Link: Knights of Xentar [H-Game][Eng]
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Автор:  dripper [ Съб Фев 02, 2013 7:39 pm ]
Заглавие:  Link: Knights of Xentar [H-Game][Eng]


Title Dragon Knight 3
Original title ドラゴンナイト3
Length Long (30 - 50 hours)
Developer Elf
Publishers Elf & NEC Avenue Ltd., Megatech Software

The main character is a young warrior named Desmond (known as Takeru in the Japanese version). After liberating Strawberry Fields from an evil curse in his previous adventure, Desmond finds himself in a situation unworthy of his heroic status: robbers have taken all his possessions, including his magic sword, and even his clothes! So the first task for the unsuccessful hero is to get some money. Luckily, the mayor has an assignment for him, for which he is also willing to pay. Desmond accepts the assignment without knowing what it will lead to - traveling all over the world, fighting fearsome enemies, encountering beautiful women, and solving a mystery that will also reveal the secret of his own true identity!

Връзка за сваляне:

Играта е за DOS, т.е. ще ви трябва DosBox:

Тук съм писал на широко, как да ползвате DosBox: viewtopic.php?f=70&t=62619&p=2563951&hilit=dosbox#p2563951
Разликата е, че стартиращия файл е KX.EXE.

Тествана под Win7 x64 - работи нормално!

Автор:  Eien Ryuu [ Пет Апр 26, 2013 3:13 pm ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Knights of Xentar [H-Game][Eng]

Кажи баба, тенк ю!

Еми казвам де - thank you! :lol: :hat:

Автор:  peshoiwanchew [ Вто Апр 30, 2013 11:52 am ]
Заглавие:  Re: Link: Knights of Xentar [H-Game][Eng]

Много добро благодаря

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