope: Мангата може да е наистина уникална,единствена и ненормално кървава но анимето въобще не отстъпва и не е толкова зле в сравнение с нея.Аз лично така мисля защото анимето има нещо наистина важно което мангата няма,а именно:Музика :wink: (тук е момента да изразя възхищението си от прекрасния ОСТ на Берсерк няма такъв просто :ave: :ave: :ave: ) Колкото и смешно да ти се вижда музиката в това аниме има невероятно въздействащ ефект за зрителя и точно това допринася Берсерк наистина да е най-доброто аниме(нали трудно да се каже най-доброто щото всеки има вкусове но ако не е то поне има претенцийте да е The Best)


леле колко ми е смешно в момента.... анимето било зле еди кво си анимето не отстъпвало на мангата ала бала цър пър дъра бъра ай тишинка плс. Така анимето е едно от най-добрите анимета които съм гледал лично е в моя топ3, но HOWEVER мангата на берсърк е десетки пъти по добра от анимето. Просто не може да сравняваш примерно една орязана версия на една програма с пълната и версия.... Така е и с мангата и анимето на Берсърк, който е гледал анимето и чел мангата знае за какво говоря а то е че доста неща са изрязяни от анимето и остават някои работи непълни и неточни. Примерно никъде не се оточни защо Гатс мрази да го пипат, дори не показаха Скъл Найт който помогна на Рикърт и още куп такива работи. Неточности еми - примерно в първи епизод Гатс спасява момиче а в мангата е ЕЛФ, друг пример принцесата участва пряко в освобождаването на Грифит а в анимето не. Даже после се бият с друг апостол като Зод и Гатс го побеждава чак след това идва Еклипсът и смъртта на на сички от бандата... Така накратко да обобщя:

anime < Berserk anime < Berserk manga

т.е. имам предвид анимето на берсърк е по-добро от повечето анимета но не може да се сравнява с мангата ;)

А колкото до това че всяка манга е по-добра от анимето... буахахаха булшитс май не сте чели мангата на WildStriker и мангата на Scryed.. :lol:

Jagara Bagara
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Авг 01, 2006 6:21 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Юни 18, 2006 5:37 pm
Мнения: 835
Местоположение: Немам си на идея
Маста лично мое мнение :) Анимето може и да "демо версия" но пак ти казвам че ми придава оная атмосфера която мангата не може.Просто мене мангата едва ли не ме натоварва a анимето наистина ме кара да се замисля над някой неща.Не знам може би аз съм некъв ненормален знам ли? :roll:

МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Авг 01, 2006 7:38 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Юни 18, 2006 5:37 pm
Мнения: 835
Местоположение: Немам си на идея
Е значи не само аз съм зле.Тва дава известна надежда за психическото ми състояние :lol: :lol: Аз да си призная не съм чел цялата манга до 8-9 том съм някъде но не мога да почуствам мангата така както анимето.Незнам наистина мисля че музикалното озвучение има огромно значение за едно аниме било то и толкова велико като Берсерк.

МнениеПубликувано на: Сря Авг 02, 2006 12:41 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Юли 18, 2005 11:39 pm
Мнения: 2199
за последните десет незнам ама за последните 2 мога да кажа че леко разтегат но и на тях им се видя края. Иначе колкото за аниме.. естествено че предпочитам аниме пред манга, берсърк и диър бойс са единствените манги които някого съм чел и ще прочета, може би HHWS но там арта е различен от този на анимето и е малко гаден героите излгеждат по мили. В анимето може да видиш движението да усетиш атмосферата с подбрани саундтраци, но... винаги има това анимето е супер орязано и леко преобразено от главната история и некак си не стига нивото на мангата. Говоря за берсърк специялно. Много искам втори сезон даже бех пуснал тема в общи дискусии аниме за евентуално продължение и кой е чувал за некви слухове в нета. Иначе незнам колко първата част от мангата е по-добра от втората тъй като в първата има само няколко момента които ме кефат повече от втората част... Когато Гатс уби брата на краля и сина му, когато Гатс изби 100 човека, когато се би със Зод, когато се първия и втория път с Грифит, и разбира се най якия момент в цялата манга и анимето - края 25 епизод или там 14 волум ли беше когато Гатс си режеше ръката заради Каска, просто това са най-лубимите ми моменти. Но пък от втората част има невероятни с берсъркър бронята, появата на Грифит, това как Гатс се отнасяше с Каска - като с куче (говоря за това че я водеше за каишка), битката с толовете, после битката с The Band of The Hawk (v2) ;) аве мене ме кефат уникално новите томове особено когато Гатс загуби разсъдика си заради боряната и почва да избива всичко наред... Ма както и да е живи и здрави, тука въпроса беше кое е по яко мангата или анимето не първата част или втората ;) макар че то ако ме питате мене не може да делиш мангата на две части ма се тая :D

Jagara Bagara
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Окт 14, 2006 11:15 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Дек 22, 2005 10:18 pm
Мнения: 17
единственето нещо което ме дразни е че не е довършена :? ...
като гледам как я растягат нема да и видим скоро края ....@#$%№!

МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Окт 17, 2006 9:05 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Окт 23, 2005 4:03 pm
Мнения: 1168
Местоположение: The Forgotten Ruins of Heaven and Hell
Мангата на Берсерк мачка тотално. НАЙ-ДОБРАТА МАНГА !!!
Иначе просто има уникални персонажи след 20-та част - Грънбелд, Арвин и Серпико мачкат яко. Ама като гледам няма да я довършат скоро мангата Кентаро Миура е казал, че мангата ще бъде над 50 тома, а за 16 години е на 32-ри, като се има предвид, че на година излизат по 2, ще я довършат чак след 9 години, но пък нз дали ще има се занимава толко, може и да я претупат за 1-2 години.
Иначе просто мангата е уникална, направо ме е яд че не са направили 2-ри сезон на анимето, до възкръсването на Грифит пак като човек.
Са играх и първата, играта и тя мачка яко, абе всичко около Берсерк е направено перфектно. Кентаро Миура рулз !!!
А сега се разпространяват някви слухова, че през 2007 ще правят нов сезон на Берсерк, но няма потвърдена информация от създателят му и от аниме студията, иначе в някакъв саит мернах някаква петиция, към
Кентаро Миура, да одобри направата на 2-ри и 3-ти сезон и беше подписана от над 150 000 човека :shock: напрао се шашнах.

Ползвай едит-бутона, мненията ти са през няколко часа...
буахаххахахахахахахахаха ЛИСТ НА ВСИЧКИ УБИЙСТВА НА ГАТС !!!
всъщност неможе да ги покаже всичките иначе са 1190 засега

