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Заглавие: Pantsu Showdown II - nominations Публикувано на: Вто Дек 16, 2008 11:29 am |
Safiir |
Пантсу Мастър |
Регистриран на: Сря Фев 15, 2006 1:24 am Мнения: 12758 Местоположение: Nekomimi Rakuen
Бойният колизеум е към края си и идва време за новия сезон на pantsu showdown ^^ До голяма степен правилата ще са като миналогодишните, но тъй като този път ще е в аниме раздела, а не в хентай ще има известни промени.
Правило 1. В стадия на номинациите всеки има право да номинира максимум две девойки като е силно препоръчително да направи кратко описание и да приложи минимум 2 хубави нейни картинки. Горна граница на приложените картинки за девойка няма. Всички картинки трябва да са под форма на линкове или като thumbnail-и.
Правило 2. Девойките може да са от анимета, хентай игри, хентай анимета, обикновени игри и т.н. Важното е само да е хубава ^^
Правило 3. Въпреки, че девойката може да идва от нещо с "хентай" в заглавието си абсолютно забранено е в картинките, които пускате да има прекомерна разголеност или още по-малко секс. Демек зърна и вагини са голямо no-no.
Правило 4. Всеки има възможност да предлага неограничен брой картинки за вече номинирани участнички ако смята, че са по-добри от тези, с които е номинирана.
Правило 5. Като финалистки в миналогодишния showdown на Карен и Rider им е забранено да участват.
Самите битки ще се провеждат като миналата година с девойките разделени в блокове на случаен принцип и двете с най-много гласове от всеки блок продължаващи в следващия кръг.
Крайният срок на номинациите е 10-ти януари
_________________ Ако не ползвате anidb Eri ще ви спипа ^^
I pity the FOO!
Заглавие: Публикувано на: Пет Дек 19, 2008 7:57 pm |
Recca |
Регистриран на: Нед Дек 25, 2005 9:56 pm Мнения: 2587
Хмм~ миналия път май не беше позволено от игри, така че викам се да включим ~>
Chun Li (Street Fighter)
1 2 3 4 5 7
An undercover Interpol agent, Chun-Li enters Street Fighter II 's fighting tournament as a way of getting to its founder, M. Bison. She seeks to avenge her father, who was murdered while investigating Bison's crime syndicate, Shadaloo.
Не знам защо точно нея, като се има на предвид, колко др. мацки има от игри...както и да е -> За! бадасс чайнийс мацки с големи баджаци.
Rin Asōgi (Mnemosyne)
1 2 3
Тhe protagonist of the series. Her appearance is that of someone in her late twenties but her real age is unknown. In episode six, she says she has been looking for Tajimamori for a thousand years, making her at least a millenia old. She usually wears a black suit and glasses. Her whimsical personality serves as a front for a cunning, ruthless mind and extraordinary martial art skills.....blablabla
Или с 2 думи - безсмъртна обратна мацка.
_________________ Yin and Yan are one. "Лудите, лудите - те да са живи!" A true man knits his own destiny...
Заглавие: Публикувано на: Пет Дек 19, 2008 7:59 pm |
crazy_little_crow |
Регистриран на: Чет Апр 20, 2006 2:58 pm Мнения: 9348
Айде и две от мен
Yoko ~ Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann ~
*click* , *click* , *click*
Yoko Littner is a girl from Jeeha's neighboring village of Littner who had been chasing the Gunmen that crashed into Jeeha village during the events of episode 1. She wields an extensive range of firearms, most frequently of which is a long range sniper rifle modeled after the Barrett M82. Although she is of the same age group as Simon, she is very mature for her age and she is one of the most rational members of the group. Despite initially always badmouthing Kamina for his reckless behavior, it did not take long for her to confess her feelings to him. She was also Simon's love interest until he discovered that she was in love with Kamina.
