One piece 557 spoil
Source: んじゃ @ 2ch
Verification: confirmed
タイトルは ルフィと白ひげ
(突然の高波にさらわれ波乗りしてる状態に波が氷になる そこに海軍の通信が
入りエースの処刑が速まると知り急いで氷から脱出するんだ〜 と暴れていたら
ルフィ エース!!助けに来たぞ! エース ルフィー!!
クロコダイルが先手必勝と白ひげに 久しぶりだな〜白ひげ と鉤爪で斬りかかろうするが
クロコ なぜ止める?お前との協定も脱出した時点でもう無効だろ?
ルフィ そいつが白ひげなんだなそいつはエースが気に入ってる 手はださせねえ
一斉に注目を集めたルフィ みんな一言づつ会話(敵のね大将とか七武海とか海軍スモーカーとか全部ルフィの事)
白ひげ 兄貴を助けに来たのか〜その麦藁は赤髪の〜(シャンクスの事を思い出し その左腕だれにやったん〜とか)
ルフィ お前が海賊王になりたいのは知ってるだけど俺が海賊王になる!!
白ひげ クソナマイキナ
白ひげ 足を引っ張るんじゃねえぞハナッタレ!!
ルフィ 俺は俺がエースを助けたいように助ける!!
イワンコフとバギーがハナッタレて驚いてる絵(白ひげと 張り合ってる・・・)
キザル あいつら全員死刑でいいですよね?
センゴク 無論だ
ハンコックもでるよ ルフィ!ご無事で何よりです ドキドキ ってみないな感じでひとコマ
赤犬も 英雄ガープの孫そしてドラゴンの息子か・・・
あいつはここで必ずしとめなきゃいけんな・・・ とか
スモーカー なぜあいつとクロコダイルがどういう組み合わせだ? ひとコマ
やられた影野郎 ム~ギ~ワ~ラ~!! とか かなり多いから後は他のばれで頼むw
青きじが凍らせて止める ぽつんと上に船が取り残される
無線が入りエース処刑のがはやまる事を聞き みんなで協力してこの氷から
バギー 俺頑張れば出来そうな気がする 昔名をうった海賊達 キャプテンバギーに出来ない事はなにも無いぞ ~ヒャッホ~
っていってたら氷が割れ落下 下は丁度海になっており(つか白ひげの近くに落ちてきた)
助かった こんな感じです
English translation by Aohige_AP
Title: Luffy and Whitebeard
Explanation of how Luffy and co came flying.
Their ship was caught in the sudden high wave (caused by the earthquake fruit)
Then the wave froze, and they were stuck on the ice.
Then Luffy heard the Marine’s plan to execute Ace early on the communications,
so they started rampaging to try and get out of the ice quickly.
The ice broke, and their ship came falling down.
Jinbei rescues the devil fruit users that fell into the sea
Luffy: Ace!! I came here to save you!
Ace: Luffy!!
Croc takes the initiative to attack Whitebeard with his hook, saying it’s been a long time Whitebeard
But Luffy, still wet, stops him
Croc: Why do you stop me? At the point we got out, our alliance is over.
Luffy: That’s Whitebeartd isn’t it? Ace likes him, I won’t let you.
Everyone’s eyes are set on Luffy, and comments one by one (The Admirals, Shichibukai, Smoker, etc)
Whitebeard: You came to rescue your brother eh? That strawhat… that was Red Hair’s
(He remembers about Shanks, and asking who took his missing left arm and such)
Luffy: I know you want to be the pirate king… but I’m going to be the pirate king!
Whitebeard: Damn cocky bastard… just don’t get in our way!
Luffy: I’ll save Ace the way I feel like!
Ivankov and Buggy looked shocked at Luffy talking to Whitebeard on equal level
Kizaru: Can we execute all of them?
Sengoku: Of course.
Hancock is shown also.
Luffy! I’m glad you’re ok!!
(heart pounding)
Akainu: That’s the son of Dragon, and grandson of the hero Garp…
He MUST be dealt with here and now…
Smoker: Why is he with Crocodile!?
There are tons more, but I’ll leave that up to others. Too many, lol.
Well looks like someone’s trolling the thread…
The chapter starts back a bit to explain how they got there.
The Marine ship Luffy and co were on rides the waves created by Whitebeard.
Aokiji freezes the wave, and the ship is left on top of it.
The den-den mushi communications kick in, and they hear about the plan to execute Ace early
Luffy tells everyone they need to work together to get out of this ice
Buggy says he feels like he can do anything if he tries.
The Buggy follower pirates: There’s nothing Captain Buggy can’t do!!
That’s when the ice breaks.
Directly below them happend to be ocean, right next to Whitebeard.
няма пикове в'се още ако намеря ще аддна