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Заглавие: Re: ==||=== Berserk ====> Публикувано на: Съб Окт 03, 2009 5:25 pm |
ludgidia123 |
Регистриран на: Пет Сеп 28, 2007 7:45 pm Мнения: 4155 Местоположение: Пловдивь
Врабеца е ебати и фашиста майна,сигурно е черпил идеи от грандоманщината на джуджета от Мория,бахти и двореца,бахти и чудото,избива комплекси копеленцето. Обаче ,ако се замисли човек тези бели стени направо си плачат за тагване,ей сега ще налазят 12-13-14-15-16 годишните мухльовци и ще ги надраскат с "Hawk uber alles" , "Viva Falconia" , "Fuck Guts" ,ще се събират по крепостните стени и ще въртят коз с биричка и ще си губят девствеността. Не мога да си представя каква ще е сметката му за парно на тоя тип - 2/3 от БВП-то .
Заглавие: Re: ==||=== Berserk ====> Публикувано на: Сря Окт 07, 2009 11:57 pm |
Spokesman Of Madness |
Регистриран на: Чет Сеп 28, 2006 10:43 pm Мнения: 2496 Местоположение: In the world oф bullshits
Да, ама не и срещу Грифит.Той си беше гений преди да стане на Фемто, пък сега не желая да си помислям.... Edit: Днеска като си се ровичках из едно форумче намерих много интересна тема и реших да я копна тука, че ми е интересно какво е вашето мнение по въпроса Цитат: Let me start by saying that the purpose of this thread is to explain what I feel is Griffith’s role within the context of the Berserk world. It has nothing to do with our world, and it has nothing to do with your moral opinion of Griffith. That topic has already been argued to death. Instead, this is an exercise in seeing things through a different set of rules and appreciating how they translate into a character’s place within the Berserk universe.
The following depends heavily on the “Lost Chapter” being canon.
The deepest layer of the Berserk world we have encountered is the Abyss (based on Flora’s explanation of the other realms in volume 24), where the Idea of Evil is implied to dwell. One layer below that is the Vortex of Souls, or the realm of Heaven and Hell that people are bound to by their karma. One layer below that is the realm of Angels, Demons, and the Gods of Polytheism.
What are the God Hand? Flora classifies them as the Five Angels, “who are the executors of the will of something lurking in the distant Abyss of the astral world” (that is, the IoE). The God Hand are often shown with the Vortex of Souls as a backdrop, and seem to know the destiny of human souls. They refer to the vortex as Hell, and the existence of a corresponding Heaven has yet to be shown.
The IoE is the God of humanity. It was created by humans, for humans. This does not make it any less real, but simply means that it has authority primarily over human affairs. I feel that a huge misconception about the IoE is that it is “Evil.” It is not Evil. It is the “idea of” Evil. Its purpose is to give meaning to human suffering. It is the turbulent sea of the human un/sub-conscious, and an outlet for their deepest, most intense, and most repressed desires/drives/emotions. It also represents the will of the human mass consciousness. Whether they realize it or not, they are the ones driving it.
This is the foundation upon which the human world in Berserk is built. This is the source of their religion, their morals, their hopes, and their fears. This is the God intimately connected to humanity, and the one that answers their prayers without fail, no matter how terrible they are. Even if humans put on a mask of civility in public, it cannot compete with the true self underneath. Their repressed desires scream the loudest, and are heard.
The Berserk world is brutal and harsh. It is no wonder that the IoE is fueled by so much anguish and despair. And so they cry out with one voice for their world to be shaken to the core. They ask for wonder and enchantment, to be part of something larger than life, for extremes of beauty and horror. They ask for the Age of Darkness. They also ask for a Savior King, a glorious leader to take them under his wing and deliver them from the ruins of the past into a new world. The IoE granted their wish.
Thus Griffith was born into conditions meticulously orchestrated by the IoE for generations upon generations to accommodate the development of Griffith’s dream, his astronomical rise, and unimaginable fall. He was chosen, by the will of humanity and by divine mandate, to be the crucified and risen savior. He was transformed, through a most sacred and holy baptism of blood, into a blessed Angel. How was it sacred and holy? Because the IoE is the God of this world, wholly sanctioned by the will of humanity, and so it is the measure of what’s holy and what isn’t. The laws governing the Berserk (human) world flow from it.
Likewise, Griffith is a blessed Angel because the God Hand are the most benevolent and accessible entities humans know. They do not deceive humans in any way. They simply enforce humanity’s will and grant their wishes. They have no agenda outside of this. In other words, it is not the God Hand who are fucked up, but humans as a species. And so, their visions of the White Hawk do not lie. Griffith IS the desired Savior chosen by humanity as their King during the Age of Darkness, and he more than lives up to the hype. He is “the absolute,” as Schierke says. To go against him is to go against God’s will, humanity’s wishes, and the natural order of things.
The IoE has told Griffith that he would “bring pain or salvation to mankind.” So far (agents of religious competition such as Flora aside) Griffith seems intent on creating a Utopia. He is doing much post-Eclipse damage control by putting Apostles on a leash and making them eat squirrels. He is gathering everyone he can under his banner, both Midland and Kushan (and Apostles), and continuing his radically egalitarian style of government. He is going to great lengths to keep everyone safe, happy, and sheltered from what's going on around them. He aims to please, even if it for his own glory, because he likes being liked. I don’t see any reason for him to veer off this course anytime soon.
_________________ Fuck this shit...
Заглавие: Re: ==||=== Berserk ====> Публикувано на: Съб Окт 24, 2009 9:25 pm |
hellcreep |
Регистриран на: Вто Окт 10, 2006 9:36 pm Мнения: 379
Ми и той негодник като феновете на берсерк. Тъкмо си мисли че е хванал нещо и опа накрая пак го .... яката Така и автора с феновете пусне няколко готини чаптъра и айдее пак тръгва да гони лоли японки Иначе няма да е зле някой да вземе да натупа тоя грифит вече не е интересно да не говорим че и тоя императора колко силен го правиха и тоя как го уби само... чак смешно ми стана Нема нищо сега дано гътс оправи нещата и набие няколко задника набързо. А тая малката как я бяха нарисували направо паднах от смях
Заглавие: Re: ==||=== Berserk ====> Публикувано на: Вто Окт 27, 2009 10:56 pm |
Karibdus |
Регистриран на: Съб Ное 01, 2008 1:36 am Мнения: 3340 Местоположение: MetalLand
Започна се... щом гътс си слага металната ръка значи да очакваме епик батълз :0
Karibdus написа: Блока падна, защото кокошката стъпи върху самолета, който се подхлъзна на клоните на колата...
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