# Name Volume Page Episode # Title Species Class Age
1 Female Apostle 1 9 B1 Black Swordsman Apostle Legitimate 20
2 Koka Bandit 1 14 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
3 Koka Bandit 1 15 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
4 Koka Bandit 1 15 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
5 Koka Bandit 1 20-21 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
6 Koka Infantry 1 62 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
7 Koka Infantry 1 62 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
8 Koka Infantry 1 62 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
9 Koka Infantry 1 62 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
10 Koka Infantry 1 62 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
11 Koka Infantry 1 62 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
12 Koka Infantry 1 62 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
13 Koka Infantry 1 62 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
14 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 63 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
15 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 63 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
16 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 63 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
17 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 63 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
18 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 63 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
19 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
20 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
21 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
22 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
23 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
24 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
25 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
26 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
27 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
28 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
29 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 64 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
30 Koka Cavalry Soldier 1 65 B1 Black Swordsman Human Legitimate 20
31 Koka Horse 1 65 B1 Black Swordsman Animal Miscellaneous 20
32 Baron of Koka Castle 1 84-85 B1 Black Swordsman Apostle Legitimate 20
33 Incubi 1 123 B2 The Brand Demon Legitimate 20
34 Tenacious Skeleton 1 136 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
35 Helmeted Skeleton 1 136 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
36 Skeleton 1 136 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
37 Skeleton 1 136 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
38 Spearman Skeleton 1 139 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
39 Helmeted Skeleton 1 139 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
40 Skeleton 1 139 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
41 Helmeted Skeleton 1 140 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
42 Swordsman Skeleton 1 141 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
43 Skeleton 1 141 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
44 Swordsman Skeleton 1 141 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
45 Colette 1 149 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
46 Swordsman Skeleton 1 151 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
47 Spearman Skeleton 1 152 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
48 Skeleton 1 155 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
49 Skeleton 1 155 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
50 Skeleton 1 155 B2 The Brand Possessed Legitimate 20
51 Castle Guard 1 176 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
52 Castle Guard 1 186-187 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
53 Castle Guard 1 186-187 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
54 Castle Guard 1 191 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
55 Castle Guard 1 192 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
56 Castle Guard 1 193 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
57 Castle Guard 1 193 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
58 Castle Guard 1 193 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
59 Castle Guard 1 193 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
60 Castle Guard 1 193 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
61 Castle Guard 1 193 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
62 Castle Guard 1 193 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
63 Castle Archer 1 196 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
64 Castle Archer 1 196 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
65 Castle Guard 1 197 R1 Revenge (1) Human Legitimate 20
66 Gravedigger 2 115 R2 Revenge (2) Human Legitimate 20
67 Gravedigger 2 115 R2 Revenge (2) Human Legitimate 20
68 Zondark 2 154 R3 Revenge (3) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 20
69 Castle Guard 2 165 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
70 Castle Guard 2 165 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
71 Castle Archer 2 170 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
72 Castle Archer 2 171 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
73 Castle Archer 2 171 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
74 Castle Archer 2 171 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
75 Castle Spearman 2 173 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
76 Castle Spearman 2 173 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
77 Castle Spearman 2 173 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
78 Castle Spearman 2 173 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
79 Castle Spearman 2 173 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
80 Greico 2 178 R3 Revenge (3) Human Legitimate 20
81 The Count 3 38-39 R4 Revenge (4) Apostle Indeterminate 20
82 Mercenary 3 222 R9 Golden Age (1) Human Legitimate 9
83 Mercenary 4 21 R10 Golden Age (2) Human Legitimate 9
84 Donovan 4 29 R10 Golden Age (2) Human Legitimate 9
85 Enemy General 4 35 R10 Golden Age (2) Human Legitimate 11
86 Gambino 4 53 R10 Golden Age (2) Human Legitimate 11
87 Wolf 4 78 R11 Golden Age (3) Animal Legitimate 11
88 Wolf 4 78 R11 Golden Age (3) Animal Legitimate 11
89 Wolf 4 80 R11 Golden Age (3) Animal Legitimate 11
90 Wolf 4 80 R11 Golden Age (3) Animal Legitimate 11
91 Wolf 4 81 R11 Golden Age (3) Animal Legitimate 11
92 Wolf 4 81 R11 Golden Age (3) Animal Legitimate 11
93 Wolf 4 81 R11 Golden Age (3) Animal Legitimate 11
94 Bazuso 4 101 R11 Golden Age (3) Human Legitimate 15
95 Mercenary 4 108 R12 Golden Age (4) Human Legitimate 15
96 Dan 4 121 R12 Golden Age (4) Human Legitimate 15
97 Earl 4 123 R12 Golden Age (4) Human Legitimate 15
98 Mercenary Cavalry 4 229 R14 Golden Age (6) Human Legitimate 15
99 Mercenary Cavalry 5 7 R15 Golden Age (7) Human Legitimate 15
100 Mercenary Cavalry 5 8 R15 Golden Age (7) Human Legitimate 15
101 Mercenary Horse 5 8 R15 Golden Age (7) Animal Miscellaneous 15
102 Mercenary Cavalry 5 9 R15 Golden Age (7) Human Legitimate 15
103 Mercenary Cavalry 5 13 R15 Golden Age (7) Human Legitimate 15
104 Tudor Black Sheep Cavalry 5 96-97 1 Sword Wind Human Legitimate 18
105 Tudor Black Sheep Cavalry 5 98 1 Sword Wind Human Legitimate 18
106 Tudor Black Sheep Cavalry 5 99 1 Sword Wind Human Legitimate 18
107 Tudor Black Sheep Cavalry 5 99 1 Sword Wind Human Legitimate 18
108 Tudor Black Sheep Cavalry 5 99 1 Sword Wind Human Legitimate 18
109 Tudor Black Sheep Cavalry 5 99 1 Sword Wind Human Legitimate 18
110 Tudor Black Sheep Cavalry 5 99 1 Sword Wind Human Legitimate 18
111 Tudor Black Sheep Cavalry 5 99 1 Sword Wind Human Legitimate 18
112 Count Julius 6 89 10 Assassin (3) Human Legitimate 18
113 Adonis 6 92 10 Assassin (3) Human Legitimate 18
114 Wyndham Castle Guard 6 100 11 Assassin (4) Human Legitimate 18
115 Wyndham Castle Guard 6 100 11 Assassin (4) Human Legitimate 18
116 Wyndham Castle Guard 6 103 11 Assassin (4) Human Legitimate 18
117 Wyndham Castle Guard 6 103 11 Assassin (4) Human Legitimate 18
118 Wyndham Castle Guard 6 103 11 Assassin (4) Human Legitimate 18
119 Wyndham Castle Guard 6 103 11 Assassin (4) Human Legitimate 18
120 Large Tudor Mercenary 7 47 18 Decision's Deadline (1) Human Legitimate 18
121 Small Tudor Mercenary 7 48 18 Decision's Deadline (1) Human Legitimate 18
122 Tudor Mercenary 7 52-53 19 Decision's Deadline (2) Human Legitimate 18
123 Tudor Mercenary 7 52-53 19 Decision's Deadline (2) Human Legitimate 18
124 Tudor Mercenary 7 52-53 19 Decision's Deadline (2) Human Legitimate 18
125 Tudor Mercenary 7 55 19 Decision's Deadline (2) Human Legitimate 18
126 Tudor Mercenary 7 55 19 Decision's Deadline (2) Human Legitimate 18
127 Tudor Mercenary 7 55 19 Decision's Deadline (2) Human Legitimate 18
128 Samson 7 67 19 Decision's Deadline (2) Human Legitimate 18
129 Tudor Mercenary 7 76-77 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
130 Tudor Mercenary 7 76-77 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
131 Tudor Mercenary 7 76-77 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
132 Tudor Mercenary 7 76-77 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
133 Tudor Mercenary 7 80 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
134 Tudor Mercenary 7 81 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
135 Tudor Mercenary 7 87 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
136 Tudor Mercenary 7 87 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
137 Tudor Mercenary 7 88 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
138 Tudor Mercenary 7 89 20 Decision's Deadline (3) Human Legitimate 18
139 Tudor Mercenary 7 99 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
140 Tudor Mercenary 7 101 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
141 Tudor Mercenary 7 102 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
142 Tudor Mercenary 7 103 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
143 Tudor Mercenary 7 104 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
144 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
145 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
146 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
147 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
148 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
149 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
150 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
151 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
152 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
153 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
154 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
155 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
156 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
157 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
158 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
159 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
160 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
161 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
162 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
163 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
164 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
165 Tudor Mercenary 7 107 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
166 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
167 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
168 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
169 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
170 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
171 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
172 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
173 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
174 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
175 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
176 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
177 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
178 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
179 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
180 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
181 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
182 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
183 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
184 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
185 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
186 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
187 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
188 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
