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МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Ное 13, 2008 2:06 am 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Nimeria написа:
Ама ти верно си butthurt. Не знам защо визираш мен , при положение , че просто отбелязах , че си има правило за анкетите ;) А за децата .. ми да , мъж да ебе мъж е яко , проблем ?

Всъщност , това че никой не ти е прочел разказа боли , нали ? Или поне яко реже самочувствието. Свиквай , защото в този раздел , където влизат или хейтъри или хора , които през целия си живот са чели само субовете на Наруто , няма да задоволиш абсолютно никой. Поне мен никой в този форум не може да ме заинтересова.

Ако следващото ти мнение е малко по-учтиво , от изкарване на наранена гордост в/у модератора , който е изкоментирал само правилата на форума , ще ти подаря един не-хейтърски , обективен коментар , който в този раздел едва ли ще получиш.

Peace , bro XD

Не мога да открия якото във това мъжът мъж да ебе.А за това най -сетне коментар който да показва твоята анти задръстеняци същност(Харесвам хора,които оценяват тъпотията на Наруто феновете)(бу трябвало да ти правя комплимент,но по-принцип не съм много добър във това)

@мерси най-сетне някой който да ме оцени(тфа за последния комент)
Не ми е наранено самочувствието между другото просто се нервя на хора, които очевидно през живота си не са изчели много книги, а пък за тактичност и уважения към труда на другите да не говорим.

Прочети правилото за подпис
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Ное 13, 2008 11:29 am 

Регистриран на: Пон Окт 10, 2005 4:25 pm
Мнения: 2545
Аз пък мога да ти кажа , че love_saske не ти е прочела целия фик ;)

Бтв след всичките тия приказки за гений , за различност и уникалност , разказът ми се стори доста обикновен. Английският е на адски добро ниво , факт , но самият разкар е монотонен , леко суховат и на места скучен. Очаквах повече^^

Louise - mein Herz
Jetzt komm zur Ruh
Mit meinen Tränen decken wir uns zu,
Ich und du...
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Ное 13, 2008 11:51 am 
Ecchi Warrior

Регистриран на: Пон Яну 08, 2007 5:24 pm
Мнения: 19394
Местоположение: Tōkyō
Telemah написа:
Очевидно без педерастия или лесбийство няма да ми се получи в разказите...
Сега ли го разбра? Хората са пренаситени човече, вече с нищо нормално и обикновено не можеш да ги заинтригуваш - това е голата истина и както винаги е болезнена ;)

МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Ное 13, 2008 9:54 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Въпреки всичката критика и оплаквания на някои хора, че било на английски реших че трябва да го напиша цялото на английски та ети ви втората част, аре дерзайте


Roxanna and I didn’t get much sleep that night. She kept getting my cock up and I kept fucking her. Of course we did doze off now and then, but one of us would wake up and we’d go after it again. It was fun! Eventually all good things have to come to an end, and for me the time was fast approaching that I would have to leave, catch a bus and go to my certain doom.

The sun had been up for a few hours and I was getting in my last screw, fucking Roxanna in a missionary in her mama’s big bed. Even though my dick was starting to feel a little raw and my balls were one hundred percent depleted, I fucked her like it was my last fuck on earth. The bed was bouncing as I pummeled her hard, trying to squeeze out just one more heavenly ejaculation before I had to go.

“Oh, my God! They’re still at it!” said an exasperated female voice. Oblivious to everything but the feel of my cock in a girl’s pussy, I continued to hammer away.

“Stop! Stop it now!” said the voice urgently. “Harold, make him stop!” A hand repeatedly pushed ineffectually against my shoulder. “Get off of her! Damn you, get off!” Suddenly I was dimly aware of the situation. Still I pumped another half dozen times. “I said, get off!” her mother screeched as she reached between my legs and grasped a handful of my balls. That got my attention!

Not wanting to be castrated on the spot, I rolled off and somehow freed myself without injury. Breathing hard and with my hard dick sticking straight up, wet from her daughter’s pussy, I looked at the flustered woman. Our eyes met and then her eyes went to my cock and then to the hugely swollen yet still gaping pudenda of her daughter.

“Are you still here? Have you been here all night?” she asked me. That was an odd question and I merely stared back at her. “What’s your name anyway?”

“Uh, Billy,” I managed to stammer. I was still crazed with fuck lust, and if she had asked me anything more difficult, I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to answer at all.

“Billy? Billy what?” Uncomprehending the question, I just stared back her mother.

“Billy Goat,” quipped Harold by the doorway. “No, make that Billy the Moose!”

“Your name is Moose? Billy Moose?”

“Uh, no ma’am. Billy O’Malley.”

“Well, Billy O’Malley, I think it’s past time you went home, young man!”

My brain suddenly comprehended the situation, at least part of it. My first reaction was embarrassment; embarrassment at being caught naked; embarrassment at being caught fucking; embarrassment that my dick was still hard. Then it kind of struck me odd that her mother was so visibly upset. After all, she knew what we had been doing. She had left us alone to do what we had been doing. Perhaps I had read it all wrong last night. Certainly my own mother wouldn’t have condoned what we had been up to, but she knew that we would be fucking. I mean, I was stark buck-naked when she came home last night, and her daughter’s face was covered in my spunk. Certainly she knew!

Still, she was right. About going home, that is. I needed to catch the bus. Not only that, but I was sure that I’d probably already missed the first bus. Compounding matters, on Sundays, the Transit Authority ran a limited schedule.

“Go on! Get out of here!” she ordered, shooing me off her bed with her hands. By that time, Roxanna had gotten up and seeing that a grinning Harold was watching the events unfold from the doorway, she searched for something to cover up with.

“Darling, I think your clothes are in the living room,” Harold said to her pointing the way down the hall.

Roxanna bolted from the room. I followed, and as Harold moved to the side so that I could pass, he nodded down the hallway to where Roxanna had fled and said, “Nice piece of ass, huh?”

Deeply embarrassed, I didn’t answer him. Harold followed close behind me. Coming into the living room, I saw Roxanna sorting out her clothes. “Don’t rush, honey. Take your time,” Harold said to Roxanna from behind me. “The view is splendid!”

I found my clothes at the front door where I had shed them last evening. Picking up my jeans, I heard Roxanna’s mother scolding Harold, “Will you give her some privacy, Harold?”

“Why should I?”

“She’s just fifteen, for Christ’s sake!”

“Old enough. Nice tits!”

“Turn around, damn you! I said, turn around!” shouted her mother at her boy friend.

“Okay, okay. No harm in looking.”

I found my boxers and slipped them on. Looking up, I saw that her mother was watching me. Compared to the state my mother would be in if this had happened at my house, she really didn’t appear to be very upset. Just behind her, an unrepentant Harold was again ogling the daughter’s flesh as she too dressed in last night’s clothes.

I slipped on my jeans, my shirt and finally my socks and sneakers. About the same time, Roxanna pulled on her blouse and covered her boobs. Roxanna’s mother pointed to the door and ordered, “Now get out!” I glanced at Roxanna to say goodbye. “I said, get out! Damn you, I mean now!” the suddenly enraged mother shrieked.

Having worn out my welcome, I was out the door without so much as a goodbye to the girl who had taken my virginity in a grand fashion. Through the closed door, I could hear yelling. I wanted to go back in and defend Roxanna, but I knew I shouldn’t interfere. Still, I hung about should things get out of hand. The yelling quieted down and I knew I had to get going. That’s when I discovered that my billfold was missing, and with it my bus money!

I was about to knock on the door and ask if I could look inside for the missing article, but before I did, I remembered that I had left it under the seat of Danny’s car so that I wouldn’t loose it. Lot of good that did me! Now what was I going to do? Hoof it? Quickly I estimated that I was about ten miles from my home, maybe more. At a minimum, it was going to take me over two hours if I walked briskly.

I checked my other pockets for some spare change. If I had too, I’d call my dad. At least he wouldn’t be worrying about me anymore. But there was nothing but my house key in the pockets. Hoof it. That was my only option now. Until I walked through the door, I knew that my parents would stewing and in a tizzy. I needed to at least call, but... My future looked even bleaker than before. As the reality of my deteriorating situation begun to sink in, the front door opened and out walked an amused Harold with Roxanna’s mother cursing him from behind.

Barely containing a grin he asked me, “You still here, kid?”

“Uh, yeah. I don’t have my bus money.”

“Bus money? You got here on a bus?”

“No, a friend brought me last night. I missed my ride.”

The salacious amusement he felt was evident as he was nearly laughing. “I assume it was well worth it… missing your ride, that is. Have fun?” he queried. “You fuck her sweet pussy all goddamned night?”

“Yeah,” I replied sheepishly. No adult had ever talked to me like this before.

“Excellent! Girls like that should be fucked, and fucked often,” he pronounced. Then changing the subject he asked, “Where do you live, kid?”

“On Mulberry Street over in the Glendale Heights area.”

“Glendale Heights? That’s quite a ways. How about if I give you a lift?”

