Девойките номинирани за Pantsu Showdown II са разделени в 6 блока на случаен принцип. Двете участнички събрали най-много гласове от всеки от тези блокове накрая ще преминат към следващия кръг.
В самата тема е разрешено неограничено постване на картинки за фаворитката на всеки един от вас. Единственото условие е да са thumbnail-ове.
Всички блокове ще приключат след две седмици и тогава ще започне следващият кръг.
Ето ги участничките в блок 3:
Blairanime/manga: Soul Eater
First mistaken by Maka and Soul to be a witch that they needed to make Soul a death scythe, it turns out that she is just a cat with strong magical powers. The theme of Blair’s magic consists of pumpkins, which she uses as weapons (bombs, cannon, etc). She has started to like Soul (who she calls Scythe Boy) and playfully flirts with him(it is unknown if this is playfulness or real feelings). Blair also flirts with Soul to see how Maka acts by doing so. She was suppose to be the witch soul Maka and Soul needed but since she wasn’t a witch, they took one of her nine “lives”. Taking one of her lives meant that they had to start all over again. She is well endowed, which is used when she flirts with Soul usually by appearing out of her cat form in little to no clothing. She is very good at understanding other people. She is always looking for some fun, whether it is harmless or not. Her hat is named Zwan and can change into a hand when Blair commands it to. She sometimes refers to herself in third person.
Unchou Kanuanime/game: Koihime Musou
Kannu is a wandering martial artist who is searching for a way to bring peace to the world. She is also known as the black haired bandit hunter. Her family was murdered by bandits during a war when she was a young child. Her weapon is the Green Dragon Crescent Blade.
Lalaanime/manga: To-love-ru
The female protagonist of To Love-Ru, Lala is the princess of Deviluke. A rather childish girl, she is somewhat naive of the culture and familiarities on Earth. Lala initially runs away from home, citing she does not wish to get married to any of her arranged suitors. She enjoys making all manners of inventions (usually designed as pranks) and uses them frequently, often prompting some disastrous effect or another. Upon arriving on Earth, Lala pretends to love Rito to keep herself from getting married, but does exactly what she did not intend, after she misinterprets what Rito shouts in self-defence. Throughout the series, she always tries to get Rito to love her more, and barely shows any form of negativity towards him; she even states it is impossible for her to hate him.
Nanbu Chitoseanime/manga: Amaenaideyo
Nanbu Chitose is an young nun in training to Ikkou's Granda-Jootoku.Ikkou is just waiting to see her panties or briests
Sakihata Rimianime/game: Chaos head
Рими е розовокосо Гигаломаниаксче, което главния герой среща пред труп, набоден като тестови обект за стената. После тя се оказва негова приятелка от детинството, за която е забравил от много джиткане пред компа...
Youkoanime/manga: Inukami
Дъщеря на Дай Йоко и изключително... опасна. Тя е действащо „Инуками” на Keita Kawahira и както може да се подразбере от сериите е влюбена в него, за изненада обаче той е влюбен във всяка друга, но не и нея^^
Тя има две способности жаен и дай жаен. И от двете трябва да се плаши всеки средно статистическия човек