189 Tudor Mercenary 7 108 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
190 Tudor Mercenary 7 109 21 Returning Alive Human Legitimate 18
191 Purple Rhino Knight 7 181 24 Capture of Doldrey (2) Human Legitimate 18
192 Purple Rhino Knight 7 182 24 Capture of Doldrey (2) Human Legitimate 18
193 Purple Rhino Knight 7 183 24 Capture of Doldrey (2) Human Legitimate 18
194 Purple Rhino Knight 7 216 26 Capture of Doldrey (4) Human Legitimate 18
195 Purple Rhino Knight 7 216 26 Capture of Doldrey (4) Human Legitimate 18
196 Purple Rhino Knight 7 216 26 Capture of Doldrey (4) Human Legitimate 18
197 Purple Rhino Knight 7 216 26 Capture of Doldrey (4) Human Legitimate 18
198 General Boscone 8 24-25 27 Capture of Doldrey (5) Human Legitimate 18
199 Boscone's Horse 8 24-25 27 Capture of Doldrey (5) Animal Miscellaneous 18
200 Servant/Assassin 8 110 31 Tombstone of Flames (1) Human Legitimate 18
201 Kidnapper 8 135 32 Tombstone of Flames (2) Human Legitimate 18
202 Kidnapper 8 135 32 Tombstone of Flames (2) Human Legitimate 18
203 Kidnapper 8 135 32 Tombstone of Flames (2) Human Legitimate 18
204 Kidnapper 8 135 32 Tombstone of Flames (2) Human Legitimate 18
205 Kidnapper 8 135 32 Tombstone of Flames (2) Human Legitimate 18
206 Torturer 10 150 54 Reunion in the Abyss Human Legitimate 19
207 Wyndham Guard 10 156 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
208 Wyndham Guard 10 156 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
209 Wyndham Guard 10 157 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
210 Wyndham Guard 10 157 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
211 Wyndham Guard 10 157 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
212 Wyndham Guard 10 159 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
213 Wyndham Guard 10 160 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
214 Wyndham Guard 10 160 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
215 Wyndham Guard 10 160 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
216 Wyndham Guard 10 160 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
217 Wyndham Guard 10 160 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
218 Wyndham Guard 10 161 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
219 Wyndham Guard 10 161 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
220 Wyndham Guard 10 161 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
221 Wyndham Guard 10 162 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
222 Wyndham Guard 10 162 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
223 Wyndham Guard 10 162 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
224 Wyndham Guard 10 164 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
225 Wyndham Guard 10 164 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
226 Wyndham Guard 10 164 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
227 Talkative Captain 10 167 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
228 Wyndham Guard 10 168 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
229 Wyndham Guard 10 168 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
230 Wyndham Guard 10 168 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
231 Wyndham Guard 10 168 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
232 Wyndham Guard 10 169 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
233 Wyndham Guard 10 169 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
234 Wyndham Guard 10 170 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
235 Wyndham Guard 10 170 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
236 Wyndham Guard 10 170 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
237 Wyndham Guard 10 170 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
238 Wyndham Guard 10 170 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
239 Wyndham Guard 10 170 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
240 Wyndham Guard 10 171 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
241 Wyndham Guard 10 171 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
242 Wyndham Guard 10 171 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
243 Wyndham Guard 10 171 55 A Way Through Human Legitimate 19
244 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
245 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
246 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
247 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
248 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
249 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
250 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
251 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
252 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
253 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
254 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
255 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
256 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
257 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
258 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
259 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
260 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
261 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
262 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
263 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
264 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
265 Wyndham Guard 10 179 56 Bakiraka (1) Human Legitimate 19
266 Tiny Bakiraka 10 196 57 Bakiraka (2) Human Legitimate 19
267 Tall Bakiraka 10 216 57 Bakiraka (2) Human Legitimate 19
268 Black Dog Knight 11 30 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
269 Black Dog Knight 11 31 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
270 Black Dog Knight 11 31 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
271 Black Dog Knight 11 32 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
272 Black Dog Knight 11 33 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
273 Black Dog Knight 11 33 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
274 Black Dog Knight 11 33 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
275 Black Dog Knight 11 33 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
276 Black Dog Knight 11 35 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
277 Black Dog Knight 11 35 60 Demon Dogs (2) Human Legitimate 19
278 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
279 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
280 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
281 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
282 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
283 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
284 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
285 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
286 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
287 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
288 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
289 Black Dog Knight 11 73 62 Demon Dogs (4) Human Legitimate 19
290 Wyald 11 163 66 Mortal Combat (2) Apostle Indeterminate 19
291 Bulbous Apostle 13 49 82 God of the Abyss (1) Apostle Indeterminate 19
292 Skeletal Apostle 13 50 82 God of the Abyss (1) Apostle Indeterminate 19
293 Large Mouthed Apostle 13 50 82 God of the Abyss (1) Apostle Indeterminate 19
294 Tusked Apostle 13 50 82 God of the Abyss (1) Apostle Indeterminate 19
295 Tendril Apostle 13 51 82 God of the Abyss (1) Apostle Indeterminate 19
296 Pirahna Apostle 13 55 82 God of the Abyss (1) Apostle Indeterminate 19
297 Winged Apostle 13 73 84 Fresh Blood Apostle Indeterminate 19
298 Crab-Armed Apostle 13 75 84 Fresh Blood Apostle Indeterminate 19
299 Apostle 13 104 85 The Quickening Apostle Indeterminate 19
300 Apostle 13 104 85 The Quickening Apostle Indeterminate 19
301 Apostle 13 105 85 The Quickening Apostle Indeterminate 19
302 Apostle 13 105 85 The Quickening Apostle Indeterminate 19
303 Apostle 13 106 85 The Quickening Apostle Indeterminate 19
304 Apostle 13 106 85 The Quickening Apostle Indeterminate 19
305 Ghost 13 221 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
306 Ghost 13 221 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
307 Ghost 13 223 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
308 Ghost 13 223 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
309 Ghost 13 223 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
310 Ghost 13 223 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
311 Ghost 13 227 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
312 Ghost 13 227 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
313 Ghost 13 227 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
314 Ghost 13 230 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
315 Ghost 13 230 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
316 Ghost 13 231 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
317 Ghost 13 232 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
318 Ghost 13 232 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
319 Ghost 13 233 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
320 Ghost 13 235 91 A Promise to Fight Back Ghost Indeterminate 19
321 Fish 14 35 93 Armament Animal Miscellaneous 19
322 Pig Apostle 14 64 94 The One who Hunts for a Dragon Apostle Legitimate 19
323 Tree 14 118-119 96 Fairy in the Misty Valley Ghost Legitimate 21
324 Incubi 14 152 98 Come Flying Demon Legitimate 21
325 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
326 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
327 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
328 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
329 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
330 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
331 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
332 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
333 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
334 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
335 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
336 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
337 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
338 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
339 Pseudo-Elf 14 170 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
340 Pseudo-Elf 14 171 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
341 Pseudo-Elf 14 171 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
342 Pseudo-Elf 14 171 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
343 Pseudo-Elf 14 171 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
344 Pseudo-Elf 14 171 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
345 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
346 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
347 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
348 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
349 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
350 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
351 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
352 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
353 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
354 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
355 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
356 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
357 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
358 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
359 Pseudo-Elf 14 186 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
360 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
361 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
362 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
363 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
364 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
365 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
366 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
367 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
368 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
369 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
370 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
371 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
372 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
373 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
374 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
375 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
376 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
377 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
378 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
379 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
380 Pseudo-Elf 14 189 98 Come Flying Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