I had been taught to never hitchhike or accept rides from strangers. Well, I wasn’t hitchhiking and I had met Harold the night before. He seemed to be a nice enough guy. With the promise of deliverance from a very long walk, I eagerly agreed. “Sure! I really appreciate it, Mister!”

“Harold. Just call me Harold, kid.”

That too was something new to me. Adults were always Mister, Missus, Father, Brother, Doctor, Miss this or that, and almost always addressed with their last name. To call him Harold, like he was some school chum was different, very different.

We walked to his car, a sleek white Cadillac Fleetwood. I had never been in a car like that before. The smell of new leather filled my nostrils and the sumptuous interior was very impressive. My dad had a Buick LeSabre, which I thought was a nice car, but this!

During the fifteen minutes or so ride to my house, I couldn’t help but notice the gaudy diamond ring he wore. He was dressed much like the he was the night before, but rather than being well dressed, he was flashy. As he drove, Harold amicably chatted away, mostly about fucking. He asked me how tight she was and how many times she sucked my dick. Did I eat her pussy? I was already scandalized with the topic and uncomfortable with the tone of the conversation, but when he asked me if I fucked her in the ass, I was blown away.

“Next time, run that big dick of yours up her asshole,” he advised me. “Her mother loves to be ass fucked; I bet her daughter will too.”

“I, I don’t know if there will be a next time,” I stated.

“Why not?”

“Well, I’m gonna be grounded forever, and her mother probably won’t let me see Roxanna again.”

“You won’t be grounded forever, kid. And her mother, don’t worry about her mother.”

“She hates me.”

“Naw. With a dick like yours, she doesn’t hate you.”

“But, she…”

“Trust me, kid. Women are like that. Don’t worry! Her mommy’ll get over it,” he said with a chuckle. Then he added, “Knowing Beth, she’ll be thinking of your cock. Take my advice, if you get the chance, fuck the mother too. She’ll love it, believe me.”

Shell shocked and numbed by Harold’s prodding and prying into the details of my first-ever evening of sex, his suggestion that I should fuck Roxanna’s mom hardly fazed me. He went on about what a slut her mother was and what a slut Roxanna was, and how a slut was only good for one thing.

Passing the bus, he turned into my neighborhood. “You be sure and call Roxanna. Be direct. Just tell her you want to fuck her. She’ll be wetting her panties waiting for you to get over.” It then struck me that I didn’t have Roxanna’s address or phone number, and I didn’t know her last name. Again, Harold came to rescue. Pulling to the curb around the block from my house, he scribbled the phone number and address on a slip of paper, urging me to call Roxanna as soon as I could and before some other guy was between her legs.

Filled with an odd mixture of mortal dread and happy memories, I walked the remaining two hundred yards to the front door of my house. The smell of leather in Harold’s car had masked the odor, but as I walked home I could smell Roxanna with every breath I took. Wondering if anybody else would able to smell her, I fished out the key, but before I put it into the lock, the door opened.

“Just where have you been?” my mother demanded looking up at me with eyes blazing with anger. “Just wait until your father gets hold of you!” She turned her head and yelled, “Bill! Paddy’s home!” A moment later, the hulking figure of my father loomed behind my very petite mother. Without another word said, my mother slipped away, handing me off to my dad.

“Get in here!” he snarled in his best get-tough manner. With only moments to live, I hesitated. “Paddy!” I didn’t want to give the neighbors a spectacle to watch any more than he did and I really didn’t have any other alternative, so I stepped through the door and closed it behind me.

“What did I tell you about drinking?” he said with a surprising levelness in his voice.

“I wasn’t drinking,” I answered.

“Oh? Then just what were you doing?”

“I, I, fell asleep.”

“Is that your story?”

“Uh, yes sir. I fell asleep and Danny left me. I..”

“You take me for a fool?” he roared. All semblance of calm had evaporated from his demeanor. I’d seen that look before, several times. The red face, the bulging eyes, and the set jaw with the cords standing in his neck. I was as good as dead.

He stepped forward, putting his face into my face. The expression softened as his nose twitched. “Damn,” he muttered. Then he ordered, “Breathe out.” I blew into his face as ordered. His nose twitched again. In a low voice Dad said, “Get in there and take a good shower. Do not let your mother or your sisters get a whiff of you. We’ll talk about this after church. Now, go on, you smell like a whore house.”

I didn’t ask how he knew what a whore house smelled like and merely relied, “Yes, sir.” He stepped to the side and let me pass. Thankfully, I didn’t encounter either my mother or any of my sisters. Once in my room, I saw that I had fifteen minutes before it was time to leave for Sunday Mass. Grabbing what I needed I made it into the bath and into the shower, scrubbing the sweat, pussy juice and dried cum from my body.

The ride to Mass was in complete silence. Rachel sat in the back of the Buick next to me, smirking and greatly amused with my plight. Margo gazed out her window. Then I noticed it. The smell. The smell of Roxanna’s pussy. I could still smell her on me. Horrified that everyone else could smell her too, I waited with trepidation. At the time I didn’t realize it, but the inside of my nose had been coated with her juices, and no amount of face scrubbing would remove it. I also didn’t realize that unless someone was sniffing my exhaled breath, no one could really smell her but me. But I could smell her, and I was certain that everyone else could smell her too.

All through Mass, I could smell her. Mortified, I waited for God to take his retribution on me for defiling his church. Happily, I wasn’t struck blind during Mass, nor did He outwardly make His displeasure known to me.

As was our tradition, we went to a restaurant for dinner after Sunday Mass. Also as usual, there was animated conversation, except that no one spoke to me, not even Rachel. In my family, Dad was the disciplinarian, and his judgment was absolute. Dad still had business with me and until that business was finished, he wouldn’t broach any other subject with me. Mom was perfectly content to allow my father mete out his discipline as he saw fit. As the process hadn’t been concluded, she stayed away from any interference whatsoever. As far as she was concerned, I wasn’t there. I was, but I wasn’t. Rachel and Margo both knew I was in hot water and they let me stew in it. Besides, if either spoke to me, they’d have to answer to Dad, and neither Margo nor Rachel was about to needlessly incur his displeasure.

Dinner seemed to take forever, but as Dad paid the check, I knew that it hadn’t been nearly long enough. Once back at the house, Dad said to me as I stepped out of car, “Go in my workshop and wait for me.” That was the first words anyone had spoken to me since Dad told me go take a shower.

Nervously I waited. The minutes crawled by. Dad’s workshop was hot and I was still dressed in my church clothes. A glance at the clock and I knew I would be there for a while. Dad always made me wait, wait and sweat. After forty minutes or so, I decided I might as well get comfortable and took a seat in the only chair in the room. Moments later, Dad walked in. Immediately I scrambled to my feet.

For several minutes, he calmly looked me over in silence. My apprehension grew. Finally he queried, “Were you with a prostitute last night, Paddy?”

Prostitute? I’d heard of such women, but I had no clue as to where or how to find one. “Uh, no, sir.”

“You were with a girl?”

“Yes, sir.”

“A girlfriend?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I see,” said my dad slowly. “And you slept with her?”

“Sort of.”

“What do you mean by, sort of’?”

“I mean, yes.”

“And where was this?”

“At her house.”

“Her house? Where were her parents?”

“I dunno. Her mom had a date.”

“Her mother, she wasn’t home?”

“Uh, no, sir.”

Dad seemed a bit lost for words. He paused trying to find the right pathway. It was obvious that he was as uncomfortable talking about this as I was. “Have you been seeing this girl for very long?”

“No, sir. We met last night, at a party. I wasn’t drinking! I swear!”

“Go on.”

“Well, it was crowded and the smoke was choking us. She just lived a couple of blocks away, so we went to her house. Before I knew it, it was past Danny’s curfew and I guess he left.”

“It was past your curfew too. Why didn’t you just call me?”


“Never mind, I know why. Still, your mother was worried sick about you. So was I. We didn’t know if you were hurt or dead somewhere.”

“I’m okay.”

“I see that, Paddy. Well, I guess you’re a man now, and that means that you will act like a man.”

“Uh, yes sir.”

“A man takes his responsibilities seriously.” I wasn’t quite sure where this was heading. “As long as you live under my roof, you will follow my rules. Let me be absolutely clear about this. Your curfew is your curfew. I don’t care what the circumstances are; you will be home on time. If for some reason, any reason, you can’t be home on time, you will call your mother or me and explain why you aren’t home. At least give us that courteously. That won’t excuse it, but if you ever worry your mother like that again…”

“Yes, sir! I won’t. I’m sorry I didn’t call, but...”

“But what?”

How could I tell him that I didn’t call because I didn’t want to stop screwing her? “Uh, never mind.”

“Now, to the more serious matter.” Uh, oh! Here it comes! “You had sex with this girl?”

No need in lying, he already knew the truth. “Yes, sir.”

“She was your first?”

“Yes, sir.”

Try as he might to keep a stern demeanor, I saw a hint of a smile on his face. He turned away from me and was silent for a few moments. Having regained his composure, he turned back to me.

“Well, there are few things more we need to discuss, man to man. Did you pull out?”

“Pull out?”

“Yes, pull out. Did you pull out or did you ejaculate inside her?”

