✐Synopsis: After the Akizuku clan fall in defeat to rival clan Yamana, Princess Yuki (Nagasawa Masami) and general Rokurota (Hiroshi Abe), take cover in a hidden fortress, along with their clan and gold treasury. Fortuitously stumbling into the hideaways, brash young miner Takezo (Matsumoto Jun) and his bumbling sidekick Shinhachi (Miyagawa Daiuske) hatch a daring plan to help transport the gold out of enemy terrain - in exchange for a share of the stash, of course. With assassins hot in pursuit, Yuki disguises as a male and ventures into the real world with Rukurota and her peasant companions, getting her first taste of danger, toil, and budding romance with the strong-minded and willful Takezo.
Филма е много добър. Преведох субовете с корекции (каквото разбирам на японски) . Можете да ги намерите тук http://subs.unacs.bg/search.php Ъплоудер : Kujiro
_________________ "It is the folly of men to believe that they are great players on the stage of history, that their actions might affect the grand procession that is the passage of time ..."
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