381 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
382 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
383 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
384 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
385 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
386 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
387 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
388 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
389 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
390 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
391 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
392 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
393 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
394 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
395 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
396 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
397 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
398 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
399 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
400 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
401 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
402 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
403 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
404 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
405 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
406 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
407 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
408 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
409 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
410 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
411 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
412 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
413 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
414 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
415 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
416 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
417 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
418 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
419 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
420 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
421 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
422 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
423 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
424 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
425 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
426 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
427 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
428 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
429 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
430 Pseudo-Elf 15 24-25 100 Queen Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
431 Snake 15 40 101 Will o' The Wisp Animal Miscellaneous 21
432 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 48 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
433 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
434 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
435 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
436 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
437 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
438 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
439 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
440 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
441 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
442 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 54-55 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
443 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
444 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
445 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
446 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
447 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
448 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
449 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
450 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
451 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
452 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 56 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
453 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 57 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
454 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 58 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
455 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 58 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
456 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 58 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
457 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 58 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
458 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 58 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
459 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 59 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
460 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 59 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
461 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 60 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
462 Flaming Ghost Baby 15 60 101 Will o' The Wisp Ghost Indeterminate 21
463 Pincher Guardian 15 121 105 Guardian (1) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
464 Centipede Guardian 15 121 105 Guardian (1) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
465 Beetle Guardian 15 125 105 Guardian (1) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
466 Spider Guardian 15 127 105 Guardian (1) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
467 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
468 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
469 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
470 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
471 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
472 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
473 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
474 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
475 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
476 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
477 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
478 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
479 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
480 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
481 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
482 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
483 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
484 Insect Guardian 15 143 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
485 Insect Guardian 15 144 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
486 Insect Guardian 15 144 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
487 Insect Guardian 15 144 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
488 Insect Guardian 15 144 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
489 Insect Guardian 15 144 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
490 Insect Guardian 15 144 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
491 Insect Guardian 15 145 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
492 Insect Guardian 15 145 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
493 Insect Guardian 15 145 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
494 Insect Guardian 15 145 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
495 Insect Guardian 15 145 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
496 Insect Guardian 15 147 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
497 Insect Guardian 15 149 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
498 Insect Guardian 15 149 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
499 Insect Guardian 15 149 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
500 Insect Guardian 15 149 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
501 Insect Guardian 15 149 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
502 Insect Guardian 15 149 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
503 Insect Guardian 15 149 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
504 Insect Guardian 15 149 106 Guardian (2) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
505 Tank Beetle Guardian 15 170 107 Pursuers Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
506 Mantis Guardian 15 170 107 Pursuers Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
507 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
508 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
509 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
510 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
511 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
512 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
513 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
514 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
515 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
516 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
517 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
518 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
519 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
520 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
521 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
522 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
523 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
524 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
525 Cocoon 15 226-227 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
526 Cocoon 15 228 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
527 Cocoon 15 228 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
528 Cocoon 15 228 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
529 Cocoon 15 228 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
530 Cocoon 15 228 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
531 Cocoon 15 228 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
532 Cocoon 15 228 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
533 Cocoon 15 230 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
534 Cocoon 15 230 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
535 Cocoon 15 230 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
536 Cocoon 15 230 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
537 Cocoon 15 230 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
538 Cocoon 15 230 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
539 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
540 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
541 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
542 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
543 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
544 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
545 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
546 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
547 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
548 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
549 Cocoon 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
550 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
551 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
552 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
553 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
554 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
555 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
556 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
557 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
558 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
559 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
560 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
561 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
562 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
563 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
564 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
565 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
566 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
567 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
568 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
569 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
570 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
571 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
572 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
573 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
574 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