“Uh, I didn’t pull out. Not that I remember.”

“Good God!” my Dad exclaimed. “Well, I know the church has it teaching, it’s rules, but did you use some protection?”


“Yes, some protection, from venereal disease. You know, did you use a rubber? A condom?” The church strictly forbade condoms and rubbers, like all birth control methods. I never even considered using a condom, much less having one available. My continued silence said it all. “Good Lord! Paddy, I know it’s a sin to use condoms for birth control, but if you use them for the prevention of disease, that’s okay.”

“I’ve never heard that,” I replied. “Are you sure?”

“I don’t care what those priests say, son! You’ve got to protect yourself. It protects the girl too. As long as it is for protection, it’s okay. If it just so happens that there is a side benefit that the girl doesn’t get pregnant either, then so much the better. Trust me on this, Paddy.”

Dad thought for a moment and then continued, “So you didn’t use a condom and you didn’t pull out.”

“No, sir.”

“Don’t you realize that she could get pregnant?”

“I didn’t think about that. I just…”

“Well, you need to think about it!” Dad thought for a moment, the worry plainly written on his face.

“Do you know what time of month it is?”

“End of September.”

“I don’t mean that! What time of the month is it… in her cycle?”

“I dunno what you mean, Dad.”

“Her menstrual cycle.”

I shrugged my shoulders. I knew from locker room talk that girls sometimes bled and I had seen the pads that my mother and sisters used, but other than that, I was clueless.

“You don’t know about girls and menstruation?”

“Sort of, but not really. Never thought about it, and the Fathers, they never talked about it.”

“Okay. It’s like this. Once every twenty-eight days or so, a woman ovulates. You know what ovulation is?” My expression must have answered him, because he plowed ahead. “Ovulation is when a woman releases an egg from her ovaries. It travels down the fallopian tube and enters the womb. If sperm is present in her womb, the egg can be fertilized. If it is fertilized, a baby starts to grow. If there is no sperm in her womb, the egg dies and then it is passed out of her during menstruation.”

Other than the sperm and the egg thing, I really hadn’t heard much about this before, except from locker room talk. My dad waited for me to give him some acknowledgement that I understood what he was getting at, but I’d only absorbed the bare-bones facts. As to really getting it… After a long pregnant silence, Dad took a deep breath and plowed ahead.

“If the egg is fertilized and attaches to the uterus, then the girl doesn’t menstruate.”

“How come?”

“That’s how it works.”


“You understand? If she misses her period, then she’s pregnant.”


“Just what do they teach you at All Saints?”

“Math, Latin, English, Geography.”

“I know that. But don’t they teach you anything about sex?”

“It’s sinful?” My dad looked at me with an incredulous expression. “Brother Michael says that...”

“Forget about what Brother Michael says! Listen to me, son. You’re a man now. You left your boyhood behind when you put your cock in that girl. As a man, there are certain things you need to know. First, if you get that girl pregnant, you are going to marry her!”

“Marry her!”

“Yes, marry her. You don’t want your child to be a bastard, do you? I won’t stand for it! If you’re old enough to do the act, then you are old enough to take full responsibility for it! You’ll go to work, digging ditches if you have to, to make a living like a man and support your wife and child. Do you understand?”

This was much, much worse than I thought. Grounded for life, yes, but get married? Dig ditches? What about college?

“Now, don’t get any big ideas, Paddy. Ideas like, now that you’re a man, you can do whatever you want. Not while you live under my roof! You will do as you are told until such time as you can and do support yourself. Do you understand?”

That was more like what I expected. “Yes, sir.”

“Good, now for violating your curfew.” Here it comes. I didn’t need to be told what to do. I unbuckled my pants and lowered them, along with my boxers to my knees and braced myself against Dad’s workbench. With no small measure of trepidation, I watched as my dad took the worn wooden paddle from its place of honor on the wall. Losing sight of him as he took up position behind me, I readied myself for the first stinging blow.

“Paddy, for violating your curfew, you will be grounded for two weeks,” my dad said from behind. “Other than school and football practice you will be home, in your room, doing homework. You will have no television privileges, nor telephone privileges. You will help your mother by cleaning the kitchen every night, including washing all the dishes, drying them and putting them away. As for having sex with that girl, that’s between you, God, and the Holy Joes at school.” Then to my astonishment he said, “Pull your pants up, Paddy. You’re too old for a paddling.”

Hastily I pulled my pants back up lest Dad had a change of heart. With my shirt tucked in, my zipper up and my belt secured, I turned to face my dad. There wasn’t a trace of anger on his face. He pointed to a chair and told me, “Paddy, sit down. We need a man to man talk.”

During this talk, Dad told me all about the rhythm method of birth control. What he said made perfectly good sense to me, as long as I had a firm handle on a girl’s cycle. Then he shocked me by suggesting that I “fuck her in the ass” when she wasn’t safe to be “fucked in the pussy” or have her “suck your cock”. I couldn’t imagine my mother doing those sorts of things, even with Dad, but the implications were clear. Just hearing my dad talk like that was shocking enough.

Then came another kicker. “Paddy, this girl you slept with… you’ll want to keep in close contact with her until you know whether or not she’s pregnant. If it becomes necessary for you to marry her, you don’t want her to have the face the next few weeks alone. You don’t want her to think that you just used her. You certainly don’t want some other fellow between her legs so you can know for certain whether the baby’s yours or not.”

“How can I do that? You took away all my privileges and…”

“I’ll make an exception for her. This is too important. From 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM, you can, and you will call her and talk to her. But you call no one else.”

Dad stood and rubbed my head like he always did as a show of affection. “Tell me one thing, Paddy. Was it good?”

I could barely keep the grin off my face as I answered, “It was fantastic!”


After dinner that night, and after I cleared the table, washed all the dishes, pots and pans and cleaned up the kitchen, I went up to my bedroom while everyone else watched a football game on TV. From upstairs, I could hear my dad’s whoops and hollers, it must have been a great game. At eight o’clock, I pulled the crumpled note that had Roxanna’s phone number on it and dialed her number.

A woman answered. I figured it was her mom. Stealing myself, I asked politely, “May I please speak to Roxanna?”

“Who is this?”

“Billy, Billy O’Malley”

“I thought it might be you,” her mother said icily. There was a long pause then she said, “You know, she could barely walk this afternoon she was so sore.” What could I say? Her tone then changed. “Tell me, Billy O’Malley, just how big is that cock of yours?” Dumfounded that her mother would ask such a question I sat in stony silence. I heard her laugh, chuckle really, and then I heard her call out, “Roxanna! Telephone!”

In the background I heard Roxanna ask, “Who is it, Mama?”

“It’s that boy you were with last night.” I heard an extension phone pick up and heard her mother hang up.

“Billy!” came the excited greeting. “Oh, my gosh! I thought I wouldn’t ever hear from you again! Did you get punished?”

“Yeah, I’m grounded for two weeks.”

“Two weeks!”

“Yeah, but Dad is letting me call you at night.”

“Really? How come? I thought he was so strict.”

“He is, but he’s got his reasons.”

“Okay, I’ll take it. When can I see you again?”

“Like I said, I’m grounded for two weeks.”

“Two weeks! I’ve got to see ya before then!”

“I don’t think so, but at least I can talk to you every night from eight to eight thirty.”

“From eight to eight thirty? That’s all? Okay. Hey, I had fun last night,” she gushed.

“So did I. Are you in trouble too?”

“Naw, Mama really doesn’t care about that.”

“She doesn’t? I heard her yelling when I left.”

“She was yelling at Harold.”

“What for?”

“For being Harold,” she laughed. I had no idea what that was supposed to mean. “Gosh, you were so awesome last night, you know that?”

“Okay if you say so.”

“I do say so. I could barely walk today,” she said with a giggle.

“Yeah, your Mom said something about that.”

“She did? She’s just jealous.” Again, I had no clue as to what she meant.

“Your mom doesn’t care if we...uh...”

“Fuck?” she replied coarsely and cutting me off in mid sentence. “No, why should she?”

“It’s just that, uh, you could get pregnant.”

“No, I can’t,” she stated flatly.

“How come?”

“Are you for real?” Roxanna asked skeptically.


“I’m on the pill, dummy!” I listened to her laughter while I tried to get a handle on this information.

“You know what I’m doing?” she continued.

“Uh, no. What?”

“I’m sliding my panties down.”

“You’re what?”

“I’m taking my panties off. Now I’m touching my pussy, pretending it’s you touching me. Hmmmm, you know what?”

I swallowed hard. “What?”

“I’m getting wet thinking about you and that big cock of yours. I can’t believe how much you stretched me or how deep you penetrated me. Gawd, you actually pushed through my cervix, you know. You were in my womb when you came. You know, it kinda hurt at first, but then it just like… felt good, oh so good. When you did me, Billy, I thought I was in heaven. I’m kinda sore,” she chuckled, “but it’s a good sore. Hmmm, that feels good... Tell me Billy, do you want me as much as I want you?” I was speechless. “Tell me Billy, are you hard?”

