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 Заглавие: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 3:34 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Мар 12, 2006 12:17 am
Мнения: 14913
Местоположение: Сливен
:twisted: Боен Колизеум 2009 :twisted:

  1. Кои могат да участват?
    • Всички аниме герои, които отговарят на условията, са позволени. Герои, присъстващи само в хентай, манга и/или игри, не се допускат!
    • Ако има повече от два предложени героя от дадено аниме, ще се проведе предварителен кръг-анкета като двата персонажа, получили най-много гласове, ще участват.
    • Нямат право да участват аниме герои тип 'създатели/разрушители на светове', включително и безкрайно регенериращи се герои. Подобни герои няма да бъдат записани. Кой ще реши това - модераторите от аниме раздела + главните модератори.
      Примери за забранени герои: Nagato Yuki (SHnY), LSS Brolly (DBZ), Alucard (Hellsing).
    • Миналогодишните победители, нямат право да участват отново в турнира и няма да бъдат записвани. Кои са те може да видите тук.
    • Тази година пропускат участие Naruto (Naruto) и Dante (Devil May Cry), първият заради 2те поредни дисквалификации, получава червен картон, а втория ще може да участва в ТНВ, защото от повечето е смятан за безсмъртен в анимето и не правят разлика между героя от анимето и играта.
  2. Процедура на записване:
    • Всеки потребител може да запишe два героя.
    • Всеки номиниран герой трябва да има приложена снимка до 350x350 пиксела.
    • Снимката може и да е фенарт, но трябва да отговаря на изображението на героя от респективното аниме, OVA, филм, etc.
    • Герои със снимки, които не отговарят на изискванията, няма да бъдат записани.
    • По желание, може да приложите кратко описание до 200 думи на героя, което да бъде включено в бъдещите теми за двубой.
    Важно: Модераторите не са длъжни да прилагат снимки и описание на героите. Това е изцяло ваша инициатива.
  3. Срок за записване: от сега до 19ти октомври 23:59ч.

Темата с правилата на целия турнир може да намерите ТУК :!:.

PSN ID | Toriko.AnimeS-bg.com | Beelzebub.AnimeS-bg.com | BusterKeel.AnimeS-bg.com
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 4:19 pm 
The No-Goodnick

Регистриран на: Пет Май 04, 2007 5:05 pm
Мнения: 9847
Местоположение: PervTown
Wikipedia написа:
Karura was once princess of Nan-Tunku before the Shakukoporu deposed her and placed a puppet leader at the head of the state. She joins Hakuoro after she is found having slaughtered many soldiers from another country who were holding her prisoner. Despite showing concern for her country (which she conceals), she has forsaken her past as royalty and decided to live her life as Karura, a simple woman, and as a sign of this vow continues to wear a large metal collar around her neck placed there in her captivity. She is one of the last two Giriyaginas on Earth, along with Derihourai, her younger brother. She is often seen drinking sake, even on the battle field (She could drink several barrels of sake in one day). Karura wields a massive black blade (personally designed to not break, not dull and not need resharpening), which is so ridiculously large and heavy that no one else can lift it. She uses it in conjunction with her superhuman strength to deal tremendous damage to her enemies. The name Karura (迦楼羅, 迦樓羅, or 迦留羅), also known as Garuda and Garua, comes from the Hindu and Buddhist myth of the man-bird deity. Her name is Karula in the English version. Her weapon, can be said to be a powerful limiter on her body. For when she throws it down to fight under her own power, she is blindingly fast. At the end of the series she and Touka become famous wandering mercenaries.



    Hyoubu "Major" Kyousuke[Zettai Karen Children]
Kyōsuke is one tough adversary with an abundant anthology of different esper capabilities. As is the case with Kaoru's berserk runaway telekinesis, Kyōsuke has the capability to defy fully powered-up ESP Counter Measure generators but does so as "the rule". Kyōsuke has a lengthy history of teleporting out of his subterranean holding cell, walking around for a breath of fresh air, and teleporting back in without anybody detecting and challenging him. Given that there are few efficacious avenues for damaging him (never mind the subjugation and confinement), Kyōsuke believes that he can demonstrate his volition of doing whatever he wishes and it would not be that outrageous to suspect that Kyōsuke is either one of the alpha adversaries or the alpha adversary. Despite his delight in giving B.A.B.E.L. super fits as he foils all their attempts to apprehend him and using his hypnosis to especially manipulate Minamoto for his own recreational ends (such as effecting the mirage that Kaoru, Shiho, and Aoi are physically older than they really are), Kyōsuke's misanthropy fortunately does not extend to other espers.