Maya Natsume ~ Tenjou Tenge ~
*click* , *click* , *click* , *click*
Maya Natsume is a beautiful, almost gratuitously well-endowed girl who has long silver hair (purple in the anime). She is the older sister of Aya Natsume, and the younger sister of Shin Natsume. She is the captain of the Juken Club, and an upper level martial artist. Maya is not shy about her body, she usually wears revealing clothing and has no problem with her underwear showing.
PS Надявам се първите картинки и на двете да стават , нещо не ми се играеше да ги намалявам >.<
_________________ Makoto by Erendis <3 <3 <3
If life gives you lemons, make grape juice and let the world wonder how the hell you did it ^.~
Заглавие: Публикувано на: Пет Дек 19, 2008 11:37 pm |
InSiDe_HeLL |
Регистриран на: Пон Сеп 03, 2007 9:52 pm Мнения: 461 Местоположение: Tengoku
Хайде и аз да се включа
Kan-u Unchou ~ Ikkitousen ~
Believed to be the most feared and powerful Toushi around, she even carries the nearly invincible Blue Dragon Crescent Blade from her predecessor as well as the legendary sword Kusanagi; she also has overwhelming chi.
Roufu Housen ~ Ikkitousen~
A strong bisexual fighter with a very promiscuous personality and a habit for dressing skimpy. She was very skilled at making chi-blasts and was in love with both Saji and her best friend Chinkyuu. She had a love-hate relationship with Saji, who she claims once raped her (Saji only half denies this, claiming that she was not raped because she enjoyed it). Despite trying her best to escape her destiny, she ended up causing it anyway. Afflicted with a deadly illness that would kill her before adulthood, she ended up being manipulated by Saji into causing Toutaku's death. When she found out that Chinkyuu was raped, she went in search of revenge as her last living act. She was found by Myosai, and the two fought each other. Myosai's skill added with Ryofu's failing health was enough for Ryofu to be defeated. She was saved from Myosai's killing blow by Chinkyuu. Realizing that she was moments away from dying, Ryofu and Chinkyuu then committed a double suicide, dying happily together as their predecessors did 1800 years before.
от мен за вас -> http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj72/Ra17eN/9362dbb3fb46a38fe861819baa29e956-1.jpg
Moe Moe Kyun~!
Заглавие: Публикувано на: Съб Дек 20, 2008 12:56 pm |
colditz |
Регистриран на: Чет Яну 03, 2008 9:48 pm Мнения: 236 Местоположение: somewhere inside...
ахх да е*а тъпия imageshack точно снощи намери да са сбози...
Blair - Soul Eater
First mistaken by Maka and Soul to be a witch that they needed to make Soul a death scythe, it turns out that she is just a cat with strong magical powers. The theme of Blair’s magic consists of pumpkins, which she uses as weapons (bombs, cannon, etc). She has started to like Soul (who she calls Scythe Boy) and playfully flirts with him(it is unknown if this is playfulness or real feelings). Blair also flirts with Soul to see how Maka acts by doing so. She was suppose to be the witch soul Maka and Soul needed but since she wasn’t a witch, they took one of her nine “lives”. Taking one of her lives meant that they had to start all over again. She is well endowed, which is used when she flirts with Soul usually by appearing out of her cat form in little to no clothing. She is very good at understanding other people. She is always looking for some fun, whether it is harmless or not. Her hat is named Zwan and can change into a hand when Blair commands it to. She sometimes refers to herself in third person.
Yoruichi Shihouin - Bleach
Yoruichi Shihouin is an attractive, dark-skinned woman who can transform into a black cat for long periods of time. She is intelligent and witty, and is intimately knowledgeable of Soul Society and its workings, as she was the former leader of the special forces. Although of noble birth, she acts differently from other nobles. For instance, she instructed Soifon to refer to her without using honorific suffixes. She also transforms into her human form directly in front of Ichigo on several occasions just to see his reaction to seeing her naked.
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