“Oh, god, yes,” I croaked.

“Good. I want you to be hard when you’re thinking about me... Ooooo, that feels good, Billy.”


“You touching me like this; sliding your finger up and down my silt. Hmmmm, now you’re rubbing me. Am I rubbing you?”


“Am I rubbing your dick?”


“Take your dick out, baby, and rub it. Pretend it’s me rubbing you. Is it out?”

“Yeah,” I breathlessly replied.

“Is it big and stiff?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Is it throbbing?”

“Oh, shit.”

“Am I touching you?”

“Yes,” I hissed with my eyes tightly clinched.

“You’re touching me too, Billy. God, your fingers are pushing into my pussy.”

“Oh, shit.”

“I want you to fuck me, Billy. I want you to stick your cock into me, your big, beautiful cock. I… oh, yes, Billy, yes!”

Right at that moment, Rachel Marie, my little sister walked into my room! There I was, talking on the phone with my pants open and my cock out, fist fucking myself. “Oh, fuck!” I exclaimed in surprise.

“Yes! Yes!” I heard over the phone while Rachel gawked at the lewd spectacle before her.

“Oooooo! Paddy O’Malley! You are so nasty!” my sister exclaimed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked in panic while scrambling to zip up.

“Who are you talking to?”

“No one! God! What are you doing here?”

“Mom sent me up to ask if you wanted any popcorn.”

“Can’t you at least knock?”

“Your door was unlocked,” she answered. “Were you beating off?”

“You shouldn’t have seen that! You should’ve knocked.”

“You shouldn’t be doing that to yourself either. It’s a sin!”

“Please don’t say anything to Mom or Dad,” I pleaded.

“If you’ll be nice to me, maybe I won’t.”

“I’m always nice to you, Rachel.”

“Yes, you are, my dear brother. Oh, don’t worry, I won’t say anything to Mom or Dad about this.”

“Or Margo?” My oldest sister, Ann Marie was off at college, so I didn’t bother to ask about her.

“No, not even to Margo.” Scrunching her eyebrows slightly she then asked, “Do all boys do that?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“You know, some girls do that too, sort of.” Rachel then blushed. Was she saying that she… no way! Recovering from her partial revelation she then asked, “Well, do you want any popcorn?”

“Popcorn? Uh, no. No, thanks.” Rachel smiled at me, turned and left my room, closing the door behind her.

“Roxanna? You still there?”

“Yes. Who was that?”

“My little sister.”

“She caught you? Oh my gosh! She caught you whacking your dick? Is she cool?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Where were we?”

“Look, I’d better go.”



“Promise that you’ll think of me tonight.”

“You can bet on it, Roxy.”

That night, lying in the darkness with my shorts pulled down, I thought of nothing but Roxanna. Boy, I sure would be in hot water after confession tomorrow.


“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned… I met a girl this weekend. I, uh, I had sex with her.”

“Did you force yourself upon her?”

“No, Father. She sort of forced herself on me.”

“But you were willing.”

“Yes, Father.”

“And what acts did you perform?”

“Uh, well, I’d rather not say.”

“I can not absolve you of your sins if you keep anything back.”

“I know, Father, it’s just that…”

“Confess your sins.”

“Uh, well, she put my penis in her mouth and I put my penis inside her.”

“Is that all?”

“We did it several times.”

“I see. And?”

“I abused myself last night.”

Leaving the confessional, I went straight away to light a candle. With my Rosary in my hand, I knelt and prayed for my soul, as well as doing twenty Hail Marys. Then with the weight of my sins off my shoulders, I went about my day with a permanent grin plastered across my face.

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МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Ное 13, 2008 11:28 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Sakurako написа:
Мислил ли си за кариера в порно-индустрията? Използваш the f-word много често....

Се пак това е мръсна история с много секс как да не я изолзвам.

Прочети правилото за подпис
МнениеПубликувано на: Чет Ное 13, 2008 11:55 pm 

Регистриран на: Вто Мар 11, 2008 11:04 pm
Мнения: 413
Местоположение: Somewhere far away in space and time
добро е :)

МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Ное 14, 2008 10:03 am 

Регистриран на: Пон Юли 14, 2008 7:11 pm
Мнения: 423
Куца. Много куца. :? Не ми хареса, но единствената книга, което ми харесва на този език е една твърде дебела книга, която не е за всеки. :lol: Та относно текста... Ами пробвай в друг стил. Това е скучно измукано от пръстите и диалозите нещо не ми хареса. Не успя да ме заинтригува, може би следващата част? Макарче ако е пак такава няма да си правя труда. :lol: И за бога, ползвайте българския език, какво като правите грешки, поне го научете на прилично ниво. :o

МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Ное 14, 2008 11:28 am 

Регистриран на: Сря Юли 11, 2007 11:47 am
Мнения: 7852
Местоположение: Deep inside within my head.
Ето тук...

The man spoke first. Barely containing himself, he quipped, “Beth, looks like we interrupted something! Say little girl, what’s that on your face?”

Openly laughing, he then turned to Roxanna’s mother and said, “C’mon Baby, let’s give them some privacy. We’ll go fuck at my place tonight and they can fuck here.”

“Harold!” admonished the mother.

Turning to me he said, “Hey kid. If you want to fuck that girl good and proper, you gotta get her naked too.”

“Harold!” protested the woman again.

“Well, he can’t fuck her if she’s fully dressed!” he quipped. Then he added, “You’ve got to at least get her panties off, kid, but bare tits are fun too.”

“Please!” pleaded the mother.

“Okay, Bethany, c’mon,” he said as he began pulling the mother out the door.

“Harold, I can’t!”

“Beth, you can’t stop her, so forget about it. She likes it. You know, she’s just like her mother... a cock slut,” he said with a laugh. “Now let’s get going and let them have their fun.”

“Harold, I just can’t!”

Бях на земята и не спрях да се хиля :lol: :lol:

Bastor написа:
Силно под нивото си ми момче
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Ное 14, 2008 3:36 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Lost_Ronin написа:
Куца. Много куца. :? Не ми хареса, но единствената книга, което ми харесва на този език е една твърде дебела книга, която не е за всеки. :lol: Та относно текста... Ами пробвай в друг стил. Това е скучно измукано от пръстите и диалозите нещо не ми хареса. Не успя да ме заинтригува, може би следващата част? Макарче ако е пак такава няма да си правя труда. :lol: И за бога, ползвайте българския език, какво като правите грешки, поне го научете на прилично ниво. :o

Кое според теб не ми е на "прилично ниво", а?Първо смятам да довърша тази част и чак тогава да вкарам 1 още по-перверзно.Ще има всички глупости, на които се радвате. Като инцести и така нататък.

Прочети правилото за подпис
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Ное 14, 2008 4:07 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Sakurako написа:
Telemah написа:
Като инцести и така нататък.

Добре, че предупреди... *me not liky*

ПП: Колко човека се израдваха на това? Ако се опитваш да впечатлиш 12-годишните хлапета...жалко за теб...

Специално за теб дописвам Green eyes.

Прочети правилото за подпис
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Ное 14, 2008 6:09 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Яну 20, 2007 2:32 am
Мнения: 8640
Местоположение: The Megastructure
Адски неоригинално, но като четиво отпускащо.

МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Ное 14, 2008 6:25 pm 

Регистриран на: Съб Яну 20, 2007 2:32 am
Мнения: 8640
Местоположение: The Megastructure
MorticiaN написа:
Винда пуска мнение в "Творчество" без да съм му дал линк :shock: :shock:

за всичко има 1ви пат :lol:

МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Ное 14, 2008 7:22 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Sakurako написа:
Telemah написа:

Специално за теб дописвам Green eyes.

И това трябва да ме накара да се чувствам виновна, че не харесвам този разказ ли? Green eyes е доста различно, поне началото.

Напротив, ако не ти харесва не го чети. Благодаря че си изказа критиката.Не те карам нито да се чувстваш виновна, нито нищо.

Прочети правилото за подпис
МнениеПубликувано на: Пет Ное 14, 2008 7:27 pm 

Регистриран на: Чет Юли 24, 2008 11:21 am
Мнения: 268
Местоположение: Варна(засега)
Въпреки че не я искахте ето я и нея:


Doing the dishes every night was a total drag, but other than that, things weren’t too bad. Rachel had kept mum, as she’d said she would and Roxanna and I had fun talking on the phone at night behind locked doors.

Dad discretely inquired if I had “any news.” I couldn’t very well tell him, “Not to worry, Roxanna is on the pill,” as that was next to blasphemy and akin to lying with Philistines. I looked worried and told him, “No, maybe next week.”

“Next week? You mean she was at her peak?”

“I dunno.” Seeing the look on his face, I immediately regretted not just telling him that she’d started her period, and that the “crisis” was over. Stupidly I hadn’t and now I couldn’t very well back track. As a result, I needlessly subjected my dad to continued wondering and worrying. Besides, if I had told him upfront, I'm sure he would have rescinded my limited telephone privileges.