Looking for surviving women to repopulate the planet with me,
after the end of the world has come.
 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 5:56 pm 

Регистриран на: Сря Ное 12, 2008 5:52 pm
Мнения: 1080


Roronoa Zoro, is a pirate and former bounty hunter. He is the second member of the Straw Hat Pirates and the first to join. He is also a master swordsman. Despite no clear role being given to him, Zoro is sometimes labeled by fans as the second-in-command of the pirate crew (the First Mate). Partially due to the fact that in the series, several captains refer to their first mate as their "Partners" or "Champions" and Luffy refers to Zoro by these earlier on in the series. Zoro is currently one of eleven pirates who have been referred to as "The Eleven Supernovas". He and Killer are the only supernovas who are not captains, they are also probably the only Supernovas not to have a Devil Fruit and they both rely on blade based weapons.

Човекът в черно бягаше през пустинята, а Стрелецът го следваше.
 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 8:12 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Апр 30, 2006 9:49 pm
Мнения: 5269
Местоположение: Стара Загора
Sanji One Piece

Sanji is a tall, slim young man with blond hair, often well-dressed, and keeps his hair brushed over his left eye. Sanji's left eye is so rarely seen that many fans have questioned the assumption that he has one at all. In the Manga it is never seen, but is seen in the anime (episodes 21, 27, 82, 128 and Movie 6 although usually very briefly and most likely due to animation errors). [5] He almost always wears a black, double-breasted suit with tie and long-sleeved, buttoned shirts of varying colors, with or without pinstripes. His fashion changes at times, like in the Water 7 Arc where he had no suit jacket, but a black vest over an orange, pinstriped shirt. He also wears dress shoes, mostly for his Red Leg martial arts. These shoes are extremely durable, and were designed to increase the power of his attacks, though he can very well attack without them as he did against Kuroobi. Sanji is also a chain-smoker and is rarely seen without a cigarette.

 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 8:30 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Фев 03, 2009 8:01 am
Мнения: 1585
Местоположение: Варна
Hei (Darker Than Black)
Hei plays a gentle-hearted student from China named Lee Shenshun but when "working" he takes on the role of a seemingly (at first) apathetic and guiltless killer known also as The Black Reaper. Part of an organization of unknown ambitions known only as the Syndicate. Hei's contract allows him to generate electricity, and he is hotly pursued by the Japanese government for his involvement in multiple assassinations. He acts as the spy/assassin of his team.

Последна промяна Coup de Grâce на Сря Сеп 30, 2009 8:18 pm, променена общо 2 пъти


- p a t h o s - e t h o s - l o g o s - p h a l l u s -
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 8:59 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Май 19, 2009 7:33 pm
Мнения: 2
Yagami Kazuma /Kaze no Stigma/
Kazuma is a former member of the Kannagi household. He was banished from the family by his father after being defeated by Ayano during the successor ceremony for Enraiha, his family's sacred sword, due to his inability to use En-Jutsu. Four years later, at the age of twenty, he returns to Japan as a skilled master of Fū-Jutsu.
As a Fū-Jutsushi, Kazuma's powers are extensive. Apart from being able to fly even while holding three people, Kazuma can launch blasts of wind that act as blades, and manipulate wind spirits to create a barrier, protecting his body from physical harm or reflecting light in order to camouflage himself. It has also become apparent that he possibly has the ability to manipulate electricity, given that high speed wind friction creates static electricity and that Kazuma was shown generating it when he was utilizing his black wind.
Kazuma is also a Contractor, having entered into a contract with the Kaze no Seirei-Ou, the Wind Spirit Lord. Thanks to that, Kazuma is able to draw upon all wind spirits in the atmosphere, which can amplify his powers, and allow him to heal his wounds. When using that power, his eyes turn azure blue. However, this ability puts a strain on his body. Also, when Kazuma is extremely angered, his eyes turn crimson red and his wind turns black and he is seen using mind reading powers. In this state, he has no qualms in hurting others with his abilities, as long as he gets what he wants. However, when in this state, his overall powers seem to be weaker than when he is in his regular state; when Ayano helps him snap out of his rage, he states that his black wind is pathetic.