575 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
576 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
577 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
578 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
579 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
580 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
581 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
582 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
583 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
584 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
585 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
586 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
587 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
588 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
589 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
590 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
591 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
592 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
593 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
594 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
595 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
596 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
597 Pseudo-Elf 15 231 110 Cocoon Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
598 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
599 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
600 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
601 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
602 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
603 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
604 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
605 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
606 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
607 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
608 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
609 Pseudo-Elf 16 12 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
610 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
611 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
612 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
613 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
614 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
615 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
616 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
617 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
618 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
619 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
620 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
621 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
622 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
623 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
624 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
625 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
626 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
627 Pseudo-Elf 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
628 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
629 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
630 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
631 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
632 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
633 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
634 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
635 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
636 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
637 Cocoon 16 13 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
638 Pseudo-Elf 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
639 Pseudo-Elf 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
640 Pseudo-Elf 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
641 Pseudo-Elf 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
642 Pseudo-Elf 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
643 Pseudo-Elf 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
644 Pseudo-Elf 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
645 Cocoon 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
646 Cocoon 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
647 Cocoon 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
648 Cocoon 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
649 Cocoon 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
650 Cocoon 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
651 Cocoon 16 14-15 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
652 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
653 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
654 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
655 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
656 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
657 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
658 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
659 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
660 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
661 Pseudo-Elf 16 19 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
662 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
663 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
664 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
665 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
666 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
667 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
668 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
669 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
670 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
671 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
672 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
673 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
674 Pseudo-Elf 16 20 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
675 Cocoon 16 21 111 Monster Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
676 Cocoon 16 26 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
677 Cocoon 16 26 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
678 Cocoon 16 26 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
679 Cocoon 16 26 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
680 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
681 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
682 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
683 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
684 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
685 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
686 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
687 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
688 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
689 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
690 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
691 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
692 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
693 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
694 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
695 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
696 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
697 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
698 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
699 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
700 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
701 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
702 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
703 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
704 Cocoon 16 29 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
705 Cocoon 16 30 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
706 Cocoon 16 30 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
707 Cocoon 16 30 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
708 Cocoon 16 30 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
709 Cocoon 16 30 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
710 Cocoon 16 32 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
711 Cocoon 16 32 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
712 Cocoon 16 32 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
713 Cocoon 16 32 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
714 Cocoon 16 32 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
715 Cocoon 16 33 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
716 Cocoon 16 33 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
717 Cocoon 16 33 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
718 Cocoon 16 33 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
719 Cocoon 16 33 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
720 Cocoon 16 33 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
721 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
722 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
723 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
724 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
725 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
726 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
727 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
728 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
729 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
730 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
731 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
732 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
733 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
734 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
735 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
736 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
737 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
738 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
739 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
740 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
741 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
742 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
743 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
744 Cocoon 16 34 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
745 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
746 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
747 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
748 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
749 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
750 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
751 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
752 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
753 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
754 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
755 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
756 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
757 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
758 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
759 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
760 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
761 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
762 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
763 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
764 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
765 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
766 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
767 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
768 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
769 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
770 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
771 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
772 Cocoon 16 35 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
773 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
774 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
775 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
776 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
777 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
778 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
779 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
780 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
781 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
782 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
783 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
784 Cocoon 16 36 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
785 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
786 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
787 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