That week at school, I would replay in my mind her nightly nasty talk about how she was pretending that a carrot was my cock and what I was doing to her or talking about sucking my cock, fucking, and other salacious things we were going to do when I was no longer grounded. This caused me to abuse myself even more than usual, taking to relieving myself at school in the privacy of a stall in the boy’s restroom.

Then a stroke of good luck occurred. On Friday, we were given an assignment for a research paper in geography. It was due in three weeks and would require me to go to the public library for source materials. I had no intention of doing the paper until the very last minute, but it presented an opportunity, an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. Of course if I was caught…

With my dad pumped up about tonight’s upcoming football game, I put my plan in action. Surprisingly he went along with it, granting me permission to spend Saturday at the library. I made a mental note to include “deceiving my father” in my Monday morning confession.

The game was unremarkable except that we got our butts kicked. However, in the first quarter I did get to the quarterback twice and nailed the halfback a few times too. They adjusted by running their plays away from my side, or double-teaming me. After that it was just a crunch and grunt game for me.

One potential problem with my plan was that I didn’t have an opportunity to inform Roxanna that I would be visiting her during the day on Saturday. I couldn’t call her except during my allotted time, and of course at 8 PM, I was on the field. With the fresh exciting memory of my introduction into the pleasures of carnality, I pressed ahead.

Saturday morning I got my notebook and pencils together and headed off to catch the bus. At the transfer station I had my first chance to call. To my relief, she was home and answered the phone.

“You’re where, Billy?... You’re coming here?... When?... Now?... Oh, my gosh! Yes, yes! Come now! Come now!” she enthusiastically urged.

Twenty minutes or so later I was knocking at her door. Opening the door, Roxanna leaped into my arms. At five-foot three-inches, she hardly weighed a thing and with her wrapped around my hulking frame, I stepped into the house, her lips locked against mine and her tongue thrusting into my mouth.

Swapping spit madly and fencing with our tongues, we stood just inside the open door. I held her in my arms and groped and kneaded her ass cheeks with my hands, ass checks that would soon be nakedly bare.

“Can you stay long?” she asked between kisses.

Smack, smack, “I have to be home at four.”

“That’s plenty,” smack, “of time,” she said, smack, slurp.

“Where’s your mom?” smack.

“Working,” smack. “She won’t be home.” Smack.

With my foot I deftly pushed the front door closed. She released her grip around my waist with her legs and released her grip around my neck. As soon as her feet were on the floor, she was tugging my t-shirt up and over my head, discarding it haphazardly. In a replay of last Saturday night, she stripped off my jeans. I too got into the act and pulled her top off. With her tits out, Roxanna knelt and began laying kisses along my eager and rapidly engorging cock. Her lips lovingly mouthed my weeping glans.

As good as a blowjob would be, that wasn’t what I wanted. I pushed her back, onto the floor and practically ripped away her shorts and panties. Moments later, hard floor or not, my big cock ripped into her pussy, causing her to cry out, “Oh, my god!” as I abruptly split her open. The feel of her snugly enveloping pussy surrounding my punishing cock was sensational. With a fury, we fucked like the hormonally charged sex-crazed teenagers we were, my heavy balls bouncing forcefully in the crack of her upturned ass.

“Cum in me! Cum in me!” she urged. She needn’t have said that as I had no intentions of pulling out. “Fuck me, Billy. Fuck me! Ohhh, I’ve missed you baby, I’ve missed you. Cum in me!”

Not wanting to pre-maturely ejaculate like last time, I had earlier heeded locker room advice and masturbated that morning. So far my plan had worked. With my cock thrusting deep up into her belly, slamming aside her tight, sodden pussy walls, I fucked her deeper and deeper, pushing her cervix back and open with each savage trust until I was driving all nine-inches into her. After ten frantic minutes or more and with a primal roar, I sent my surging seed deep into her welcoming, clasping cunt, fucking her brutally the entire time I was cumming. With my cock throbbing and squirting into her, she too exploded in a blinding orgasm, screaming her pleasure as she thrashed about under me.

With my ardor momentarily tamed, I rolled us both over so that she was on top and unlikely to be crushed. We lay on the floor, by the front door, for several minutes with my cock still planted inside her throbbing pussy as it slowly shrunk, her head resting on my heaving chest. By and by she stirred, looking me in the eyes with a smile of contentment. “That was fun,” she remarked softly. “And good, really good.” She pushed forward to kiss me and when she did, my semi-soft cock slithered from her hole.

Roxanna sat upright, straddling my stomach, my cum dripping from her snatch and onto me. My hand found a bare tit and I mauled her for a moment before she swung her body off me. Her head swooped down and she took my wet, dripping cock into her mouth, slurping noisily as she sucked the juices from it. Then she lapped up the cum pooled in my navel before moving upward to give me a spermy kiss. A week ago I would have been appalled, but now I eagerly thrust my tongue into her spermy mouth, exalting in the sheer nastiness of it.

She broke off the kiss and announced, “My turn.” With wonder and fond memories, I watched as her oozing pussy was lowered onto my face. Like a starving man I feasted on her wholesome youthful flesh, enjoying the textures, the smells and the tastes of her sodden freshly fucked pussy. She in turn, fucked my face, sliding her cunt over my face and mouth again and again and grinding her clit into my lips and lashing tongue. While my cock grew erect again, I felt the tremors in her belly and enjoyed the feeling of her climaxing on my face. Even though she nearly smothered me, I moaned in delight at the fresh flavor of the sudden gush of girlie juice flooding my mouth.

With my entire face soaked, I lifted her off my face and took a sorely needed breath of fresh air. She was so light, I easily rearranged my hands, holding her thighs with one hand and supporting her chest with the other. Suspended above me in mid air, Roxanna giggled with delight. I lowered her until I had a nipple in my mouth. Pressing her up, I held her nipple firmly between my teeth, stretching it and letting it pop back to her squeals of delight. I lowered her body again and did the same to her other tit, eliciting the same joyful squealing response. Showing off, I did it again and again until she covered her nipples, pleading that she had enough. Not through with my manly display of strength, I rotated her in the air above me, a half turn one way, followed by a partial turn the other way. Back and forth, I twisted her in the air while peels of her laughter filled the house.

Tiring of the game I lowered her back to my chest, sat up and stood while holding her in my arms. I carried her to the sofa and draped her across the padded arm. Roxanna wiggled her butt in eager anticipation of being skewered again. With my prong rejuvenated and at the ready, I did just that, fucking into her pussy from behind. My hands gripped her hips tightly as my groin slapped repeatedly against her delightfully quaking buttocks. I remember thinking that this had to be the best feeling in the world as my cock pumped in and out of her eagerly receptive cunt. It was an energetic fucking, but not frenzied like the first fuck at the front door. My stamina was good too. I have no idea how long we fucked, but we changed positions several times before I was blessed with another very satisfying climax.

We were both wrung out and cuddled up on the sofa for a quick refreshing snooze. Our nap was interrupted the sound of the front door closing. My eyes flew open. Shit! I forgot to lock the door!’ I thought. Expecting to see her enraged mother glaring at me, it took a moment before I realized that it wasn’t her mother after all, it was her mother’s boyfriend, Harold.

“Hey, kids, having fun?” he asked with a grin. “I see you didn’t lose her phone number and address, kid,” he said. I didn’t know what to do, so I stayed put. Roxanna covered her tits.

“Mama’s not home,” she said.

“I know,” replied Harold brushing off a piece of lint or something from his flowery silk Hawaiian shirt. “I came to see you, but I see that you already have a guest.”

“What do you want, Harold?”

“Like I said, I came to see you, and by god, I’m seeing you. You can’t imagine how happy it makes to see you nude.”

“Go away.”

“Now, now. I just got here. Tell you what. I don’t want to interrupt your fun, so why don’t you two go ahead with whatever you’ve been doing. I'll sit over here and just watch.”

“No! You have to leave!”

“Don’t be so hasty,” answered Harold. “I know, let me make you a proposition. How about if I give you both twenty dollars?”

“For what?” she asked.

“To watch you two fuck.”

“You must be kidding,” I interjected.

“No, I’m not kidding. Look, just pretend I’m not here and do what you are doing.”

“Not for twenty dollars,” Roxanna indignantly huffed.

“Make it a hundred dollars. One hundred dollars apiece. You two are going to fuck, why not make a few bucks doing it? Tell you what, sweetie, I’ll also let you drive my car.”


“Yeah, I promise.” Harold pulled out his wallet and extracted two crisp Ben Franklins, placing them on the coffee table.

Roxanna turned to me and whispered, “How about it, Billy? I don’t know about you, but I could really use a hundred dollars.”

“You’re kidding,” I whispered back.

“Please?” To say that I was flabbergasted would be an understatement. She would allow Harold watch us, for money? Then again, a hundred bucks was a lot of money back then. That was four month’s worth of my allowance!

The matter was settled when she slid off the sofa and lifted my soft cock from my thigh. In utter disbelief that she’d actually do such a thing, she licked my cock and took it in her mouth. My eyes darted back and forth between Roxanna blowing me and Harold leaning forward in the club chair watching. As my cock responded to her oral embrace, my attention became more and more focused on Roxy.