---изкопирано от википедиа

Negi Springfield
Negi Springfield is the teacher of Mahora Girls' Jr High School class 3-A (formley 2-A) with formely 31 students,now reduced to 30. Negi Springfield is the son of master mage Nagi Springfield, famously known as the legendary "Thousand Master" and princess Akira of the Ostian Empire in the magic world. Negi specializes in wind-based spells,light spells, and lightning spells(his father specialty).Even without magic, Negi has proven to be a talented warrior whose ability to master Chinese Martial Art equals that of Ku Fei(his teacher of Chinese Martial Art). At present, Negi has formed 10 temporarily pactio with his students and 1 temporarily pactio with Theo, which gives him the artifact that allow him to use any of his partner's artifact.

---изкопирано от MAL

, а дано няма нищо нередно в описанието на Неги, защото съм малко назад с последните OVA-чки :blush:

Последна промяна Katawa Shoujo на Вто Окт 06, 2009 8:38 pm, променена общо 1 път

 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 9:00 pm 

Регистриран на: Пет Сеп 28, 2007 4:43 pm
Мнения: 1860
Местоположение: Milky Way (No address available)
    Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 155

Spike Spiegel is a tall and lean 27-year-old bounty hunter born on Mars. The inspiration for Spike is found in martial artist Bruce Lee who uses the martial arts style of Jeet Kune Do as depicted in Session 8, "Waltz For Venus". He has fluffy, dark green hair (which is inspired by Yusaku Matsuda's) and reddish brown eyes, one of which is artificial and lighter than the other. He is usually dressed in a blue leisure suit, with a yellow shirt and Lupin III inspired boots. A flashback in Session 6 revealed it was his fully functioning right eye which was surgically replaced by the cybernetic one (although Spike himself may not have conscious recollection of the procedure since he claims to have lost his natural eye in an "accident"). One theory is that his natural eye may have been lost during the pre-series massacre in which he supposedly "died". The purpose of this cybernetic eye is never explicitly stated, though it apparently gives him exceptional hand-eye coordination - particularly with firearms (Spike's gun of choice is a Jericho 941, as seen throughout the series). In the first episode, when facing a bounty-head using Red Eye, Spike mocks him, calling his moves "too slow". At first, this seems like posturing on Spike's part, but even with his senses and reflexes accelerated to superhuman levels by the drug, the bounty cannot even touch Spike. A recurring device throughout the entire show is a closeup on Spike's fully-natural left eye before dissolving to a flashback of his life as part of the syndicate. As said by Spike himself in the last episode, his right eye "only sees the present" and his left eye "only sees the past." Spike often has a bent cigarette between his lips, sometimes despite rain or "No Smoking" signs.

 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 10:22 pm 

Регистриран на: Нед Авг 27, 2006 2:57 pm
Мнения: 4124
Местоположение: dragon's land
Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist )
Greed (グリード, Gurīdo?), the "Ultimate Shield", craves money, women, and other worldly possessions above all else. Because of this he betrays the homunculi in both the anime and the manga, as working for them would deprive him of his greedy desires. He has the ability to rearrange the carbon molecules in his body to create a shield, hard as a diamond, that coats his body. Greed is introduced when he sends some of his chimera subordinates to capture Alphonse Elric.ch.27 The State Military soon raids their location to rescue Al, and Greed's fate from that point further differs between adaptations.ch.29

In the manga and second anime, Wrath repeatedly kills Greed by tiring him out and allowing him to be taken back to Father. Unwilling to rejoin them, Greed is melted down, returned to the form of the Philosopher's Stone, then consumed by Father.ch.31 Later, Lin Yao, in his search for immortality, offers to become the new Greed. Greed is given complete control of Lin's body after Lin willingly relinquishes control, believing this to be the only way to gain immortality.ch.56 Though this Greed initially has no recollections of his actions as the former Greed, Bido's death brings back the memories of all his loyal subordinates.ch.82 Angry with Wrath for killing his "possessions" and further provoked by Lin, the new Greed defects from the homunculi once more, eventually letting Edward Elric join him for a short time.ch.83

In the first anime Greed escapes the raid, fleeing to Dante's mansion. Dante, having created Greed when attempting to revive her dead lover, still retains the skull from his original body, leaving him severely weakened. Edward Elric kills Greed soon after he was made to believe Greed killed Dante, leaving Ed with the valuable knowledge of how to kill the Homunculi.ep.34 He is voiced by Junichi Suwabe in Japanese, and Chris Patton in English.ep.33ep.33 His voice in the new series is provided by Yuichi Nakamura.ep.13


True evil is silent.
 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 10:46 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Сеп 21, 2009 3:14 pm
Мнения: 306
Местоположение: Why So Serious!?
Seigen Irako (Shigurui)


An ambitious man who seeks to raise his status. In the present time, he is blind and has a deep cut in one of his feet. Years before, he Joined the Kogan-Ryuu school afterwards and was eventually picked to become the successor over Gennosuke Fujiki, but he and Kogan had a falling out which resulted in his present-day blindness.