788 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
789 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
790 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
791 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
792 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
793 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
794 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
795 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
796 Cocoon 16 37 112 Evil In the Air Quasi-Apostle Miscellaneous 21
797 Rochine 16 90-91 115 Firefly Apostle Legitimate 21
798 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
799 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
800 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
801 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
802 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
803 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
804 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
805 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
806 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
807 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
808 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
809 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
810 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
811 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
812 Ghost 16 140 117 Fairy In the Sky Ghost Indeterminate 21
813 Femto/Beast Ghost 16 162 118 The Beast of Darkness Ghost Indeterminate 21
814 HICK 16 184 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
815 HICK 16 184 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
816 HICK 16 185 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
817 HICK 16 186 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
818 HICK 16 186 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
819 HICK 16 186 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
820 HICK 16 186 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
821 HICK 16 190-191 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
822 HICK 16 190-191 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
823 HICK 16 190-191 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
824 HICK 16 190-191 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
825 HICK 16 190-191 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
826 HICK 16 190-191 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
827 HICK 16 190-191 119 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (1) Human Legitimate 21
828 HICK 16 207 120 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (2) Human Legitimate 21
829 HICK 16 207 120 Holy Iron Chain Knights Squadron (2) Human Legitimate 21
830 Biff the HICK 17 15 122 Ghosts Human Legitimate 21
831 Ghost 17 31 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
832 Ghost 17 31 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
833 Ghost 17 31 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
834 Ghost 17 31 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
835 Ghost 17 31 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
836 Ghost 17 31 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
837 Ghost 17 33 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
838 Grandma Ghost 17 33 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
839 Ghost 17 34 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
840 Ghost 17 34 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
841 Ghost 17 34 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
842 Ghost 17 34 123 Night of Miracles Ghost Indeterminate 21
843 Ghost Dog 17 41 123 Night of Miracles Possessed Legitimate 21
844 Ghost Dog 17 41 123 Night of Miracles Possessed Legitimate 21
845 Ghost Dog 17 41 123 Night of Miracles Possessed Legitimate 21
846 Badass Ghost Dog Head 17 42 123 Night of Miracles Possessed Legitimate 21
847 Ghost Dog 17 43 123 Night of Miracles Possessed Legitimate 21
848 Ghost Dog 17 43 123 Night of Miracles Possessed Legitimate 21
849 Ghost Dog 17 43 123 Night of Miracles Possessed Legitimate 21
850 Ghost Dog 17 43 123 Night of Miracles Possessed Legitimate 21
851 Ghost Dog 17 45 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
852 Ghost Dog 17 45 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
853 Ghost Dog 17 46-47 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
854 Ghost Dog 17 46-47 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
855 Ghost Dog 17 46-47 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
856 Ghost Dog 17 48 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
857 Ghost Dog 17 48 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
858 Ghost Dog 17 49 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
859 Ghost Dog 17 49 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
860 Ghost Horse 17 54-55 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
861 Ghost Horse 17 59 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
862 Ghost Dog 17 62 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
863 Ghost Dog 17 62 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
864 Ghost Dog 17 62 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
865 Ghost Dog 17 62 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
866 Ghost Dog 17 62 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
867 Ghost Dog 17 62 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
868 Ghost Dog 17 63 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
869 Ghost Dog 17 64 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
870 Ghost Dog 17 64 124 Come and Go Possessed Legitimate 21
871 Ghost Dog 17 81 125 Morning Truth Possessed Legitimate 21
872 Bakiraka Clansman 18 22-23 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
873 Bakiraka Clansman 18 22-23 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
874 Bakiraka Clansman 18 22-23 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
875 Bakiraka Clansman 18 22-23 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
876 Bakiraka Clansman 18 28 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
877 Bakiraka Clansman 18 29 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
878 Bakiraka Clansman 18 29 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
879 Bakiraka Clansman 18 30 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
880 Bakiraka Clansman 18 30 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
881 Bakiraka Clansman 18 33 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
882 Bakiraka Clansman 18 33 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
883 Bakiraka Clansman 18 33 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
884 Bakiraka Clansman 18 33 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
885 Bakiraka Clansman 18 33 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
886 Bakiraka Clansman 18 33 134 Kushan Militia (2) Human Legitimate 21
887 Wheel Zombie 18 184 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
888 Wheel Zombie 18 186-187 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
889 Wheel Zombie 18 186-187 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
890 Wheel Zombie 18 186-187 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
891 Wheel Zombie 18 186-187 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
892 Wheel Zombie 18 186-187 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
893 Wheel Zombie 18 186-187 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
894 Wheel Zombie 18 186-187 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
895 Wheel Zombie 18 188 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
896 Wheel Zombie 18 188 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
897 Wheel Zombie 18 188 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
898 Wheel Zombie 18 188 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
899 Wheel Zombie 18 188 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
900 Wheel Zombie 18 190 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
901 Wheel Zombie 18 190 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
902 Wheel Zombie 18 193 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
903 Wheel Zombie 18 193 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
904 Wheel Zombie 18 193 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
905 Wheel Zombie 18 193 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
906 Wheel Zombie 18 193 141 Road of Evil (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
907 Holy See Knight 19 21 144 Black Swordsman in the Holy Land Human Legitimate 21
908 Holy See Knight 19 21 144 Black Swordsman in the Holy Land Human Legitimate 21
909 Holy See Horse 19 21 144 Black Swordsman in the Holy Land Animal Miscellaneous 21
910 Holy See Horse 19 21 144 Black Swordsman in the Holy Land Animal Miscellaneous 21
911 Holy See Knight 19 22 144 Black Swordsman in the Holy Land Human Legitimate 21
912 Holy See Knight 19 28 145 Straying Human Legitimate 21
913 Holy See Knight 19 28 145 Straying Human Legitimate 21
914 Holy See Horse 19 28 145 Straying Animal Miscellaneous 21
915 Holy See Horse 19 28 145 Straying Animal Miscellaneous 21
916 Cult Member 19 97 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
917 Cult Member 19 97 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
918 Cult Member 19 97 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
919 Cult Member 19 97 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
920 Cult Member 19 97 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
921 Cult Member 19 97 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
922 Cult Member 19 97 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
923 Cult Member 19 97 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
924 Cult Member 19 104 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
925 Cult Member 19 104 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
926 Cult Member 19 104 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
927 Cult Member 19 104 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
928 Cult Member 19 104 148 Reunion Human Legitimate 21
929 Goatman/Cult Leader 19 120 149 Ambush Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
930 Muscular Disciple 20 135 161 Martyrdom Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
931 Gangly Disciple 20 137 161 Martyrdom Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
932 Small Winged Disciple 20 140 161 Martyrdom Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
933 Bird Disciple 20 142 161 Martyrdom Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
934 Ghost Conglomeration 20 208 164 Shadow of Idea (2) Ghost Indeterminate 21
935 Ghost Conglomeration 20 208 164 Shadow of Idea (2) Ghost Indeterminate 21
936 Ghost Conglomeration 20 211 165 Shadow of Idea (3) Ghost Indeterminate 21
937 Ghost Conglomeration 20 212 165 Shadow of Idea (3) Ghost Indeterminate 21
938 Ghost Conglomeration 20 212 165 Shadow of Idea (3) Ghost Indeterminate 21
939 Ghost Conglomeration 21 14 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
940 Ghost Conglomeration 21 14 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
941 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
942 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
943 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
944 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
945 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
946 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
947 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
948 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
949 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
950 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
951 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
952 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
953 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
954 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
955 Ghost Conglomeration 21 24-25 166 The Jumping Fish Ghost Indeterminate 21
956 Mozgus 21 96-97 170 Tidal Wave of Darkness (1) Quasi-Apostle Legitimate 21
957 Huge Ghost Conglomeration 21 137 172 Resonance Ghost Indeterminate 21
958 Bakiraka Assassin 21 183 174 Dawn Human Legitimate 21
959 Bakiraka Assassin 21 183 174 Dawn Human Legitimate 21
960 Bakiraka Assassin 21 183 174 Dawn Human Legitimate 21
961 Kushan Cavalry 21 225 176 Determined Journey Human Legitimate 21
962 Kushan Cavalry 21 225 176 Determined Journey Human Legitimate 21
963 Kushan Cavalry 21 226-227 176 Determined Journey Human Legitimate 21
964 Snowman 23 13 187 Winter's Journey (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
965 Snowman 23 13 187 Winter's Journey (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
966 Snowman 23 15 187 Winter's Journey (1) Possessed Legitimate 21
967 Snowman 23 15 187 Winter's Journey (1)