Having gotten me hard as stone, she rose and straddled me. Taking my cock in her hand, she directed it to her cunt, and then sank down on it. Harold had been silent until this point. As she rose and fell on my erection, I heard him hiss, “That’s it you little slut. Fuck his big cock. Fuck him, girl, fuck him.” I began to get into it, thrusting my hips upward to meet her downward motion.

Soon, old Harold was all but forgotten as we screwed and screwed. I had her down on the floor, on all four with her head resting on the oriental rug, facing away from Harold while I fucked her doggie style. Suddenly he stepped into view. He was naked! “Keep fucking her,” he growled. Then he knelt and lifted her head by her hair. With total incredulity, I watched as he took his dick and swiped it across her face. “Suck it, bitch,” he growled. Grabbing her by the ears, Harold shoved his hips forward. The broad smile upon his face said it all.

This was really wild! Never had I imagined anything like this had ever taken place before. Regardless, my cock surged to a new hardness that was almost painful. I felt her cunt clamping down on my cock with spasmodic contractions. She was really getting off on this! She began rocking back and forth with her whole body, fucking herself from both ends.

Harold growled, “That’s it, baby. Fuck us both, you little cock whore.”

The entire scene was so unreal, so scandalous in the sheer wantonness and immorality of it. Little did I know that the depravity had only begun. Harold said, “Hey, kid. Stick your finger up her butt.”

I had been taught to listen and obey my elders and I didn’t question it. My middle finger found her anus and I pushed it in. I didn’t get very far as she was rather dry back there. I pulled my finger out, sucked on it to get it wet, heedless of what I was actually doing and reinserted it, getting a little deeper into her this time. She was grunting and grunting, but she was totally unintelligible with Harold’s dick stuffed in her mouth. As I wormed into her rectum deeper, I became aware that I could feel my dick fucking her pussy through the thin membrane of her colon. “Hmmph! Hmmmph!” she grunted.

I couldn’t take anymore and felt my balls rise in my sack. “I’m cumming,” I grunted. “I’m cumming.”

“Wait,” cried Harold. “Cum in her mouth. Cum in her mouth.” I wasn't in her mouth and I couldn’t hold off until I was. Uncontrolably, I began shooting my sperm up her cunt, my third cum of the morning. “That’s okay, kid,” said Harold, “sperm her cunt. Knock her up, boy!”

I did my best and emptied my balls in her. Spent, I rocked back on my heels, pulling my pecker from her yawning cunt hole with a wet, sucking sound. Harold abruptly pulled his cock from her mouth. “Turn around, slut,” he ordered her. Roxy turned. “Suck his dick,” came the next order. Roxy took my cock and as soon as she took it between her lips, Harold’s cock slipped between her nether lips. Almost immediately my cock responded to the sight of Harold fucking her, slamming into her backside and the quaking of her ass checks.

Harold pulled out. I thought he must’ve busted his nut, but he was still very hard. “You ever been fucked in the ass, little girl?” With my semi-erect cock stuffed in her mouth she shook her head. “Well, well, well. You’re gonna love this, honey.”

He ran his hand between her legs and rubbed my cum into her asshole. Roxanna grunted, “Hmmph! Hmmmph!” She tried to move to protect her ass, but with me holding her by the hair while Harold gripped her by one ass cheek, she couldn’t get away despite her squirming. He slapped her ass. “Hmmph!, she grunted.

“Relax, will you? This won’t hurt if you relax. Now relax.” She stopped struggling. Harold lined his cock up and winked at me.

“Mmm hmm,” she moaned around my cock.

“Relax, Sugar. Just relax.”


“That’s it baby. It’s going in.” A low throaty groan rose from deep inside her. “There, it’s in. That’s not so bad, is it?” She shook her head. “Good, because now I’m going to sodomize you, you fucking whore, and I want you to enjoy it as much as I will.” He pressed into her and she grunted around my cock again. “Like it, honey?” She nodded. She grunted again as he jabbed into her rectal passage. He rubbed her butt for a moment and pushed into her deeper.

My eyes were wide with wonder as Harold began his total debauchment of her. I let my cock slip from her mouth and heard her grunt, “Oh, my. That’s good! That’s good!”

Harold plundered her ass for a few minutes, driving deeper and deeper into her until he had his entire cock up her shitter. “You like this, Honey?”

“Yes,” she answered.

“You like ass fucking?”


“So does your mama. Yes, sir. Like they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” I thought that was an odd comment but I didn’t ponder it for long.

“Hey, kid. You want to put that big pecker to good use?” He didn’t wait for an answer, but pulled her over onto the floor on top of him. He hooked his ankles inside her ankles and spread her legs apart. “Okay kid, fuck her.”

“Oh, god!” she moaned as she tried to twist away, but Harold held her tight and wide open.

So far this had all been incredibly good fun. Depraved? Yes. Sinful? Oh, yes. Great fun? Most definitely! So when Harold told me, “C’mon, kid. Fuck this slut,” I climbed on top.

“Aaaaggghhhh!” she groaned as I shoved my hefty pecker inside her. With Harold’s dick just a few millimeters away in her other tunnel, her cunt was tighter than ever. “Gaaaaaawd!” she moaned. “I love it! I love it! Fuck me you bastards, fuck me good!” I suppose we did just that as she was soon turned into a incoherently babbling cock receptacle. "Uhh, uhh, uhh, ahh, ahh, yes-s-s-s-s!" she moaned as we thrust into her.

I could have gone for hours, but Harold needed to unload his nuts in the worst way. “I’m gonna cum in your ass, girl,” he hissed. “Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhh!” Moments later, free of Harold’s cock up her butt, she wasn’t so tight anymore. Frenzied, I pounded her good.

Harold began grunting, “Wait! Wait! Shit! You’re killing me! Let me up, kid. Let me up.”

I heeded his desperate call and rolled her off to one side and then rolled back on top of her. I grabbed her wrists and held her arms above her head while I continued to fuck her. Her hair was mess and plastered to her forehead with sweat. Her eyes just stared upward, as if they were unseeing. Then I felt her body convulse again as she once again peaked in climax, a curious “gakking” sound bubbling from her throat. Suddenly her entire body went limp. The contorted squeezing of her pussy around my dick ceased, her cunt dilating, feeling slack and lifeless.

Something was wrong and I stopped thrusting my cock into her. I was holding my bodily bulk off of her petite frame by my arms, so I knew I hadn’t suffocated her. But still my cock, still firmly planted in her cunt, felt like it was stuck in a lifeless jar of warm mayonnaise.

“Roxy! Roxy!” I whispered. Then shaking her head I called her name again, but more forcefully. Her eyes fluttered open for a moment and then closed. “Roxy! Roxanna!” Again she showed signs of life, this time with tightening of her cunt muscles around my shaft. “Roxy!” Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled demurely, as if in a drug induced state of euphoria.

“She’s okay, kid,” I heard Harold reassuringly say at my side. “Just sensory overload. Why don’t you get that big salami of yours out of her twat and give her a rest. Hell, we don’t want to kill her, do we? We just to fuck her and we have all day to fuck her.”

Dismissing her plight and changing the subject he continued, “Say, it’s just past noon. How about if I order us up a pizza? You hungry, kid?” Hell, I was always hungry it seemed, and my stomach growled as if on cue. “Yeah you’re hungry,” he chuckled. “How does your family afford to feed you?”

People always made jokes about my size and appetite, but I learned not to take offense. I took his suggestion to heart and slid my cock out of her belly with a lurid slurping sound. “Damn,” exclaimed Harold, “look what you did to her cunt, boy! I bet I could put my whole fist up that twat!” I must have given him a look that gave him pause because he shrugged and laughing it off by saying, “Relax! I ain’t gonna do that, kid.”

I began to pick her up off the floor, but Harold said, “No, no, no! Leave the little slut right there.” I don’t know why, but I did as he asked, him being an adult and all. He then proceeded to arrange her arms and legs, spread out on the floor. “Now, isn’t that a sight to behold! A genuine cock slut!” I must admit she did look very sluttish like that.

Harold disappeared into the kitchen. I saw him looking at a pizza flyer stuck to the refrigerator door. He picked up the wall phone and dialed. A moment later he called out, “Hey kid! What kind of pizza do you want?”

“Uh, ham and pineapple?”

“Fuck that!” came the reply. “How about a deluxe?” He sounded just like my dad, except Dad never said, “fuck” when girls were around. Why do they bother to ask?

“Sure, whatever.”

A few minutes later he came back into the living room, sipping on a beer. “Hey, kid. You wanna brew?”

I had tasted my dad’s beer before, but I never actually drank a beer. It was tempting, but I figured if Dad ever found out, I would surely be in more hot water than I was now. Of course just being here was dangerous to my well being and doing what we were doing. I didn’t want to think about that. Then I remembered how Dad had smelled Roxanna’s pussy on me last Sunday. He’d smell the beer for sure and I would be dead meat.

“Uh, no thanks,” I answered.

“Boy Scout, huh?”