~ One Piece FTW ~
 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 11:02 pm 

Регистриран на: Пон Апр 16, 2007 3:06 pm
Мнения: 2059
Takehara Akiyuki (Bounen no Xamdou)



A typical highschooler with a charismatic and helpful nature, he lives with his Mother who has seperated from his Father due to marriage problems. Because if this seperation, Akiyuki is expected to take a prepared lunch to his father every morning. One day he wakes up late and rushes to deliver his father's.lunch, which ends up with him barely able to catch the schoolbus. He notices a white haired girl (Nazuna) at the back of the line and lacking the armband needed to actually get on the bus, so he obligingly gives it to her. As they arrive at the school, Nazuna presses a device and blows up the partially filled bus. In the light from the explosion, a strange light rises from the destruction and disperses into Akiyuki's arm, producing a strange blue gem-like object, however it's forgotten as Akiyuki notices Nazuna wounded on the bus. He rushes to help her, leading her to reveal that she was the bomber. She then presses Akiyuki's forehead, which materialises a red gem-like object, and she faints. Akiyuki's arm then transforms, covering his body in a strange white liquid and turning him into a white creature called Xam'd.

Touko Aozaki (Kara no Kyoukai)


Appearing as a puppet maker, Touko is actually an extremely powerful sorceress.

In Kara no Kyoukai, she is shown as a puppet maker and as a occasionally designer of buildings. Together with Kokutou Mikiya, she runs a kind of detective agency (Garan no Dō (伽藍の洞, Garan no Dō?)) that only engages in cases with supernatural or abnormal elements.
She's a powerful Magus, and she's able to reproduce parts of a body that can be used instead of the lost part. While this would be nothing special, she can reproduce the part in such a perfect way that it comes close to the real one. The glasses Tohno Shiki wears were originally made by Touko. Her sister Aoko stole them from Touko and made them indestructible.
As a doll-maker, she received a Sealing Designation for creating a doll (body) that was an exact replica of her own body
Touko has 20 Magic Circuits, which was a surprise to the Aozaki clan as the number of Magic Circuits in their line had been dwindling. Due to her formidable power, Mage's Association dubbed her with the color Tou (橙, Orange?), which is close to the three primary colors. She wished to get the color Blue, but that title was taken by her sister Aoko.

Последна промяна Ryoka__ на Нед Окт 18, 2009 11:21 pm, променена общо 1 път

 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 11:03 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Ное 29, 2007 3:07 pm
Мнения: 2699

Motoko Kusanagi is the mysterious, even enigmatic woman who has led a group of SpecOps for years, and was recruited (en masse) by Aramaki to work for Section 9. Almost nothing is known about her, her origins, birthdate, even if she was originally female or not. She could not be older than 60 or so, since the widespread use of full-cyborgization was not in use until then. She was fully cyborged at a very young age and as she "grew" she went through a series of artificial bodies. This, more than anything, likely contributed to her great ease at controlling cyborg bodies of various types, even multiple at the same time. More mysterious is her incredible ability as a "hacker". She is equally at ease in a body as she is without one in cyberspace, her ability to think in three dimensions, perhaps even in four certainly contributing to her abilities.

 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 11:05 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Мар 11, 2008 7:48 pm
Мнения: 4585
Местоположение: By The Wall
Shiki Ryougi (Kara no Kyoukai)

A teenaged girl, who possesses the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception", a supernatural ability that allows the user to see the "death" of everything in existence and kill the object by destroying its "origin". She recently recovered from a two-year coma caused by a traffic accident. Prior to the traffic accident, she originally had two personalities, a male personality named Shiki (織, Shiki), and the original female personality Shiki (式, Shiki). Children born into the Ryougi family are generally male and are raised with two personalities, so the male personality is customarily called the "yang" personality, while the female is called the "yin" personality. It is easy to tell which Shiki is speaking at a given time because they both have a distinct style of speech, most notably that the female Shiki refers to herself with the pronoun watashi (私, watashi), while male Shiki refers to himself as ore (オレ, ore).

