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Заглавие: ![Мнение Мнение](./styles/AeroBlue/imageset/icon_post_target.gif) Публикувано на: Пет Сеп 26, 2008 12:17 pm |
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blurymind |
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Регистриран на: Съб Авг 25, 2007 4:00 pm Мнения: 1854
Не съм горд от това 4е съм българин, нито се срамувам.. не мога да се гордея с народноста си.
мога да се гордея само от ли4ните си постижения и не6тата които зависят от мен
намирам национализма за безвкусно празнословие
за тва не мога да понасям телевизия скат и преобладава6тата простотия по кабеларките
![Изображение](http://i31.tinypic.com/242sb3s.jpg) http://blurymind.deviantart.com yabee yaba ding ding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jREYymBmTDk
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Заглавие: ![Мнение Мнение](./styles/AeroBlue/imageset/icon_post_target.gif) Публикувано на: Пет Сеп 26, 2008 2:02 pm |
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Iryoku |
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Регистриран на: Сря Ное 09, 2005 1:34 pm Мнения: 359
Относно тази тема неотдавна бях написал един пост (но на друго място), така че реших да го копирам... (предполагам, че повечето разбират английски, нали?)
Bulgaria - the land of lost hope
This time, I want to describe Bulgaria in all its "glory".
1. People's personality
Due to the environment, Bulgarians have many complexes (yes, I'm in the list also). In order to try to forget them, most of them drink/smoke/get drugged/etc.. It may sound like something typical, but believe me, it is not. They overdo it. People don't care about their job, family, lovers, they only care about money (the country is poor and the salaries are low). But, when they do get it, it's only to get drunk to the top again. It is quite sad.
When you go to the market and say "Good afternoon", for example, the shop assistant will only greet you with a cold expression. It gets you demotivated to even go and buy things.
Another thing, Bulgarians do not trust anyone and make fools of those that do. It is no wonder that there are a lot of bullied students, as well.
And finally, even if you do have a master's degree and are a genius in your field, there's a high chance that some idiot (who has connections) will get your place. In the end, it may come to the part where you have to work something that is not in your specialization.
By the way, my complex is called "stupidity" or whatever. I think that I'm stupid even if I'm not. I might even be the best among the best, but I would still consider myself a stupid one, always challenging others in their fields (even if they don't know) just for the sake of feeling better (after I beat them in their own game). Yes, I know, even this sounds stupid..
2. Environment
Although I do believe that my country is quite beautiful, that only applies if you go to the mountains, for example. If you go to the city, the situation gets worse and worse.
First of all, there's heavy industry but no real profit. On the top of that, there are hardly any places that can make you feel comfortable (a good park would actually be nice). Some of you are probably thinking, "You are lying. You must have at least one park.", right? Guess again. We do, BUT our parks ARE NOT MAINTAINED (unless we do it ourselves, as some of us do). The reason is quite simple. The pay is low and no one really wants to do it, or they do it according to the payment - poor.
If you are at the town's center, there's a big enough chance that someone (in broad daylight) will try to steal your money, or just beat you (and get it afterwards). Even if there are people present, they won't do a thing. Seriously, there was a case with a boy who got beaten by 5 men in front of the police station.
3. The air
There's just something negative in the air. Even if you do want to make things better, you just can't. The odds are ALWAYS against you. Therefore, most people are really negative.
Politicians steal money, everyone knows it, but no one does a thing.
If there's someone who's working hard, everyone is trying to harass him one way or another.
4. Am I the wrong one?
When I run, people laugh at me. You tell me, is it really a laughing matter?
When I study, people laugh at me. Is this a laughing matter?
When I read a book, people laugh at me. You guessed right, it is a laughing matter.
When I say that I don't drink/smoke/get drugged, people laugh at me. So why is this too a laughing matter !?
Etc, etc, etc..
I can give you many examples, but they just won't be enough.
Ah, I forgot to mention, is it normal that foreigners have to pay 10 times higher taxes than usual ?
Last comment: I probably could not even describe the surface of it, but well.. I hope that you get the general idea. All this .. is really happening, I can assure you of that. That is why I called it this way, "Bulgaria - the land of lost hope"
Въпреки всичко това горе, ако някой ми зададе въпроса дали съм горд, че съм българин, бих казал "да". Не защото тукашните маниери ми харесват, а просто защото съм роден тук. Не е правилно да мразиш родителите си, например, нали? Нооо, вижте една серия на някое така-наречено "Риалити шоу" и ще разберете за какво става въпрос като цяло.
_________________ 人は負けを知るほど強くなれる。 贋作が本物に劣ると誰が決めた! やろうとする意力、やってやろうする気力。 Do or do not. There is no try. The words of truth are always paradoxical.
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Заглавие: ![Мнение Мнение](./styles/AeroBlue/imageset/icon_post_target.gif) Публикувано на: Пет Сеп 26, 2008 6:09 pm |
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Shadowcat |
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Регистриран на: Съб Авг 05, 2006 12:36 pm Мнения: 3228 Местоположение: In the middle of nowhere...
Горда съм от миналото на България, когато е била велика, мощ, от която са се страхували доста народи...сега .... лайк, понякога съжалявам, понякога ми е кофти, понякога ми е все едно, че съм българка...положението сега е жалко...В сравнение с предшния си статут, България със своите гадни дребнави прости хора, които само гледат да излъжат на дребно, е едно близко подобие на държава от третия свят -.-
2ри отговор...добре, че имаме велико и предизвикващо възхищение минало, иначе щях да съм последния отг...
*Слънце мое* Thx to Harada Risa~
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