We sat around for a while before Roxanna began to stir. During that time, Harold drank another beer and expounded upon what a good whore Roxy’s mother was and what a good whore Roxy would be. “Young pussy like that fetches a premium,” he added. It wasn’t until later that I figured out that he meant “whore” as in prostitute and not “whore” as in sexually promiscuous.

Roxanna sat up slowly on the floor. Immediately I went to her aid and helped her to the sofa. “Wow, what a rush!” she said to me in a whisper. “You guys really did a number on me. That was soooo freaking cool!” The fact that she wasn’t upset about any of it was a relief to me. Hell, she enjoyed it.

Harold offered Roxy his beer and she took it, declaring that she was really thirsty. She took a few gulps and handed it back to Harold. He gave her a moment before he put the bottle to her lips and tilted it up. She gulped as fast as she could, but was unable to handle the rush of cold liquid, the beer streaming out from lips and running down her chin, neck and chest and down even farther. He kept pouring it down her throat until she choked and sprayed it through her nose, covering me as well as her. Harold laughed and finished off his beer. A few moments later he was back with a fresh bottle. He offered it to her, but she shook her head in refusal.

Harold grabbed her by the hair. “You better have some more, sweetheart. You’ll need it when Billy the Kid runs his big cock up your ass the first time.”

“Let go,” she protested. Harold opened his fist and Roxy pulled away from him. His treatment of her pissed me off and felt my anger rapidly rising. The situation was defused when the doorbell rang. Thinking back on this moment with the wisdom of years, it’s a good thing the doorbell rang the moment it did and not a moment later. Had it not been for the interruption, I would have surely pounded Harold to a pulp for treating her like that. If I had, no doubt some of his “business associates” would have extracted his revenge upon me in a most violent manner. Like I said, I was naïve and was totally clueless to the real situation I was in.

“Pizza’s here,” announced Harold as he took another drink. Stark naked, he strolled to the front door and looked through the peep hole. Then he unlocked it and swung the door open. Needless to say, the pizza delivery guy was surprised. Harold calmly took another swig and told the guy to come inside while he got the money. Timidly, the guy actually stepped inside. I don’t know who was more embarrassed, him or me, but speaking into a pillow she grabbed to cover up, Roxy verbalized it, “Oh, my gawd! I know that guy... he goes to my school!” The pizza guy gawked at us sitting naked on the sofa.

“Where having a little party,” remarked Harold as he retrieved a crisp twenty from his wallet. “You like pussy?”

“Yes, yes!” the pizza guy stammered.

‘Holy smokes!’, I thought. ‘He’s going to offer Roxanna to this guy!’

“Good. Me and the kid, we like pussy too. Tell you what, why don’t you go find yourself some.” Harold then showed the flummoxed guy out the door. Harold laughed, amused at his little joke on the poor guy. He had me too, and I nervously joined in the joke, the rage I felt moments before having melted away.

The pizza was unremarkable, but filling. Soon Harold was back at it, trying to get Roxanna drunk, only this time he wasn’t nearly as rough with her. At his urging she drank over half his beer before she got the giggles. All during this time he was standing in front of us, offering her the beer with his left hand and stroking his cock with his right, gradually getting himself hard. I couldn’t help but look at his genitals as they were at eye level and only a few feet from my face. Periodically he’d look away from Roxanna and look at me looking at him. Feeling his stare, I glanced up once and he winked at me; then turned to pour more beer into Roxanna.

With the beer bottle empty, he pronounced that it was time to fuck again and that we should retire to comfort of her mother’s bed. Dropping the empty bottle on the floor, he reached out and took Roxy’s hand, helped her up and guided her to the back bedroom. I was following close behind and saw her get up and lie down on the big bed. Without foreplay, Harold simply mounted her, pushing her legs forward until she nearly folded in half as he fucked her. It was really wild watching them fuck, especially with their reflection in the big mirror at the head of the bed. Harold pumped his butt up and down at a moderately slow pace and Roxy thrust her hips upward to meet his inward strokes.

It seemed to go on and on before he finally rolled off her. It was my turn, but I wasn’t exactly ready. He told me to lie down and said he’d show me something new. He had been the conductor of this little party and so far it had been great fun. It was kind of an odd arrangement I thought, as Roxy was on his right and I was on his left. Soon I got an inkling of what he had in mind as his hand began fondling my cock and balls. I was frozen in place, afraid to make any sort of move.

“You’ve got a real nice dick, kid. In fact, you have a class-A dick. You can make a lot of money with a dick like this. You’re big by any standard and hard as stone.”

He was right, I was hard as stone; mortified yes, but hard as I could be. Deep down I wasn’t too sure about what he was doing, but my dick seemed to like it. Ever since yesterday when I hatched the scheme to be here, my dick had been doing all the heavy thinking and continued to do so now.

He took my hand and placed it on his dick, slimy from Roxy’s pussy and only semi-hard. It felt weird, weird to be holding another cock that wasn’t my own. The alarm bells in my head failed to sound as I explored this new tactile sensation of cock and balls. Gradually he began to swell as I reciprocated his molestation of my privates.

His eyes seemed to penetrate my very soul, a soul which I was quickly losing to Satan. Suddenly he sat up and turned about. His cock was only inches from my face. I felt his hot mouth surround my cock crown.

Roxy was looking over his body watching what was happening. “That’s so cool!” she exclaimed. She reached over and grasped his cock near the base. It was already so close that when she moved it back and forth, she was brushing the head across my lips.

I’ll never know whether it was a reckless youthful penchant to experiment, my abandonment of all sense of morality that day or her encouragement, but suddenly I took him orally. I’d never sucked another guy before and wasn’t at all sure how I should proceed. I took my cue from the tongue rubbing my stalk was receiving and tried to duplicate what I was feeling down there.

We didn’t go at it very long. Having met his goal of debasing me and coaxing me into the act of fellatio with him, Harold rolled away from me. It was Roxy’s turn again to be corrupted and debased.

“Get over here, you little whore,” he hissed as he grabbed her by an ankle. “Now be a good little tramp and get on your hands and knees.” He praised her for positioning herself as he wanted but then told her to “brace yourself, honey! You’re gonna get your ass reamed good.”

While Harold dug around the drawer of the bed stand table, Roxanna looked back over her shoulders. Glancing with trepidation at my rigid pole, she looked nervous, as well she should’ve been. Harold produced a bottle of clear liquid in a small plastic bottle commenting, “Need to replenish the supplies, I see.”

He squirted some of the liquid in his hand and then rubbed it in into her ass, until her backside was practically dripping. He then squirted more on his hand and slathered it over my cock. He used a lot, but didn’t seem to care if he was overdoing it or not. Finally, he spread her ass cheeks and revealed her brown star to me. He toyed with it and then stuck a finger up her butt. Her hips began moving and soon he had two fingers fucking in and out her rectal hole. Then he inserted the tip of the bottle a squeezed some lube into her ass. He continued to squeeze until the stuff was running out of her anus.

“Okay, kid. Now come here.” After what I had just done with him, the fact that he was leading me by my dick, stroking and then guiding my cock to her back-hole seemed perfectly natural. “Push in gently, not too much at a time,” he coached. I pressed my cock head against her dark hole. Nothing happened. I pressed again, this time with a little more force. Again, nothing. I pressed a third time and her anus opened, allowing me to pop the head of my cock inside her. It was a strange feeling with her sphincter gripping my cock just under the rim. The sight of her anus stretched tightly around the broad girth of my cock was as obscene as it gets.

I heard Roxanna mutter, “Holy shit!” I looked up and our eyes met in the mirror. I licked my lips and she wanly smiled back at me.

“Take your time, kid. You’re awfully big and it will take her some getting used to.”

He looked at her in the mirror and asked, “How are you doing, darling?” She nodded that she was okay.

“Okay, kid. Push in a little at a time. Take it slow. We want her to enjoy this, now don’t we?”

“How’re ya doing, doll?”

“Gawd, he’s big!” she gasped.

“Doesn’t hurt, does it?”

“No. I just feel so full,” came the breathless reply.

“Yeah, you’re gonna love this.”

“Okay, kid, give her another inch.”

“Uhhhh! Gawd!” From the look on her face, she didn’t seem to be enjoying this very much. Biting her lower lip, she looked up and nodded that she was ready for more. I didn’t wait for instructions; I just shoved another half inch of my stout cock meat up her shitter. “Uhhhh!”

We got into a pattern. She’d look up and nod, and I’d push a little deeper into her. She’d grunt and hang her head for a few moments as her rectal passage became accustomed to the thick intruder. Then she’d look up and nod. “Uhhhh!” she’d grunt as another fraction of an inch plowed into her.

After I had about a third of my cock in her, Harold told me to thrust and to fuck into her only as deep as I’d gotten so far. I began to rock back and forth. Roxy hung her head and shook it side to side as I sodomized her. Her pussy had been tight (hell, it was the only pussy I’d known up until then), but her backdoor passage was even tighter; tight, yet perfectly smooth.