After waking from her coma, Shiki discovers that she can no longer feel the male Shiki's presence and assumes that he died because of the accident. She also feels a detachment from her memories of before the accident, and while she knows she is Shiki, she does not feel that she is. In the hopes of regaining herself and the "dead" Shiki, she puts on a cold façade that somewhat resembles the male Shiki's and tries to act as the female Shiki did. Touko understands the sense of detachment Shiki feels, but considers the current Shiki a third, new personality.

 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 11:25 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Яну 21, 2006 6:40 pm
Мнения: 7705
Hayate Ayasaki (Hayate the Combat Butler!)

Hayate has had to work to support his parent's bad habits since the age of eight, always moving from job to job, as he is fired when he is discovered to be underage. Hayate's dad is unemployed and his mother is a compulsive gambler, which leads inevitably to their bankruptcy.

The characters in this series continually remark that Hayate looks poor and needy. He believes that everyone hates him, except children, though he doesn't think of children as being anything other than friends. He can also play the violin. Despite his terrible luck, Hayate lives up to the title of "combat butler" as he is proficient in repelling attacks from almost anything, including other butlers.


Последна промяна hellraiser на Вто Сеп 29, 2009 11:37 pm, променена общо 1 път

 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 11:31 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Яну 12, 2006 2:33 pm
Мнения: 5194
Местоположение: Nemuri no Mori
    Touka (Utawarerumono)
Touka is an Evenkuruga mononofu (warrior) who in the beginning serves under Lord Orikakan. After Orikakan is murdered by Niwe, she swears vengeance, and, seeing the respect which Hakuoro pays to the fallen emperor, pledges fealty to Hakuoro to serve as his bodyguard and, omitted from her mention to him as part of her services, bear him a child. In the game, she pledges fealty because Arruru and Erruru convinced her that Hakuoro is a good person. She obsessively follows this oath, true to her clan's nature. However, even though it was part of the oath, she failed to have a baby with him because she was tricked by Karura into thinking that she would become pregnant by drinking Hakuoro's semen. She fights using a slim sword of an unspecified variety which she combines with her astonishing agility to execute swift and deadly attacks.

Touka is a member of the Evenkuruga tribe, a small clan living near the steppes (which steppes they inhabit are never mentioned in the series). The Evenkuruga are blessed with such extraordinary fighting abilities that many have carved their names in history; they are a deeply moralistic people and side with good and fight evil in the name of justice and honor. This is mentioned several times during the anime, such as when Touka declares "In the name of justice and honor, I shall support Kuccha Keecha" or when Benawi speculates that Touka would not defile her sense of justice, even if it meant losing her life. At the end of the series she follows Hakuoro's request and acts as a protector of the weak and is also working together with Karura as a wandering mercenary.

She is sometimes seen as the comic relief, mostly due to her over-protectiveness of Hakuoro (such as picking through every piece of a fish before letting the new Emperor eat it, searching for poison) and her feminine side, which conflicts with her warrior-like persona.

    Shiki Tohno (Tsukihime)
Shiki is the main character of the Tsukihime series. He is a kind, honest, if not slightly playful second-year high school student. He is anemic and is prone to fainting, but he tries his best to live a normal life. He has the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception (Chokushi no Magan (直死の魔眼?)), allowing him to see the "Lines" and "Points" that enable him to kill all things using the highly effective assassination techniques hidden in his subconscious. Despite being constantly surrounded by death he has a greater appreciation for life than most people and would never take a human life.

Последна промяна Moon на Нед Окт 18, 2009 11:14 pm, променена общо 1 път

 Заглавие: Re: Боен Колизеум 09 - Записване за участие
МнениеПубликувано на: Вто Сеп 29, 2009 11:41 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Яну 02, 2007 3:40 pm
Мнения: 1011
Местоположение: Стара Загора
Brandon Heat (Gungrave)
A small-time criminal who was in a gang with his best friend, Harry McDowell, along with three other close friends. After these three were killed, Brandon and Harry joined Millennion, a powerful mafia-type organization formed by Big Daddy. Brandon was trained by the Millennion's Bear Walken to be a sweeper (hitman), eventually forming his own elite sweeper unit within Millennion called True Grave. Even as Harry rose to power, Brandon remained loyal to Big Daddy for Maria's sake.

Последна промяна Blinkers на Вто Сеп 29, 2009 11:56 pm, променена общо 1 път

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