"I am neither enemy nor friend. I am back from a world where such words are meaningless."

Brute force will overpower any technique !
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Окт 30, 2006 11:00 am 

Регистриран на: Сря Сеп 14, 2005 10:21 pm
Мнения: 3194
Местоположение: Мidland
Така е. Но поня битката между Дайба и Тътс Е яка.

Как ви се струва идеята апостолите да запазват от човешкия си облек, само лицето. Според мен е гениална!

Baldrick, let us not forget that your last cunning plan was solving the problem of your mother's low ceiling by cutting off her head.
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Ное 02, 2006 11:26 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Ное 03, 2005 2:34 pm
Мнения: 22
Честно казано след като попитах реших да хвърля едно око на бързо и сотанах със същото впечатление, а имено че е рязано яко. Ще я чета от начало :)

МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Ное 04, 2006 2:01 am 

Регистриран на: Сря Сеп 14, 2005 10:21 pm
Мнения: 3194
Местоположение: Мidland
В магазина на артлайн я продават на английски. 22 лева томчето.
Строших прасето и си купих 3 тома.

Baldrick, let us not forget that your last cunning plan was solving the problem of your mother's low ceiling by cutting off her head.
МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Ное 04, 2006 12:32 pm 

Регистриран на: Пет Фев 03, 2006 12:43 am
Мнения: 2232
Каде е тоя магазин ако мога ад попитам..: ) ПЛС кажи : )

МнениеПубликувано на: Съб Ное 04, 2006 9:25 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Окт 25, 2005 3:58 pm
Мнения: 1111
Местоположение: ~From Out Of Nowhere~
Опс...аз съм опуснал да си дам мнението за Любимата ми Манга!!!
И така...това ми е първата Манга която зачетох сериозно...от тогава прочетох доста различни и разнообразни Манги...Но Берсерк си ми остана Любимата :)
Щеше да е добре по често да излизаха новите глави :(

PSN ID / Изображение Last.fm / MAL
МнениеПубликувано на: Пон Ное 06, 2006 9:00 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Сеп 06, 2006 2:35 pm
Мнения: 48
сега го чета! мангата рулира..! :P

МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Ное 07, 2006 11:28 am 

Регистриран на: Вто Дек 13, 2005 12:12 am
Мнения: 152
Местоположение: Eight Circle of Hell
уаа скоро ще си зема томове 4,5,6,7 и 8 на берсерк :P

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