Harold made a gesture, indicating that I should fuck into her deeper. Gradually my entire cock began to disappear. Then I felt it. Her sphincter gave up fighting the intrusion and became slack. Suddenly she wasn't nearly as tight as before. Indeed, I was gilding in and out of her ass with ease. Watching the juncture of my cock and her anal opening, Harold looked up and with a smile gave me a thumbs-up. Then he made another gesture, of ramming his fist into an invisible hole. With a final thrust, I drove the last two inches of my cock into her. I was balls deep in her ass.

“Oh, my gawd,” she moaned. “Gaaaawwwd!”

“Now fuck her!” he spat.

Following his directions, I began to pump into her with long strokes. Slowly at first, but that pace soon picked up until I was pummeling her ass. Her entire body quaked with each impact of my groin into her sweet ass. She was yelling as I was pounding her hard, her face as seen in the mirror was contorted with fuck lust. Harold slid under her and sucked her nipples as I fucked her ass. His hand found her clit and he diddled her. Her yelling increased, the bed pounded against the wall and our bodies slapped together with a resounding staccato. I began feeling the rippling of her gut as her pleasure built to an explosive climax.

An unholy shriek filled the house. Anyone in the immediate vicinity outside could have heard her scream of total sexual ecstasy. Her arms gave way and she collapsed with me on top of her fucking her and fucking her. With her in a crumpled heap on top of poor old Harold, I came in her ass. Now the roar heard outside was me bellowing like a wounded wildebeest. With my final spurt and the final waning of my prostate contractions, it was done.

I must have dozed off, because next thing I knew, I was in a strange place with two naked bodies beside me. Gradually I put together time and place. Time! I glanced over at the digital alarm clock on the bed stand. It was well after three! I had to be home by four at the latest or I’d really get it from my dad! I made a quick mental calculation of ground time to the bus stop and bus schedules. I’d never make it! There was no way that I could get to the bus stop near Roxanna’s house to make the first connection and still make the final connection at the transfer station to catch the three thirty-five home. I was as good as dead meat!

“Oh, shit!” I cried as I bolted upright, my doom a certainty.

“What the fuck?” exclaimed Harold as he too bolted up from my sudden outburst. Roxanna merely opened her eyes, eyeing us warily, she was no doubt convinced that now that we were awake, she’d be fucked again.

I explained my plight. Harold took it all calmly telling me, “Relax, kid. I’ll get you home in time. Hell, I’m fucked out, anyway. I’m through with fucking for the day. How about you, sweetheart?” Roxanna nodded that she’d had enough too.

“Kid, you’d better get a shower. You smell like a whore monger.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” I agreed. I bolted out of the bed and hit the shower, soaping up with whatever was available, rinsing off and soaping up again. Clean, I stepped from the shower. Harold, with Roxy in tow, stepped in to take my place.

Dried and dressed, I waited and waited, watching as the minutes ticked down. Still the shower ran. Nervous as a cat in the dog pound, I went to see what was taking so long. Seemed old Harold wasn’t finished fucking for the day. I hated to do it, but…

“Hey man! I gotta go!” I pleaded.

Harold backed off pulling his cock out of her ass. “Okay, okay! Just relax will you?” As he stepped from the shower, I handed him a towel. Roxy turned off the water and stepped out the shower/tub. The vision of her, nude and dripping wet was a whole new aspect to me. I gawked and regretted the moment she wrapped a towel around her body.

I stepped out to the living room and waited. A minute later, Harold and Roxanna came out, she still wrapped in her towel. Harold stopped and began talking to Roxana while I fidgeted waiting to go. I was so preoccupied and nervously anxious about getting home on time that I failed to fully comprehend the implications of what Harold was saying to her until later, when it was too late.

“Sweetheart, I have a proposition for you,” he said as he tucked his billfold into his pants. “How would you like to make lots of money?” She nodded that she was interested. “Do you like to dance?” Again she nodded. “I know a guy who can get a fake ID for you. I have another guy who runs a club and who would love having a girl like you.”

“What kind of club?”

“A gentlemen’s club.”

“Dancing?” she asked.

“Dancing naked. Serving drinks naked. You don’t look a day older than fourteen.”

“I’m fifteen.”

“I know. The guys will love you. As your “agent” I’ll make all the arrangements and introduce you to all the right people. The deal is, I spit your tips with you fifty-fifty.”


“Sweetheart, I’m taking about one to two hundred dollars a night for starters.”


“You can make more, a lot more… if you let a few guys get between your legs every night.”

“Like Mama?”

“Yeah, like your Mama.”

“Okay, but Mama’s not going to let me do this.”

“If this is something you want to do and we’re agreed, I’ll talk to her. Okay? Agreed?”

“Yeah!” she gushed. “But Mama won’t…”

“Don’t worry, darling. Your mama won’t tell me ‘no’,” he added with confidence, “she does what I tell her. By the way, from now on you don’t ever tell me ‘no’ either understand? You do what I tell you to do.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Your ass belongs to me, cupcake. Understand? Now, go fix yourself up nice and pretty. Put on something cute. I’ll be back after a while. I want to take you and introduce you to some friends of mine.”

Harold turned to me, stuffing the hundred-dollar bill he paid me to let him watch Roxanna and I fuck. “Here, kid, you earned it. C’mon, let’s go.”

As he drove me home in his Cadillac, I thought about what had happened today. It had been unbelievable fun but how could I confess the sins I’d just committed. I couldn’t do that, even knowing I faced everlasting damnation or at least earn a permanent stay in purgatory. And what was all that stuff about Roxy dancing nude? One thing was certain; I wanted to see her again and soon.

A block or so from my house, Harold stopped the car. I was about to get out when he grabbed me by the arm. “Kid, with a cock like yours, you could make a lot of money.”

“I’m not a queer!” I blurted.

“I didn’t say you were. Sure, I know a lot of guys who would pay handsomely for a few hours with strapping lad like you, but… that’s not you. I know that. You really didn’t get into it. You blew me, but not enthusiastically. Don’t worry, kid, you keep your mouth shut about today and I’ll keep my mouth shut about you going down on me. Agreed?... Good. Listen kid, I know a lot of women, older women, rich women who’d gladly pay dearly for you to fuck them with that big cock of yours. You’ve got great stamina, kid and brute strength. The old cunts will love you. How about it? Of course, you can’t be taking the frigging bus to see them.”

“I, I don’t know. I’ll have to think about it.”

“You do that, kid.” He scribbled a phone number on a slip of paper and handed to me. “Here, give me call if you want to make some real dough.” I took the note and stuffed it in my pocket, feeling the hundred-dollar bill I’d exchanged that morning for my soul.

Knowing I was cutting it close, I ran the rest of the way home, making it through the front door at 4:02 PM. Inside, my dad was at the door waiting for me. He glanced at his watch. “You’re late, Paddy.”

“Uh, the buses were running slow.”

“Before 4 PM means before, not after. Not one minute after.”

“I’m sorry, Dad. I really tried to be on time.”

He wrinkled his nose and then leaned in to sniff me. “Where have you been?”

“The library.”

“They now have showers at the library and strawberry flavored soap?” His scowl made me shiver. “What do you take me for? A fool?” My gut tightened. I was busted! “You were with that girl. Weren’t you?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I figured as much. Tell me one thing. Is she or isn’t she?”

“She’s not,” I replied.

“Thank, God for that,” my dad replied in obvious relief. His demeanor quickly changed… here it comes. “Seeing that you lied to me and deceived me, you have now lost your phone privileges for the remainder of your punishment. Now go to your room. Take a shower, Paddy, you smell like a girl.”

I managed to survive my dad’s wrath and was thankful for that. But I realized that I still had a problem… Roxanna. I was so panicked when I’d left her house, didn’t even tell her goodbye and I couldn’t call her until next Sunday! Then I noticed that the telephone in my room was already gone. He knew! Dad knew I wasn’t going to the library when I walked out of the house!

I never did confess all my sins of that day I spent in wanton carnal orgy. I went to confession, like we all did on Mondays, but I left out a few things, things that I totaly asahamed of, risking my mortal soul.

By the time I was ungrounded and made the call to Roxana a week later, the number had been disconnected. I called my buddy, Danny, who had taken me to the party where I met her and asked him if he’d run me by her house. When we got there the place was vacant and a “For Rent’ sign was in the overgrown yard.

Later that night, I considered calling the number that Harold had given me, but decided against it. I had all week to sort out just what sort of man Harold was, unscrupulous and dangerous. The full implications of leaving her in the hands of a pimp finally hit me. The guilt I’ve carried for this sin has haunted me and weighed upon my soul ever since. Too late did I consider that what I should have done was tell my father everything right away, no matter the cost to me. Roxy was gone, meat for the sex trade and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

Years have now passed since my introduction to vulgar and worldly matters. Visiting a titty bar, carousing and ogling the young flesh, I sometimes think of Roxanna, especially when a girl appears to be very young. I’d wonder if the girl was really old enough to be doing this. In my mind, I’d see Roxanna up on the stage, gyrating nude for the likes of me, letting old fuckers paw at her naked body for tips, and spreading for them in the private rooms. It probably wouldn’t have changed anything, but damn, I should have called her right away. Dad would have understood.

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